My 2012 purchased macbook air's left speaker is suddenly jarring

hi!my macbook airs left speaker is jarring any solution pls advise

Sonal Sanghvi wrote:
1) How and where to contact apple people to make a complaint in usa
2) Does apple use such substandard products that as soon as one year is over immediately the product fails?
Kindly help me what to do and get it repaired free of charge.
If you didn't purchase the extended warranty, AppleCare, you are not entitled to any repairs free of charge once the 1 year warranty expires.

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    On such a hardware issue, stressing to diagnose same is not taking advantage of your warranty, return period, or Apples customer service you ALSO paid for.
    as such less stress to you and worry of any hardware defects and exchange same for another unit.
    happy holidays.

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    Difference between i5 1.7 and i7 2.0 definitely won't give you extra year or two... In fact in everyday work it remains unnoticed.
    Unless while encoding video for 5 minutes, some 15 seconds is going to make a difference to you - I am not sure it's worth the money (only you can decide that..).
    RAM. RAM. RAM is where you really should spend money. Also SSD, depends on your needs, you may run out of space quite quickly. These are elements that will give you additional year or two, and you can't* upgrade them in the future.
    *) SSD technicaly can be upgraded, but it's much more difficult and requires you to purchase 3rd party SSD modules, and is considered non-upgradable by Apple.

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    Kind Regards,
    Sabahattin Bodur
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    Thank you for reply Ralph. When I check the system summary on my Mac, I find the following info. It looks like system has not been upgraded. I appreciate if you share your opinion with me.
    Model Name:          MacBook Air
      Model Identifier:          MacBookAir5,2
      Processor Name:          Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed:          2 GHz
      Number of Processors:          1
      Total Number of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache (per Core):          256 KB
      L3 Cache:          4 MB
      Memory:          8 GB
      Boot ROM Version:          MBA51.00EF.B00
      SMC Version (system):          2.5f7
      Serial Number (system):          C0******57J
      Hardware UUID:        ****
    <Edited By Host>

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    Photoshop (4 times in 10 uses)
    Illustrator (1 time in 10 uses)
    Web surfing
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    Photoshop (4 times in 10 uses)
    Illustrator (1 time in 10 uses)
    When you use these, you'll be thankful you got a Pro.
    Web development
    Web surfing
    Both are about equal.  Some game performance may be better on a Pro, especially if it uses the graphics chip.
    Need a good backup time (min of 3hrs)
    Don't you mean max?  A lot is dependent on how much data you have to backup and whether you choose to clone or use Time Machine.  Clones are faster the second go around.  Time Machine can be fast, but if you use it for archival, you'll be spending time turning off Time Machine, and archiving necessary to keep archives off the Time Machine drive.  And Time Machine needs at least twice the capacity of your original, where clones only need the original.
    Want a good performance
    Pro is invariably better performance than Air.
    Will have it for 4 years
    Both only get a warranty up to three years if purchased within the first year from date of computer purchase. offers insurance, but not warranty.  
    Some credit card companies extend manufacturer warranty.  Check if yours does.

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    Try Target Disk Mode
    OS X Yosemite: Transfer files between two computers using target disk mode
    There is also Migration Assistant.
    OS X Yosemite: Transfer your info from a computer or storage device

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    First you need to authorize your MBA with your iTunes account with iTunes if you haven't already done so.
    With your iPad connected and without syncing, at the iTunes menu bar go to File and select Transfer Purchases From - the name of your iPad. This will transfer/copy all iTunes content on your iPad that was purchased/downloaded from the iTunes store only.
    Photos on your iPad that were transferred from your old computer need to be transferred from your old computer to your MBA.
    Before syncing contacts with the Address Book and calendar events with iCal if you aren't syncing this content over the air with an iCloud account, enter one contact in the Address Book and one calendar event in iCal on your MBA. Make these up if needed, which can be deleted later. This will provided a merge prompt with the first sync for this data, which you want to select.
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    Which one would you recommend to me and why?

    if your major concern is portability get the air.  i own both a early 2011 macbook pro 13" and a 2012 11" macbook air.  i love my mba because its extremely lite and portable. it turns on and  is ready to use in 9 seconds.  very quick.  but once im on the next it might be half a seond to a second faster than my mbp when clicking on the same web page.  i have put them side by side and clicked on the same sites synchronized.  unless you are very impatient the speed is not that much different.  im assuming the new mbp is just as quick as the air if not faster. the SSD is faster when you are retrieving data, not while you are surfing the web.  with that said the pro comes with way more storage. people have commented so far just get an external hard drive.  well the point of the mba is portability.  carrying around an external hard drive kind of negates that luxury, and add in an external superdrive and now you are just cluttered with external peripherals.
    yes the mbp is heavier but it feels way more solid. 
    with that said i want to clarify about the screens.  my early 2011 MBP has a much much better picture quality than my air.  colors, photos and videos are much more vibrant and crisp than on the mba.
    unless your concern is portability  the mba is best used to compliment a mbp.
    and if your still thinking about the 13" mba the only benefit is weight.  its the same width as the mbp so portability is really not that much of a difference.
    i hope this reply helps.

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    You are not talking to Apple, we are just users like you.  Only Apple knows that answer.

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    Invoke your warranty and take it back.

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    If the user account is associated with an Apple ID, and you know that account password, the Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    Otherwise, boot into Recovery by holding down the key combination command-R at startup. Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial.
    When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select Utilities ▹ Terminal from the menu bar.
    In the Terminal window, type this:
    That's one word with no spaces. Then press return. A Reset Password window opens.
    Select your boot volume if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Follow the prompts to reset the password. It's safest to choose a password that includes only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
    Select  ▹ Restart from the menu bar.
    You should now be able to log in with the new password, but you won't be able to unlock the Keychain. If you've forgotten the Keychain password (which is ordinarily the same as your login password), there's no way to recover it. You’ll need to reset your keychain in the preferences of the Keychain Access application.

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    Do any imacs come with a touch screen if not whats the best touch  screen for a 2012 13inch macbook air?

    No they don't.
    Apple's position is that touchscreens are for tablets and phones (in Apple's case the iPad and iPhone) and that OSX does not need a touchscreen - the trackpad and/or mouse is more flexible.
    That may change in future but no one here knows.
    In answer to your second question, there is NO touch screen available for the MacBook Air (2012 or any other vintage), nor for the MacBook Pro.  If you must have a touchscreen, consider an iPad with a stand and a wireless keyboard.  Alternatively, a Windows 8.1 laptop or desktop???

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    My two cents:
    Numbers 3.0, which is either preloaded onto the Air or a quick free download from the Mac App Store, is a very powerful application that opens many (probably most) Excel spreadsheets brilliantly. (My work involves using Excel daily both on a PC and the Mac and I was surprised by that.)
    For most things Numbers 3.0 is, in my opinion, a far more agreeable environment to work in than OpenOffice, which I've tried recently. (I haven't tried NeoOffice or LibreOffice). OpenOffice definitely has more features, though.
    Numbers 3.0 is not a print-oriented application, so if you need to print out lots of documents you may find it lacking. It's more oriented toward collaboration via iCloud sharing and to syncing to iOS devices than it is to printing. It's also good at charting. Numbers is now very powerful on the iPad, convenient for showing work to others in an interactive way, and doing work while you're on the go that syncs back automatically to the Mac. The syncing, a problem with the old version, now works very well.
    In the calculation department Numbers 3.0 lacks the equivalent of Excel's array functions and some advanced statistical functions. It also doesn't have the equivalent of VBA; no scripting. It doesn't have pivot tables, but there are good workarounds. It's got tons of functions, more than the old Numbers version, far more than most people actually use.
    If you need 100% compatibility with Excel in order to work with others who have complicated formatting or printing needs or are doing sophisticated statistical analysis or working on huge long spreadsheets, then the only application that qualifies for that is Excel. It's a real workhorse on the Mac, an excellent program.

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    I Live in Chennai. I had purchased a Macbook Air from USA. on 8th Feb, Suddenly the display just went off. I would like to know the following
    1) How and where to contact apple people to make a complaint in usa
    2) Does apple use such substandard products that as soon as one year is over immediately the product fails?
    Kindly help me what to do and get it repaired free of charge.

    Sonal Sanghvi wrote:
    1) How and where to contact apple people to make a complaint in usa
    2) Does apple use such substandard products that as soon as one year is over immediately the product fails?
    Kindly help me what to do and get it repaired free of charge.
    If you didn't purchase the extended warranty, AppleCare, you are not entitled to any repairs free of charge once the 1 year warranty expires.

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    Thanks for helping! Cheers!

    This is a user to user forum and I'm afraid no-one on here can help you. You may just have hit a server glitch which will sort itself out eventually, but otherwise you can only get help by contacting the Store - try the number given at bottom left of this page.

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