My 20gb is used in 2 weeks but not by me

My 20gb is being used in2 weeks but not by me who could use it?

yes you need to check your apps arent downloading in the background and also if you stream alot of videos EG - HD youtube videos or netflix, this can cause a massive rise in your data usage

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    OK, now I think I understand your problem.
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    As long as you have devices connected to the MiFi there is always a risk that those devices will consume data behind the scenes without your knowledge.  This is how network connected devices work, they are constantly "in use" while connected.  Computers, smart phones and any kind of internet connected devices are constantly backing up content, looking for updates and talking to other network devices.  It has nothing to do with your active participation and all internet communication is held against you on your data plan.
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    Verizon does provide everyone with a data log.  The data log will provide you with time stamps and the amounts that are consumed at those times.  It should be easy to see when your biggest spikes of consumption are.  Isolate what devices are online during those times and what may have been going on and you can start to build a picture of where the problem lies.
    To truly see the network traffic in terms of specific applications, web services or devices you need to find and install network monitors.  Network monitors come in a variety of applications so you need to find and build a monitoring system that fits your environment.  Considering you have other people connected to your MiFi it would not be uncommon for each of you to install a separate monitor specific to those machines.
    Let me know if you have any other questions.

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    Hi Devils_Coup,
    It is strongly recommended to use OS 9.1 or higher. However, you do not have to buy it, just download and apply the free updates here: Mac OS 9: Available Updates.
    Also make sure your firmware is up-to-date: Firmware Upgrades.
    In MacOS X remember: Repair permissions before and after an update!
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    Uninstall your current LR5 that is activated with a serial number.
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    At this point you’ll see an Install button next to Lightroom, so install that.

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    To send messages to non-Apple devices, check out the TextFree app
    How to Send SMS from iPad
    How to Receive SMS Messages on an iPad
    Apps for Texting
    You can check the status of the FaceTime/iMessage servers at this link.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Starting vmlinuz-arch.efi
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    The \EFI\arch\refind_linux.conf contains the following line:
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    What did I overlook?
    edit: initrt was a typo… sorry.
    Last edited by greut (2013-03-27 18:10:53)

    greut wrote:
    srs5694 wrote:Second, try simplifying your command line. The "rootfstype=ext4 add_efi_memmap" options are probably unnecessary, so removing them (at least for testing) is desirable.
    Yep, I can boot using only:
    vmlinuz-arch.efi root=/dev/sda5 ro initrd=\EFI\arch\initramfs-arch.img
    But still, it works with the UEFI Shell v1 from the liveUSB but not using the shell v2 or via rEFInd directly.
    Is there any particular reason you need those options? If not, just leave them out and call it fixed. If you care to do more investigation, though, I'd be interested in knowing which of those two options is causing problems -- or perhaps if only the combination of both of them is causing problems. If either alone works but not both, then I'm inclined to suspect there's a problem with the length of the options line, although that seems odd, since I'm pretty sure I've tested with long options lines in the past with no sign of trouble.
    I also can't help but wonder if this might somehow be related to the problem being discussed in this thread, which also has a bug report here. That seems to be a problem with specific kernels, but it's conceivable that there's an interaction between kernels and some other unknown factor.
    FWIW, I just did a quick scan of the most relevant section of the rEFInd code and I didn't spot anything suspicious about how it's handling those strings. In fact, it's using allocated memory rather than fixed character arrays, so a hard limit caused by a string of length x seems to be unlikely as a cause unless it were in the kernel's EFI stub loader -- and then you wouldn't see the difference based on the boot manager type (EFI shell v.1 vs. EFI shell v.2 vs. rEFInd).

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    Good luck...

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