My Apple TV2 uses so much broadband data on my internet.

I just got a notification from my internet provider that I am now almost 30 gbs over my monthly limit, and this only happened in two days. I am assuming it is because I am using my apple tv non stop the last two days while i have been off work. If I am not downloading anything from the internet and merely streaming on my home network, why is the Apple TV using so much internet usage? Is there any way to turn this off?

Are you sure you are streaming from the LAN not the internet headings (Movies/TV Shows/Music)?  That would mean accessing your library from the Computers column.

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    Okay, try this simple test. Disconnect your modem/router from the internet (i.e. unplug the coax cable or phone line) and then see if you can access your music on the Apple TV (under the "Computers" menu). If the music and videos still work then that indicates that you aren't streaming that content using iCloud or iTunes Match.
    However, if it doesn't work (can't access content) then that proves that you are indeed (somehow) streaming from the internet. In this case I'd check to make certain that ALL of the content you are trying to access is PHYSICALLY stored on you local Mac/PC and that the content is reachable via the iTunes app running on that same Mac/PC. If it is then next I'd do a factory restore on the Apple TV and then see what happens.

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    Mapping Services ( story ) :
    In April 2011, iPhone and iPad users were surprised to discover that, not only was their device keeping track of where they’d been, it also was storing very detailed location information in a plain-text file on the phone.  The data was derived by the cell towers and Wi-Fi hotspots the devices encountered, and was added anonymously to a crowdsourced database.
    Apple later said the devices were keeping more information than intended due to a bug, and issued a patch that reduced the amount of data. But, because it was used to improve and speed up location services, the practice continued.
    And now, in iOS 7, Apple has added a tool that lets you see what your iPhone knows about where you go.
    If you’ve got an iPhone 4S or later running iOS 7, follow these steps:
    1. Go to Settings, then Privacy > Location Services.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the list of apps that use Location Services (and feel free to marvel at how many apps do!). Tap System Services.
    3. Tap on Frequent Locations, then scroll down and look at History. You’ll see at least one city there, more if you travel.
    4. Tap a city. You’ll see a list of locations you’ve visited in the city.
    5. Tap a location. You’ll see a list of the dates and times you visited that location.
    Why in the world would Apple collect this kind of detail about your movements? It does so to enable features like Next Destination, found in the Notification Center, which is the screen you see when you swipe down from the top of the iOS display. Next Destination looks at your travel patterns and offers information about how long it will take to get to the next place you typically visit during the day.
    If having all this location data collected by your iPhone makes you nervous, you can turn it off at Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Frequent Locations. Note that it is turned on by default, so if you don’t want your phone logging your whereabouts, you’ll need to turn it off.
    The Next Destination feature is similar to one found in Google Now, which uses location and your habits to offer up useful information without your asking for it. Google Now is found in the Google Search app on both Android and iOS. On Android, you can add a Google Now widget to your home screen to make the feature more accessible.
    In fact, Google collects similar information about you – and in greater detail -  if you use its location-based products. Google stores your location data on the Internet, and you can see it on any Web browser.
    Make sure you’re logged into your Google account – say, through Gmail – and then go to You’ll see a map showing location visits for today, but click the Dashboard link at the top of the page and you’ll see this:
    To turn this off, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Location History page and choose History Settings. Then, click Disable and Save. There’s also a History Management link that lets you delete history items that have already been collected.
    Location services are really an integral part of a ton of iOS apps, using the internal GPS system to add Instagram photos to a map, checkin with FourSquare or Facebook, or let your friends know where you are with one of many “on my way” apps, like Glympse or Twist.
    If you’re battery is dying, however, the location services are the first thing you should turn off, as they suck up a lot of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch’s power needs, what with their background data sending and receiving and such.
    Here’s how to turn them off.
    Tap your Settings app to launch it, and then tap on Privacy. You’ll be able to turn the toggles OFF for any specific app that has privileges to access your GPS location by scrolling through the list and tapping them all. I do this on a fairly regular basis for both privacy and battery savings. I figure that with less apps accessing my location, the less battery power in total is being used for that function.
    If you want to turn off Location Services completely, then simply tap the main toggle at the top to OFF, and you’ll stop using them. This will keep your apps that need it, like Maps or Compass, from knowing where you are, but the battery will thank you.
    Follow the above steps to turn off Location Services :

  • Iphone does 800 mb of unwanted data traffic in 20 days at 24:00. push is deactivated and localization too. I have 230 apps. Wich one needs that much? what can I do? I don't use it much (total data connection is 1.2gb in 20 days) Please apple do something)

    As said above.
    I haven't changed much,since 1 year ago. Have apple 3gs, os 4.1. Added a few apps. I think things changed by doing update of apps.
    Most of my apps are for free. I would really like to find out what my iphone does.
    I saw on the detail of the bill that 800 mb are at 24:00, 400 mb are in the rest of the day. I'm not using it at 24:00 so these are not used by me. For the rest, I think in total I used 200 mb, as my use hasn't changed much in the last 2 years, and I was at max there for the first years with iphone.
    I had to swich to an unlimited plan, but this issue shuldn't happen at all.
    My message to apple is, we must know what our phone is doing, if it behaves like this it can be very risky.
    I leave near the border. Think whath happens if I do 300 mb in roaming in a few days (actually I get a bill of 150$). Or wat shuld I do in holydays? leave my iphone home is the best solution for now. If I can't activate data roaming I don't need an iphone at all. I take the phone with the good cam.
    Then the battery goes down by 50% without using it, I had it in my poket and watched a few youtube vids, made 2 calls, send 5 sms, looked at about 10 email. Battery is at 15%.
    My sonyericcsson goes on for 3 days, using 3g and hsdpa.
    One other thing that happens by mobilephones when 3g is active, is that the phone searches constantly for a 3g network. It shuldn't do this. It shuld only do this search if I use gprs connection. Because by searching it gives max power to the antenna, this uses the battery!
    I think apple cud fix that, other companies will come after with the same fix.
    Cheers and tank you for reply

    Think whath happens if I do 300 mb in roaming in a few days
    You can turn off roaming in the settings... General... Network
    I know this doesn't explain what is happening, but it will put your mind at easy when on holiday.
    Get in touch with Apple, call them and ask.
    This should not be happening.
    I am interested in knowing what you learn.

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    Unfortunately I don't know much about PCs.
    The ports needed by the Apple TV are 53, 80, 123, 443 and 3689 (TCP) and 5353 (UDP)

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    My Login Items are :
    And all of my installed apps :

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    I found this answer on NetFlix's blog sometime last year:
    In the USA you have 3 video quality options: good quality, better quality, and best quality. Here is how much bandwidth they each use:
    Good quality (up to 0.3 GB per hour)
    Better quality (up to 0.7 GB per hour)
    Best quality (up to 1 GB per hour, or up to 2.3 GB per hour for HD)
    Depending on how many movies you watch this could have a huge impact on your monthly usage...obviously your ISP wants you to watch its own movies.

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    So, I thought itunes match (like Pandora) streams music from the cloud. I didn't think that the phone 'syncs' several times a day. I did notice a pattern between 11am-1pm data being used in the order of 29 mb yesterday, 42 mb the day before, and 43 mb the day before that. This is at a time when I know I am not using any significant data on my phone. Yesterday I even closed all my apps w/the exception of Pandora which I made sure wasn't running during the day. This additional usage can easily add up to the 100 mb/day i'm averaging.

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    I have even turned off LTE. Cut off my cellular data off of apps. Still uses data I switched back to my iPhone 4 cause I had used my
    Data in 2 weeks!

    I have the same problem on my 4S 64G: I updated to 7.1.1 and burned through my cellular data allowance without running anything that ought to be using it. I incurred an overage charge on Thursday, my new billing cycle started on Friday, and I immediately had used 3/4 of my allowance for the new cycle. I typically do not use my allowance in an entire month so burning through it in a day or two twice in one week is very much not right.
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    It seems like someting on my phone, whether an app or the iOS itself, is using cellular data even while my phone is not in use. All I could do is turn off Cellular Data in Settings but that very much diminishes the usefulness of a phone that has served me well -- without data overages! -- for several years.
    Please fix this, Apple!

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    Dear AC,
    Thank you so, so much for this answer. I did go into my Apple ID account through iTunes store and associated my devices to my Apple ID account. I did this by working on my computers (a mac mini and a mac air) and my two devices (iPhone and iPad). Thus there is a statemente saying "4 devices are associated with this apple ID and can download your purchases from iTunes in the iCloud". So whenever I use them to purchase anything, iCloud knows it is me through my devices so I do not get no e-mail warming me my account might be being used by a stranger.
    So, how do I associate my apple Tv2 to my apple ID account? I went to its settings and could not find any way of doing it. Can you continue helpling me? Please.
    Thank you so so much

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    I just got iphone 5c and i am not happy with it. It uses to much data and i don't even know how. I can't get the ringtones i want for my contacts.I got it on my free upgrade but i want to take it back and get something else but where i got it they say i can't because i don't have the earbuds and i have serches or them. now i am suck with a phone i don't like at all until my next upgrade. this is very dishearten

    1. If you are this unhappy with that phone, and the lost earbuds is the only thing stopping you from taking it back, why do not just buy some earbuds. That way you can get rid of that phone. It all depend upon how much you want to get rid of that phone.
    2. Yet if you are stuck with that iPhone, here is something might help you to control the data usage. By design, iPhones do turn off WiFi when they go dormant. So if a download is in progress and so forth when the phone goes dormant, it will switch to use cellular data, if this setting is left on. Therefore, from multi-sources I have learned that if you keep your iPhone connected to a power source, then it will stay connected to the available WiFi.

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    Have you looked at Settings > Cellular to identify what is using cellular data?

Maybe you are looking for

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