My dock disappeared

after i unplugged the dvi-hdmi cable from my tv, the dock was no longer available (visible). everthing else was, desktop icons, toolbar at the top.
i rebooted and still no dock...could this be because I didn't properly "eject" the display (in this case my tv).
any advice? thanks!
and if you're wondering how I opened safari to post here, I had my apps folder on my desktop.

Ah! I can join the 'no dock' club.
what's causing the problem, I'm unsure. The problem is that the DOCK under CoreServices in the System Library is gone.
You have probably have fixed it by now.
If you go to "HDD > System > Library > CoreServices" you should have a service called Dock. Mine is gone, not their any more. Why? ... I don't know but my background on my G5 iMac is replaced by a blue background. Must have crashed...?
To fix is easy. Just restore Dock in core services.
Does anyone know how to get the 'Dock' File to place it back in their?

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    You may have blundered into "Full Screen" mode, an abomination ported from iOS, the iPhone Operating System, land of tiny screens and one-at-a-time Applications.
    Try clicking the double-arrows in the extreme upper right of the MenuBar or Window.

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    In the login screen, press the key combination command-F5 to deactivate VoiceOver.

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    The Dock is typically associated with the screen the menubar is on.
    Move the menubar in Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Displays representation of the displays to the screen you want the Dock on.

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    Hello ThatSmartKidJack,
    You can set you dock to automatically go down and come back. and if you still see the sides of your desktop just resize your window by dragging the bottom right corner of your window. I also use Photoshop and I can see it almost full screen by hiding my dock. Hope that helps!

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    Message was edited by: musiqfiend

    I'm not sure if that'll help. I was reading through & it says to stop it you have to go to "system preferences". I can't access that right now, because my dock disappeared last night. And thats where the icon is for my system preferences. I cant click on the apple thing at the top either because my screen blinks. It blinks so fast that you dont have time to click on an icon cause it switches. Say if i opened a window..for example like Itunes or something. My screen goes crazy. The windows will flash back and forth "Itunes, finder, itunes, finder, etc.." their doing this so fast that i cant access anything. And now the dock is disappeared. Which makes matters even worse lol all my icons are in dock. I can almost work my way around with the flashing. But *i cant work around a missing dock. Without a dock, i cant access ANYTHING. _ALL MY ICON ARE IN THE DOCK._* :/ If anybody knows how to restore the dock to come back. Please let me know. Once i get that back, then we can work on fixing the flashing finder.
    Message was edited by: musiqfiend

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    Click on an empty spot on the Desktop to activate Finder.
    Hold the option key down and click”Go” menu in the menu bar.
    Choose “Library” from the drop-down.
    Library > Preferences
    Look for
    Right click on it and select “Move to Trash”.
    Restart the computer. 

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    Thanks!. This has been driving me crazy for a couple of days. Running techtool, repairing permissions, running in safe mode.
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    Back up all data.
    In the Finder, hold down the option key and select
    Go ▹ Library
    from the menu bar. From the Library folder, move the following items to the Trash, if they exist:
    Application Support/Dock
    and move the following items to the Desktop:
    Here “*” stands for a long string of letters and numbers.
    Next, triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    open $TMPDIR../C
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the page that opens.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing the key combination command-V. A folder should open. Inside it there may be a file named "". If there is, drag it to the Trash.
    Log out, log back in, and test. If you still have the issue, put the items on the Desktop back where they came from and post again. Otherwise, delete the items.

  • Dock disappears (everytime I startup)

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    I went into Time Machine and restored my desktop from Jun 21st (last time I backed up - I know, I I will do daily).  That fixed the problem but next time I booted up, the problem reappeared.  I read another conversation about this but found nothing I understood enough to use.  Please help!

    Well, it appears that there are numerous fixes to this problem.  The link Chris provided was very informative.  However, in the meantime, I called Apple Care.  They had me delete the plist file (called and that resolved the problem.  I read this elsewhere on this forum but it was not explained how to get there.  So for those like me who know just enough to be dangerous, here is exactly what I did:
    1.Even though I had no dock, Finder was still in my top bar menu.  I clicked the Edit drop down and clicked Open new finder window.  NOTE:  If Finder is not visible, click on the magnifying glass on top right of screen and enter "Finder".  Click on the Finder Application when it come up.
    2. Once in Finder, click on your hard drive (usually called Macintosh HD but could be something else).
    3. From Hard Drive click on Users and find the account the problem is happening with.  If it is your main account, it has a little house next to it.
    4. Then click Home/Library/Preferences.  Find the file that says  There may be others with this name but an additional extension.  Ignore those.  Click the one that ENDS in plist.
    5.  Drag to your desktop.
    6.  A new plist file will automatically be created under Preferences.  This should make your dock reappear.
    7.  If your dock is back, drag the plist file that you placed on your desktop to the trash.

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    I got caught out with this one too, and am grateful for your assistance.
    I later found out in Lion help pages how to do the same thing in a single click...
    To enlarge a webpage so it uses the screen, click the arrows in the top-right corner of an application window:
    To return to standard view, click the arrows in the window’s upper-right corner:
    I'm guessing that this is the more likely method of invoking full screen mode unintentionally (I had no idea how I'd done it).

  • Dock disappears for a few seconds and minimized apps open up

    My dock at the bottom of the display will disappear for a few seconds and at the same time, my minimized open applications will open up. This usually happens when I'm running a few light applications at once. It almost seems to "gulp" or catch it's breath.
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    This is only the second time this has happened. The first time it went away on it's own and today it's back. It's not troublesome at all but I'm just wondering what may be causing these symptoms.

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * On Windows you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by quitting Firefox and then going to your Terminal and running: firefox -safe-mode (you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

  • Menu bar and Dock disappear after exiting Time Machine

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    The only way out was to force a shutdown, but if I try to use Time Machine in the Finder this problem keeps recurring. (It works perfectly in iPhoto.) Also, now if I try to back up Time Machine hangs while "Preparing". I have spent the last hour trying whatever I could think of and also wailing like a child. Please help!

    Just a thought....this is not a problem with my MacBook on which I installed a new version of 10.5.
    The problem only manifests itself on my iMac at work which I updated using a Drop-in Leopard DVD.
    Do you think this could be the problem? Anyone out there having problems that did a retail 10.5 install?
    I just re-installed Leopard from the drop-in DVD and first time I opened Mail and went to Time Machine it seemed to be gave me the starry background and asked me to select items to restore to the Inbox. But then it failed to restore the selected messages and I'm back to where I started with a non-working Time Machine in Mail.

  • New Mac Mini - Dock Disappearing

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    Several times now, the dock has disappeared. I cannot click on the desktop or the Apple icon in the top left corner - but the application windows that are open continue to work - iTunes and Safari.
    I have tried several combinations of disconnecting air mouse and screen sharing, but nothing seemed to effect what is wrong.
    Any suggestions as to what is wrong?

    I suspect the applications at hand could be crashing... It could be a RAM problem.
    Slide your Leopard/Snow Leopard disc into the drive and hold D when booting to start the Apple Hardware Test.
    Good luck!

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