My Hard Drive is Totally Crashed

I have an HP laptop (Pavilion DV6-3020ee ) with pre installed windows 7 home prem.
duo to a Hard shock, the hard drive has been crashed. I fixed it but i lose everything.
and by say everything I mean (windows + recovery + data + partitions), it becomes a piece of metal.
I contacted Microsoft support and they forward me to HP support.
I want my laptop back to me as I bought it in the first time with (Windows + Recovery + HP software).
Please Advise.

Did you make your Recovery Disc set when you first got the laptop? You would have been prompted to make a set soon after setting the laptop up. If so boot from the first disc to reinstall back to original OS and software.
If you did not make a set give HP Support a call to see if they are still available.Select your country /region 
 here>>Contact HP
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    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    You may find this article helpful in locating your missing media.
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    The first thing I'd suggest is that you boot your computer with the System Restore disk that came with the computer and run the Disk Utility repair. Check out the S.M.A.R.T. report and see if there was any disk damage not repaired. Your problem does sound like it could be a bad drive.
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