My hdd has crashed in 3 months, my computer is not even 12 months old.

i have a too twice reload the software and i do have a time machine , but it doesnt all load correctly. im a avid Apple fan, but this experience is really giving me the *****.

Before your free, one-year of AppleCare warranty service expires, budget,   purchase, and register with Apple for extended AppleCare warranty  for your Mac.
You'll have extended warranty service for another two more years.
The cost of the extended warranty is a smaller cost than the cost of an actual repair and replacement job if some other hardware or same hardware fails again on your Mac.

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    Hey novased1,
    I would suggest that you follow the troubleshooting steps found in this link to help you address this issue:
    Apple - Support - iPod - iPod classic Troubleshooting Assistant
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    There's more to resolution than pixel count. Consider the pixel size on the iPhone screen in comparison to the pixel size on your forty inch HD TV.

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    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    A couple of places for you to visit: Blackberry 101    Tips & Tricks
    See if this kb helps:
    I'm not sure that you saw the error msg. included in the kb, but it discusses removing .msi files from previous installations of DM.   Post back and let us know how it goes.
    Happy to have you here!
    Please remember to "Accept as Solution" the post which solved your thread. If I or someone else have helped you, please tell us you "Like" what we had to say at the bottom right of the post.

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    Read this Apple Discussion Thread and possible solutions. The audio jack has been the main culprit, also certain sync and automation settings including connected remotes.

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    I would reformat the drive then reinstall Lion:
    Install or Reinstall Lion from Scratch
    If possible backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Erase the hard drive:
    Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
    After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
    Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion and click on the Install button.
    Note: You can also re-download the Lion installer by opening the App Store application. Hold down the OPTION key and click on the Purchases icon in the toolbar. You should now see an active Install button to the right of your Lion purchase entry. There are situations in which this will not work. For example, if you are already booted into the Lion you originally purchased with your Apple ID or if an instance of the Lion installer is located anywhere on your computer.

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    See Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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    You can uninstall Firefox from your Control Panel (under Add & Remove Programs). When you uninstall, make sure that you DON'T choose the option "Remove my Firefox Personal Data".
    You can find the [ Older Versions of Firefox] (Windows and Mac versions) and accordingly download the one you want. However, please note that Firefox recommends using the latest version.
    Currently, the only older version that is being maintained by Firefox, in terms of security and safety, is Firefox 3.6.24.

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    Did you try a new profile?
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Creating a profile":
    If the new profile works then you can transfer some files from an existing profile to the new profile, but be careful not to copy corrupted files.
    Do a clean reinstall and delete the Firefox program folder before (re)installing a fresh copy of the current Firefox release.
    Download a fresh Firefox copy and save the file to the desktop.
    *Firefox 23:
    Uninstall your current Firefox version, if possible, to cleanup the Windows registry and settings in security software.
    *Do NOT remove personal data when you uninstall your current Firefox version, because all profile folders will be removed and you lose personal data like bookmarks and passwords from profiles of other Firefox versions.
    Remove the Firefox program folder before installing that newly downloaded copy of the Firefox installer.
    *(32 bit Windows) "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\"
    *(64 bit Windows) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\"
    *It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    Your bookmarks and other personal data are stored in the Firefox profile folder and won't be affected by an uninstall and (re)install, but make sure that "remove personal data" is NOT selected when you uninstall Firefox.

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    Does the screen come back on if you press the sleep/power button?
    Have you tried powering down (hold sleep/power button and swipe red slider) then power back up?  Power cycling sometimes will clear problems.
    If neither works, and you can get to an Apple store, have the genius bar folks try it out...they are very good about replacement if faulty.

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    Did you just update to BUGGY OS 4.x???
    All the updates starting with OS 4.x have completely screwed up most iPod Touch', especially older models like Gen 2 and 3.
    Inability to connect to any WiFi.
    Fluctuating WiFi signal no matter how close you are to the AP.
    Drastically shortened battery life, even when in sleep mode.
    And Apple hasn't done a **** thing since irritated owners have complained about it since the middle of 2011!!
    (I am one of many thousands affected!) Look at older threads by searches of "Fluctuating WiFi", Terrible Battery Life, for the Touch and iPhone.
    This is why I bought an Android tablet instead of an iFad this Xmas. Non-existant Apple support!
    iPod Touch Gen 2.
    MSi Core2Duo 16" Notebook
    HP 15.4" i7 Media Center Notebook
    ASUS 10.1" Transformer Android Tablet.

  • How do I unlink Ipod from my old PC (which has crashed HDD) and link to new PC without erasing contents of my Ipod?

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    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities

  • Iphoto 11 has crashes as soon as it opens.  its been like this for months.  is anyone else having this issue?

    I installed the new version of 1Photo 11 and it worked for about a day.  for several months now I have not been able to open it or access my photo library.  it opens for about 20 seconds and then crashes.  Then I get this message:  
    Process:         iPhoto [5312]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         9.1.2 (9.1.2)
    Build Info:      iPhotoProject-6050000~2
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [107]
    Date/Time:       2011-05-07 08:47:11.659 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.7 (10J869)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          269573 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           2
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  26 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
    Anonymous UUID:                      152E6652-EDA9-404D-88F9-8C9E29CA3522
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  32
    Thread 0:  Dispatch queue:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a09a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a807 mach_msg + 68
    2                0x9487a37f __CFRunLoopRun + 2079
    3                0x94879464 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452
    4                0x94879291 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97
    5                     0x961a2e04 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 392
    6                     0x961a2bb9 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 354
    7                     0x961a2a3e BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 81
    8                        0x98ca178d _DPSNextEvent + 847
    9                        0x98ca0fce -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 156
    10                        0x98c63247 -[NSApplication run] + 821
    11                        0x98c5b2d9 NSApplicationMain + 574
    12                        0x00010e19 0x1000 + 65049
    13                        0x00010975 0x1000 + 63861
    Thread 1:  Dispatch queue:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96570922 kevent + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9657103c _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 215
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965704f9 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163
    3   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9657029e _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 240
    4   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fd21 _pthread_wqthread + 390
    5   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 2:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 3:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 4:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a09a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a807 mach_msg + 68
    2                0x9487a37f __CFRunLoopRun + 2079
    3                0x94879464 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452
    4                0x94879291 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97
    5                    0x93d08640 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 279
    6                     0x8f6613c5 -[XTRunLoopThread run:] + 453
    7                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    8                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    9   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 5:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a09a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a807 mach_msg + 68
    2                0x9487a37f __CFRunLoopRun + 2079
    3                0x94879464 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452
    4                0x94879291 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97
    5                    0x93d08640 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 279
    6                     0x8f6613c5 -[XTRunLoopThread run:] + 453
    7                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    8                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    9   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 6:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 7:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 8:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 9:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 10:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 11:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 12:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a09a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a807 mach_msg + 68
    2                0x9487a37f __CFRunLoopRun + 2079
    3                0x94879464 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452
    4                0x94879291 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97
    5                    0x93d08640 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 279
    6                     0x8f6613c5 -[XTRunLoopThread run:] + 453
    7                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    8                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    9   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 13:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 14:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 15:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 16:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 17:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 18:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 19:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 20:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 21:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 22:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 23:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 24:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                     0x8f66014f -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    7                     0x8f65ef30 -[XTThread run:] + 400
    8                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 25:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a09a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a807 mach_msg + 68
    2                0x01631a81 -[RALatchTrigger wait] + 81
    3                0x01631976 -[RAOperationQueueImpl _workThread] + 358
    4                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    5                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    6   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    7   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 26:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a09a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a807 mach_msg + 68
    2                0x01631a81 -[RALatchTrigger wait] + 81
    3                0x01631976 -[RAOperationQueueImpl _workThread] + 358
    4                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    5                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    6   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    7   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 27:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a0fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965a6aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x93d0ad48 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 453
    4                    0x93cc39bd -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 279
    5                    0x93cc38a0 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6                       0x01b3670d -[RKAsyncImageRenderer _backgroundRenderThread:] + 173
    7                     0x8f66b8cc -[XTThreadSendOnlyDetached _detachedMessageHandler:] + 220
    8                     0x8f6615b3 -[XTSubscription postMessage:] + 227
    9                     0x8f660db6 -[XTDistributor distributeMessage:] + 950
    10                     0x8f660831 -[XTThread handleMessage:] + 849
    11                     0x8f65ef46 -[XTThread run:] + 422
    12                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    13                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    14  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    15  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 28:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 29:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 30:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 31:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96578046 __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577d02 _pthread_cond_wait + 1191
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96579998 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 73
    3                    0x93cf68a8 -[NSCondition wait] + 316
    4                        0x00061117 0x1000 + 393495
    5                        0x00060f31 0x1000 + 393009
    6                0x948b6edd __invoking___ + 29
    7                0x948b6e48 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 136
    8                       0x01b6e0f1 -[RKInvoker _invokeTargetWithPool:] + 81
    9                     0x8f66b888 -[XTThreadSendOnlyDetached _detachedMessageHandler:] + 152
    10                     0x8f6615b3 -[XTSubscription postMessage:] + 227
    11                     0x8f660db6 -[XTDistributor distributeMessage:] + 950
    12                     0x8f660831 -[XTThread handleMessage:] + 849
    13                     0x8f65ef46 -[XTThread run:] + 422
    14                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    15                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    16  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    17  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 32 Crashed:
    0   libJPEG.dylib                           0x95e774f1 vec_ycc_rgbx_convert + 711
    1   libJPEG.dylib                           0x95e76b98 sep_upsample + 182
    2   libJPEG.dylib                           0x95e74cd6 process_data_context_main + 496
    3   libJPEG.dylib                           0x95e74ad7 _cg_jpeg_read_scanlines + 150
    4             0x94ed4894 copyImageBlockSetJPEG + 2970
    5             0x94ebec61 ImageProviderCopyImageBlockSetCallback + 174
    6                  0x9537561b CGImageProviderCopyImageBlockSet + 228
    7                  0x95379e2c img_blocks_create + 348
    8                  0x95379cb1 img_blocks_extent + 85
    9                  0x95312b46 img_data_lock + 8882
    10                  0x9530fc42 CGSImageDataLock + 172
    11  libRIP.A.dylib                          0x9072374c ripc_AcquireImage + 2446
    12  libRIP.A.dylib                          0x907213c2 ripc_DrawImage + 1245
    13                  0x9530f8bc CGContextDrawImage + 450
    14                        0x000b5cfd 0x1000 + 740605
    15                        0x003e1992 0x1000 + 4065682
    16                        0x000b4ec8 0x1000 + 736968
    17                        0x0033984e 0x1000 + 3377230
    18                        0x000b48d7 0x1000 + 735447
    19                        0x0016e6f5 0x1000 + 1496821
    20          0x011184b0 -[FaceRecognitionManager detectFacesInPhoto:userInfo:options:delegate:context:] + 149
    21                       0x01bb72ec -[RKFaceDetectionWorker detectFacesForMaster:aggressive:] + 844
    22                        0x00787569 0x1000 + 7890281
    23                       0x01bb6e11 -[RKFaceDetectionWorker performJob:] + 385
    24                     0x8f6615b3 -[XTSubscription postMessage:] + 227
    25                     0x8f660db6 -[XTDistributor distributeMessage:] + 950
    26                     0x8f660831 -[XTThread handleMessage:] + 849
    27                     0x8f65ef46 -[XTThread run:] + 422
    28                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    29                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    30  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    31  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 33:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 34:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a09a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a807 mach_msg + 68
    2                0x01631a81 -[RALatchTrigger wait] + 81
    3                0x01631976 -[RAOperationQueueImpl _workThread] + 358
    4                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    5                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    6   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    7   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 35:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96569066 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10
    1                0x948b9c83 __CFSocketManager + 1091
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    3   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 36:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96578046 __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577d02 _pthread_cond_wait + 1191
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96579998 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 73
    3                     0x90f696fe CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() + 1016
    4                     0x90f692ea startIOThread(void*) + 156
    5   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    6   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 37:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a09a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9654a807 mach_msg + 68
    2                0x9487a37f __CFRunLoopRun + 2079
    3                0x94879464 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452
    4                0x94879291 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97
    5                    0x93d076f4 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 329
    6                    0x93ccead0 -[NSThread main] + 45
    7                    0x93ccea80 __NSThread__main__ + 1499
    8   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x965777fd _pthread_start + 345
    9   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x96577682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 38:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 39:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 40:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 41:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 42:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 43:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 44:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 45:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 46:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 47:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 48:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 49:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 50:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 51:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 52:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 53:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 54:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 55:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 56:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 57:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 58:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 59:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 60:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 61:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 62:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 63:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656f9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656ff48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9656fb66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 32 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x00000010  ebx: 0x95e7723b  ecx: 0x95e8b430  edx: 0x00000000
      edi: 0x1f692c10  esi: 0x95e8b420  ebp: 0xb1125488  esp: 0xb1125360
       ss: 0x0000001f  efl: 0x00010206  eip: 0x95e774f1   cs: 0x00000017
       ds: 0x0000001f   es: 0x0000001f   fs: 0x0000001f   gs: 0x00000037
      cr2: 0x00000000
    Binary Images:
        0x1000 -   0xf4efe7 9.1.2 (9.1.2) <72EA463B-85DF-4795-CCD4-936D0594DF80> /Applications/
    0x10cb000 -  0x10f2ff7 1.2 (47) <20628357-FF33-571A-EE39-5F7874E30EA0> /Applications/
    0x1111000 -  0x1128ff7 1.0 (21) <AD53D7A2-F0B2-FF76-5C6D-C23B234AB50E> /Library/Frameworks/iLifeFaceRecognition.framework/Versions/A/iLifeFaceRecognit ion
    0x1137000 -  0x1162fff 5.0.8 (5080.4.1) <A8CDE14A-569E-3E84-B216-FC936E3DE1FB> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecordingUI.framework/Versions/A/DiscRecordingUI
    0x117a000 -  0x1186ff3 1.0 (1.1) <C2823B16-7D15-908B-5E7B-FC936FF413E7> /Applications/ A/UpgradeChecker
    0x118e000 -  0x118eff7 2.1.1 (814) <C3529CDF-5D4E-F6E9-8526-55F1B701477B> /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshow
    0x1192000 -  0x1279fef  org.python.python 2.6.1 (2.6.1) <4FFD855C-1C5A-9206-A695-8C9904F1DA84> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Python
    0x12c4000 -  0x1538ff7  c

    Is always a data related issue.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

  • I posted in Mac pro Eplehust and Oslo in early June to change videokart (which has changed six months ago) got my Mac a month by mail, with the terrible damage the body, but the packaging in which he lay was not damaged. I sent him back to change t

    I have posted in Mac pro Eplehust and Oslo in early June to change videokart (which has changed six months ago) got my Mac a month by mail, with the terrible damage the body, but the packaging in which he lay was not damaged. I sent him back to change the computer, 4 weeks, I changed it and checked 2 more weeks. as a result of three days ago, got back, more than half the programs crash, I can not open or closed CDrom, some programs do not come off or stop, and stop responding commands, turn it off only mechanically, not any excuses, I did not get to the store, what should I do?
    My patience is crowded, nerves on edge, I have lost my time with the worst service of my life, the only thing I see its the draw Eplehuset and apple to court.
    my e-mail - [email protected]

    While writing I made a mistake... It is true I could become aware of the Scorpio incompatibility.
    I also tried the same identical procedure with a Seagate one. This disk and the same procedure was performed by some people I know on many MacBookPro Mid-2010 and everything was OK.
    We do not understand why this problenm occurs.
    Furthermore, If I installed the system on the broken HDD (that works, but sometimes it fails so badly and makes the system experience kernel panic) I could boot from it.
    I guess it is because of the **** Apple FIrmware written on the label.
    Is it possible that I cannot manage to boot from my new HDD because it has not a "special" feature on it that makes it compatible with apple??? Why making things so **** difficult my god a closer world like Apple one is impossible to imagine.
    However Shootist007 thanks for your message, but given what I said I do not think is a cable problem.

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