My iemi number is in photo gallery

my iemi number is saved in photos gallery, can we find photos in itunes throught id

Are you using your husband's Apple ID on the iPad? If so, Messages will use his phone number by default.
Did you set up Messages to use your own email address and uncheck your husband's phone number for "you can be reached for Messages at" in the settings?

Similar Messages

  • Trying to create a photo gallery... with little knowledge of Flex

    Hey Guys,
    I am trying build a photo gallery and I am having the hardest time.
    Is there anything out there that helps people from scratch ?
    I need help learning where to store the images... IE... jpegs
    and the right syntax to call up the code...
    Path info etc...
    I tried to hack two of the following programs but in the case below the program could not find the files...
    I am looking for an easy way to get started any help would be great
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"   initialize="init()"  applicationComplete="startitup()" backgroundGradientColors="[0xffffff, 0x00808C]"  >
    <mx:HTTPService id="movieRequest" url="data/otrdata.xml" result="movieHandler(event)"/>
    <mx:Glow id="glowImage" duration="200"
            alphaFrom="1.0" alphaTo="0.5"
            blurXFrom="0.0" blurXTo="15.0"
            blurYFrom="0.0" blurYTo="15.0"
        <mx:Glow id="unglowImage" duration="200"
            alphaFrom="0.3" alphaTo="1.0"
            blurXFrom="15.0" blurXTo="0.0"
            blurYFrom="15.0" blurYTo="0.0"
    <mx:TextArea x="463" y="156" height="326" width="387" id="myText" fontSize="14" editable="false"/>
        <mx:Image x="23" y="157" width="432" height="325" id="myImage" scaleContent="true"   complete=""/>
    <mx:Tile direction="horizontal" borderStyle="inset"
                horizontalGap="10" verticalGap="15"
                paddingLeft="10" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" paddingRight="10" x="62" y="70" width="750" height="77">
                <mx:Repeater id="rp" dataProvider="{movieData}">
                    <mx:Image height="49" width="50" rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}"   mouseUpEffect="{unglowImage}" toolTip="{rp.currentItem.subtitle}" source="{rp.currentItem.icon}" click="mygothere(event.currentTarget.getRepeaterItem ())" />
                                        <mx:Label x="78" y="485" id="sourceTag0" width="333" textAlign="center" fontSize="14"/>
    <mx:Label x="23" y="24" id="sourceTag1" fontSize="18" fontWeight="bold" width="281"/>
    <mx:Image x="801" y="14" id="navimage1" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/Urbm.jpg')"  rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}"   mouseUpEffect="{unglowImage}" width="43" height="32" click="myMainget('All'),myNumfind(0)"/>
    <mx:Label id="labelall" x="813" y="50" text="All" rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}"   mouseUpEffect="{unglowImage}" width="43" height="18" click="myMainget('All'),myNumfind(0)" />
    <mx:Image x="383" y="14" rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}"   mouseUpEffect="{unglowImage}" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/Buddy.jpg')" width="38" height="32" id="navimage2" click="myMainget('Home'),myNumfind(0)"/>
    <mx:Label x="382" y="49" text="Home" rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}" click="myMainget('Home'),myNumfind(0)"/>
    <mx:Image x="435" y="14" rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}"   mouseUpEffect="{unglowImage}" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/buildingjob.jpg')" width="45" height="32" id="navimage3"  click="myMainget('City Life and Rhetoric'), myNumfind(0)"/>
    <mx:Label x="430" y="49" text="Rhetoric" rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}"   mouseUpEffect="{unglowImage}"  width="56" height="19"   click="myMainget('City Life and Rhetoric'), myNumfind(0)"/>
    <mx:Image x="491" y="14" rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}"   mouseUpEffect="{unglowImage}" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/slums.jpg')" width="46" height="32" id="navimage4"  click="myMainget('3 Perspectives'), myNumfind(0)" />
    <mx:Label x="494" y="49" text="3 Pers" rollOverEffect="{glowImage}"  rollOutEffect="{unglowImage}"   mouseUpEffect="{unglowImage}"  width="46" height="19"   click="myMainget('3 Perspectives'), myNumfind(0)"/>
    <mx:Image x="550" y="14" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/Buddy.jpg')" width="38" height="32" id="navimage5"/>
    <mx:Label x="547" y="49" text="History"/>
    <mx:Image x="602" y="14" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/Buddy.jpg')" width="38" height="32" id="navimage6"/>
    <mx:Label x="601" y="49" text="Today"/>
    <mx:Image x="650" y="14" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/Buddy.jpg')" width="38" height="32" id="navimage7"/>
    <mx:Label x="648" y="50" text="Future"/>
    <mx:Image x="700" y="14" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/Buddy.jpg')" width="38" height="32" id="navimage8"/>
    <mx:Label x="693" y="50" text="Opinions"/>
    <mx:Image x="751" y="14" source="@Embed(source='images/icons/Buddy.jpg')" width="38" height="32" id="navimage9"/>
    <mx:Label x="746" y="50" text="Builders"/>
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            public var mynewnum:String="Home";
             private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
    public function startitup():void{
    myImage.source ="images/Buddy.jpg";
    myText.htmlText="<b>Over-the-Rhine</b> is not only at the center of the Cincinnati community, but it is also at the center of a lot of controversies. This area has become a breeding ground for social issues. Issues of equality, crime, affordible housing, poverty, violence, and economic growth have recently been argued. Although these topics are the current issues facing Over-the-Rhine, this is not the first time many of these issues have been see by Over-the-Rhine. It seems that history is repeating itself once again. So where does the community go from here? Are there any answers. The questions one must consider are simple. Will Over-the-Rhine be in the same position thirty years from now? Is the current Over-the-Rhine community being treated fairly by the city? Do the urbanist movement, the people's movement, and the CDC have the best interests of the community in mind? How can the city deal with these issues without causing a fight within the community? Can Over-the-Rhine become a community where everyone is happy?";
    sourceTag1.text = "Home";
    sourceTag0.text ="A Look into the Over-the-Rhine Community";
    public function myNumfind(num:Number):void{
    myImage.source =movieData[num].image;
    sourceTag1.text = movieData[num].title;
    sourceTag0.text =movieData[num].subtitle;
    public function mygothere(event:Object):void{
    myImage.source =event.image;
    sourceTag1.text = event.title;
    sourceTag0.text = event.subtitle;
    public function myMainget(myhere:String):void{
    public function filterByCategory2():void
    movieData.filterFunction = catFilter2;
    public function catFilter2(item:Object):Boolean
    return true;
    return == mynewnum;
    private var movie:String;
        public var selectedItem:Object; 
    public var movieData:ArrayCollection;
    private function init():void
    private function movieHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    movieData = event.result.otrdata.mydata;
    private function formatPositionToolTip(value:int):String{
    var result:String = (value % 60).toString();
            if (result.length == 1){
                result = Math.floor(value / 60).toString() + ":0" + result;
            } else {
                result = Math.floor(value / 60).toString() + ":" + result;
            return result;
    <mx:Label x="316" y="39" text="Menu" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" color="#000000"/>
    <mx:HRule x="364" y="49" width="480" strokeWidth="2" strokeColor="#000000"/>

    I'd recommend linking your flex app to a PHP file, it'll automatically handle all the photos for you without you having to embed them all. Keeps the app size small and lets you add more pictures without having to alter any code. Here's the example code of a very simply image gallery that i'd build on if i was making a photogallery.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="getPictures.send()">
        <mx:HTTPService id="getPictures" url="getPictures.php" method="POST" showBusyCursor="true"/>
        <mx:TileList dataProvider="{getPictures.lastResult.Pictures}" width="500" height="500" x="349" y="129">
                    <mx:Image width="200" height="200" source="{data.imagePath}"/>
        foreach (glob("*.png") as $filename)
            print "<Pictures><imagePath>".$filename."</imagePath></Pictures>";

  • Advanced photo gallery - need help with MCs

    Hello all. I have a photo gallery I am creating that can
    contain up to 120 images. Rather than create buttons and movie
    clips for each, I am hoping to dynamically build it with 1 movie
    clip. But I am having trouble with my code. Here's what I am trying
    to do:
    Duplicate a movie clip on the stage with an instance name of
    e1, giving each successive MC an instance name of e[i+1]
    load external images into each movie clip representing images
    e1 through e120
    set the alpha of the movie clip to 50%
    then onRollOver:
    Set alpha to 100%, resetting to 50% onRollOut
    assign a variable equal to the image loaded (e1 - e120)
    pop up a box and pass the variable into it, which will then
    load a larger version of the same image being called from a
    different folder.
    That being said, here's my flawed code
    var i:Number;
    for (i = 0; i < 119; i++) {
    this.holder.duplicateMovieClip; //duplicates the MC holder
    already on the stage
    this._name = "e"+i;
    this["e"+i]_x = _x + 50;
    this["e"+i]._alpha = 50;
    this.loadMovie("images/thumbnails/e" + i + ".jpg");
    This code is not working on anything other than the first MC.
    Here is the code for mouseover functions:
    var i:Number;
    for (i = 0; i < 119; i++) {
    this["e"+i].onRollOver=function() {this["e"+i]._alpha=100};
    this["e"+i].onRollOut=function() {this["e"+i]._alpha=50};
    this["e"+i].onPress=function() {
    _root.myVar = ["e"+i];
    The problem with this section of code is that the dynamically
    loaded movie clips do not accept any event commands (onRollOver,
    onPress, etc). It is fine before I load external jpegs, but not
    noce they are loaded
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    You rollover code doesn't work because you are assigning the
    before you load the images. The loaded images remove your
    code. You should
    not use loadMovie and use the MovieClipLoader class instead.
    Then, in its
    onLoadInit method you can assign your functions - so that
    they are assigned
    after the clip is loaded. Also, I'd either just create empty
    clips, on the
    fly, to load into or attach from the library. And
    duplicateMovieClip is not
    a property it is a method - calling like you are doing will
    not work. If
    you'd look in the Help you'll see that duplicateMovieClip can
    accept an init
    object, and also returns a ref to the new clip... So your
    code can be much
    this.holder.duplicateMovieClip; //duplicates the MC holder
    already on the
    this._name = "e"+i;
    this["e"+i]_x = _x + 50;
    this["e"+i]._alpha = 50;
    this.holder.duplicateMovieClip("e" + i,
    {_x:theX, _alpha:50});
    And you can't set _x to _x + 50 like that... for one you'd
    need to use more
    like this._x = this._x + 50 or this._x += 50. But it still
    won't work here
    since all the new clips are going to be created at x=0. You
    need to
    increment a variable... or base the spacing on your loop
    variable, i - like
    i *50.
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Photo Gallery Demo Problem

    I'm trying to understand the Photo Gallery demo so I can
    replicate the function for use on various sites. I've copied the
    html, xml, javascript and some of the photo file elements to my
    hard drive. I initially modified the file structures to something
    more of my liking, but had some problems with the links. I've since
    mimicked the structures so I can reduce the initial errors, but I
    am stumped at the var dsGallery and var dsPhotos statements that
    dynamically link to the China, Paris and Egypt photo databases. In
    the original dynamic definition, DreamWeaver only parses the
    dsGalleries XML definition, not defining the dsGallery and dsPhoto
    nodes. I wasn't too concerned about that given the variable nature,
    but nothing except the pull-down menu and controls displayed in the
    browser. DreamWeaver shows correct parsing of the dsGalleries XML,
    dsGallery and dsPhoto nodes only when I eliminate the dynamic
    linking and set it to one of the static links (Egypt). This fails
    in the browser to link to the data, giving a display that shows the
    correct number of empty thumbnail frames but without the displayed
    photos, no Spry effects, and no large photo display. I'm sure I
    have multiple reference errors, but I don't see them. Any ideas?
    Initial Photo Demo page:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "">
    <!-- Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All
    rights reserved. -->
    <html xmlns=""
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsGalleries = new
    var dsGallery = new
    var dsPhotos = new
    <script src="../SpryAssets/gallery.js"
    <body id="gallery">
    <noscript><h1>This page requires JavaScript.
    Please enable JavaScript in your browser and reload this
    <div id="wrap">
    <h1 id="albumName"
    <div id="previews">
    <div id="galleries" spry:region="dsGalleries">
    <label for="gallerySelect">View:</label>
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsGalleries"
    <option spry:if="{ds_RowNumber} == {ds_CurrentRowNumber}"
    <option spry:if="{ds_RowNumber} !=
    <div id="controls">
    <ul id="transport">
    <li><a href="#" onclick="StopSlideShow();
    <li class="pausebtn"><a href="#" onclick="if
    (gSlideShowOn) StopSlideShow(); else StartSlideShow();"
    title="Play/Pause" id="playLabel">Play</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" onclick="StopSlideShow();
    AdvanceToNextImage();" title="Next">Next</a></li>
    <div id="thumbnails" spry:region="dsPhotos dsGalleries
    <div spry:repeat="dsPhotos"
    '{@thumbwidth}', '{@thumbheight}');"
    <img id="tn{ds_RowID}" alt="thumbnail for {@thumbpath}"
    width="24" height="24" style="left: 0px; right: 0px;" />
    <p class="ClearAll"></p>
    <div id="picture">
    <div id="mainImageOutline" style="width: 0px; height:
    0px;"><img id="mainImage" alt="main image" /></div>
    <p class="clear"></p>
    Fixed reference version:
    var dsGalleries = new
    var dsGallery = new
    var dsPhotos = new
    Supporting files galleries.xml and Egyptphotos.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <gallery base="Graphics/galleries/egypt/"
    <photographer>Don Booth</photographer>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
    <security><![CDATA[]]> </security>
    ... duplicate China and Paris declarations
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    base = ""
    background = "#FFFFFF"
    banner = "#F0F0F0"
    text = "#000000"
    link = "#0000FF"
    alink = "#FF0000"
    vlink = "#800080"
    date = "1/10/2006">
    <sitename>Egypt Gallery</sitename>
    <photographer>Don Booth</photographer>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
    <security><![CDATA[]]> </security>
    <banner font = "Arial" fontsize = "3" color =
    "#F0F0F0"> </banner>
    <thumbnail base
    ="../../gallery/galleries/egypt/thumbnails/" font = "Arial"
    fontsize = "4" color = "#F0F0F0" border = "0" rows = "3" col =
    "5"> </thumbnail>
    <large base ="../../gallery/galleries/egypt/images/" font
    = "Arial" fontsize = "3" color = "#F0F0F0" border = "0">
    <photos id = "images">
    path = "egypt_01.jpg"
    width = "350"
    height = "262"
    thumbpath = "egypt_01.jpg"
    thumbwidth = "75"
    thumbheight = "56">

    Please delete this posting. I've found the full original
    information in the v1.6 pre-release information and will compare to
    that baseline.

  • Photo Gallery ....disable a previous button once it reaches img zero

    I have made a simple photo gallery that reads from external XML file. The gallery allows the user to see the next image by clicking the next button as well as the previous image by clicking the previous button.
    I need a bit of code that would disable the previous button when its at the first image, and disable the next image once the user is on the last image.
    This is what I have thus far:
    var xmlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("wImgData.xml");
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(xmlRequest);
    var imgData:XML;
    var imageLoader:Loader;
    var rawImage:String;
    var rawH:String;
    var rawW:String;
    var imgNum:Number = 0;
    var checkSec:Timer = new Timer(1);
    var numberOfChildren:Number;
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoadedF);
    next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextImgF);
    prev_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prevImgF);
    master_mc.buttonMode = true;
    function xmlLoadedF(event:Event):void{
        checkSec.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);
        imgData = new XML(;   
    function packagedF():void{
        checkSec.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);
        rawImage = imgData.image[imgNum].imgURL;
        numberOfChildren = imgData.*.length();
        rawW = imgData.image[imgNum].imgW;
        rawH = imgData.image[imgNum].imgH;
        imageLoader = new Loader;
        imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(rawImage));
        imageLoader.x = (stage.stageWidth - Number(rawW)) /2;
        imageLoader.y = (stage.stageHeight - Number(rawH)) /2;
    function checkerF(event:TimerEvent):void{
        if(imgNum == 0){
        }else if(imgNum < numberOfChildren){
            imgNum = 0;
    function nextImgF(event:MouseEvent):void{
        checkSec.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);
    function prevImgF (event:MouseEvent):void{
        checkSec.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);

    All you need to do is remove the listeners in the event handlers for the buttons. I'll use previous as an example.
    function prevImgF (event:MouseEvent):void{
        checkSec.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkerF);
         if(imgNum == 0){
              //at first
              prev_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prevImgF);
    You'd do the same to the next button's listener when the imgNum == the number of images. You'll also need to add the previous listener back to the button when they press next.

  • Need Expertise on Custom Photo Gallery Template

    Hello there - this question isn't really just Mac specific, but I don't see a forum that will post to ALL Photoshop users.
    I'm in need of some help customizing a Photo Web Gallery in Photoshop. I've done one entirely without tables, using my own CSS to style it. My thumbnail page would be similar to the coding for the index page of the Lightbox styled gallery in this tutorial:
    However, my problem is that even though my design doesn't use tables, when I'm in the automation dialogue in Photoshop, it still shows the table row and column parameters - greyed out - from the last time a table-based gallery template was used. And Photoshop is using this info to decide how many thumbnails to put on the gallery index page. It simply multiplies the row * column to limit the number of thumbnails on that first page. Very odd and not very nice looking, as it won't finish a row this way.
    I notice the Lightbox styled gallery template does away with the table for the thumbnails as well. How, then can I gain control over showing "X" number of images per thumbnail page? Say I have a gallery of 40 images - how can I show 20, max, per page? Or 10? Or whatever needs to be specified to suit the number of images in that gallery?
    Also, at runtime, Photoshop is stripping some small but important bits of code out of my customized templates. I've tried to put some HTML elements in to force the "previous next" text below the thumbnails, but it gets stripped out during the generation of the gallery.
    The results can be seen here:
    Notice that the first thumbnails page shows 21 images. That's because the greyed out row, column info in the automate dialogue was 3 rows of 7 columns.
    Is there any way to get to the actual code that Photoshop runs to generate the galleries? Seems like that's where it would be looking for the table info.
    Any thoughts? I'd sure appreciate any info you can give or point me to someone who has done a pure CSS automated Photoshop gallery.
    Christopher Akins
    Web Coordinator
    City of Springfield, MO

    Thanks Curt, In fact I think I have found the files under
    user\Application Data\Adobe\Bridge CS5\Adobe Output Module\MediaGallery\
    I got there as a result of your suggestion and although I didn't find /roaming/ I did find the following directories
    So I am guessing these contain the files I need to work with.  Some of the files are json files which is a bit new to me but I think there is a fair bit of resource around about it.
    Regards, Les

  • Problem with mutiple photo gallery...

    I'm new to As3.0 (i'm a designer...) but I need to create a photo gallery, So I found a Tutorial On
    I'm using a code that works perfectly, and modified it (copy and paste it) to have 2 SAME photo gallery (using different images) displayed on the page.
    So I'm using a 2 thumbnails (one for each Gallery) and by scrolling on the X axis of each thumbnail you can see the differnet images availaible in the gallery. By clicking it displays the full size image in a container.
    So far so good.
    The problem is that when going form one gallery to another, the first viewed gallery doesnt allow the other gallery main size image to display simply because it is underneath it... Like if it was a layer under another  top layer...
    I would like to know if there is a way to make each gallery unload their full size image when clicking on the other gallery.
    var xml:XML;
    var xmlList:XMLList;
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var container:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var imageLoader:Loader;
    var fullLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var frontIndex:int = 0;;
    var containerMask:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var segment:Number;
    container.x = 115;
    container.y = -185;
    fullLoader.x = 275;
    fullLoader.y = -185;
    container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, changeThumb);
    container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showPic);
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("data/images.xml"));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    function mcunload1(event:MouseEvent):void
    fullLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlList[frontIndex].attribute("full")));
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
    xml = XML(;
    xmlList = xml.children();
    for(var i:int = 0; i < xmlList.length(); i++)
    imageLoader = new Loader();
    imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlList[i].attribute("thumb")));
    function changeThumb(event:MouseEvent):void
    segment = container.width / container.numChildren;
    frontIndex = Math.floor(container.mouseX / segment);
    if(frontIndex <= container.numChildren - 1)
    for(var j:int = 0; j < container.numChildren; j++)
    container.getChildAt(j).visible = false;
    container.getChildAt(frontIndex).visible = true;
    function showPic(event:MouseEvent):void
    fullLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlList[frontIndex].attribute("full")));
    container.filters = [new DropShadowFilter()];
    var xml2:XML;
    var xmlList2:XMLList;
    var xmlLoader2:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var container2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var imageLoader2:Loader;
    var fullLoader2:Loader = new Loader();
    var frontIndex2:int = 0;;
    var containerMask2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var segment2:Number;
    container2.x = 115;
    container2.y = -80;
    fullLoader2.x = 275;
    fullLoader2.y = -185;
    container2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, changeThumb2);
    container2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showPic2);
    xmlLoader2.load(new URLRequest("data/images2.xml"));
    xmlLoader2.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded2);
    function mcunload(event:MouseEvent):void
    fullLoader2.load(new URLRequest(xmlList2[frontIndex2].attribute("full")));
    function xmlLoaded2(event:Event):void
    xml2 = XML(;
    xmlList2 = xml2.children();
    for(var i:int = 0; i < xmlList2.length(); i++)
    imageLoader2 = new Loader();
    imageLoader2.load(new URLRequest(xmlList2[i].attribute("thumb")));
    function changeThumb2(event:MouseEvent):void
    segment = container2.width / container2.numChildren;
    frontIndex2 = Math.floor(container2.mouseX / segment);
    if(frontIndex2 <= container2.numChildren - 1)
    for(var j:int = 0; j < container2.numChildren; j++)
    container2.getChildAt(j).visible = false;
    container2.getChildAt(frontIndex2).visible = true;
    function showPic2(event:MouseEvent):void
    fullLoader2.load(new URLRequest(xmlList2[frontIndex2].attribute("full")));
    container2.filters = [new DropShadowFilter()];

    This is just a quick guess.  Whenever you call...  fullLoader.unload();  also call fullLoader2.unload(); and vice versa.

  • Photo gallery with buttons and php.

    I am relatively new to actions script, very new to as3, and brand new to php. I have tried very hard to figure all of this out via tutorials, studying the code, etc but now I'm running out of time to get this done so I need some help.
    I am trying to make a photo gallery that functions as follows:
    -the php gathers all of the filenames from a folder and returns it to flash
    -an array of buttons is loaded onto the stage (one for each photo)
    -flash then loads the first image into a movie clip.
    -when the user clicks on button[i], image[i] loads in the movie clip.
    -i also plan to incorporate what might happen if the number of photos exceeds the number of buttons that can fit nicely on the stage, like an arrow to go to another set of buttons. I haven't tried coding this yet since I was just trying to get the thing to work in general first. If anyone has ideas about this, let me know.
    Please don't make fun of me too much. I know it's probably a mess.
    Thank you so much in advance for your help.
    Here's the php:
    Author:      Adam Ehrheart
    Date:      4.21.08
    #   Use "." if the get_files.php file resides in the same directory as files being read
    #   Otherwise you can change the path to whatever you like
    #   eg:
    #   Same Directory:
    #   $path = ".";
    #   Other Directory
    #   $path = "products/images/"
    $path = "Photography/";
    #   Choosing what directory to read
    if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
       #   Temporary array to hold image files
       $imageFiles = array();
       #   Creating loop and assigning current file to $file temp variable
       while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
          #   Checking wheter or not the file is invisible and starts with a "."
          $fileCheck = substr($file, 0, 1);
          #   Checking to make sure the files is either a (jpg, JPG, png, PNG)
          $fileType = substr($file, -3);
          #   Making sure file is not invisible
          if($fileCheck != ".")
             #   Making sure file is readable and dynamically loadable by Flash
             if($fileType == "jpg" || $fileType == "JPG" || $fileType == "png" || $fileType == "PNG")
                #   Adding File to the image array
                if($path != "."){
                array_push($imageFiles, $path . $file);
                   array_push($imageFiles, $file);
          #   Sorting the files alphabetically
       #    Creating XML File output to be read by Flash
       echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
       #   Root Node
       echo "<image_list>";
       #   Creating child nodes for each image
       foreach($imageFiles as $value)
          #   Pulling the Width and Height values for each file and adding them as attributes for the image node
          list($width, $height) = getimagesize($value);
          #   Creating the image node
          echo "<image width=\"$width\"" . " height=\"$height\">" . $value . "</image>";  
       echo "</image_list>";
       #   Closing the readdir function
    And here's the as3:
    //php photo section
    //load the php file
    var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Photography.php");
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    //define images variable as an xml file
    var images:XML = new XML();
    images.ignoreWhite = true;
    images.addEventListener ('load', myLoader);
    //define the images variable as an xml as the php file result = images;
    //outputting the filenames
    function onLoaded(evt:Event):void {
      trace("here we get the data back: ";
    //when the data is loaded, begin myRequest
    myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
    //array to call the images
    var imageArray:Array //= NewArray();
    var listLength:Number;
    var il:XMLList =  //xml.images;
    var i:Number
    var photo_btn:Array = new Array();
    for (i = 0; i < listLength; i++); {
    imageArray[i] = il[i].pic //xml.images[i].pic;
    if (photo_btn[i].mouseDown == true) {
    if (i == 0)  {
    photo_btn[i].y = 422.7;
    photo_btn[i].x = 411.5
    else if (i > 0 && i < 24); {
    photo_btn[i].y = 422.7;
    photo_btn[i].x = (photo_btn[i-1].x + 18.6);
    if (i > 24 && i < listLength); {
    photo_btn[i].y = 442.7;
    photo_btn[i].x = (photo_btn[i-1].x + 18.6);

    As for AS3 part of it, I am not sure your code really works. There are syntax and logical errors there.
    I think you need to take it step by step and accomplish several task in the following sequences:
    1. Write code that loads XML correctly;
    2. Write code that enables buttons;
    3. Write code that will load images on button clicks.
    The code below shows in principal what needs to be done in order to load XML and make the data in this XML available for further consumption. Also, by accomplishing this step you will iron out all the PHP vs Flash wrinkles including your XML.
    Please note, I don't know your XML structure so all the parsing issues you need to resolve yourself.
    Once you get handle on it - we, hopefully, will talk about steps 2 and 3.
    import flash.display.Loader;
    var images:XML;
    var myRequest:URLRequest;
    var myLoader:URLLoader;
    // list of image urls that will come from loaded XML
    var imageList:XMLList;
    myRequest = new URLRequest("Photography.php");
    myLoader = new URLLoader();
    myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
    // suggested handler for unexpected errors - avoids some headaches
    myLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
    // Note: all the listeners are removed
    // it is always wise to remove listeners that are needed any longer
    // to make objects eligible for arbage collection
    function onLoadError(e:IOErrorEvent):void
         myLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
         myLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
    function onFileLoaded(e:Event):void
         myLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
         myLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
         images = new XML(;
         // only now xml is ready and you can start loading images
         imageList= images.pic;

  • Photo gallery works when when hosted on web, but not local viewing in IE6

    Hello all,
    I'm using iWeb to write a report. The deliverable will be viewed on IE6. (Disgusting!) I tried pointing it to http://local.ip.addr/website/ and it worked great (after enabling the active x plugins). Later to test the deliverable I put the files on a flash drive and it doesn't load the pictures when I view it this way!
    Does anyone know why this might be happening?
    Thanks in advance!

    Maybe you can substitute a different photo gallery in your site for the one that iWeb creates. There are a number of java based ones that might work better in IE6.
    You could give these a try and see if they are any more compatible:
    SimpleViewer and Flash Album Exporter
    Flash Album Exporter Postcard and AutoViewer Slideshow Themes
    Jalbum Examples - there are over 100 skins/themes available: Jalbum Skins.
    Also you might find some of tips in Roddy's How to get your iWeb Site to load in Internet Explorer page to be of some help.

  • IWeb photo gallery not working!

    Hello everyone! I built my website using iWeb and it has been up and running perfectly for a few months now. But, then I decided to try and update it with photos of artwork. I uploaded all files to my web-host's server, and now the page shows, but not the photo gallery! Any ideas as to what happened? Here is the site & page. My web hosting company is looking at it, but they have yet to discover what the issue is.. Any advice you can provide is most appreciated!

    You are missing a number of files from your website.  You can see which are missing by bringing up the Activity window (Command+Option+A) while viewing the Places page in Safari and looking at the list of files in the window.
    How are you publishing the site?  With iWeb?  If so then try using the File ➙ Publish Entire Site menu option to see if that will force those missing files to be uploaded. 
    If that doesn't work you can publish your site to a folder on your hard drive and use a 3rd party FTP client, like the free  Cyberduck, to upload the site files. If you have to continue to use Cyberduck this tutorial may help: #2 - Uploading Only Those Newly Published or Edited Files When Using a 3rd Party FTP Client.

  • Iweb photo gallery question

    I have created an Iweb photo gallery on my website, and I wish to add links to each individual photo so that when a person clicks for the full view of the photo a link will appear somewhere on the page. I want each link to be specific to each photo. I have tried adding captions and making them links, but they don't work, they're un-clickable. Is there any possible way to do this in Iweb?

    There are a number of ways you could add ecommerce to your site. I'm not familiar with the option but if you do a search for ecommerce in this forum you'll get several topics on the subject. Roddy has some very good information at this site.
    This search result has several topics on the subject: ange=last90days&userID=&numResults=30&rankBy=10001.

  • Creating arrow navigation with a photo gallery

    I am in the process of creating my own phtoography website. I created all the pages in Photoshop, sliced them and am now using dreamweaver to add interactivity.
    The class I took showed us how to make remote rollover images with small thumbnails that you can rollover that make the large version of the image appear on the same page.
    I have decided not to do that but instead use arrows and the number of the photo in the series as the navigation.
    Now that I am actually creating the page in DW I am realizing I don't really know how to do what I want...and can't figure out how to word a question to google an answer.
    This is a photo of part of my page...
    I want the user to be able to hit the arrow on the left or right and cycle through the images.
    Hit the left arrow and it goes to image 9/10 [image 9 of 10 images in the series], also the numbers in the center would change.
    Hit the right arrow and it goes back to image 1/10.
    I am hoping this is possible. Any help or links to tutorials on this would be GREATLY appreciated!

    Welcome Alex  -
    Any picture you display on your site can be saved to the visitor's computer.
    If you ZIP each gallery, a simple link to the zipped archive will offer the visitor
    an option to save to their computer.

  • Help needed for photo gallery

    I downloaded a applet for a rotating flash photo gallery.
    However, I can't see any instructions for how to modify the
    actionscript...There are a few comments, but they dont seem to be
    Here is the script a part of the gallery:
    // prototype function for fixing the scaling and position of
    movieclip.prototype.do_me = function () {
    var w = 540;
    var h = 400;
    var k = this._width / this._height;
    if (k > 1.35) {
    this._width = 540;
    this._yscale = this._xscale;
    } else {
    this._height = 400;
    this._xscale = this._yscale;
    var ap="{parameterstorage}";
    var ts="{timestamp}";
    var panel=parseInt("{panel}",10);
    var radius=parseInt("{radius}",10);
    var ysens=parseInt("{ysens}",10);
    var xsens=parseInt("{xsens}",10);
    var mousespeed=parseInt("{mousespeed}",10);
    var minspeed=parseInt("{minspeed}",10);
    var breakfactor=parseInt("{breakfactor}",10);
    var zoomtime=parseInt("{zoomtime}",10);
    var zoomamount=parseInt("{zoomamount}",10);
    var sbg = parseInt("{sbg}",10);
    var square = parseInt("{square}",10);
    var urls="{urls}";
    var target="{target}";
    var cmode = parseInt("{cmode}",10);
    var backgroundcolor=parseInt("{backgroundcolor}");
    var bgi="{backgroundimage}";
    var width=parseInt("{width}",10);
    var height=parseInt("{height}",10);
    var maxitems=parseInt("{maxitems}",10);
    var ts=-1;
    var maxitems=5;
    var panel=22;
    var radius=250;
    var ysens=100;
    var xsens=10;
    var mousespeed=60;
    if (minspeed<=0) {
    if (Math.abs(breakfactor)>10) {
    if (zoomtime<0) {
    var zoomamount=2;
    var urls="||||";
    var target="_self";
    var backgroundcolor=0xffffff;
    var width=640;
    var height=480;
    var lm = "{lm}"; var lmxy = "{lmxy}";
    var lm = lm.split("|");
    var lmxy = lmxy.split("|");
    for (i=0; i<lm.length; i++) if (lm
    .length>3) {
    attachMovie("lom", "lm" add i, i+6+maxitems);
    var xy = lmxy.split(",");
    setProperty("lm" add i, _x, xy[0]);
    setProperty("lm" add i, _y, xy[1]);
    eval("lm" add i).loadMovie(lm
    function initApplet() {
    var today=new Date();
    //url's initialisation
    // bgnd activation
    bgndColor=new Color(bgnd);
    if (sbg>0) bgnd._visible = true; else bgnd._visible =
    if (bgi.length>0)
    // duplicating main clip
    for (var a=0;a<maxitems;a++) {
    newarea = "area"+a;
    duplicateMovieClip ("moviearea", newarea, a+5);
    this[newarea].theta = a*360/maxitems;
    this[newarea].panel = panel;
    this[newarea].radius = radius;
    if (square==0) this[newarea].control._alpha=0;
    // moviearea._x = -1000;
    // moviearea._visible = false;
    moviearea.gotoAndPlay (2);
    this._x = (width/2);
    initApplet();// prototype function for fixing the scaling and
    position of images
    movieclip.prototype.do_me = function () {
    var w = 540;
    var h = 400;
    var k = this._width / this._height;
    if (k > 1.35) {
    this._width = 540;
    this._yscale = this._xscale;
    } else {
    this._height = 400;
    this._xscale = this._yscale;
    var ap="{parameterstorage}";
    var ts="{timestamp}";
    var panel=parseInt("{panel}",10);
    var radius=parseInt("{radius}",10);
    var ysens=parseInt("{ysens}",10);
    var xsens=parseInt("{xsens}",10);
    var mousespeed=parseInt("{mousespeed}",10);
    var minspeed=parseInt("{minspeed}",10);
    var breakfactor=parseInt("{breakfactor}",10);
    var zoomtime=parseInt("{zoomtime}",10);
    var zoomamount=parseInt("{zoomamount}",10);
    var sbg = parseInt("{sbg}",10);
    var square = parseInt("{square}",10);
    var urls="{urls}";
    var target="{target}";
    var cmode = parseInt("{cmode}",10);
    var backgroundcolor=parseInt("{backgroundcolor}");
    var bgi="{backgroundimage}";
    var width=parseInt("{width}",10);
    var height=parseInt("{height}",10);
    var maxitems=parseInt("{maxitems}",10);
    var ts=-1;
    var maxitems=5;
    var panel=22;
    var radius=250;
    var ysens=100;
    var xsens=10;
    var mousespeed=60;
    if (minspeed<=0) {
    if (Math.abs(breakfactor)>10) {
    if (zoomtime<0) {
    var zoomamount=2;
    var urls="||||";
    var target="_self";
    var backgroundcolor=0xffffff;
    var width=640;
    var height=480;
    var lm = "{lm}"; var lmxy = "{lmxy}";
    var lm = lm.split("|");
    var lmxy = lmxy.split("|");
    for (i=0; i<lm.length; i++) if (lm.length>3) {
    attachMovie("lom", "lm" add i, i+6+maxitems);
    var xy = lmxy.split(",");
    setProperty("lm" add i, _x, xy[0]);
    setProperty("lm" add i, _y, xy[1]);
    eval("lm" add i).loadMovie(lm);
    function initApplet() {
    var today=new Date();
    //url's initialisation
    // bgnd activation
    bgndColor=new Color(bgnd);
    if (sbg>0) bgnd._visible = true; else bgnd._visible =
    if (bgi.length>0)
    // duplicating main clip
    for (var a=0;a<maxitems;a++) {
    newarea = "area"+a;
    duplicateMovieClip ("moviearea", newarea, a+5);
    this[newarea].theta = a*360/maxitems;
    this[newarea].panel = panel;
    this[newarea].radius = radius;
    if (square==0) this[newarea].control._alpha=0;
    // moviearea._x = -1000;
    // moviearea._visible = false;
    moviearea.gotoAndPlay (2);
    this._x = (width/2);
    sorry for the long post; basically I fairly new to flash and
    not familair with actionscript at all. I figure that most of what
    is need is number signifing the speeds. Which i added by removing
    the curly brackets and adding a number,
    i.e var maxitems=parseInt("10",10);
    but I dont know how to insert my images....I've tried
    various things but i only end up with empty spinning boxes.
    If someone could start me off with where i put the images i
    may be able to complete it myself , but the more help the better
    really as I dont really have a clue and I dont know where to look
    for basic knowledge on actionscript language.
    Thanks alot in advance,

    Have you tried in Acrobat: Tools->Print Production->Convert Color?

  • Web Photo Gallery Descriptions

    I have just started playing with Web Photo Gallery.
    I built one with the Slideshow. I couldn't figure out where the descriptions were supposed to come from, I thought I could enter them in Bridge somewhere, but didn't figure that out.
    So, I opened them up in Dreamweaver and added descriptions to each of the files. Problem is that as the slideshow goes on, only the first description shows up, the rest, the file number changes, but not the description.
    What did I do wrong? What should I do next time?
    PS, if you are curious, here is the slideshow that isn't working:

    You can enter the descriptions using the "File Info" properties for each photo, using Adobe Bridge or Photoshop. I have encountered a similar problem in that my descriptions were not always showing up in the pages generated by the Web Photo Gallery.
    After some investigation, I found that the descriptions were disappearing only for photos that had a Return / Line Break in the description. If you go back and make sure all of your descriptions are a single line, it works fine. This is a bug in the Web Photo Gallery can see it in the Javascript code that it generates for each page.

  • Where do I put the "autoplay" code in my photo gallery?

    I have a photo gallery on I'm trying to add "autoplay" to it.
    I got the gallery from and here is what it says to add, but I can't seem to figure out where exactly to put it in my code to make it work properly. Thanks for any help!
    type: Boolean or Number
    default: false
    If true, this will start playing the slideshow with 5 seconds interval (default). If you set this to any number, f.ex 4000, it will start playing with that interval (in milliseconds)
        autoplay: 7000 // will move forward every 7 seconds

    I got the gallery from
    There's a support forum for that gallery
    here is what it says to add, but I can't seem to figure out where exactly to put it in my code to make it work properly. Thanks for any help!
    type: Boolean or Number
    default: false
    If true, this will start playing the slideshow with 5 seconds interval (default). If you set this to any number, f.ex 4000, it will start playing with that interval (in milliseconds)
        autoplay: 7000 // will move forward every 7 seconds
    Look for similar code in your page
    e.g. line 182
    <!--begin init code for the galleria pics slideshow-->
      autoplay: 7000 // will move forward every 7 seconds
    <!--end init code for the galleria pics slideshow-->

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