My Macbook Air storage is messed up.

I wanted to download the new Itunes to my computer. I didn't have enough storage to, and I noticed that movies were taking up 25 GBS on my computer. I put all of the movies on an external drive and deleted them off my macbook air. I checked my stoage, and it said that I still had 22.53 GBs of movies, even though I deleted all of my movies! I don't know how to fix this.
Any help is appreciated
Also, what is the normal amount of time it takes to update itunes?

First verify that the movies really are not on your internal hard drive. Depending on how you have iTunes configured it's possible that you removed them from your computer put them on the external drive, told iTunes where to find them on the external drive and then had them copy back to the internal drive, oops.
If the movies really are not on your computer any longer than you'll need to attempt to repair the drive. How you'll do this depends upon whether you have Mac OS 10.6 or OS 10.7 or greater. If you have 10.6 restart your computer with the system restore disk and from there select utilities, run disk utility and repair the drive. If you have 10.7 or waiter restart the computer holding the option key and select the recovery partition. There you can run disk utility and attempt to repair the drive.

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    Other refers to everything that doesn't fit in the other categories: system files, data, documents, mail, etc.
    Freeing Up Space on The Hard Drive
      1. See Lion's Storage Display.
      2. You can remove data from your Home folder except for the /Home/Library/ folder.
      3. Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on freeing up space on your hard drive.
      4. Also see Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk.
      5. See Where did my Disk Space go?.
      6. See The Storage Display.
    You must Empty the Trash in order to recover the space they occupied on the hard drive.
    You should consider replacing the drive with a larger one. Check out OWC for drives, tutorials, and toolkits.

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    Move your cursor up to the Apple menu and select About this Mac then select Storage from the options at the top of the dialog box that opens. This Spotlight view will show you how much of the drive is being used to store Applications, Files, Music, etc. Other is something of a catchall group so it doesn't really help.
    One explanation for the "missing" space is Backups. If you are using TimeMachine the computer will make backups to the internal drive whenever it isn't connected to the TimeMachine drive. This 'missing' space really isn't missing because if you really need it the computer will automatically delete the internal backups to free it up for you.
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    It's all the other files on your drive that cannot be classified into the other categories.
    Freeing Up Space on The Hard Drive
    See Lion's Storage Display.
    You can remove data from your Home folder except for the /Home/Library/ folder.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on freeing up space on your hard drive.
    Also see Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk.
    See Where did my Disk Space go?.
    See The Storage Display.
    You must Empty the Trash in order to recover the space they occupied on the hard drive.
    You should consider replacing the drive with a larger one. Check out OWC for drives, tutorials, and toolkits.

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    Winston Churchill wrote:
    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    iCloud can't be used for storage in that way. I believe sugarsync allows you to keep files online without having to have them on your hard drive.
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    Sure.  You can purchase a USB drive.
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    sebek104 wrote:
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    There is no 500GB iCloud storage plan, 20, 200 or 1000 are the available plans.
    What did you actually buy?

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    If you are using "Restore from Time Machine Backup" option from OS X Recovery, you can only choose from the broad categories presented.
    ... Can I also use my time machine backup as external storage as well for the files I don't need everyday?
    To be clear, if you are asking if you can use the volume containing your Time Machine backup to store additional, non-Time Machine files, the short answer is yes.
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    The easy solution for what you describe is to purchase additional external storage. External USB hard disk drives have become very inexpensive; about $55 will buy a perfectly suitable 1 TB drive.
    You can also choose to replace your MacBook Air's internal storage with a larger capacity one. Look for a suitable replacement from OWC / MacSales:
    That gets a little more expensive but it is the optimum solution.

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    If you move live files (files you don't want to lose) to an external drive, you need to back them up.  Any files not backed up are at risk of loss.  Hard drives and SSDs can fail at any time.  It is hard to backup a Time Capsule so a TC should be used only as a backup device.
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    By default, Time Machine will not backup the external disk.  You need to remove it from the exclusions list:
    To have Time Machine backup your system disk and your external offload disk up onto your Time Machine disk:
     > System Preferences > Time Machine > Options… > Remove the offload HD name from the exclusions list.

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    Who can help me out the this Catch-22?  I thought about first updating to OS 10.8, but apparently that is no longer available?

    Hi CursedIn,
    If the Firmware update required for Mavericks requires 10.7.5 to install, you may be able to download it directly from the following link:
    OS X Lion Update 10.7.5 (Client Combo)
    - Brenden

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    Any thoughts or suggestions??

    An 8gb iPod can hold (give or take) about 2000 songs. So 5000 songs is about 16gb (give or take). Round it up to 20 to be on the ultra safe side combined with the 40gbs and we're talking 60gb.
    That's more then enough room, really. It's surprising how little room things take up now--music, mail, documents, photos (I've got tons of photos), these really don't take up much space at all. Videos and games and big programs that deal with videos, games or heavy photoshopping is what you have to watch out for--these tend to take up a lot of space. Which is to say, if it doesn't look like you're going to be putting a lot of videos or games or heavy-duty programs on your computer in the future, then 128gb should be just fine.
    I got the 128 11" Air about six or more months ago, started off using half the storage, and I'm only a little over half now. But all I put on it is documents, a new song now and then, a few photos. Most of the storage space is taken up by the programs I need which are writing programs and such--like Microsoft Office. And these are fairly modest in their demands. You don't say what work you'll be doing on this computer, but if it's a matter of doing numbers or creating documents and such, then don't be afraid to go for the 128gb.

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    1. Yes, you can.
    2. You only need to have it plugged in when you're accessing data on it.

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