My new powerbook 17" resolution - comments please?

I've just started using my new powerbook 17" running it at 1680 x 1050 which is great, much more detail but only one snag, I design sites and am worried about how I view a site as I'm designing it as it's obvious it's smaller in proportion on screen.
Has anyone else any comments? I've tried flicking to 1440 x 900 which doesn't seem to exist anymore, only 1440 x 852 and this is really blurred compared to me old powerbook here in my office.
I'll definately get used to it I know but how about when I design sites for others.
know what I mean?

If you use an LCD display in a resolution lower than the maximum resolution, you will have a blurred (not sharp) image.
On an LCD, the image is only rasor sharp when you use the natural resolution (that is the maximum resolution) of that specific LCD = 1680 x 1050 on the 17" PB.
The program "Art Direcor Toolkit" (included with your PowerBook) can display transparent rulers on your screen. The rulers can be in pixels. You can use it to resize your browser windows.
"Web Developper" is an extension for Firefox and Mozilla with which you can resize the browser window to predefined sizes.
Best regards,

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    threeofakind wrote:
    I am preparing to migrate my old Powerbook generated Time Machine backup (not Leopard) to my new powerbook with Leopard.
    Please clarify. If that old PowerBook isn't running Leopard, then it must be running a version of Mac OS X older than Leopard, which suggests that it doesn't have Time Machine and couldn't have created a Time Machine backup.

  • My experience with Tiger/new Powerbook 15", 1.67 ghz

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    Well, that hasn't been the case in my experience.
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    - install DVD #1 arrives. It is defective.
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    - I repair a gazillion permissions. (funny how when you install the system software the permissions then need to be repaired. You would think the system would know to set the permissions correctly upon installation.
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    - keyboard problem #8
    - keyboard problem #9
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    -keyboard problem #10
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    - the fan comes on with only my normal apps running (Eudora, Firefox, Yahoo IM)
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    The problems that are still recurring are the keyboard problem, applications still sometimes crash "unexpectedly" even though I am quitting them, the file sizes are not right the first time around in finder list view windows. Most everything else was cured by the archive and install. Little weirdnesses still crop up though. I am not sure if the echo problem has been fixed. (Mac OS) Help is still slow to appear.
    Thanks for bearing with me. I do hope things get smoother in the future. I have been using Macs for about 10 years now, starting with a used SE and 7.something, going to a refurbished LC 580 and 7.5.5, a new Powerbook Firewire and 9.2.2. I have also used 10.3.9 which seemed to be a lot more stable than 10.4.
    John L

    If it was me I would backup to DVD/ External HD if you have and erase / reinstall OSX.
    Update all and once you are finished without the user folder / any of your files on torture the Pbook to see if this happens again.
    This likely will be able to give you an idea about hardware or software problems.
    If all is well , likely not then copy "COPY" over from the backup you "ONLY COPY" documents, music, Photo's, desktop stuff and also place programs back in Applications folder.
    The reason for the above is that in the /user/"you"/library folder it stores the settings for Icon's, prefferences to programs and some other useless stuff + E-mails for either Mac Mail and or Microrubish Entorture "entourage" depending on what you have or used also Itunes prefs.
    Once this is copied leave the "/user/you/library" stuff alone and see how it runs.
    App's/programs will ask to have it's preferences set again as if /when you have installed it for the first time.
    Likely most of the issues if software was in the/becuase of the settings in "/user/you/library".
    If this solves a lot of problems the go with care and copy the "E-MAIL +/OR ENTORUTE/ENTOURAGE + ITUNES" to the same place as where they came from but obviously in /user/you/library/ subfolders etc. same subfolders.
    For Entorture search for a file called "database" as this holds all the e-mail for entourage and by copying it, when you next open Entorture it will pick-up all emails + adresses etc like it was never moved also in the same spot as it was in the new instalation / subfolders etc..
    If all this fails and you as close to what I reccomended here, there is then still some issues then likely it is hardware related.
    How do I know this : Had for 5 times in 365 days had my Pbook in for repair so I have had to about 120+ times had to reinstall OSX 10.3.9 and/or Tiger.
    I hope this helps as for hardware I am buying Alienware or Extreme as they can upgrade the cpuvideobasically all else except the motherboard " amd opteron 64 dualcore + Nvidia fx quadro 1400 + 1 or 2 hd's + 1/2 dvd's etc. etc. $2500"

  • Migrating from older macs to a new powerbook G4

    I've got one of the new powerbooks ordered and on the way, and I'm very excited about it -- improved resolution, all that screen space, tons of RAM, 1.67 mghz -- YAHOO.
    But I'm also dreading the moving part. Right now I've got a desktop G4 desktop imac and a G4 ibook as well. I'll be selling both of these, after everything has been transferred off of them onto the new machine.
    Does anybody know of a to-do list for this kind of migration? Fonts, keychains, preferences, not to mention applications and documents... I'm worried I'm going to do something in the wrong order or forget something.
    Any hints or links much appreciated.

    All new Macs sold include the Migration Assistant, which can transfer over most of your data from an older Mac to a newer Mac. If the fonts aren't transferred over automatically, you can put either machine in FireWire Target Disk mode by holding down the T key at startup, and then drag them to the folder /Library/Fonts/ on the PowerBook's hard disk to migrate them.

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    I began to have this problem yesterday and fixed it by restarting, but today restarting did not work.
    Please help, this is making me sad. Thanks!
    Powerbook G4 15"   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Okay, so a permissions repair + restart seems to have solved the problem for now. We shall see...

  • Warped / bent brand new PowerBook?

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    Before I call Apple, has anyone heard of this before?
    It's a 15" G4 PowerBook.

    John: Your Powerbook has hardware problems: at the least, a warped case and a dead (and perhaps unrechargeable) or disconnected internal backup battery. You haven't identified your Powerbook G4 model (there have been at least seven PB G4 15" generations, each different from the last), so no one can advise you on replacing the internal battery yourself, now that you've let your warranty lapse or are unwilling to use it. The warped case may also have led to poor or intermittent connections inside that produce some of your other problems in using the computer, notably the lack of wireless functioning.
    You also have software problems, which may include a fundamentally faulty installation of the OS caused by your hardware problems. Without fixing the hardware problems, you are unlikely to be able to fix the software problems, or your faulty hardware will cause them to recur. Getting the hardware fixed is step one. Part of what you paid for is a warranty. Use it, if it isn't too late now.
    If you bought a new car, and every time you turned left, the right front wheel fell off, would you simply put the wheel back on each time for a year, refuse to take it back to the dealer for warranty repair, and instead look for volunteers to advise you on how to proceed? Your situation with the Powerbook is exactly analogous. Compared to the time you've spent suffering with a problematical PB, how much time would it have taken to get it fixed?
    I can't speak to how, or how well, Apple's education channel for sales or its service network operates in Britain. In the USA, AppleCare turnaround time for a Powerbook warranty repair averages under a week, door to door. It has often been reported here by delighted and astonished beneficiaries as three or four days, including shipping both ways.
    There is, as you say, a culture that prefaces its "helpful" suggestions with "Hey Dude..." Apple doesn't have a monopoly on it, but it has its exponents on these boards as it does everywhere else. When you see comments here that are semiliterate, incoherent, disorganized or flippant, ignore them, as you would elsewhere. No one is excluded from contributing here by reason of being immature, foolish, misinformed, insane or merely mistaken. You must discriminate between the wheat and the chaff, as you would anywhere else.
    Finally, what I was saying about the people who post here is that happy customers usually don't visit tech support forums seeking help with problems. You won't generally see the people here whose Powerbooks work perfectly, except those who donate time to help others. My two-year-old Powerbook (my fourth, and the thirteenth Mac in my household in not quite 21 years) works well, and I've never needed a warranty repair on a Mac in all that time.

  • New powerbook display

    I just got a new pb 17 with the higher resolution--but i find it is hard to see--when i down size the resolution i loose some screen--i think i already know the answer here but any suggestions--images are good but reading print is tough

    Well, it just goes to show that higher DPI (dots per inch) screens are not for everyone. Recently Apple had more or less standardized on 100 DPI screens for both their notebook and desktop computers. The new PowerBooks break out of this mold and jump up over 110 DPI. I guess they felt the need to do this owing to PC laptop competion and also felt justified based on the assumption that users work closer to notebook screens than their desktop screens. But older people, in particular, who have dwindling eye sight may not feel as comfortable with this new, hi-res screens. Caveat emptor. Maybe you can take it back and get an older PowerBook with the lower res screen.

  • New PowerBook with strange Machine Name and Model??

    I just purchased the new Higher Res screen G4 15" and noticed that the Machine Name and Machine Model are different than the earlier models. Here's what I have on my new PowerBook...
    Machine Name: Mac
    Machine Model: PowerBook5,8
    Why the "5,8" after PowerBook??
    (The previous PowerBook G4 models had the following names... Machine Name: PowerBook G4, Machine Model: Powerbook)

    Here you go:
    Hardware Overview:
    Machine Name:     PowerBook G4 15"
    Machine Model:     PowerBook5,6
    CPU Type:     PowerPC G4 (1.2)
    Number Of CPUs:     1
    CPU Speed:     1.67 GHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU):     512 KB
    Memory:     1 GB
    Bus Speed:     167 MHz
    Boot ROM Version:     4.9.1f1
    ATA Bus:
    Capacity:     74.53 GB
    Model:     FUJITSU MHT2080AH
    Revision:     81EC
    Serial Number:     xxxxxxx
    Removable Media:     No
    Detachable Drive:     No
    BSD Name:     disk0
    Protocol:     ATA
    Unit Number:     0
    Socket Type:     Internal
    OS9 Drivers:     No
    S.M.A.R.T. status:     Verified
    ATI Mobility Radeon 9700:
    Chipset Model:     ATY,RV360M11
    Type:     Display
    Bus:     AGP
    VRAM (Total):     64 MB
    Vendor:     ATI (0x1002)
    Device ID:     0x4e50
    Revision ID:     0x0000
    ROM Revision:     113-xxxxx-145
    Color LCD:
    Display Type:     LCD
    Resolution:     1280 x 854
    Depth:     32-bit Color
    Built-In:     Yes
    Core Image:     Supported
    Main Display:     Yes
    Mirror:     Off
    Online:     Yes
    Quartz 2D Extreme:     Supported
    Quartz Extreme:     Supported

  • Horizontal lines on new PowerBook display

    Here is my experience with the new PowerBook display/horizontal lines issue. Please post any constructive advice you have that I can try - either to eliminate the problem or to pinpoint the cause more accurately.
    I used to own a 15" Powerbook from about 12 months ago, a 1.33GHz model. The display on this was fine. Much better, in terms of brightness and clarity, than my other HP & Dell Windows laptops. When the PowerBook was stolen, one of the main reasons for immediately buying a new replacement PowerBook was the superior display quality.
    At the start of November the replacement PowerBook arrived - a 15" hi-res 1.67GHz model. The faint grey horizontal lines covering the whole display were immediately visible. The display is substandard compared to both the previous PowerBook model and my Dell laptop.
    Apple Care telephone helpline suggested an NVRAM reset and a PMU reset. Neither of these made any difference.
    The PowerBook was then sent back for replacement and a week or so later the new replacement arrived. This also had exactly the same problems.
    Apple Care helpline this time said that they could not find any problems with the PowerBook and I should first try the PowerBook connected to an external monitor and secondly take it to an Apple Dealer to show the problem.
    I tried it on an external monitor, but unfortunately this is only an old Nokia 15" CRT monitor and though the lines appeared to not be there, the quality of the monitor makes the result inconclusive.
    Next up, I will take the PowerBook to the Apple Store. At the same time I have copied "Aqua Blue.bmp" onto my Dell laptop. With the two laptops side by side showing the same image, the defect in the PowerBook display is clearly visible. I hope to be able to take both machines to the Apple Store later this week. I will let the forum know the results...
    So, are there any other tips/advice from users as to other tests I can run or other methods to improve the issue?
    Many thanks!
    It seems obvious, but please don't contravene the Terms of Use for this forum. If you want to complain to Apple, please do it elsewhere - locked posts will get us nowhere

    I don't know what let you think that you will eventually receive an AluBook without stripe : Apple Care let you think that ???????.
    I have been reading the stripes topics each day since I ordered my new powerbook, late october. I did not see one single post proving that a "free line" 15" powerbook does exist.
    The real evidence would come from someone describing the difference between a "non affected" new powerbook sitting besides an affected one, coming from the same PB generation and with exactely the same LCD profile and screen / Colorsync settings.
    I did not see a single story like that among the hundred(s) of posts related to horizontal lines.
    I have read one post stating that the screen is "crystal clear" and "sharp". The one I received today could be described like that, but it displays those lines, except from the 8 or 10 upper rows of pixels on the menu bar.
    The pb15_problems.png file is a very interesting one to me, as it demonstrates that the lines could clearly be attenuated using a single filter without compromising the sharpness/Brightness of the image.
    If I compare side by side my 3months old previous generation powerbook and the new one, I must say that (except for the stripes) there is not much difference in daylight in terms of brightness but a perceptible better brightness in the complete darkness.
    Well, if someone could prove that some of the new powerbook do not display this "feature", this would certainly push me to return mine. But, seeing how it is difficult to get this organized, I may not want an exchange but a refund, or an upgrade for a 17".
    Please tell us quick if you win this battle.
    AluBook 1.5 Ghz, G5 DP 1.8Ghz , G4 400   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   airport express, iPod 3 & video

  • I try to open iphoto and it comes up with You have made changes to your photo library using a newer version of iPhoto. Please quit and use the latest version of iPhoto. I have downloaded photo manager and it's telling me to update but it wont update...

    I try to open iphoto and it comes up with You have made changes to your photo library using a newer version of iPhoto. Please quit and use the latest version of iPhoto. I have downloaded photo manager and it's telling me to update but it wont update...

    iPhoto is Apple's included program to manage your photo's and pictures.
    It receives updates over time with Software updates and new machine or iLife purchases.
    When iPhoto gets updated or a newer version is used, it may alter iPhoto support files, but newer iPhoto versions usually always compatible with older files which it then updates.
    If you used a newer iPhoto on your iPhoto support files, then they got altered to the newer format, older iPhoto versions can't read the older format.
    Somewhere along the line you somehow got a older version of iPhoto on your computer, you need to fine the newer version of iPhoto (not this photo manager, sounds like another program)
    Or somewhere along the line you used a newer iPhoto version (like on another Mac) and it altered the iPhoto support files on your older version of iPhoto.
    So the key here is to find the newest version of iPhoto and use that to access your iPhoto support files.
    If you didn't access your iPhoto support files from another Mac, then you should have the newer iPhoto version on your computer.
    Once you find it, and get it in the Dock, you should remove the older iPhoto version from your computer to prevent this from happening again.
    Lastly, if the newer version of iPhoto is somehow gone off your computer, you should be able to get a copy off the latest OS X install disk or iLife using a free program called Pacifist.
    Then you need to check for updates for iPhoto in the program itself, the current version is 9.1.2

  • I keep receiving this message "You can't open your current photo library using this version of iPhoto" You have made changes to your photo library using a newer version of iPhoto. Please quit and use the latest version of iPhoto."

    I keep getting this message. What do I do? You have made changes to your photo library using a newer version of iPhoto. Please quit and use the latest version of iPhoto.

  • I want to get iBook, Facebook and Skype to my iphone 4.2.1 through my iTune, but I coudn't because it is said that it requires a newer version of iOS. Please I need your help. Thanks

    I want to get iBook, Facebook and Skype to my iphone 4.2.1 through my iTune, but I coudn't because it is said that it requires a newer version of iOS. Please I need your help. Thanks

    If your iPhone can't be updated to a higher iOS version then the only way to get them is if you downloaded versions of them which were compatible with iOS 4.2.1 and you still have copies of those versions somewhere e.g. on your computer or on a backup - only the current version of each app is available in the store, and as apps (and other content) are tied to the account that downloads them, you will need to have older copies that are linked to your id

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    I get a message "The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes." Please advise what I need to do to get around this issue - at the moment iTunes wont open up!

    Hi did you ever get a solution to this problem? Having the same issue myself!

  • Installed iTunes 64 on Windows 7 (home) HP and received this error message.  The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.  Please help.

    I installed iTunes 64 on a Windows 7 (Home) HP Pavilion and received this error message.  the file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.  Please help! 

    The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes".
    Try the following user tip:
    Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash

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