My outlook stopped working since i downloaded icloud, my outlook stopped working since i downloaded icloud


System Prefernces > Sound > Output
Internal Speakers selected?
"Mute" enabled?  Disable it
Reset PRAM.
If this does not help, try resetting SMC.
Reset SMC.
Choose the method for:
"Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

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    Are you sure that you have the iCloud control panel downloaded and installed?
    You should also check the iCloud add in. Click the File menu. Then click Options in the left panel of the Outlook window. Click Add-Ins in the left panel of the Outlook Options window. Look at the list of add-ins beneath "Active Application Add-Ins" make sure "iTunes Outlook add-in" and "iCloud Outlook Add-in" are selected.
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    Let me know if it work

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    Not enough free space on the startup disk can slow the system down.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure there's a minimum of 15% free disk space.
    For startup issues...  open System Preferences > Users & Groups - Login Items. Delete any apps listed there then restart your mac.
    And disable the Lion "resume" feature.
    Open System Preferences > General
    Deselect:   Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps
    And Spotlight may be indexing... you can turn that off > Turning Off Spotlight | Mac Tricks And Tips

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    As i've posted in this thread:
    I've tried everything others have suggested without any luck.
    Now I'm stuck with a 300 bucks mp3 jalopy.
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    Hey dbwithers,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are experiencing issues with your iPad after attempting to update to iOS 8. To isolate these issues, let’s try placing your iPad in recovery mode and attempting a restore with iTunes:
    If you can't update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Matt M.

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    Dear Dr Mommy,
    Please help us help you. MacBook Pros have been in continuous production since 2006 in dozens of variants. Which do you have? The oldest models that "officially" support Yosemite do not always run it well because their hardware falls into the "just barely" category.
    Is this the slow computer you asked about last April 8 (15-inch Mid 2009; 4GB RAM)? If so, did you follow the suggestions in that thread about removing MacKeeper and some  of the other third-party performance killers that showed up?
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    2) Are you running any "cleaning/tune-up/optimizations" applications?
    3) Any peer-to-peer or torrent downloading software?
    4) Any third-party disk backup software that came bundled with an external hard drive?
    5) Any online backup scheme other than iCloud (Carbonite; GoogleDrive; MS One Drive)?

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