My own name appears 6 times in contacts

I have a brand new Curve 9300 on Orange. For some reason, my own name appears 6 times in my Contacts list. However, I cannot 'open' my name to view or edit or delete the 6 entries. Anyone else had this and any solutions please?

I ended up with no end of contact errors after the shop did the same for me, however by doing so they found that the battery was defunct so good for that but not contacts.
I went on to syng with Outlook 2003 and seperately with gmail. So my contacts were in a mess and I sympathise.
You may have had yourself in as a contact somewhere in the dark past. Since I've been using Outlook, I must have had 10 devices and I have Nokia, Soni Eriksson and Samsung contactsas well. I intend eventually creating one definitive Excel .csv file and using it, but alas, not yet.
The issue is the error message. This might prove helpful
Blackberry Best Advice - Back-up weekly
If I have helped you please check the "Kudos" star on the right >>>>

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    Go to Settings>iCloud>Contacts>On. Toggle the setting on and off and the + sign should come back.

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    I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, they may not work as described.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    ls -@Oden L*/A*/Add* | open -ef
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    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
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    C3= the maximum date of the range
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    try this:
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    open up the hosts file in note pad you will see IP adresses and more add another line and put in this:
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    Try deleting the photo on each of your devices, once you are sure your photo is not attached to your card on any of your devices, re-add it on your Mac.
    You might also check, if you have a user account on more than one Mac, that the picture used in system preferences >users & groups do not contradict each other.
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    I think that the most frustrating part about all of this is that the minute I try to Edit my own picture in Contacts, I add the same picture that in my System Preferences (Users & Groups) and as soon as I press "done", the picture dissapears and becomes blank/white again. To add insult to injury, if I go back to edit my picture in Contacts and choose "recent", there's a blank (white) icon that appears as the latest utilised picture. I'm not 100% sure what that white image is, but I'm sure it has to do with iCloud somehow.
    Please help me, I would actually love to have an icon picture (Like all my other contacts!)
    Le Nerd Canadien.

    and, sorry:
    all non-phone devices are running windows: one is XP, three are windows 7.


    Contact number rather than name just starting appearing on screen when call is received.  Downloaded pictures from phone to computer yesterday.

    The contact in which the photo does appear (along with the contact's name as well) is one that I added myself. I have photos added for many of the people in my Contact List, but neither their photo nor their name appears to me whenever they call or text me.
    I know how to add a photo to a contact's information within my Contact List. I need to know how I can make that photo (or even the contact's name) appear whenever I have an incoming call/text from them. What I am seeing is just their phone number, and I do not know everyone's phone number well enough to recognize from whom I am getting a call/text. It would be much easy if their photo or name appeared instead.
    TYSM for your speedy reply to my query, but the information that you have provided does not solve my issue.

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