My pages or windows have split into 2.

Two websites are showing which is dividing the window causing not full view of either. I want to return the screen to view only one window at a time. Not sure this is Firefox's fault or just something I did.

Opening in the side bar is the default for bookmarks that are created via a link or button on a website.<br />
You can check the Properties of a bookmark via the right-click context menu in the side bar (Ctrl+B; Cmd+B on Mac).<br />
In the Bookmarks Manager (Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks) you can click the More button in the Details pane at the bottom right.<br />
Make sure that "Load this bookmark in the side bar" is not selected.<br />

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    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.<br />
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    Your previous tabs will not re-open or be available to re-open when starting Firefox if:
    *your previous session was in Private Browsing mode; see -->
    *you use Clear Recent History (''Firefox button > History > Clear Recent History'' or ''Tools > Clear Recent History''); see -->
    *you clear History automatically when closing Firefox; see -->
    NOTE: Your third-party Plugins (Add-ons > Plugins) are not in the "Application Basics" (Troubleshooting Information) in the "More system details" of your original post. Third-party Plugins are categorized separately in "Installed Plugins" under "More system details". You should review but not change the Plugins as detected automatically by the software on this forum when posting a question.
    If you problem still exists after checking the above, the problem could be caused by one or more of your Extensions or Plugins:
    *See --> [ Troubleshooting extensions and themes]
    *See --> [ Troubleshooting plugins]
    *See --> [ Basic Troubleshooting]
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''

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    The best way to do what you're asking is with the Composition widget. Start with the Tooltip preset, which, by default shows the info on rollover. You can change the option to show on click, which is what you're after. You can also add the close button or have the info disappear on rollout.

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    Hi, Derek -
    ...the screen splits into 4 areas and open windows seperate and shrink.
    Sounds like Spaces is being activated somehow. With the wired keyboard and mouse in use, select the Exposé & Spaces control pane in System Preferences, click the choice in that pane for Spaces. See what the settings are. There are some activation settings in that pane - by default, F8 activates it.
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    You installed the "DownLite" trojan, perhaps under a different name. Remove it as follows.
    Malware is constantly changing to get around the defenses against it. The instructions in this comment are valid as of now, as far as I know. They won't necessarily be valid in the future. Anyone finding this comment a few days or more after it was posted should look for more recent discussions or start a new one.
    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item named "VSearch" selected. Drag the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password.
    Repeat with each of these lines:
    Restart the computer and empty the Trash. Then delete the following items in the same way:
    /Library/Application Support/VSearch
    Some of these items may be absent, in which case you'll get a message that the file can't be found. Skip that item and go on to the next one.
    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Uninstall any extensions you don't know you need, including any that have the word "Spigot" or "Conduit" in the description. If in doubt, uninstall all extensions. Do the equivalent for the Firefox and Chrome browsers, if you use either of those.
    This trojan is distributed on illegal websites that traffic in pirated movies. If you, or anyone else who uses the computer, visit such sites and follow prompts to install software, you can expect much worse to happen in the future.
    You may be wondering why you didn't get a warning from Gatekeeper about installing software from an unknown developer, as you should have. The reason is that the DownLite developer has a codesigning certificate issued by Apple, which causes Gatekeeper to give the installer a pass. Apple could revoke the certificate, but as of this writing, has not done so, even though it's aware of the problem. This failure of oversight is inexcusable and has compromised both Gatekeeper and the Developer ID program. You can't rely on Gatekeeper alone to protect you from harmful software.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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    It's a bug in Outlook. Each version of Outlook has its own unique bug that prevents it form displaying email that didn't come from another Outlook user. Apple has attempted to dumb-down Mail and make it more complex in order to work around these issues, but Microsoft keeps changing the bugs in each version of Outlook instead of making an Internet Email standard compliant email client.
    Are they able to right-click on the image and save it from the contextual menu?
    Otherwise, make sure Send windows friendly, attachments at end of message are checked and send plain text.
    Or, zip the attachments and send that way.
    There is also a program called Attachment Tamer that many people have found useful.

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    Are we talking about a spread? ie the pdf spans 2 pages side by side? Like in a magazine centrefold.
    That requires you to insert the pdf on both pages, one hanging half over to the right and the other half over to the left.

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    I fixed it!!! Following advice from similar posts, I searched the hard drive for "sessionrestore.js" in my Firefox Profiles folder (you'll need to enable viewing of hidden files in Windows Explorer (Tools > Folder Options > View (then select Hidden files option) then Apply to all folders) to do this). I then shut down Firefox, deleted the file and restarted - my home page was correct and it didn't try to open my old session! Some other posts suggested deleting everything called "sessionrestore" in that folder, but I didn't need to.

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