My polygon tool (U) does not work, I can draw it only until a certain size but I can not draw it bigger.

Hey people,
What can I do? What is the mistake? I have got PScs6 version and dont really know what to do.
Thank you for your help.

Can you show us a screen capture of its size in photoshop? (show us your entire screen) You should be able to make it as large as the document. Any larger would just fill the document with the shapes color since it is too large to see the edges.

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    Is there a key combination you can hold down to make it roundish or square
    or scale it proportionately?
    Please don¹t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
    Thomas Leavens
    Thomas H. Leavens
    Douthit Design Group
    1819 Kane Street
    Houston, Texas 77007-7608
    713 526 2712 x209
    713 520 7978 Fax
    713 816 5953 Cell
    From: Michael Kazlow <[email protected]>
    Reply-To: <[email protected]>
    Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 14:32:10 -0600
    To: Thomas Leavens <[email protected]>
    Subject: Cloud Tool - How does it work?
    The cloud tool works in a similar fashion to a polygon tool. Click to draw
    lines keep clicking until you get back close to the origin. The Cloud will
    close itself and open a comment box for your use.

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    [email protected]
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    browser : all ,

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    Hello Joe,
    Yes, this is the result of a fairly significant change in LabVIEW 8.  LabVIEW now has more than one "sandbox" so-to-speak such that you can have multiple copies of the same VI (or different VIs with the same name) in memory at the same time.  These separate "sandboxes" are referred to as "Application Instances".  VIs launched from the menus run in a different application instance than user VIs do.  Page 11 in the LabVIEW 8 Upgrade Notes, section header "User VIs", discusses in more detail this issue and what you can do to achieve the old behavior.
    Hope this helps!

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    You can reset the warn prefs on the about:config page via the right-click context menu.
    browser.tabs.warnOnClose , see
    browser.warnOnQuit , see
    browser.warnOnRestart , see
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />

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    hope someone can help me
    Best Regards

    yes that's right. Unfortunatly I don't have a Windows PC.
    But like I said, my second MacBook Pro boots from this CD and shows me the firmware updater. My first MacBook with the Intel SSD does not.
    And like in the post here h-os-x-10.8.3/ it should be no problem.
    Are there other ways to boot an ISO file?

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    <u>Initially back up all the profiles,</u> you have they will hopefully contain useful bookmarks files.
    *[[Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles]]
    It may even be possible to repair some files or add bookmarks from other profiles so it is important to backup whatever is available.
    <u>Take CARE with any restore attempts</u> .json files overwrite existing bookmarks so you should always manually backup existing bookmarks before any restore attempt.
    *[[Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer]]
    * HTML may be useful they append
    <u>Multiple Profiles?</u><br />
    The actual full working database is ''places.sqlite'' although other files may be useful. In your case there will be multiple copies of this database, one in each profile.
    * Why the multiple profiles ?
    ** Do you normally deliberately run and use multiple profiles ?
    ** Are these all within the same OS user account ?
    <u>Standard procedures </u>
    If bookmarks have stopped working unexpectedly the database file '''places.sqlite'' may have been corrupted. Finding the profile and deleting, or better still renaming the database will force creation of a new file. You may lose an bookmarks created in the last day that Firefox was open. See
    *[[Can't add, change or save bookmarks - How to fix#w_create-a-new-bookmarks-file]]'''_create-a-new-bookmarks-file'''
    * To find the profile easily <br> Use '''Firefox Button → Help → Troubleshooting Information [open folder](or similar options)''' <br />See [[Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data#w_how-do-i-find-my-profile]]'''_how-do-i-find-my-profile'''
    * Also note [[Recover lost or missing Bookmarks]]
    I presume that you are talking about the one computer and not upgrading the Windows Operating System, just uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox.
    Ordinarily the bookmarks are not removed. Firefox attempts to retain the profile that includes bookmarks in case you decide to reinstall it again.
    If you aggressively remove Firefox and all associated files that you will lose the bookmarks. You may be lucky and find that the bookmarks file has been tracked by Windows and possibly is restorable.
    If you have any current bookmarks save them now as an HTML files by exporting them as HTML. This sort of backup has the advantage that it can be appended to current bookmarks.
    *see [[Export Firefox bookmarks to an HTML file to back up or transfer bookmarks]]
    It is important to note the ordinary backups overwrite and destroy any existing bookmarks when you import them.
    *Do a full backup of bookmarks before you attempt any restore. <br />See [[Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer]]
    The bookmarks themselves are stored within the Firefox profile and the file is called places.sqlite , that is the file you want. (There are also backup bookmarks within a backup folder inside the profile,they may also be useful files.)
    *You can find the profile from<br />Firefox Button -> Help-> Troubleshooting Information -> [Open folder] <br />See [[Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data#w_how-do-i-find-my-profile]]_how-do-i-find-my-profile
    *This explains the Windows feature <br /> Previous versions are available from right click options. Just take care with overwriting files, always back them up first

  • I purchased the upgrade that enables me to convert  a pdf to a word document and after the last upgrade the Tool option does not appear only comments, how do i get the Tool option to return?

    How do i get the tool option to return so that i can convert a PDF to word

    First thing to try: uninstall, then reinstall the latest Reader version.
    If that does not solve the problem, provide some information on your operating system, Reader version, etc.
    B.t.w. did you sign in with Adobe Reader [Preferences | Adobe Online Services]?

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