My recorded audio is not showing up in TASKS/Reference Clip:

Per the HELP file, I can OPEN (or Browse) Soundbooth scores. However, I can not get anything I have recorded, which I want to "Score" to show up in the Reference Clip "drop down" option. It remains greyed-out and not selectable. What am I missing? Thanks!

There are several thousand sound effects, royalty-free, available for immediate download in Resource Central. For Scores, the application ships with several - if you are not seeing several dozen then you may have chosen not to install the additional content or you installed the trial version of Soundbooth. (If you installed the trial, then subsequently purchased it online, you should have received a link to download the additional Scores content in your confirmation e-mail.)
Then, there are a few additional Scores bundles available for purchase through Resource Central. You can preview the Scores through Resource Central, and choosing to purchase a bundle will pop open your browser to the proper Adobe Store page.

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    XSD schema thats I am using
    <schema xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
    <element name="EntityRequest" type="ed:EntityRequestType"/>
    <complexType name="EntityRequestTpe">
    <element name="header" type="ed:HeaderType"/>
    <element name="entityValue" type="xsd:anyType" minOccurs="0"/> *<---* problem area - will not show on Human Task
    <element name="entity" type="string"/>
    <element name="isn" type="integer"/>
    <element name="group" type="string"/>
    <complexType name="HeaderType">
    <element name="error" type="ed:errorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <complexType name="errorType">
    <element name="code" type="string"/>
    <element name="description" type="string"/>
    <element name="source" type="string"/>
    Below is an example of the data mapped to element entityValue
    <entityValue xmlns:ns0="">
    *<Bio:NAME_TITLE xmlns:Bio="">Dr</Bio:NAME_TITLE>*
    *<Bio:NAME_INITIALS xmlns:Bio="">T</Bio:NAME_INITIALS>*
    *<Bio:PREF_FIRST_NAME xmlns:Bio="">test</Bio:PREF_FIRST_NAME>*
    *<Bio:FIRST_NAME xmlns:Bio="">test</Bio:FIRST_NAME>*
    *<Bio:MIDDLE_NAME xmlns:Bio="">test</Bio:MIDDLE_NAME>*
    *<Bio:LAST_NAME xmlns:Bio="">test</Bio:LAST_NAME>*
    *<Bio:COUNTRY xmlns:Bio="">ZAF</Bio:COUNTRY>*
    *<Bio:NATIONAL_ID xmlns:Bio="">123456789</Bio:NATIONAL_ID>*
    *<Bio:MOBILE_PHONE xmlns:Bio="">0123456</Bio:MOBILE_PHONE>*
    *<Bio:SMS_SEND_IND xmlns:Bio="">Y</Bio:SMS_SEND_IND>*
    *<Bio:SEX xmlns:Bio="">M</Bio:SEX>*
    *<Bio:RACE xmlns:Bio="">2</Bio:RACE>*
    *<Bio:BIRTHDATE xmlns:Bio="">1912-12-12</Bio:BIRTHDATE>*
    Edited by: K on Jun 1, 2012 9:59 AM

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    The VU meter is the audio meter (see FCE 4 user manual from page 56). If a clip include any audio, this meter should move when clip is played from browser to viewer.
    The camera audio should be 16 bit 48 kHz. You can use 32 kHz if you select the correct preset in Easy setup dialog box.
    Did you see the link provided earlier for patch panel bay use?
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    Michel Boissonneault

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    The fact that it also fails in iMovie suggests that this is probably not a problem with FCP X.
    That leaves either a hardware failure or a software conflict.
    You can check whether the microphone itself is functional by testing in System Preferences->Sound directly.
    Open the input panel and speak into the microphone. As you speak, you should get some visual feedback like in the picture below. Do you get some bars or does it stay the same all the time?

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    You may not have deleted the dodgy app fully as there are numerous hidden folders.
    Use this free app:-
    Make sure only FCE is selected and click the Remove Selected button at the bottom.

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    For my usage this is a very big isssue... I hope there is a way to fix it.
    Thanks in advice

    I tried for 2 days for all possible configurations, editing: frame rate, quality, resolution. and type of stream (MPEG4 or MJPEG).
    The only case that the recorded audio and video is sync is setting the SMB protocol to autorecord to a NAS.
    But this mode have a lot of problems (.asf  format, large file size and continuos recording without the ability to start and stop the recordings).
    I think that the desync is a bug (a very big bug) of yours activex control  that makes the recording.
    I have find more or less a workaround using the Cisco Client... the program get an error on start (after unintall and install few times, and a lot of test, I understand that the only way to use the Cisco Client is running it as administrator.
    Ok finnaly the cisco program works, but using it I found another problems:
    after recorded, I tried to export a part of recording for testing the audio-video sync... the program gives me 2 format: AVI (without the ability to choose any other options) and ASF (with quality options). I tried first AVI format... the result sucks: bad video quality, 1,8 GB every 20 minutes and audio desync... no comment! ...then I tried the second export format: ASF...thats OK, the result is good... audio finally is syncronized with video.
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    For my usage I can use the Cisco Client but my ideal usage will be recording from browser.
    I think these problems are very serious for a product as is this camera.
    I hope there is a way to resolve they... maybe with a future firmware update or installing an other software.

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    There are three kind of audio tracks, stereo, mono and 5.1. Mono can only be placed in a mono track, stereo only in a stereo track and 5.1 only in a 5.1 track. By default a new sequence has three stereo tracks, so when you enter mono material, a new mono track is created in track 4.
    In your case you probably have 6 audio tracks of one kind and the 'lost' one is another kind of track and that is the reason it ends up in track 7. You can of course delete empty audio tracks, which will cause track 7 to move up.

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    Peace be upon you ^_^
    My team and I developed an android game using flash pro cs6, we published it like two months ago.
    Now,we are fixing the bugs for the next update.
    1 level in the game accesses the microphone to check for input only,doesn't record anything (record audio permission)..
    it just listens for sound to blow up a balloon.It works perfectly on most devices,but some users reported it not working !
    I checked some cases my self, it didn't work on Samsung Note 2,3 running jellybean 4.4.2, some SIII phones and others.
    my phone is SIII (jeallybean 4.3) and it works fine on it ..
    WHY? what could be the problem?
    I suspect it's AIR compatibility problem with some android versions ... :/
    *please note that AIR runtime is embedded inside the app (captive)
    thank you for your help

    Peace be upon you ^_^
    My team and I developed an android game using flash pro cs6, we published it like two months ago.
    Now,we are fixing the bugs for the next update.
    1 level in the game accesses the microphone to check for input only,doesn't record anything (record audio permission)..
    it just listens for sound to blow up a balloon.It works perfectly on most devices,but some users reported it not working !
    I checked some cases my self, it didn't work on Samsung Note 2,3 running jellybean 4.4.2, some SIII phones and others.
    my phone is SIII (jeallybean 4.3) and it works fine on it ..
    WHY? what could be the problem?
    I suspect it's AIR compatibility problem with some android versions ... :/
    *please note that AIR runtime is embedded inside the app (captive)
    thank you for your help

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    2. But, Firefox does not show up in "control-alternate-delete" to bring up Task Master in Windows 7.
    3. There does not seem to be any means to stop Firefox and to re-start Firefox without a complete Re-start of the PC.
    4. The mouse still works and the PC responds but there is no response from Firefox except the message "Firefox is still running..... etc.
    5. How to stop Firefox, shutdown Firefox without a complete reboot/restart?

    Way too complicated to solve the problem of "firefox is already running ....etc." and there must be a more simple solution to this problem which occurs once in awhile.
    It seems to me that Mozilla developers can find a better solution and one that allows control-alternate-delete to fix the problem.
    Otherwise, it is just resort to the old reboot solution.

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    Edited by: user10279592 on Jan 13, 2012 7:20 AM

    If you're getting the Server 500 error and it is not an initiator task, what are you seeing at the bottom of your log file?
    If you're getting the Server 500 error and it's an initiator task, then there is a trick to figuring out the real problem (close the dialog -> refresh the worklist -> select the work item at the bottom of the list). The initiator activity makes it necessary to do this additional step to see what the issue is.
    Hope this helps,

  • Audio book not showing on ipad

    I can not see my audio books on my ipad without searching for them from search ipad. I have synced the ipad with my computer using wireless and cable but nothing shows up in music > more for audio books. I am using the updated 7.0.3. I synced my iphone and they show up. I origanally downloaded the books on my ipad, but I have synced with my computers itune a few times. Any help would be appreciated.

    When you use the search box are you able to then select the audiobooks and play them, and do they show in Settings > General > Usage > Music ?
    Have you tried closing the Music app via the iPad's multitasking bar and seeing if you get the Audiobooks tab at the bottom of the Music app when you re-open the app ? Double-click the home button to open the taskbar, and then swipe or drag the Music app's screen from there up and off the top of the screen to close it, and click the home button to close the taskbar.

Maybe you are looking for