My screen keeps moving

As of recently, whenever I move my mouse (right, left, up or down) the entire screen moves-but in the opposite direction. This has never happened before and is getting quite annoying. About 2 years ago I replaced the mighty mouse with a Logitech one. Please help! I just want to move my mouse without the entire screen moving with it.

Hi there, I think you accidentally hit CMDOption8, do it again, or open System Preferencess>Universal Access>Seeing & turn Zoom OFF.

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    You've inadvertently hit the key combination for screen zoom, probably. Go into System Preferences -> Universal Access and turn off the zoom function.
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    Thanks for the tip. This fixed our problem.
    We had turned Zoom on and it never caused the screen to move around until AFTER I loaded a Firmware update that came out 2 weeks ago.
    Steve Ornat

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    You should take it to an Apple store or an AASP (Authorized Apple Service Provider) Carefully inspect the hinge joint and make sure there is no debris that you can see, you can try carefully sliding some sticky tape thru the joint to clear any loose stuff out. But this sounds like there might be more going on here, and the hinge is something that you do not want to fool with.

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    Your problem is not the same as that of the original poster of this thread, and it can be very confusing for everybody if we try to answer more than one question in each thread.
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