My searches show up in web pages.

I thought I'd set up Firefox for max security from intrusive searches. I keep seeing ads showing up in numerous web pages from searches that I've made. Leading me to believe FF isn't safe any more. My Extensions are; flashblock, adblock, blur, duckduckgo +, https everywhere, what else do I need !!!??? The privacy in FF about not recording my history in FF is irrelavent, I don't want my searches and other actions appearing on websites.
win 8.1, latest FF

I don't know if it took some time, or that the following steps worked:
1. Clear cache and data from Google Play Store app
2. Clear cache and data from Download Manager app
3. Clear cache and data from Google Play Framework
4. Restart the device and download a Google app (Google+ in my case).
Whatever helped, now everything is ok.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    Try the help pages for your favorite search engine. Quotation marks and logical operators might help you structure your query.  You might also try entering your search terms into a TextEdit document before you past them into your search engine, so you can keep track of the queries that are more successful and build on those.
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    Message was edited by: kostby

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    SuperAntispyware - []
    AdAware - []
    Spybot Search & Destroy - []
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