My whole iTunes library is lost! Help!

Hello. After not checking my computer for two days I relaized last night that my iTunes library has been completely deleted - all my playlists, songs (both those songs purchased and my own CD burns) are gone. When opening iTunes, it behaved as if it was newly installed or reset - it had their generic playlists and the 10 free songs they give.
The events leading up to this are as follows: In December, I went to purchase some songs from the iTunes Music Store. Before it would allow me to download the songs, I had to upgrade iTunes. I upgraded, downloaded the songs, restarted the computer... all was fine. No problems for the past month.
Last week, I was downloading some pictures from my digital camera and (thoughtlessly) disconnected the camera from my computer without shutting off the camera first. The camera gave a brief error message (don't remember what it said), but seems to have cleared itself up.
I turn on my computer this weekend for the first time since downloading those few pictures and first thing I notice is that my preferences are gone - the screensaver, background, colors, file organization seems to have defaulted back to factory settings.
After checking that my documents were still there (yes, thank god), I opened iTunes and that is when I found that the whole program seems to have defaulted back to its generic settings.
What happened!? I thought iTunes may have been affected when I disconnected my digital camera prematurely, but after reading some of the current discussions, could this have been a result (albeit with a one-month delay) of the new iTunes upgrade?
FYI - I did run a file search for all music files on my computer and nothing was found except for the 10 free iTunes songs and the sound files for the generic computer sounds/noises. My iTunes library of songs wasn't in my trash or anywhere - it has completely vanished.
Any thoughts on this problem would be greatly appreciated. I've pretty much resigned myself to having to reload my whole music collection, but is there any recourse I could pursue to get the pruchased music that I lost?
Thanks. I appreciate your reading of this lengthy post.
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    Connect your iPod to your computer. If it is set to update automatically you'll get a message that it is linked to a different library and asking if you want to link to this one and replace all your songs etc, press "Cancel". Pressing "Erase and Sync" will irretrievably remove all the songs from your iPod. When your iPod appears in the iTunes source list change the update setting to manual, that will let you use our iPod without the risk of accidentally erasing it. Check the "manually manage music and videos" box in Summary then press the Apply button. Also when using most of the utilities listed below your iPod needs to be enabled for disc use, changing to manual update will do this by default: Managing content manually on iPod and iPhone
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    Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    Comparison of iPod managers
    TuneJack Windows Only (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    SharePod Windows Only (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iPod2PC Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    iPodRip Mac & Windows
    YamiPod Mac and Windows
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows
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    iRepo Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
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    TouchCopy Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    If you have any iTunes Music Store purchases the transfer of purchased content only from the iPod to authorised computers was introduced with iTunes 7. You'll find details in this article: Copying iTunes Store purchases from your iPod or iPhone to a computer
    There's also a manual method of copying songs from your iPod to a Mac or PC. The procedure is a bit involved and won't recover playlists but if you're interested it's available on page 2 at this link: Copying Content from your iPod to your Computer - The Definitive Guide
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    Hm ... I guess I can't edit the post above. Anyway, I seem to have solved it by ...
    Quitting iTunes.
    Going into Home / Music / iTunes, and renaming the file "iTunes Library.itl" to "iTunes Library (corrupt).itl".
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    Did you use spotlight to search? (I'm assuming you have a Mac as given above despite this thread being in the Windows forum). How long have you used iTunes on this computer? Is there a backup to your library, perhaps an only copy of it on a machine you've "retired". Is the media present in the media folder? (Yes, you've answered that earlier.) If so then the media files should have absorbed all the tag changes that you made and reimporting the media into a new library might not be a complete disaster, though playlists, playcounts, ratings etc. would be irretrievably lost.

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    Hi there J1750oe,
    You may find the information in the article below helpful.
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    Transferring playlists
    If you want not only your content but also your playlists to exist on your new computer, you will want to transfer a copy of all your playlists from your old computer. To do this, choose File > Library > Export Library on your old computer. Save the XML file that is created to your desktop.
    Send the playlists file to yourself as an e-mail attachment, use an external drive, or use file sharing to move the playlists file to your new computer. Once the file is on your new computer, open iTunes and choose File > Library > Import Playlist. The import process will remove any items from the playlists that you didn't share via Home Sharing.
    -Griff W. 

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    Kirby has already summed it up nicely. If you really want to ensure, that the recipient will see the the image as an attachment and not as an embedded image, compress the file before you send it. Export the image version in the right size to your Desktop, then right-click (or ctrl-click) and use "fCompress ...." from the contextual menu. Drag the compressed file to the Mail icon in the Dock.
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    If anyone that has a recipe on how to do this, I would greatly appreciate the wisdom and knowledge you may have.
    Thank you,

    Copy the entire _iTunes folder_ , not just the iTunes music folder.
    When you have everything ready on teh new internal, you can do 2 things.
    1 - Copy the entire iTunes folder back to the internal.
    2 - Leave it on the external, start iTunes holding the Option key and select *Choose existing library*. Select the *iTune library* file in the iTunes folder on the external.
    iTunes will simply now use this for everything.

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    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        
    It appears that the mess resulted in the iPod seeing the computer/iTunes library as a new computer/iTunes library. If you sync to a new computer your iPod gets erased and the media in the iTunes library ends up on the iPod.

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    Your i-device was not designed for unique storage of your media. It is not a backup device and media transfer was planned with you maintaining a master copy of your media on a computer which is itself independently backed up against loss.  To use a device with a new computer you transfer the content from the old computer (or its backup) directly to the new computer, not the device to the new computer. Media syncing is one way, computer to device, updating the device content to the content on the computer, not updating or restoring content on a computer. The exception is iTunes Store purchases which can be transferred to a computer.
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer - - only purchases from iTunes Store
    For transferring other items from an i-device to a computer you will have to use third party commercial software.  See this document by turingtest2: Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device -

  • ITunes Library Damaged, lost playlists

    Hi, we were running iTunes on my wife's computer. The iTunes Library was damaged. When iTunes came up again, the playlists were lost. I was able to recover the playlists, and wanted to share how.
    I looked at the Apple help page
    which gave me some ideas. I also looked at this thread for Mac users, especially this post: library.html#post650277
    We were running older copy of iTunes. Sorry, I didn't note which version.
    I used the "Help / Check for Updates" feature in iTunes to upgrade to the current version ( (Warning - reboot required - but this is Windows XP...
    I brought up the new iTunes version to make sure it would come up OK. It did, but the playlists were still missing.
    I shut down iTunes, then went to the folder "My Music / iTunes". I created a copy of the "iTunes Library (Damaged).itl" file, just for future reference. I then created a Temporary folder and moved all of the "iTunes Library" files into the Temp directory, with the exception of the damaged .ITL file. So I moved the other ITL files, ITDB files, and XML files into the temp directory.
    I then renamed the "iTunes Library (Damaged).itl" file to the normal name of "iTunes Library.itl" .
    I then crossed my fingers and restarted iTunes. It worked. It said something about recovering the library and showed a progress bar. When it completed, all the music and playlists appeared to be restored and OK.
    Inquiring minds may ask why I didn't just use a recent copy of the iTunes Library from the folder "Previous iTunes Libraries". I have no idea why, but iTunes was not creating regular backups of the library in that folder. The most recent versions were from 2008 - which wouldn't have been much help.
    I hope this helps some other folks recover their "Damaged Libraries" and playlists. Good luck!

    I also considered using these tools to recover the playlists from my wife's iPod. Thankfully, that wasn't necessary.
    iDump - see
    Pod to PC - see

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