MySQL Driver issue

I've been trying to connect to a MySQL database from Java. I have no problems from PHP so the db is fine, but suspect this is a driver issue.
I was using the Netbeans IDE but have now switched to a basic texteditor and command line to try understanding whats going on:
$ javac *.java -cp <other-libs-here>:~/Java/libs/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar
$ java Main
Failed to get connection
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
     at Method)
     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
     at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
     at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
     at java.lang.Class.forName(
     at MyDBConnection.init(
     at MyDBConnection.query(
     at Processor.index(
     at Main.main(
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
     at MyDBConnection.query(
     at Processor.index(
     at Main.main( help you can offer on this would be greatly appreciated.

OK I thought one classpath was the same as another. It seems that the system classpath is something different.
Running: CLASSPATH=~/Java/libs/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar;export CLASSPATHin bash fixed this problems.
But I really want to get it working in NetBeans, does anyone have any ideas?

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    import java.sql.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class receiving extends Applet implements ItemListener, ActionListener
    Connection conDatabase;//door to the database
    Statement cmdDatabase;//messenger
    ResultSet rsDatabase;//bucket
    private String dbURL = "jdbc:mysql://";
    boolean blnSuccessfulOpen = false;
    Choice Order_No = new Choice();
    TextField txtOrder_No = new TextField(6);
    TextField txtCompany = new TextField(20);
    TextField txtLocation = new TextField(20);
    TextField txtDate_Shipped = new TextField(10);
    TextField txtBlack_Poly = new TextField(8);
    TextField txtBlue_Poly = new TextField(8);
    TextField txtBrass1 = new TextField(8);
    TextField txtBrass2 = new TextField(8);
    TextField txtTransaction_No = new TextField(8);
    TextField txtTracking_No = new TextField(18);
    Button btnAdd = new Button("Add");
    Button btnEdit = new Button("Save");
    Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel");
    Button btnDelete = new Button("Delete");
    Button btnNext = new Button(" > ");
    Button btnLast = new Button(" >>> ");
    Button btnPrevious = new Button(" < ");
    Button btnFirst = new Button(" <<< ");
    public void init()
    //Set up panel and load database
    if (blnSuccessfulOpen)
    Order_No.insert("Select an Order",0);
    add(new Label(" "));
    add(new Label("Order No"));
    add(new Label("Company"));
    add(new Label("Location"));
    add(new Label(" "));
    add(new Label("Date Shipped"));
    add(new Label(" "));
    add(new Label("Black Poly (sqft)"));
    add(new Label("Blue Poly (sqft)"));
    add(new Label("Brass 1inch (pcs)"));
    add(new Label("Brass 2inch (pcs)"));
    add(new Label(" "));
    add(new Label("Transaction No"));
    add(new Label(" "));
    add(new Label("Tracking No"));
    add(new Label(" "));
    //Navigate Buttons
    System.err.println("Unable to populate fields");
    public void LoadDatabase()
    //Load MySQL drivers
    catch ( java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e )
    System.err.println("MySQL ORG Package Driver not found ...");
    /* try
    //Load MySQL drivers
    catch ( java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e )
    System.err.println("MySQL COM Package Driver not found ...");
    //Connect to the database
    conDatabase = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL);
    catch(SQLException error)
    System.err.println("Unable to Connect to Database");
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    //Create the ResultSet
    rsDatabase = cmdDatabase.executeQuery("Select * from gunthmsjv.RECEIVING;");
    blnSuccessfulOpen = true;
    catch(SQLException error)
    System.err.println("Error in recordset");
    public void loadNumbers(ResultSet rsDatabase)
    //Fill last name list box
    catch (SQLException error)
    System.err.println("Error in Display Record");
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
    //Retrieve and display the selected record
    String strOrder_No = Order_No.getSelectedItem();
    showStatus(""); //Delete instructions
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    rsDatabase = cmdDatabase.executeQuery(
    "Select * from gunthmsjv.RECEIVING where Order_No = '" + strOrder_No + "';");
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("Error in recordset");
    public void displayRecord(ResultSet rsDatabase)
    //Display the current record
    showStatus("Record not found");
    catch (SQLException error)
    showStatus("Error in display record");
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    //Test the command buttons
    Object objSource = event.getSource();
    if(objSource == btnAdd && event.getActionCommand() == "Add")
    else if (objSource == btnAdd)
    else if(objSource == btnEdit)
    else if(objSource == btnDelete)
    else if(objSource == btnCancel)
    else if(objSource == btnFirst)
    else if(objSource == btnNext)
    else if(objSource == btnPrevious)
    else if(objSource == btnLast)
    public void setTextToNotEditable()
    //Lock the text fields
    public void setTextToEditable()
    //Unlock the text fields
    public void ClearTextFields()
    //Clear the Text Fields
    public void Add()
    //Add a new record
    //Empty the text fields
    txtOrder_No.requestFocus ();
    //Change the button labels
    //Disable the Delete and Edit buttons
    public void Save()
    //Save the new record
    // Activated when Add button has an "OK" label
    if (txtOrder_No.getText().length() == 0 && txtLocation.getText().length() == 0)
    showStatus("The Customer Name or ID Number is blank");
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    "Insert Into gunthmsjv.RECEIVING "
    + "(Order_No,Company,Location,Date_Shipped,Black_Poly,Blue_Poly,Brass1,Brass2,Transaction_No,txtTracking_No) "
    + "Values('"
    + txtOrder_No.getText() + "', '"
    + txtCompany.getText() + "', '"
    + txtLocation.getText() + "', '"
    + txtDate_Shipped.getText() + "', '"
    + txtBlack_Poly.getText() + "', '"
    + txtBlue_Poly.getText() + "', '"
    + txtBrass1.getText() + "', '"
    + txtBrass2.getText() + "', '"
    + txtTransaction_No.getText() + "', '"
    + txtTracking_No.getText() + "')");
    //Add to name list
    //Reset buttons
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("Error: " + error.toString());
    public void Delete()
    //Delete the current record
    int intIndex = Order_No.getSelectedIndex();
    String strOrder_No = Order_No.getSelectedItem();
    if(intIndex == 0) //Make sure a record is selected
    //Position zero holds a message
    showStatus("Please select the record to be deleted");
    //Delete from Database
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    "Delete from gunthmsjv.RECEIVING where Order_No = '"
    + strOrder_No + "';");
    ClearTextFields(); //Delete from screen
    Order_No.remove(intIndex); //Delete from list
    showStatus("Record deleted"); //Display message
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("Error during Delete");
    public void Cancel()
    //Enable the Delete and Edit buttons
    //Change caption of button
    //Clear the text fields and status bar
    public void Edit()
    //Save the modified record
    int intIndex = Order_No.getSelectedIndex();
    if(intIndex == 0) //Make sure a record is selected
    //Position zero holds a message
    showStatus("Please select the record to be changed");
    String strOrder_No = Order_No.getSelectedItem();
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    "Update gunthmsjv.RECEIVING "
    + "Set Order_No = '" + txtOrder_No.getText() + "', "
    + "Company = '" + txtCompany.getText() + "', "
    + "Location = '" + txtLocation.getText() + "', "
    + "Date_Shipped = '" + txtDate_Shipped.getText() + "', "
    + "Black_Poly = '" + txtBlack_Poly.getText() + "', "
    + "Blue_Poly = '" + txtBlue_Poly.getText() + "', "
    + "Brass1 = '" + txtBrass1.getText() + "', "
    + "Brass2 = '" + txtBrass2.getText() + "', "
    + "Transaction_No = '" + txtTransaction_No.getText() + "', "
    + "txtTracking_No = '" + txtTracking_No.getText() + "', ");
    if (!strOrder_No.equals(txtOrder_No.getText()))
    //Last name changed; change the list
    Order_No.remove(intIndex); //Remove the old entry
    Order_No.add(txtOrder_No.getText()); //Add the new entry
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("Error during Edit");
    public void stop()
    //Terminate the connection
    if (conDatabase != null)
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("Unable to disconnect");
    public void firstRecord()
    int first = 1;;
    String strNewOrder_No = Order_No.getSelectedItem();
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    rsDatabase = cmdDatabase.executeQuery("Select * from gunthmsjv.RECEIVING where Order_No = '" + strNewOrder_No + "';");
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("item state try.");
    public void previousRecord()
    int PreviousIndex = 0;
    PreviousIndex = Order_No.getSelectedIndex();
    if (PreviousIndex > 0);
    String strNewOrder_No = Order_No.getSelectedItem();
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    rsDatabase = cmdDatabase.executeQuery("Select * from gunthmsjv.RECEIVING where Order_No = '" + strNewOrder_No + "';");
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("item state try.");
    showStatus("You've reached the beginning of the list.");
    public void nextRecord()
    int NextIndex = 0;
    NextIndex = Order_No.getSelectedIndex();
    if(NextIndex == 0)
    NextIndex = 1;
    if (NextIndex < Order_No.getItemCount());
    String strNewOrder_No = Order_No.getSelectedItem();
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    rsDatabase = cmdDatabase.executeQuery("Select * from gunthmsjv.RECEIVING where Order_No = '" + strNewOrder_No + "';");
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("item state try.");
    showStatus("You've reached the end of the list.");
    public void lastRecord()
    int last = 0;
    while (last < Order_No.getItemCount()-1)
    String strNewOrder_No = Order_No.getSelectedItem();
    Statement cmdDatabase = conDatabase.createStatement();
    rsDatabase = cmdDatabase.executeQuery("Select * from gunthmsjv.RECEIVING where Order_No = '" + strNewOrder_No + "';");
    catch(SQLException error)
    showStatus("item state try.");
    How do I point the class.forname to a url? This class will be run off a webserver with an html file. Everytime I run it currently, it comes back with a NullPointerException so I know it can't find it. I know if I run it locally, the file runs properly... Can someone help ASAP :(

    oad: class not found.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: www
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more
    It's just not finding it. Now if there were a way of loading that class from a jar file... or just any method at all of loading that... I think it would work... thanks alot man for your continuing help.

  • Mysql driver issue with Deploytool 1.3

    I would like to have J2EE 1.3 container managed entity beans being able to talk with a Mysql database . I have added my jar file to deploytool and have the mysql database server running and the database table ready to be used. I am using Mysql Connector Java 3.0 and have put the required driver jar file into the ext directory of the JAVA_HOME path. I have windows XP.
    Here is my configuration in deploytool :
    Tools--> Server configuration --> Data source --> standart
    JDBC driver : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    JNDI name : jdbc/zob
    JDBC url : jdbc:mysql (the database is running on localhost and the table to use is ready)
    Then in the entity tab of my bean --> Deployment Settings --> Database Settings, I put jdbc/zob as JNDI name. No username or password is required.
    If I try to generate Default SQL, I get the following error:
    Erroe: while generating SQL
    java.rmi.ServerException:RemoteException occured in server thread;nested exception is:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Error connecting to database;nested exception is:
    java.sql.SQLException:No suitable driver
    Please make sure the database name/user/password is valid and the J2EE server and database are running.
    I would be very grateful for help because I can't see what is missing or wrong. Thank you very much in advance.

    First thing to do is try to narrow in on the problem a little bit. Try writing a simple test JSP or something that runs on the container to manually get a Connection from your Connection Pool. Then do a simple query to make sure you can actually connect.
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/zob");
    Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
    do your test query
    ...Once you have established that your Connection Pool is working, then go ahead and try to get your entity bean working. I haven't used MySQL before, I have always used Oracle on some remote server, never on localhost. Maybe the URL convention is different when it's on localhost, but it seems like you're missing the host, port, and instance parts; you just have the driver.
    I'm sure you've already checked this but I'll say it just in case, make sure you have your driver class somewhere that the container can see it. I know, it's obvious, but you never know...
    Good luck!!

  • Including with my application

    So, lets say I have a Java program that connects to an SQL server and it runs fine on my machine. I have all the nessicarry classpath's and Connector/J properly installed. But, when I run it on a client machine I get:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:, I can solve this issue by putting the Connector/J onto their computer but, I'm wondering if there's a way to package the application and the driver so that anyone can run it without having to install Connector/J manually.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    JonasWon wrote:
    So, lets say I have a Java program that connects to an SQL server and it runs fine on my machine. I have all the nessicarry classpath's and Connector/J properly installed. But, when I run it on a client machine I get:
    That's the old, deprecated JDBC driver class name.
    Now, I can solve this issue by putting the Connector/J onto their computer but, I'm wondering if there's a way to package the application and the driver so that anyone can run it without having to install Connector/J manually.
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    Thanks!"install" it manually? Nobody "installs" a 3rd party JAR. These aren't quite DLLs.
    I'll assume your app is a desktop deployment. Package it into an executable JAR, add the Connector/J JAR to the Classpath in the manifest, and zip that JAR up with the Connector/J JAR. Your users will just unzip the ZIP file and execute the JAR.

  • Sometimes my computer takes too long to connect to new website. I am running a pretty powerful work program at same time, what is the best solution? Upgrading speed from cable network, is it a hard drive issue? do I need to "clean out" the computer?

    Many times my computer takes too long to connect to new website. I have wireless internet (time capsule) and I am running a pretty powerful real time financial work program at same time, what is the best solution? Upgrading speed from cable network? is it a hard drive issue? do I only need to "clean out" the computer? Or all of the above...not to computer saavy.  It is a Macbook Pro  osx 10.6.8 (late 2010).

    Almost certainly none of the above!  Try each of the following in this order:
    Select 'Reset Safari' from the Safari menu.
    Close down Safari;  move <home>/Library/Caches/ to the trash; restart Safari.
    Change the DNS servers in your network settings to use the OpenDNS servers: and
    Turn off DNS pre-fetching by entering the following command in Terminal and restarting Safari:
              defaults write WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled -boolean false

  • Very slow wine game/nouveau driver issue

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to play a game (Civ 4) using wine. However, it was extremely laggy, and since it runs well on Windows (I have dualboot) plus it's not a very recent game and my laptop is reasonnably well-equipped, I thought it should work well on arch as well. Here is the link in the wine db. I should also add that I'm a very novice wine user so that might well be the (a) source of problem(s). Apart from the lagging, according to the sensors, the CPU's temperature rose from ~50°C to ~100°C within about A MINUTE.
    I checked cpupower to see that the cpu was allowed to run at max speed and tried optirun to use the NVIDIA graphics card rather than the Intel graphics card I have installed. I'm by no means sure that the drivers are installed or configured properly by the way...
    Starting with optirun looked to work (the loading screen came up) but when the main window should've been loaded, the application terminated with the following output:
    err:winediag:wined3d_dll_init The GLSL shader backend has been disabled. You get to keep all the pieces if it breaks.
    libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/ failed (/usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
    libGL error: unable to load driver:
    libGL error: driver pointer missing
    libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
    libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/ failed (/usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
    libGL error: unable to load driver:
    libGL error: driver pointer missing
    libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
    [VGL] ERROR: glXCreateContextAttribsARB symbol not loaded
    terminate called without an active exception
    Before today I only used optirun for VLC (though I don't really see a difference) and to check whether it would run with glxgears. Neither case had any problems. I tried softlinking from the "/usr/lib/..." to the "/usr/lib32/..." directory as well as copying it but neither helped.
    Some info:
    Graphic cards:
    01:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF117M [GeForce 610M/710M/820M / GT 620M/625M/630M/720M] (rev ff)
    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)
    local/xf86-video-intel 2.99.916-2 (xorg-drivers xorg) Intel i810/i830/i915/945G/G965+ video drivers
    local/xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.11-1 (xorg-drivers xorg)
    Open Source 2D acceleration driver for nVidia cards
    local/nouveau-dri 10.2.8-1
    Mesa drivers for Nouveau
    local/bumblebee 3.2.1-3
    NVIDIA Optimus support for Linux through VirtualGL
    Some advice how to fix the driver issue or about what else might be causing the problems is greatly appreciated!

    Besides agreeing with the notion above, you lack lib32-nouveau-dri and thus are unable to use acceleration with 32bit programs which is the undelying issue here.

  • Hard drive issues after update 10.10.3

    Question also posted here:Hard Drive Issues (Both new and old)
    I'm trapped in a HDD nightmare with my MacBook Pro mid-2012.
    I updated to Yosemite 10.10.3 (with the Photos app). A couple of days after the update, I was watching a movie on my TV screen via HDMI. In the middle of the movie I removed the HDMI cable from the MacBook Pro and everything freezes. I forced shut down (Note: My HDD was encrypted). After I forced shut down, I tried to turn on and the loading screen would never stop loading - like, 14 hours stuck with the progress bar. Since I have backups, I decided to access DU and format my HDD. I tried everything. For real. Every command line I could type on Terminal to format, repair, erase and/or partition. I read almost every issue-related questions on the forums and stack exchange groups for a week (even posted my issue here: ive-from-internet-recovery?noredirect=1#comment215695_181090).
    So, I decided that it was a HDD failure and bought a new one.
    I bought the Seagate 1TB SSHD Hybrid  - ST1000LM014. Installed the new fresh disk and guess what? All those same problems again. I´m not able to restore from Time Machine because it doesn't recognize the disk in the restore page. But the disk is recognized in the DU. When I try to erase or partition the new SSHD, the same old errors: File system formatter failed. Yes, I tired GUID Partition Table, all of the security options, etc.
    Please. Any light that you can throw at this issue, I'll be very grateful for. BTW, the new SSHD is recognized and the SMART Status says: Verified.
    Any ideas on *** is going on?
    Thanks in advance!
    MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), i7, 8GB RAM

    After I erase the hard drive (I assume one pass of writing zeros is good enough, 7 passes not needed?) do I turn off the laptop, then turn on and insert the Install Disk? Will there be a prompt telling me when to put in the disk? Or do I put in the disc right after erasing?
    One pass is fine. If you've previously backed up your hard drive to an external hard drive using SuperDuper!, which is what I use and recommend, or another program, if it created a bootable drive, you want to boot off of it, bring up SuperDuper! and copy the drive back to the internal hard drive. SuperDuper also makes the drive bootable. When done, reboot, and you should be all set. If you're using Time Machine, you'll want to install the operating system, then restore the Time Machine backup. SuperDuper! is available from
    Finally- should I update the OS? Is there a problem with the newest update that caused this crash, or was it just a spurious glitch/bad luck?
    I've been running 10.5.8 for awhile with no issues, and would recommend moving to it.

  • How to load mysql driver in netbeans 5.0

    I configured mysql driver(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) in netbeans 5.0. but i got this type of errors
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at gdb.gdbop.main(
    plz help me for this...............

    IDEs such as netbeans and eclipse require you to add any external jars to the project's classpath.
    for netbeans 5.0, see here:

  • Can you use a Mac Mini to share documents between several devices? iPhones, MacBooks, iPads, etc...? We are a home based business with several locations across the state and are having Google Drive issues, looking into Mac Mini options.

    We are having Google Drive issues (some files won't sync) and it's causing us trouble with our business communication. Is there any way to use a Mac Mini to share documents between two people in different areas similar to google drive? Would this just be done through iCloud?

    If you use Numbers, Pages and KeyNote it si very easy to sync those document among all the Apple devices. You need montain Lion on the Mac  and at least iOS 5 on the mobile devices.
    I show those document on my Mac, iPad 4 and iPhone 4S

  • Apple iPod USB Device driver issue on Win XP - syncing shuffle 2nd gen.

    Hello fellow iPod shuffle users. Any of you run into this problem using the following configurations? Any advise/recommendations/workarounds much appreciated as I've burned 3 days on this issue and I'm still stonewalled.
    I personally think it's a device driver issue/bug and am searching for a way to update my Apple iPod USB device driver for Win XP. Two brand new ipod shuffles (received for Christmas 2008) are both behaving this way, so the problem most likely points to a global software issue more-so than to shuffle hardware issue.
    PROBLEM STATEMENT: Driver data i/o streaming issue does not allow shuffle to sync data with iTunes after initial sync (i.e. reading the content of the shuffle is good, but writing modified content fails). Posted error message "The ipod ... cannot be synced. Required disk cannot be found". After cracking the hood on my device driver, the problem seems to point to the Apple iPod USB device driver for Win XP. Driver will recognize the shuffle and read to it, but subsequent write attempts will result in device driver balks that "this device cannot start (code 10)".
    *Read All "How to Get Started Manuals" to make sure I was using the right technique for syncing my two shuffles from within iTunes... tried and failed
    *Ensure only one shuffle was plugged in at a time (saw notice that two shuffles plugged in at the same time is not yet a supported config)... tried and failed
    *The 5 R's as recommended by Apple Support... tried and failed.
    *I've tried all 3 built in USB ports on my Lenovo T60. no love... tried and failed.
    *Per discussion board: From Window's Device Manager-> Scaned for new hardware while shuffle was syncing...tried and failed.
    * Per Discussion board: From Window's Disk Management -> Ensured shuffle came up as a FAT32 filesystem... connection tore down as quickly as windows recognized it.... tried and failed.
    *From Windows Software config utility: Ran repair to re-install itunes 8... same results.
    *From Windows software management utility: Uninstalled and reinstalled itunes 8... same results.
    Hardware: IBM Thinkpad/Lenovo T60. Using build in k/b & no external mouse. Has 3 USB built in ports.
    Software: Windows XP Pro SP2/iTunes 8.0.2/shuffle (2nd gen) driver 1.0.4 (same behavior using the original driver 1.0.3).
    Apple iPod USB Device properties:
    Driver Provider - Microsoft
    Driver Date - 7/1/2001
    Driver Version - 5.1.2535.0
    Digital Signer - Microsoft Windows Publisher

    Hi. Ive got pretty much the same problem.... Got a new shuffle for christmas..having real problems syncing with itunes. Funnily enough I managed to get 25 tracks on it but then it just stopped. error message says " The ipod shuffle cannot be synced. The required disk cannot be found." Ive done restore, and downloaded a reset utility thingy to try but still no joy.

  • Pixma ip6000d windows 7 driver issue. How do you get one?

    Has anyone solved the windows 7 driver issue? The canon website does not have one yet is reported windows 7 capatable.

    Hello ricksterofmi,
    The PIXMA iP6000D Drivers are included with the Windows 7 Operating System through Windows Update.  Please connect the PIXMA iP6000D to your computer and automatically install the drivers.  Once this has been done, visit our website by selecting this LINK to download and install the Add On Module for full compatibility.
    I hope this helps.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • HP 6600 Scan\Print Driver Issue for Windows 7 Profession​al 64 bit

    For some time now I have been unable to scan or print from my desktop (Windows 7 Professional 64bit) and I have exhausted too much effort and am now bringing it to the masses.
    The problem:
    Printing:  Currently receiving an "Error - Offline" message in my printer queue at all times.
    Scanning:  Scanning has never fully worked on this desktop. I am always unable to communicate with the printer. (Though webscan works through accessing the printers IP address)
    Things I have tried:
    Ran HPPSDr, followed directions (Unpluged power to printer, turn back on, restart computer) brings me to this website after it cannot fix. (Note that while the HPPSDr is running it always notions that there is a driver problem)
    Uninstalled Drivers from CD-ROM, re-installed, countless times
    Installed "Windows 7 Pro 64 bit drivers" from the HP website and uninstalled, countless times.
    Attempted to set a static IP and use "Update IP Address" to point specifically at the printers IP.
    Installed Drivers and finding the printer myself through it's own static IP address.
    Turned off firewall and attempted to print (after reboot), same errors
    Setting up the printer on all of my laptops (3) wirelessly to attempt to find if there is a problem with the printer or static IP. (1 is Windows VISTA 32bit and the other 2 are Ubuntu 32bit). All laptops are able to use the printer wirelessly without any problems.
    Read all of the forums about this issue and attempted all of the 'solutions'. Although I mostly don't see that anyone with this same problem is resolved, unless I'm missing the perfect post.
    Things I have not tried:
    Plugging the USB directly into the desktop. (This seems self defeating as the purpose for this printer was to be able to print wirelessly to it from across the room)
    Re-installed Windows 7 Pro 64bit (Trying to avoid this, would rather just print from laptops)
    You tell me
    I have noticed strange things that make me believe the driver is somehow incomptable with my OS. Here is a shot of the properties of the printer:
    Weird that it is not recognizing the model number.
    Also in the Printer Settings when I go to the port tab, there is no port selected, if I try and tab away it forces me to select a port, yet when I do and 'apply' and then re-open the Printer Settings in the ports tab; it has again unselected the previously selected port.
    I feel like my OS is just refusing to notice the IP address for the wireless printer, no matter what I have it set to, even if it's dynamic. It's like the driver for Windows 7 Pro 64bit is actually not the correct driver for my system.
    Anyways, another thing to mention is that I am not currently willing to wipe my operating system and re-install Windows 7 Pro in order to resolve this just yet. I want to see if anyone else has any other avenues I can try before even beginning to consider that. 
    Anyways, thanks in advance for taking the time to read my ramblings and hopefully someone who has resolved this issue can help me.

    Hi Zerosouls,
    I understand you are having an issue with HP 6600 Scan\Print Driver Issue for Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.
    First try to click the Windows icon, type services in the Search box, and then click or tap View Local Services. Scroll down to the Windows Installer. Startup type should be - Automatic, and Service Status should be - started
    Restart the computer after this step and try installing Hp Officejet 6600 again.
    Please let me know what happens
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Driver issue after Downgradin​g to Windows 7 (Pavilion 17-f081no)

    So,i went to downgrade yesterday,and have had this problem ever since. Nothing works except one USB port at the right side of the laptop (when looked at front),no usb connections,no wireless or wired connection,nothing. They are all dead,including SD card slot.
    I know its the driver issue,but i cant seem to find them. I need something for USB ports,Ethernet/Network card/,SM BUS controller etc. They are all listed under "Other devices" in Device manager.
    What drivers should i be getting? I have been trying to google,but i am starting to feel really hopeless here.
    My wireless card info:

    First install the amd chipset drivers and reboot.​indows%207%20-%2064
    See if the generic amd graphics driver works...​ndows%207%20-%2064
    Ethernet:  DL and install the second driver on the list.​aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=7&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTy​...
    Card reader:  DL and install the first driver on the list.​aspx?Langid=1&PNid=15&PFid=25&Level=4&Conn=3&DownT​...

  • Driver issue with Cisco HD Precision / JFV 4.4

    Just to installed Jabber for Video4.4 on my laptop ( win7 64bits)
    all works fine except the video!! i use a Cisco HD precision wih Jabber, may be a driver issue, the camera is not recognized.
    When i selected my integreted camera from laptop, the video is going up.
    i've already the same issue with Jabber Video 4.3.
    Does anyone has got the same issue? Any idea?

    Thread back from the dead...
    I have this exact scenario playing out today trying to use a PrecisionHD USB camera with Windows 7. Completed the 1.5 update listed here and following the update I see the results in the picture. The LibUSB device is present, and it looks like a Tandberg HD camera is known to the system, but not accessible/usable.
    Anybody have success with this issue or have any additional ideas to try?

  • Driver issue on bootcamp now

    I have bootcamp on my mac and am having a driver issue.  When I switch from mac side to bootcamp, I have to uninstall and reinstall driver to get on internet. Wondering if I did something to cause this issue? can't seem to fix.  Was working previously. Now, I cant switch and get on internet on windows side without uninstalling/reinstalling NVIDIA driver. 

    Once you have XP installed, it is independent of BC. My suggestion is to try the 4.0.4033 drivers.
    From Bootcamp.xml file for 4.0.4033 (there is also a 64-bit version in the same package).
    <BuildInfo BuildNumber="4033" ProductName="Boot Camp">
      <ProductManufacturer>Apple Inc.</ProductManufacturer>
      <Component Name="AppleOSSMgr.exe" GUID="*" SharedDLL="yes">
      <File Name="AppleOSSMgr.exe">
    <Name>NVIDIA  Display Driver
      <Class> Display</Class>
      <ClassGUID> {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}</ClassGUID>
      <CatalogFile> NVAO.CAT</CatalogFile>
      <DriverVer> 01/19/2011,</DriverVer>

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