N97 BAD Software Design

This phone, the WORST Nokia phone I've ever had, and very probably the last, never ceass to amaze me with just how BADLY the software is designed. 
The latest disaster: I am trying to set up the WiFi to connect to my wireless router.  OK, great it sees the network and asks for a Passkey (as it is encrpted); gives me an input box to enter the passkey.  Oh Dear, my passkey is 64 digits long and consists of random lower case, uppercase letters and numbers.  It is a strong encryption key. 
But do, Nokia SERIOUSLY expect me to type this in digit by digit??  I have looked in vain for ways to enter this passkey efficiently - the obvious way - pasting it from off the clipboard (oh yes, I've successfully got the key pasted ONTO the clipboard from a text editor); appears to be too clever for Nokia.
Unless I have overlooked something, there appears to be no way to cut & paste into the Passkey dialog, and apparently no way to do it from the keyboard either.
SO I guess WiFi is another feature I won't be using on this **bleep** phone!

Ok, I'll try and save you a bit of time with a medium as apposed to a short cut. Put your passcode in notes in the Office app, then WITHOUT using QWERTY open the note youve done, run your finger over the text, select copy. Go to search for wifi, when asked for passkey don't use QWERTY just tap it and when virtual keypad come up tap the box next to tick with 3 horizontal line in it, select paste, and there you go, takes abot 7 seconds once you have passket saved.
Good Luck
If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

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    Ok, I'll try and save you a bit of time with a medium as apposed to a short cut. Put your passcode in notes in the Office app, then WITHOUT using QWERTY open the note youve done, run your finger over the text, select copy. Go to search for wifi, when asked for passkey don't use QWERTY just tap it and when virtual keypad come up tap the box next to tick with 3 horizontal line in it, select paste, and there you go, takes abot 7 seconds once you have passket saved.
    Good Luck
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

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    There is an "easier" way to acquire SheepShaver called Chubby Bunny and I have put together a post with some safe links that are relevant to this topic.  I see that emaculation is one of them.
    Why do you need OS 9 greater than 9.04?
    Feel free to let me know if you need any more help.
    With the newer Intel Macs, you have to run a Classic emulator such as SheepShaver, which requires you to extract the Mac ROMs from your older Classic Mac and then install Mac OS 9.
    A related program is Chubby Bunny, which comes bundled with all of that included.
    More information on SheepShaver:
    http://www.everymac.com/mac-answers/mac-os-9-classic-support-faq/run-macos-9-on- intel-macs.html
    and more information about Chubby Bunny:
                                  [click on image to enlarge]

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    Welcome to symbian^1.

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    Apps like MacKeeper or any other maintenance apps like CleanMyMac 1 or 2, TuneUpMyMac or anything like these apps, installed on your Mac, while they appear to be helpful, can do too good a job of data "cleanup" causing the potential to do serious data corruption or data deletion and render a perfectly running OS completely dead and useless leaving you with a frozen, non-functional Mac.
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    Y not b specific abt ur Nokia Ovi Suite issue with pc and phone details, ur post doesnot hav any concrete issue.
    If my post helped you, click on Kudos button and if my solution provided is opt 2 u, accpt my solution

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    Of course you can't really initialize stuff "before your program loads" since the initialization is part of your program, just before you program tells the user it's loaded.
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    Larry Junek, Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    As a Senior LabVIEW Engineer, and long time contributor to the technical ladder, I have expertise in consumer and government communication systems.  I have 20 plus years excelling in manufacturing, development, material and reliability engineering. Additionally, I have 10 plus years of automation expertise.
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    My broad technical skills and leadership abilities have been major contributors to driving cost reduction and corrective action over many new product launches, and I am looking forward to repeating success stories in your group.
    Experience has taught me that technical skill alone cannot guarantee meeting all goals and I bring your firm commitment, perseverance, flexibility, and the critical ability to work productively with others in challenging situations.
    I welcome the opportunity to speak with you further about how my diverse experience and up-to-date skills will add value to your company’s bottom line.
    I look forward to hearing from you directly at (561) 792-6026, (561) 351-4776
    Brian N. Nover
    14635 Horseshoe Trace
    Wellington, FL  33414
    Nover-Brian-Resume-2012RFLV.docx ‏23 KB

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    Required Skills:
    5 years experience in embedded software design.
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    Education or experience in Software Engineering and Software Design.
    Preferred Education, Skills and Experience:
    C programming language.
    Experience with software project development on 8, 16, or 32 bit microcontroller or microprocessor.
    Experience in writing assembly language programs.
    Hardware knowledge, analog and digital, ability to read and understand system schematics.
    Demonstrated ability to estimate work product size, time effort and on time delivery of software work products.
    Job Description:
    Establish and Manage software Project Team according to Software Design Standard Operation Procedure.
    Develop, Manage and Monitor software Project Team Schedule and Deliverables.
    Develop Software Requirements Specification, Design Models, Source Code Modules and Unit Tests.
    Conduct Software Requirements, Design and Code Reviews.
    Integrate software Code onto target Electronics Control Module.
    Trouble Shoot Electronics Control Module Microcontroller Interface.
    Perform configuration Management, Software Testing.
    Develop software support tools for Embedded Software development.

    LC wrote:
    The change request is to add another tab on the page with about 40 more data fields and to expand the existing page by additional 50 data fields.
    Option 1:
    For me, I simply wanted to add these new columns to the MEDICAL_PROFILE table, as these are logically attributes of the profile itself (a one-to-one relationship) and this would be consistent with the way we do things in our other application areas. This would put about 120 columns on the table.Although you haven't provided evidence to defend the relationship, if you are correct, then I agree that they should all be associated with the MEDICAL_PROFILE table/entity. It's crucial that the data model be correct for many, many reasons.
    Option 2:
    The developer prefers the object oriented approach. The developer is of the mindset that these new columns should go on a separate small tables. She agrees that they are attributes of the profile, but since they are presented on the different tab or in different profile's boxes they can be divided and the smaller logical chunks.
    Further she thinks that with a new tables, this will lend itself better to creating new and separate java objects that can plug-and-play elsewhere the application for code reuse should these objects ever be used in other places.
    She further finds that 120 columns on the table is really too much for ease of development – you can’t easily view or keep in mind a huge object with more than 250 getter/setter methods. She prefers small objects for better reusability and maintainability.
    Why does there have to be a one-to-one Java object to database table mapping?
    What about using Object Relational Views to present different objects to the caller but keep the data model correct but allow for the developer's preferred approach?

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    Thanks in advance.

    I thought that I was clear with my descritpion, but I will try again.
    I need something that helps me produce diagrams and schemas of software design. As I mentioned earlier, classes, modules, packages.
    Language shouldn't matter as designing software should be abstract But - Java, .NET, Objective-C. These are the languages I deal with, so they should be supported.

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    Dear members,
    As part of a research degree, I am conducting an online survey on the use
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    when used within the scope of integrating applications (e.g. web services,
    EAI etc). The aim is to investigate how use of software design patterns can facilitate software reuse and save time and cost with software development
    The study doesn�t assume the use / knowledge of software design patterns as
    a pre-requisite for filling the online survey as we are collecting views of
    software developers with different background and experience.
    Your response would be treated as confidential and the online survey and
    results are anonymous (no name, address � etc is required).
    All those who completed the survey with valid E-mail address will receive
    copy of the aggregated results and any related publications, though giving
    E-mail is optional.
    The survey is expected to take 5 minutes to complete.
    The link to the online survey is at
    Many thanks for helping with this study.
    Contact details: [email protected]
    University of Bolton UK( http://www.bolton.ac.uk)
    Project web site (Under construction http://www.integrationsolutions.co.uk

    the only problems i could find is...
    1. sensors and display unit may vary...
    2. each measurement should displayn their hi and low values which can b considered as a common function...
    3. the display should vary according to user's request
    this is the scenario...
    could you help me to find the real problems and to apply patterns
    Weather Monitoring Station
    This system must provide automatic monitoring of various weather conditions. The system will have sensors to measure:
    Wind speed
    Wind direction
    Barometric pressure
    The system must also provide the following derived measurements.
    Wind chill(derived from temperature, wind speed and humidity).
    Dew point temperature(derived from temperature and humidity)
    Temperature trend(derived from recent temperature readings)
    Barometric pressure trend(derived from recent pressure readings)
    The user can request the system to report the highest and lowest values of any of the four primary measurements during the previous 24 hour period.
    The user has a screen display that continuously indicates all nine primary and derived measurements, as well as the current time and date.
    The user may direct the system to display the 24 hour maximum or minimum values of one primary measurement, together with the time of that report value.
    The user will be able to calibrate the sensors against known values and to set the current time and date.

  • Software design tool

    Hi All,
    having a powerfull fast software design tool for java programming is my
    first aim. is there any available free!! downloads software for java on the net that i could rely on for fast powerful design purposes?
    Thanks indeed.

    You trying to put us out of business.
    Hey doc, give me the name of of some tools that can diagnose my problem, do the operation, and dispense me some medication!

  • Software Design Engineer - UTC Power

    Software design engineer for the design of software and control systems used in fuel cell stack and power plant test equipment.
    Responsible for conceptual control logic, software design, software / hardware interfaces and controls hardware selection. Tasks include the planning, design, installation and documentation activities necessary to develop and maintain test equipment control software.
    A thorough understanding of National Instrument's LabView software and its use in automatic or dynamic controls is required. This includes the use of LabView software to control electro-mechanical components, acquire, store and manage data using real time control systems. Experience with PLC programming is also desireable.
    This position involves close interaction with numerous engineering disciplines and hourly functions. Ability to work in a team environment is a must. Applicant must be comfortable in a fast paced, dynamic work environment. Participation in FMEA's, HazOp's, EH&S reviews, failure investigations, and the training of hourly test operators will also be required.
    Bachelors degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering
    2 - 5 years experience in product development evaluation and testing. 
    Send resume to Mr. Joseph P. Haley
    Manager, Software & Controls
    UTC Power
    195 Governor's Highway
    South Windsor, CT 06074
    [email protected]

    i am from INDIA
    MY EMAIL ID IS [email protected]

  • N97 old software/firmware

    I have a Nokia 97 and i recently updated my software to 22.x.  My phone was working OK before the update (a few touch screen issues).
    But since I have updated the software, my phone has conked really bad.  The touch screen has absolutely stopped working. The keys work for sometime after i start my phone, and then they just stop working. ONLY the shift key makes a sound.
    Can someone please tell me how to get the previous software version?  This is causing me a LOT of trouble.

    try # 3. 
    With all these operations I recommend you TAKE OUT MEMORY CARD and DO A BACK UP OF YOUR STUFF!!!
    NOTE: In front of the hash key ( #) there is also a STAR key that people often miss and state that the code does not work.
    1.. *#7780# - Restore factory settings - resets all the settings to the default ( you will not lose any data) Make sure you back up your data as you will lose all of it when you perform option 2 or 3 on this list. The default code for ALL operations listed here is 12345.
    2.*#7370# - Reformat your phone (out of the box, tho keep in mind that most newer nokia phones at least n series, e series and s60 based phones have udp - user data preservation so not ALL data may be lost. still it is a good idea to always do a back up of your stuff.)3. This you perform as a last resort. Nothing else is working.If the phone is not showing any activity, proceed with hard formatting , turn off your phone, hold the following buttons while pressing the power button. (the default code is 12345)
    3. hard reset - hold the following buttons * (star key), 3 (number button) and talk/green key. turn on the phone and do not release those buttons until you see the Nokia boot up screen. once you feel the phone power up you can let go off the power button while still holding all three buttons ( for Nokia 5800XM - use the following buttons to do a hard reset, /GREEN/RED/CAMERA keys pressed all at once on power up. this will only work on 5800's that have firmware version 20... and up. ) For Nokia N97 (unofficial version but works) is SHIFT /SPACE BAR / BACKSPACE while holding the power button. Again do not let go until you see the handshake screen.
    If these codes are not working the only thing for you to do is contact your Nokia Care Center/Service for assistance.
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

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