Nano Screen Broke due to Fall --  Repairable???

Just bought my wife a new Nano last week and tonight I knocked it off the counter top and it landed flat on the screen! Picked it up and sure enough.. Screen is toast!
Anyhow, I was going to take it to the Apple store tomorrow and see what they could do for me.
Any idea how much this is going to cost to replace the screen? Do they replace screens?? Or am I basically going to be buying a new nano?
Thanks in advance,

Since it wouldn't be possible that this is Apple's fault, they would count this kind of damage as "abuse".
There are other companies that can repair your iPod, though. Like: iPod ResQ, Broken iPods.
I hope this helps!

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    If you can get one sent or brought down to you, you can replace it yourself It is not that hard to do, or I am sure you can find someone to do it for you. I live in Mexico and it is hard to get parts to us, there is also no repair place close, but we have people come from the states every once and awhile and they bring us parts so we can repair our own. Go on ebay and you will find screens for under 15 dollars U.S. and it comes with the tools that you will need to open your nano. Hope this helps.

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    We are all ipod users like you, so not we will not fix it.
    Find a repair center and ask them what it will cost to fix it.
    You can call Apple and see how much they charge to repair as well.

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