Navigation Not Available: Cyprus

I have a Nokia Lumia 1020 (Windows 8) and I have downloaded the Cyprus map. I go to the HERE Drive+ app and the GPS accurately finds my location, all street names are visible, when I set a destination it finds all the street names etc...
I set a destination I want to drive to, I then press it and the map finds the street I want to get to (a preview is displayed on the map) and it tells me how much distance is needed to travel to get there e.g. 20km.
I then press "drive to" and it then comes up with the message: NO NAVIGATION Your route runs through a country or area where navigation isn't available yet.
Am I missing something? It just doesn't make sense.
If I don't set a destination and just drive with the map on, it accurately pinponts my position and the GPS works as normal. But if I want to find a particular street I don't know how to get to and I enter the details and press"drive to" it comes up with that message that navigation isn't available yet.
Go to Solution.

This is a user to user support forum and as users, we cannot know when navigatable maps will be ready for Cyprus. Did you try contacting HERE through twitter (@ HERE) ?

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    All though provisioning somewhat more flexsible and pointing forward ... things are starting to go wrong here ... i.e. pointing to a very potential lack of success introducing users to the new Home namespace/concept ...
    0) Situation if you do not fix 1 + 2:
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    2) Finally, please fix obscure situation in the UI namespace in Explorer
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    The UI should always reflect the 1 essentional concept - and not under the hood technologies or different evolutionary stages of the same basic/essential concept (technology/implementation free - abstract: "Home with pining of user data space"
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    Please clarify the following:
    * "X: is a network drive, but it's actually a network drive on my machine." - Is "X" a mapped drive to one of your shared folder on network?
    * What is the project directory structure with respect to WEB-INF/web.xml? Are you able to see the three pages (from web & pages folder) in NitroX Editor?
    * Does the modified content appear in "Design view" of index.jsp upon restarting NitroX?
    - modify one of the pages in "web" folder > save the file (alert appears)
    - restart NitroX, does index.jsp display the modified content of included page?
    * If possible please send the test case project which exhibits the behavior to [email protected]
    M7 Support

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    how can i fix this isuue , i desperatly need navigation as i dont know the country  
    Go to Solution.

    I am a Sri lanka and I was using Nokia 5800 ealier. It was supporting navigation in Maps. But Recently I baught Lumia 820 and Now it won't work.
    I assume Sri Lanka is a small country and will ease Nokia to Map roads here very soon and give your customers the maximum benifits.

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    Hi sapporobaby,
    My apologies for giving out wrong information as I was mistaken with another different product.
    You're absolutely right on the TI component usage.​ontent.tsp?contentId=4663&navigationId=12607&templ​...
    Oh well, back to the drawing board for me
    Sorry guys

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Dinakar,
    this depends on your requirements, especially on how to enrich the R/3 data with the 2 new fields.
    The easiest case is if these two fields are attributes of a field delivered from R/3, e.g. the GL account.
    If this is the case, simply create them as navigational attributes to the GL account, switch on the navigational attributes in the cube and upload the data.
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    Does it help you or do you have other requirements?

  • 503 Service not available

    Could you help me ....
    I modified a bsp to display a PDF file into a new popup window, and I tested into my quality server using SE80 transaction and with my portal application after and evething was OK but when a released the new BSP into production server the BSP crashed.
    This is the error message that throws:
    503 Service not Available
    Erro 6
    Version 6040
    MOdule http_j2ee_mt.c
    Line  795
    Server EMKIOAIX103_CRP_00
    Details Cannot reach external application server on localhost:50000
    I explain you my program does it:
    1.-  the user chooses the a record into a Inbox
    2.-  IC display its data with BSP IRecReason
    3.- the user chooses a Action link
    4.- IC display a action PRINT PDF
    5.- the user selects a print pdf
    This is my code to EH_ONGO than create the PDF spool
      DATA: function_name TYPE rs38l_fnam,
            dummy(254)        TYPE c,
            ls_archive_index  TYPE toa_dara,
            ls_orderadm_h     TYPE crmt_output_orderadm_h_com,
            ls_activity_h     TYPE crmt_output_activity_h_com,
            ls_lead_h         TYPE crmt_output_lead_h_com,
            ls_opport_h       TYPE crmt_output_opport_h_com,
            ls_orgman_h       TYPE crmt_output_orgman_h_com,
            lt_partner_h      TYPE crmt_output_partner_h_comt,
            ls_pricingdata_h  TYPE crmt_output_pricingdata_h_com,
            ls_sales_h        TYPE crmt_output_sales_h_com,
            ls_shipping_h     TYPE crmt_output_shipping_h_com,
            lt_payplan_d_h    TYPE crmt_output_payplan_d_h_comt,
            ls_customer_h     TYPE crmt_output_customer_h_com,
            ls_cumulat_h     TYPE crmt_output_cumulat_h_com,
            lt_billing_h     TYPE   crmt_output_billing_h_comt,
            lt_cancel_h      TYPE   crmt_output_cancel_h_comt,
            lt_appointment_h TYPE   crmt_output_appointment_h_comt,
            lt_billplan_d_h  TYPE   crmt_output_billplan_d_h_comt,
            lt_billplan_h    TYPE   crmt_output_billplan_h_comt,
            lt_status_d_h    TYPE   crmt_output_status_d_h_comt,
            lt_status_h      TYPE   crmt_output_status_h_comt,
            lt_srv_subject_h TYPE   crmt_output_srv_subject_h_comt,
            lt_srv_reason_h  TYPE   crmt_output_srv_reason_h_comt,
            lt_srv_result_h  TYPE   crmt_output_srv_result_h_comt,
            ls_acs_h         TYPE   crmt_acs_h_com,
            lt_orderadm_i    TYPE   crmt_output_orderadm_i_comt,
            lt_orgman_i      TYPE   crmt_output_orgman_i_comt,
            lt_pricingdata_i TYPE   crmt_output_pricingdata_i_comt,
            lt_pricing_i     TYPE   crmt_output_pricing_i_comt,
            lt_product_i     TYPE   crmt_output_product_i_comt,
            lt_sales_i       TYPE   crmt_output_sales_i_comt,
            lt_shipping_i    TYPE   crmt_output_shipping_i_comt,
            lt_schedlin_i    TYPE   crmt_output_schedlin_i_comt,
            lt_customer_i    TYPE   crmt_output_customer_i_comt,
            lt_partner_i     TYPE   crmt_output_partner_i_comt,
            lt_item_cstics_i TYPE   crmt_item_cstics_tab,
            lt_billing_i     TYPE   crmt_output_billing_i_comt,
            lt_cancel_i      TYPE   crmt_output_cancel_i_comt,
            lt_finprod_i     TYPE   crmt_output_finprod_i_comt,
            lt_ordprp_i      TYPE   crmt_output_ordprp_i_comt,
            lt_appointment_i TYPE   crmt_output_appointment_i_comt,
            lt_billplan_d_i  TYPE   crmt_output_billplan_d_i_comt,
            lt_billplan_i    TYPE   crmt_output_billplan_i_comt,
            lt_orderadm_i_qt TYPE   crmt_output_orderadm_i_qt_comt,
            lt_orderadm_i_in TYPE   crmt_output_orderadm_i_in_comt,
            lt_schedlin_i_cf TYPE   crmt_output_schedlin_i_cf_comt,
            lt_status_i      TYPE   crmt_output_status_i_comt,
            lt_working_set_e_s_bbp TYPE /1cn/working_set_e_s_bbp_t,
            lv_language LIKE  sy-langu,
            lo_order TYPE REF TO cl_doc_crm_order,
            lv_object_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid,
            lv_object_kind TYPE crmt_object_kind,
            lv_status TYPE jstat,
            lt_status TYPE TABLE OF jstat,
            lv_error_tab_wrk TYPE ssferror,
            ls_output_options TYPE ssfcompop.
          IO_APPL_OBJECT Type Ref To OBJECT,
          IO_PARTNER Type Ref to CL_PARTNER_PPF,
          control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
    Resultado generado: Formato PDF
    data: l_pdf_xstring  type xstring,
          lt_lines       type table of tline,
          ls_line        type tline,
          l_pdf_len      type i,
          lv_exist       type n,
          output_data    type ssfcrescl,
          lp_proc_stat TYPE ppfdtstat.
    Explanation: this method executes the action,
    gets the medium, gets the log, reads the messages from
    the log and gets the spool id from the messages.     JLARIN 27/DIC/06
    DATA: lv_event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event_tableview,
          lv_index TYPE int4,
          wa_action TYPE LINE OF crmt_action_table_tab,
          ls_action_obj TYPE REF TO if_action_ppf,
          lr_action TYPE REF TO cl_trigger_ppf,
          lr_medium type Ref to     if_medium_ppf,
         ls_action TYPE zcrmt_action,
          lv_spoolid TYPE symsgv.
         grid   type ref to cl_crm_ic_gridlayout,
         GLOBAL_EVENT     type string.
    data: lo_trigger type ref to CL_TRIGGER_PPF,
          lo_sfprint type ref to CL_SF_PRINT_PPF,
          lo_typed_context type ref to CL_CRM_IC_IRECACTIONPLAN_CTXT,
          lt_all_data type PPFSINPRRU.
    data: lo_rp_rc type i.
    DATA: lv_head_guid      TYPE crmt_object_guid.
      DATA: adminh     TYPE REF TO cl_crm_ic_irecactionplan_cn02,
            guidstring TYPE string,
            guid       TYPE crmt_object_guid,
            action_obj   TYPE crmt_action_obj_tab,
            lv_object_id TYPE crmt_object_id.
       DATA: request_event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event.
       DATA: event_data    TYPE REF TO if_htmlb_data.
       DATA: event_value  type string.
        event_data = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event_ex( request ).
        if event_data is bound.
              request_event ?= event_data.
            catch cx_sy_move_cast_error.
              clear request_event.
          event_value = event_data->event_id.
          translate event_value to lower case.             "#EC TRANSLANG
       if event_value <> 'x1_x3_x17_x21_actionitems'.
    create object lo_sfprint.
    create object lo_trigger.
        lv_exist = 1.
      Get the header GUID
        adminh = typed_context->btadminh.
        guidstring = adminh->get_actionitem( 'GUID' ).
        If guidstring is initial.
        lv_head_guid = guidstring.
            iv_orderadm_h_guid     = lv_head_guid
            ev_object_id           = lv_object_id
            admin_header_not_found = 1
            OTHERS                 = 2.
            iv_ref_guid     = lv_head_guid
            iv_ref_kind     = 'A'
            et_action_obj   = action_obj
            et_action_fld   = action_fld
            parameter_error = 1
            error_occurred  = 2
            error_message   = 3
            OTHERS          = 4.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          LOOP AT action_fld INTO wa_action where applkey = lv_object_id.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
             ls_action_obj = wa_action-action.
             lv_exist = 0.
        if lv_exist is initial.
        CALL METHOD ls_action_obj->get_processing
           ei_processing = lr_medium.
        CALL METHOD lo_trigger->get_appl
            result = io_appl_object.
          call function 'CRM_ACTION_GET_APPL_OBJECT'
              iv_ref_guid          = lv_head_guid
              iv_ref_kind          = 'A'
              EV_APPL_OBJECT       = io_appl_object.
        CALL METHOD lr_medium->execute
            io_appl_ref       = io_appl_object   "lo_appl_ref
            rp_status         = lp_proc_stat
            missing_arguments = 1
            OTHERS            = 2.
      ip_smart_form =  lr_medium->get_smartform( ).
        ip_smart_form = 'ZIMPR_ORDEN_RASTREO'.
      get the function name for this smart form
            formname           = ip_smart_form
            fm_name            = function_name
            no_form            = 1
            no_function_module = 2
            OTHERS             = 3.
    determine the tables of the application
          iv_object                 = io_appl_object
          iv_smart_form             = ip_smart_form
          ir_partner                = io_partner
          es_output_orderadm_h      = ls_orderadm_h
          es_output_activity_h      = ls_activity_h
          es_output_lead_h          = ls_lead_h
          es_output_opport_h        = ls_opport_h
          es_output_orgman_h        = ls_orgman_h
          es_output_pricingdata_h   = ls_pricingdata_h
          es_output_sales_h         = ls_sales_h
          es_output_shipping_h      = ls_shipping_h
          et_output_partner_h       = lt_partner_h
          et_output_payplan_d_h     = lt_payplan_d_h
          es_output_customer_h      = ls_customer_h
          es_output_cumulat_h       = ls_cumulat_h
          et_output_billing_h       = lt_billing_h
          et_output_cancel_h        = lt_cancel_h
          et_output_appointment_h   = lt_appointment_h
          et_output_billplan_d_h    = lt_billplan_d_h
          et_output_billplan_h      = lt_billplan_h
          et_output_status_d_h      = lt_status_d_h
          et_output_status_h        = lt_status_h
          et_output_srv_subject_h   = lt_srv_subject_h
          et_output_srv_reason_h    = lt_srv_reason_h
          et_output_srv_result_h    = lt_srv_result_h
          es_output_acs_h           = ls_acs_h
          et_output_orderadm_i      = lt_orderadm_i
          et_output_orgman_i        = lt_orgman_i
          et_output_pricingdata_i   = lt_pricingdata_i
          et_output_pricing_i       = lt_pricing_i
          et_output_product_i       = lt_product_i
          et_output_sales_i         = lt_sales_i
          et_output_shipping_i      = lt_shipping_i
          et_output_schedlin_i      = lt_schedlin_i
          et_output_partner_i       = lt_partner_i
          et_item_cstics_i          = lt_item_cstics_i
          et_output_customer_i      = lt_customer_i
          et_output_billing_i       = lt_billing_i
          et_output_cancel_i        = lt_cancel_i
          et_output_finprod_i       = lt_finprod_i
          et_output_ordprp_i        = lt_ordprp_i
          et_output_appointment_i   = lt_appointment_i
          et_output_billplan_d_i    = lt_billplan_d_i
          et_output_billplan_i      = lt_billplan_i
          et_output_orderadm_i_qt   = lt_orderadm_i_qt
          et_output_orderadm_i_in   = lt_orderadm_i_in
          et_output_schedlin_i_cf   = lt_schedlin_i_cf
          et_output_status_i        = lt_status_i
          et_output_wrk_set_e_s_bbp = lt_working_set_e_s_bbp
          ev_language               = lv_language.
      control_parameters-langu = sy-langu.
      control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'.
      control_parameters-getotf    = 'X'.
    call function to process smart form
      CALL FUNCTION function_name
          archive_index        = is_archive_index
          archive_index_tab    = ct_archive_index_tab
          archive_parameters   = is_archive_parameters
          control_parameters   = control_parameters
          mail_appl_obj        = is_mail_appl_obj
          mail_recipient       = is_mail_recipient
          mail_sender          = is_mail_sender
          output_options       = ls_output_options
          user_settings        = ip_user_settings
          orderadm_h           = ls_orderadm_h
          activity_h           = ls_activity_h
          lead_h               = ls_lead_h
          opport_h             = ls_opport_h
          orgman_h             = ls_orgman_h
          partner_h            = lt_partner_h
          pricingdata_h        = ls_pricingdata_h
          sales_h              = ls_sales_h
          shipping_h           = ls_shipping_h
          payplan_d_h          = lt_payplan_d_h
          cumulat_h            = ls_cumulat_h
          customer_h           = ls_customer_h
          acs_h                = ls_acs_h
          billing_h            = lt_billing_h
          cancel_h             = lt_cancel_h
          appointment_h        = lt_appointment_h
          billplan_d_h         = lt_billplan_d_h
          billplan_h           = lt_billplan_h
          status_d_h           = lt_status_d_h
          status_h             = lt_status_h
          srv_subject_h        = lt_srv_subject_h
          srv_reason_h         = lt_srv_reason_h
          srv_result_h         = lt_srv_result_h
          orderadm_i           = lt_orderadm_i
          orderadm_i_qt        = lt_orderadm_i_qt
          orderadm_i_in        = lt_orderadm_i_in
          orgman_i             = lt_orgman_i
          pricingdata_i        = lt_pricingdata_i
          pricing_i            = lt_pricing_i
          product_i            = lt_product_i
          sales_i              = lt_sales_i
          schedlin_i           = lt_schedlin_i
          schedlin_i_cf        = lt_schedlin_i_cf
          shipping_i           = lt_shipping_i
          partner_i            = lt_partner_i
          item_cstics_i        = lt_item_cstics_i
          customer_i           = lt_customer_i
          billing_i            = lt_billing_i
          cancel_i             = lt_cancel_i
          finprod_i            = lt_finprod_i
          ordprp_i             = lt_ordprp_i
          appointment_i        = lt_appointment_i
          billplan_d_i         = lt_billplan_d_i
          billplan_i           = lt_billplan_i
          status_i             = lt_status_i
          working_set_e_s_bbp  = lt_working_set_e_s_bbp
          language             = lv_language
          document_output_info = es_document_output_info
          job_output_info      = output_data
          job_output_options   = es_job_output_options
          output_canceled      = 1
          parameter_error      = 2
          OTHERS               = 3.
        call function 'CONVERT_OTF'
            format                = 'PDF'
            bin_filesize          = l_pdf_len
            bin_file              = l_pdf_xstring
            OTF                   = OUTPUT_DATA-OTFDATA
            LINES                 = LT_LINES
            err_max_linewidth     = 1
            err_format            = 2
            err_conv_not_possible = 3
            err_bad_otf           = 4
            others                = 5.
          IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
            DATA: lv_string TYPE string,
                  lv_numguid(10) TYPE N.
            lv_string = lv_spoolid.
            lv_numguid = lv_object_id.
           CALL METHOD op_previewspool( iv_spoolid = lv_string ).
            me->op_previewspool( iv_spoolid     = lv_string
                                 lv_pdf_xstring = l_pdf_xstring
                                 lv_guid        = lv_numguid ).
        CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error.
    <b>This part send the result to a new windows and refresh a main page, but thow a error 503 ...</b>
    method OP_PREVIEWSPOOL .
    *{   INSERT         CRDK902447                                        1
      DATA: lv_url TYPE string.
    DATA: cached_response TYPE REF TO if_http_response,
          new_navegator   TYPE REF TO CL_WB_NAVIGATOR_NEW_WINDOW,
          new_navigation   TYPE REF TO CL_BSP_NAVIGATION.
    DATA: guid TYPE guid_32.
    Resultado generado: Formato PDF
      data: l_pdf_xstring  type xstring,
            display_url    type string,
            pagina_url    type string,
            display_pag    type string,
            W_APP_NAME     TYPE STRING,
            l_pdf_len      type i.
            lv_out TYPE REF TO cl_BSP_WRITER,
            lv_context Type Ref to IF_BSP_PAGE_CONTEXT,
            lv_body type string,
            lv_body2 type string,
            lv_guidmem(10) type n,
            lv_pag   type xstring,
            lv_back(2) type n.
    IF not lv_pdf_xstring is initial.
        CREATE OBJECT cached_response TYPE CL_HTTP_RESPONSE EXPORTING add_c_msg = 1.
        l_pdf_len = xstrlen( lv_pdf_xstring ).
        cached_response->set_data( data   = lv_pdf_xstring
                              length = l_pdf_len ).
        cached_response->set_header_field( name  = if_http_header_fields=>content_type
                                           value = 'application/pdf' ).
                            name  = 'content-disposition'
                            value = 'attachment; filename = test.pdf' ).
        cached_response->set_status( code = 200 reason = 'OK' ).
        cached_response->server_cache_expire_rel( expires_rel = 180 ).
            ev_guid_32 = guid.
        LV_HOST     TYPE STRING,     "Host name
        LV_PORT     TYPE STRING,     "Port Number
        LV_LOCAL_URL     TYPE STRING,     "URL (Relative to the Current Server)
        LV_ABS_URL     TYPE STRING,     "URL (Absolute, incl. Protocol, Host, Port)
        LV_PROTOCOL     TYPE STRING,     "Available Protocol
        LV_servidor     TYPE STRING.     "Available Protocol
    Construct the Target URL
              IN_PROTOCOL       = 'http'
              IN_APPLICATION    = 'crm_ic'
              IN_PAGE           = '**/crm_ic'
              OUT_ABS_URL       = V_TARGET_URL
              OUT_HOST          = LV_HOST
              OUT_PORT          = LV_PORT
              OUT_LOCAL_URL     = LV_LOCAL_URL
              OUT_PROTOCOL      = LV_PROTOCOL.
            CONCATENATE 'crm_ic' '/**/' INTO W_APP_NAME.
        CONCATENATE V_TARGET_URL '/' guid '.pdf' INTO display_url.
        cl_http_server=>server_cache_upload( url      = display_url
                                             response = cached_response ).
        lv_url = adapter->if_bsp_page~get_page_url( ).
        if LV_PORT is initial.
           concatenate 'http://' LV_HOST lv_url+0(61) '' into lv_url.
           concatenate 'http://' LV_HOST ':' LV_PORT lv_url+0(61) '' into lv_url.
          lv_body2 = '<html><head><script language=JavaScript>'.
          concatenate lv_body2 '"' display_url '"); ' INTO lv_body2.
          concatenate lv_body2 ' location.href = "' lv_url '";  </script></head>' INTO lv_body2.
          concatenate lv_body2 '<body></body></html>' INTO lv_body2.
         concatenate lv_body2 ' function back(){ history.back( ); } </script></head>' INTO lv_body2.
         concatenate lv_body2 '<body><a href="javascript:back();">regresar</a></body></html>' INTO lv_body2.
          response->append_cdata( data = lv_body2 ) .
          response->set_header_field( name  = 'content-type'
                                      value = 'text/html' ). "#EC NOTEXT
          response->set_header_field( name = 'cache-control' value = 'max-age=0' ). "#EC NOTEXT
         response->set_header_field( name = 'Expires' value = '0' ). "#EC NOTEXT
          navigation->response_complete( ).

    Using the search bar, it seems it's a proxy issue, but finding a simple solution did not seem apparent.  Have you tried a reboot?  To reboot, hold the power and home buttons at the same time for at least 10 seconds (hold past the swipe to shut down bar, should it appear) until the Apple Logo appears, then let go fo both buttons and your iPad will restart.  Hopefully, this will solve the problem......

  • 503 Service not available error while testing web service in SOAMANAGER

    Hi guys,
    We have created a web service in ABAP and want to test it in soamanager.
    When trying to test it using the    "Open Web Service navigator for selected binding" link in web service administration page    we get the error page--
    503 Service not available
    Error: -6
    Version: 7000
    Component: J2EE Server
    Date/Time: Thu Jul 30 10:40:50 2009 
    Module: http_j2ee.c
    Line: 820
    Server: cmphr_HRC_10
    Error Tag:
    Detail: Cannot reach external Application Server on localhost:51000
    we have enabled the wsdl service in SICF and also the APP SOA MANAGER service.
    Can anyone please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Detail: Cannot reach external Application Server on localhost:51000
    51000 is the port when the j2ee engine runs. As you dont have java stack am afraid this would not work.

  • Windows Authentication option not available in Windows 8.1

    I am using Windows 8.1 OS. "Windows Authentication" option is not available in my laptop. I navigated to below path.
    Windows Features --> Internet Information Services --> World wide web services --> Security --> in this I am not able to see windows authentication. Please let me know.
    Thanks in Advance!

    Hi Meipo,
    Thank you for the information and reply.
    I ran command in my laptop. I got below error.
    Image version : 6.3.9600.17031
    Error: 0x800f080c
    Feature name IIS-WindowsAuthentication is unknown.
    Is this problem with OS version? Please suggest me how can I get windows authentication in my laptop.
    Thanks in Advance!

  • Link to content area - portlet not available

    I have a link to a content area in that I open from another application. Occassionally, I get a "portlet not available" message. Is this related to navigating directly to the document repository? It works most of the time.
    So 3 questions:
    Is it acceptable to navigate directly to the content area? (My users then log on and store documents)
    Am I getting the "portlet not available" message because of navigating to the content area this way?
    Is there another reason I'm getting this message?
    Thank you

    Unfortunately, the only way to do this would be to not show the sub-folder region and add URL items in another region that link to the folder page in question.

  • JSF Deployment error - login.faces not available

    I am new to JSF and am having deploying my first example JSF pages in Eclipse on default Tomcat (6.x).
    I feel I have done everything stated in the tutorial (I did not repeat the step by step instructions in the tutorial - instead, used these instructions to create my own pages / logic). However, I still get the following error:
    HTTP Status 404 - /reportwriter/pages/login.faces
    type Status report
    message /reportwriter/pages/login.faces
    description The requested resource (/reportwriter/pages/login.faces) is not available.
    Here is my directory structure:
    - src
    - LoginBean
    - js
    - html
    - images
    - pages
    - login.jsp
    - webRoot
    - WEB-INF
    - lib
    - faces-config.xml
    - web.xml
    - index.jsp with a one line jsp forward to pages/login.faces
    here is my faces-config.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN"
    <description>Handle case for successful login</description>
    <description>Handle case for unsuccessful login</description>
    and here is web.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="2.4" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <!-- Faces Servlet -->
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <!-- Faces Servlet Mapping -->
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    Can you think what I may be missing here to get the login.faces not available error?
    One hint I have is - if I do not set a jsp forward line in the index.jsp file, I get the server deployment for the index.jsp file OK. But not when I have the forward from index.jsp to /pages/login.faces
    I also tried setting the context in tomcat server.xml file as follows:
    <Context debug="0"
    path="/LoginBean" reloadable="true"/>
    Still no use.
    Please help!
    Edited by: tipseeker on Dec 1, 2008 3:51 PM

    tipseeker wrote:
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN"
    I highly recommend your to stop with this and restart with JSF 1.2 instead. JSF 1.0 is legacy and may have still some nasty bugs. You may find this JSF 1.2 / Eclipse 3.4 / Tomcat 6.0 startup tutorial useful as well: []
    </context-param>There's the root cause of the problem, I think. Why did you add this? Are you using JSP or Facelets? This configuration is typical for Facelets, but in your remaining code I only see JSP's being mentioned.

  • Page not found or not available

    Hi All,
    I am using ESS/MSS. While generating reports I am getting an error.
    In MSS , I am able to select the report in first step and in second step I am able to define selection criteria. But when I try to get
    report results( as results will be shown in a seperate window) it is showing as page not found or not available.
    I have checked the authorization and it is fine. The service is also running fine. But in portal I am facing this error.
    Can anyone help me in this.

    Hi Lukas/Siddarth,
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    I wanted to tell one more information. Few days back in HR side they did patch upgrade.Please suggest what are the things shud I check
    This is the log I got from NWA
    Error looking up url: portal_content/
    [EXCEPTION] Access denied (Object(s): portal_content/
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
    at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pcm.roles.RoleNavigationConnector.getNodes(
    at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pcm.roles.RoleNavigationConnector.getNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.cache.connector.CacheNavigationConnector.getOriginalNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.cache.connector.CacheNavigationConnector.getNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationService.getNavNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationService.getNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.cache.CachedNavigationService.getNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationEventsHelperService.getCurrentNavNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationEventsHelperService.getCurrentLaunchNavNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationEventsHelperService.getCurrentLaunchNavNode(
    at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.workAreaiView.doContent(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
    at Method)
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at Method)

  • Work Clearance Management  (WCM) not available with ECC 6.0

    Hi All,
    Work Clearance Management (WCM) is a part of SAP Plant Maintenance (PM). It is a standard functionality. This is not available with our installed version of ECC 6.0 system.
    The navigation should be
    SAP Easy Access > Logistics > Plant Maintenance > Work Clearance Management.
    This is also not available on SPRO.
    But whenever we directly enter the T Code related to WCM, it allows me to go to that screen. But if we want to customize the WCM using the same method then the SAP standard configuration is missing.
    I need to get this functionality available on our system.
    Is it a part of SAP software component SAP_APPL ?
    But how do I get this ?
    Can anyone pls help me on this ?
    Thanks and warm regards

    I think that WCM it's present as an extension set (i'm not quite sure if is EA-PLM or EA-SCM). When you configure it, the activities related in custominizg, will appear as well.
    Hope this help

  • Why am I getting-"The ExternalInterface is not available in this container" in Flex Mobile Project

    I am using StageWebView to show an HTML page. I want to call a function in my flex mobile project to be called from a JS function. Using ExternalInterface, I have 
       in Flex - 
       in JS -
            function thisMovie(movieName) {
               if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
                 return window[movieName];
               } else {
                 return document[movieName];
           function showAlert()
                  alert("Going to call AS function");
                  return false;
    I am getting "Error: Error #2067: The ExternalInterface is not available in this container. ExternalInterface requires Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime." when trying to run the application.
    And my project targets Android platform. And  I have Mozilla, Chrome installed on my desktop - although I am not user if that is relevant to the problem.
    Please help in resolving this issue.

    Is there an alternative?
    I want to display a local HTML file and then allow for JS to Flex communication. I am new to Flex and AS. As per my understanding, StageWebView is the only way to
    show a local HTML file in a mobile project. If the script interface is not available - then I cannot achieve JS-to-Flex communication. So is there any other way to do this??
    Please help ...else I will have to abandon my foray into Flex, AS and go back to Android Java.

  • KB2719704 Hotfix not available from Microsoft's page?

    "0x0000003B" or "0x000000D5" Stop error in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2
    Need this hotfix please :)
    Link to Hotfix

    Hah thanks I did click on that which is why Im posting here that its not working! :) This is what I get
    Sorry, the page you requested is not available.
    The page you were looking for is currently not available. The address may not be correct, or there may be a temporary problem with this site. Please try one of the following options:
    Check the address for typing errors.
    Click the Back button and try a different option from the navigation menu.
    Try this page again later.

  • Spry Tab Navigation not working in IE

    I have created a couple of test pages to highlight what happens and the issue I have.
    ONE:   - navigation to specific tabs doesn't work in IE7 or 8 and all tabs content is displayed in one page and no tab navigation options available.
    TWO: - no way to navigate to get to specific tabs that works in IE7 or 8.
    In Webkit and Firefox all is well and the two examples show the same thing.
    The main requirements I have is to be able to navigate to specific tabs from outside of the page. I have looked at various related topics but cannot see a solution that works for me and Option ONE seems to be the closest I can find.
    As soon as I included the error I get in ONE above.   
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)
    Timestamp: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 01:33:34 UTC
    Message: 'Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels' is null or not an object
    Line: 121
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    From the page outside via a hyperlink I used  <a href="testCentresML.html?tab=1#TestCentresTabs">
    Thanks in anticipation and regards,

    If you want to choose Brunei, the URL should look like
    <a href="testCentresML.html?test=0&country=1">
    and the code for the page
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js"></script>
    <script> var params = Spry.Utils.getLocationParamsAsObject(); </script>
    <h1>Test Centres</h1>
    <div id="TestCentresTabs" class="TabbedPanels">
      <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
        <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">First Tab</li>
        <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Second Tab</li>
        <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Third Tab</li>
        <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Test Availability</li>
      <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">
            <div id="CountryTabs" class="TabbedPanels">
              <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
                <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">AUSTRALIA</li>
                <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">BRUNEI</li>
                <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">CAMBODIA</li>
              <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
                <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content AUSTRALIA</div>
                <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content BRUNEI</div>
                <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content CAMBODIA</div>
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent"><h2>2nd Tab</h2></div>
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">
            <h2>3rd Tab</h2>
          <p> 333333 </p>
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">
          <h2>4th Tab</h2>
          <p> 44444 </p>
    var TestCentresTabs = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TestCentresTabs", {defaultTab: params.test ? params.test : 0});
    var CountryTabs = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("CountryTabs", {defaultTab: ? : 0});

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