Need an UNDO for Keywords

Seriously need an Undo for assigning keywords... a couple of times now when in a Smartalbum showing various keywords, somehow I have managed to assign a new keyword to all photos, which mixes them up with other ones, and I have to manually go through them all again to remove the keyword as there is no "undo" when you assign the keywords.

Thanks, have submitted it as a bug report, I cant think of the issue as anything else. Although I tend to prefer forums over bug reports/feature requests, I dont think in my life I have ever had any positive outcome when contacting large companies with bugs or feature requests. Usually the community provide much better support!

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    use this program to search for the BADIS and enhancements
    & Report  ZPJA_PM002 (V2)                                            &
    & Text Elements:                                                     &
    & P_DEVC Show user-exits from development class                      &
    & P_LIMIT Limit submit program selection                             &
    & P_FUNC Show function modules                                       &
    & P_SUBM Show submit programs                                        &
    & S01    Selection data (TCode takes precedence  over program name)  &
    report  zpja_pm002
      no standard page heading
      line-size 158.
    *tables: enlfdir.     "Additional Attributes for Function Modules
    data: tabix      like sy-tabix,
          w_linnum   type i,
          w_off      type i,
          w_index    like sy-tabix,
          w_include  like trdir-name,
          w_prog     like trdir-name,
          w_incl     like trdir-name,
          w_area     like rs38l-area,
          w_str(50)  type c,
          w_funcname like tfdir-funcname.
    constants: c_fmod(40) type c value 'Function modules selected: ',
               c_subm(40) type c value 'Submit programs selected: ',
               c_col1(12) type c value 'Enhanmt Type',
               c_col2(40) type c value 'Enhancement',
               c_col3(30) type c value 'Program/Include',
               c_col4(20) type c value 'Enhancement Name',
               c_col5(40) type c value 'Enhancement Description'.
    Work Areas: ABAP Workbench
    data: begin of wa_d010inc.
    data: master type d010inc-master.
    data: end of wa_d010inc.
    data: begin of wa_tfdir.
    data: funcname type tfdir-funcname,
          pname    type tfdir-pname,
          include  type tfdir-include.
    data: end of wa_tfdir.
    data: begin of wa_tadir.
    data: devclass type tadir-devclass.
    data: end of wa_tadir.
    data: begin of wa_tstc.
    data: pgmna type tstc-pgmna.
    data: end of wa_tstc.
    data: begin of wa_tstcp.
    data: param type tstcp-param.
    data: end of wa_tstcp.
    data: begin of wa_enlfdir.
    data: area type enlfdir-area.
    data: end of wa_enlfdir.
    Work Areas: BADIs
    data: begin of wa_sxs_attr.
    data: exit_name type sxs_attr-exit_name.
    data: end of wa_sxs_attr.
    data: begin of wa_sxs_attrt.
    data: text type sxs_attrt-text.
    data: end of wa_sxs_attrt.
    Work Areas: Enhancements
    data: begin of wa_modsap.
    data: member type modsap-member.
    data: end of wa_modsap.
    data: begin of wa_modsapa.
    data: name type modsapa-name.
    data: end of wa_modsapa.
    data: begin of wa_modsapt.
    data: modtext type modsapt-modtext.
    data: end of wa_modsapt.
    Work Areas: Business Transaction Events
    data: begin of wa_tbe01t.
    data: text1 type tbe01t-text1.
    data: end of wa_tbe01t.
    data: begin of wa_tps01t.
    data: text1 type tps01t-text1.
    data: end of wa_tps01t.
    types: begin of t_userexit,
          type(12) type c,
          pname    like trdir-name,
          level    type c,
          modname(30) type c,
          modtext(40) type c,
    end of t_userexit.
    data: i_userexit type standard table of t_userexit with header line.
    Function module developmnet classes
    types: begin of t_devclass,
          clas   like trdir-clas,
    end of t_devclass.
    data: i_devclass type standard table of t_devclass with header line.
    Submit programs
    types: begin of t_submit,
          pname     like trdir-name,
    end of t_submit.
    data: i_submit type standard table of t_submit with header line.
    Source code
    types: begin of t_sourcetab,                        "#EC * (SLIN lügt!)
            line(200),                                  "#EC * (SLIN lügt!)
          end of t_sourcetab.                           "#EC * (SLIN lügt!)
    data: sourcetab type standard table of t_sourcetab with header line.
    data c_overflow(30000) type c.
    Description of an ABAP/4 source analysis token
    data: i_stoken type standard table of stokex with header line.
    data wa_stoken like i_stoken.
    Description of an ABAP/4 source analysis statement
    data: i_sstmnt type standard table of sstmnt with header line."#EC
    keywords for searching ABAP code
    types: begin of t_keywords,
    end of t_keywords.
    data: keywords type standard table of t_keywords with header line.
    function modules within program
    types: begin of t_fmodule,
          name   like rs38l-name,
          pname  like trdir-name,
          pname2 like trdir-name,
    end of t_fmodule.
    data: i_fmodule type standard table of t_fmodule with header line.
    & Selection Options                                                  &
    selection-screen begin of block selscr1 with frame title text-s01.
    parameter: p_pname like trdir-name memory id rid,
               p_tcode like syst-tcode,
               p_limit(4) type n default 100,
               p_devc  like rihea-dy_ofn default ' ',
               p_func  like rihea-dy_ofn default ' ',
               p_subm  like rihea-dy_ofn default ' '.
    selection-screen end of block selscr1.
    & START-OF-SELECTION                                                 &
      if p_pname is initial and p_tcode is initial.
        message e008(hrfpm).  "Make entry on the selection screen
    ensure P_LIMIT is not zero.
      if p_limit = 0.
        p_limit = 1.
      perform data_select.
      perform get_submit_data.
      perform get_fm_data.
      perform get_additional_data.
      perform data_display.
    & Form DATA_SELECT                                                   &
    form data_select.
    data selection message to sap gui
      call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
        destination 'SAPGUI'
        keeping logical unit of work
          text                  = 'Get programs/includes'       "#EC NOTEXT
        .                                                       "#EC *
    determine search words
      keywords-word = 'CALL'.
      append keywords.
      keywords-word = 'FORM'.
      append keywords.
      keywords-word = 'PERFORM'.
      append keywords.
      keywords-word = 'SUBMIT'.
      append keywords.
      keywords-word = 'INCLUDE'.
      append keywords.
      if not p_tcode is initial.
    get program name from TCode
        select single pgmna from tstc into wa_tstc-pgmna
                     where tcode eq p_tcode.
        if not wa_tstc-pgmna is initial.
          p_pname = wa_tstc-pgmna.
    TCode does not include program name, but does have refereve TCode
          select single param from tstcp into wa_tstcp-param
                       where tcode eq p_tcode.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            check wa_tstcp-param(1)   = '/'.
            check wa_tstcp-param+1(1) = '*'.
            if wa_tstcp-param ca ' '.
            w_off = sy-fdpos + 1.
            subtract 2 from sy-fdpos.
            if sy-fdpos gt 0.
              p_tcode = wa_tstcp-param+2(sy-fdpos).
            select single pgmna from tstc into wa_tstc-pgmna
                   where tcode eq p_tcode.
            p_pname = wa_tstc-pgmna.
            if sy-subrc <> 0.
              message e110(/saptrx/asc) with 'No program found for: '
    p_tcode."#EC NOTEXT
            message e110(/saptrx/asc) with 'No program found for: ' p_tcode.
    Call customer-function aus Program coding
      read report p_pname into sourcetab.
      if sy-subrc > 0.
        message e017(enhancement) with p_pname raising no_program."#EC *
      scan abap-source sourcetab tokens     into i_stoken
                                 statements into i_sstmnt
                                 keywords   from keywords
                                 overflow into c_overflow
                                 with includes.
                                 WITH ANALYSIS.
      if sy-subrc > 0. "keine/syntakt. falsche Ablauflog./Fehler im Skanner
        message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error.         "#EC *
    check I_STOKEN for entries
      clear w_linnum.
      describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum.
      if w_linnum gt 0.
        w_level = '0'.
        w_prog = ''.
        w_incl = ''.
        perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl.
    endform.                        "DATA_SELECT
    & Form GET_FM_DATA                                                   &
    form get_fm_data.
    data selection message to sap gui
      call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
        destination 'SAPGUI'
        keeping logical unit of work
          text                  = 'Get function module data'    "#EC NOTEXT
        .                                                       "#EC *
    Function module data
      sort i_fmodule by name.
      delete adjacent duplicates from i_fmodule comparing name.
      loop at i_fmodule where done  ne 'X'.
        clear:   i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab, wa_tfdir, w_include .
        refresh: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab.
        clear wa_tfdir.
        select single funcname pname include from tfdir into wa_tfdir
                                where funcname = i_fmodule-name.
        check sy-subrc = 0.
        call function 'FUNCTION_INCLUDE_SPLIT'
            program = wa_tfdir-pname
            group   = w_area.
        concatenate 'L' w_area 'U' wa_tfdir-include into w_include.
        i_fmodule-pname  = w_include.
        i_fmodule-pname2 = wa_tfdir-pname.
        modify i_fmodule.
        read report i_fmodule-pname into sourcetab.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          scan abap-source sourcetab tokens     into i_stoken
                                     statements into i_sstmnt
                                     keywords   from keywords
                                     with includes.
          if sy-subrc > 0.
            message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error.
    check i_stoken for entries
          clear w_linnum.
          describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum.
          if w_linnum gt 0.
            w_level = '1'.
            w_prog  = i_fmodule-pname2.
            w_incl =  i_fmodule-pname.
            perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl.
      if p_devc = 'X'.
        loop at i_fmodule.
          clear: wa_tadir, wa_enlfdir.
          select single area from enlfdir into wa_enlfdir-area
                                where funcname = i_fmodule-name.
          check not wa_enlfdir-area is initial.
          select single devclass into wa_tadir-devclass
                          from tadir where pgmid    = 'R3TR'
                                       and object   = 'FUGR'
                                       and obj_name = wa_enlfdir-area.
          check not wa_tadir-devclass is initial.
          move wa_tadir-devclass to i_devclass-clas.
          append i_devclass.
          i_fmodule-done = 'X'.
          modify i_fmodule.
        sort i_devclass.
        delete adjacent duplicates from i_devclass.
    endform.                        "GET_FM_DATA
    & Form GET_SUBMIT_DATA                                               &
    form get_submit_data.
    data selection message to sap gui
      call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
        destination 'SAPGUI'
        keeping logical unit of work
          text                  = 'Get submit data'             "#EC NOTEXT
        .                                                       "#EC *
      sort i_submit.
      delete adjacent duplicates from i_submit comparing pname.
      w_level = '0'.
      loop at i_submit where done ne 'X'.
        clear:   i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab.
        refresh: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab.
        read report i_submit-pname into sourcetab.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          scan abap-source sourcetab tokens     into i_stoken
                                     statements into i_sstmnt
                                     keywords   from keywords
                                     with includes.
          if sy-subrc > 0.
           message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error.
    check i_stoken for entries
          clear w_linnum.
          describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum.
          if w_linnum gt 0.
            w_prog  = i_submit-pname.
            w_incl = ''.
            perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl.
    restrict number of submit program selected for processing
        describe table i_submit lines w_linnum.
        if w_linnum ge p_limit.
          w_level = '1'.
        i_submit-done = 'X'.
        modify i_submit.
    endform.                       "GET_SUBMIT_DATA
    & Form DATA_SEARCH                                                   &
    form data_search tables p_stoken structure stoken
                            using p_level p_prog p_incl.
      loop at p_stoken.
        clear i_userexit.
        tabix = sy-tabix + 1.
        i_userexit-level = p_level.
        if i_userexit-level = '0'.
          if p_incl is initial.
            i_userexit-pname = p_pname.
            concatenate  p_pname '/' p_incl into i_userexit-pname.
          if p_incl is initial.
            i_userexit-pname = p_prog.
            concatenate  p_prog '/' p_incl into i_userexit-pname.
        if p_stoken-str eq 'INCLUDE'.
          check p_level eq '0'.    " do not perform for function modules
    *(2nd pass)
          w_index = sy-tabix + 1.
          read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
          check not wa_stoken-str cs 'STRUCTURE'.
          check not wa_stoken-str cs 'SYMBOL'.
          read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
            i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str.
            i_submit-level = p_level.
            append i_submit.
        if p_stoken-str eq 'CUSTOMER-FUNCTION'.
          clear w_funcname.
          read table p_stoken index tabix.
          translate p_stoken-str using ''' '.
          condense p_stoken-str.
          if p_prog is initial.
            concatenate 'EXIT' p_pname p_stoken-str into w_funcname
                         separated by '_'.
            concatenate 'EXIT' p_prog p_stoken-str into w_funcname
                   separated by '_'.
          select single member from modsap into wa_modsap-member
                where member = w_funcname.
          if sy-subrc = 0.   " check for valid enhancement
            i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'.
            i_userexit-txt  = w_funcname.
            append i_userexit.
            clear wa_d010inc.
            select single master into wa_d010inc-master
                  from d010inc
                     where include = p_prog.
            concatenate 'EXIT' wa_d010inc-master p_stoken-str into
                   separated by '_'.
            i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'.
            i_userexit-txt  = w_funcname.
        if p_stoken-str cs 'cl_exithandler='.
          w_index = sy-tabix + 4.
          read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
          i_userexit-txt = wa_stoken-str.
          replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space.
          i_userexit-type = 'BADI'.
          append i_userexit.
    Business transaction events
        if p_stoken-str cs 'OPEN_FI_PERFORM'.
          i_userexit-type = 'BusTrEvent'.
          i_userexit-txt = p_stoken-str.
          replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space.
          i_userexit-modname =  i_userexit-txt+16(8).
          case i_userexit-txt+25(1).
            when 'E'.
              clear wa_tbe01t.
              select single text1 into wa_tbe01t-text1 from tbe01t
                               where event = i_userexit-txt+16(8)
                                 and spras = sy-langu.
              if wa_tbe01t-text1 is initial.
                i_userexit-modtext = ''.            "#EC NOTEXT
                i_userexit-modtext = wa_tbe01t-text1.
              i_userexit-modname+8 = '/P&S'.                    "#EC NOTEXT
            when 'P'.
              clear wa_tps01t.
              select single text1 into wa_tps01t-text1 from tps01t
                               where procs = i_userexit-txt+16(8)
                                 and spras = sy-langu.
              i_userexit-modtext = wa_tps01t-text1.
              i_userexit-modname+8 = '/Process'.
          append i_userexit.
    Program exits
        if p_stoken-str cs 'USEREXIT_'.
          i_userexit-type = 'Program Exit'.
          i_userexit-txt = p_stoken-str.
          replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space.
          append i_userexit.
    Submit programs
        if p_stoken-str cs 'SUBMIT'.
          check p_level eq '0'.    " do not perform for function modules
    *(2nd pass)
          check not p_stoken-str cs '_'.   " ensure not SUBMIT_XXX
          w_index = sy-tabix + 1.
          read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
          check not wa_stoken-str cs '_'.   " ensure not SUBMIT_XXX
          replace all occurrences of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space.
          read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
            i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str.
            i_submit-level = p_level.
            append i_submit.
    Perform routines (which reference external programs)
        if p_stoken-str cs 'PERFORM'.
          check p_level eq '0'.    " do not perform for function modules
    *(2nd pass)
          w_index = sy-tabix + 1.
          read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
          if not wa_stoken-ovfl is initial.
            w_off = wa_stoken-off1 + 10.
            w_str = c_overflow+w_off(30).
            find ')' in w_str match offset w_off.
            w_off = w_off + 1.
            wa_stoken-str = w_str(w_off).
          check wa_stoken-str cs '('.
          w_off = 0.
          while sy-subrc  = 0.
            if wa_stoken-str+w_off(1) eq '('.
              replace section offset w_off length 1 of wa_stoken-str with ''
              replace all occurrences of ')' in wa_stoken-str with space.
              read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str.
              if sy-subrc <> 0.
                i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str.
                append i_submit.
              replace section offset w_off length 1 of wa_stoken-str with ''
              shift wa_stoken-str left deleting leading space.
    Function modules
        if p_stoken-str cs 'FUNCTION'.
          clear i_fmodule.
          check p_level eq '0'.    " do not perform for function modules
    *(2nd pass)
          w_index = sy-tabix + 1.
          read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken.
         if wa_stoken-str cs 'WF_'.
         if wa_stoken-str cs 'IF_'.
          if wa_stoken-str cs 'BAPI'.
            i_fmodule-bapi = 'X'.
          replace first occurrence of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space.
          replace first occurrence of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space.
          if sy-subrc = 4.   " didn't find 2nd quote (ie name truncated)
            clear wa_tfdir.
            concatenate wa_stoken-str '%' into wa_stoken-str.
            select single funcname into wa_tfdir-funcname from tfdir
                         where funcname like wa_stoken-str.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
              i_fmodule-name = wa_tfdir-funcname.
            i_fmodule-name = wa_stoken-str.
          i_fmodule-level = p_level.
          append i_fmodule.
    endform.                        "DATA_SEARCH
    & Form GET_ADDITIONAL_DATA                                           &
    form get_additional_data.
    data selection message to sap gui
      call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
        destination 'SAPGUI'
        keeping logical unit of work
          text                  = 'Get additional data'         "#EC NOTEXT
        .                                                       "#EC *
      loop at i_userexit.
    Enhancement data
        if  i_userexit-type cs 'Enh'.
          clear: wa_modsapa.
          select single name into wa_modsapa-name from modsap
                            where member = i_userexit-txt.
          check sy-subrc = 0.
          i_userexit-modname = wa_modsapa-name.
          clear wa_modsapt.
          select single modtext into wa_modsapt-modtext from modsapt
                            where name = wa_modsapa-name
                                         and sprsl = sy-langu.
          i_userexit-modtext = wa_modsapt-modtext.
    BADI data
        if  i_userexit-type eq 'BADI'.
          clear wa_sxs_attr.
          select single exit_name into wa_sxs_attr-exit_name from sxs_attr
                                        where exit_name = i_userexit-txt.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            i_userexit-modname = i_userexit-txt.
            i_userexit-modname = 'Dynamic call'.                "#EC NOTEXT
          clear wa_sxs_attrt.
          select single text into wa_sxs_attrt-text from sxs_attrt
                                         where exit_name =
                                           and sprsl = sy-langu.
          i_userexit-modtext = wa_sxs_attrt-text.
        modify i_userexit.
    get enhancements via program package
      clear wa_tadir.
      select single devclass into wa_tadir-devclass from tadir
                                 where pgmid    = 'R3TR'
                                   and object   = 'PROG'
                                   and obj_name = p_pname.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        clear: wa_modsapa, wa_modsapt.
        select name from modsapa into wa_modsapa-name
                              where devclass = wa_tadir-devclass.
          select single modtext from modsapt into wa_modsapt-modtext
                              where name = wa_modsapa-name
                                and sprsl = sy-langu.
          read table i_userexit with key modname = wa_modsapa-name.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
            i_userexit-modtext = wa_modsapt-modtext.
            i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'.                    "#EC NOTEXT
            i_userexit-modname  = wa_modsapa-name.
            i_userexit-txt = 'Determined from program DevClass'."#EC NOTEXT
            i_userexit-pname = 'Unknown'.                       "#EC NOTEXT
            append i_userexit.
    endform.                        "GET_ADDITIONAL_DATA
    & Form DATA_DISPLAY                                                  &
    form data_display.
    data selection message to sap gui
      call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR'
        destination 'SAPGUI'
        keeping logical unit of work
          text                  = 'Prepare screen for display'  "#EC NOTEXT
        .                                                       "#EC *
      sort i_userexit by type txt modname.
      delete adjacent duplicates from i_userexit comparing txt modname.
    format headings
      write: 'Enhancements from main program'.                  "#EC NOTEXT
      write: /.
      format color col_heading.
      write: /    sy-vline,
             (12) c_col1,                    "Enhanmt Type
             (40) c_col2,                    "Enhancement
             (30) c_col3,                    "Program/Include
             (20) c_col4,                    "Enhancement name
             (40) c_col5,                    "Enhancement description
      format reset.
    format lines
      loop at i_userexit.
    set line colour
        case i_userexit-type.
          when 'Enhancement'.
            format color 3 intensified off.
          when 'BADI'.
            format color 4 intensified off.
          when 'BusTrEvent'.
            format color 5 intensified off.
          when 'Program Exit'.
            format color 6 intensified off.
          when others.
            format reset.
        write: / sy-vline,
      format reset.
    user-exits from development class of function modules
      if p_devc = 'X'.
        write: /.
        write: / 'User-exits from function module development class'."#EC
        write: 157''.
        uline (90).
        write: 157''.
        loop at i_devclass.
          clear wa_modsapa.
          select name from modsapa into wa_modsapa
                       where devclass = i_devclass-clas.
         select single name modtext into corresponding fields of wa_modsapt
                                       from modsapt
                                         where name  = wa_modsapa-name
                                           and sprsl = sy-langu.
            format color 3 intensified off.
            write: / sy-vline,
                     (12) 'Enhancement',
        uline (90).
        format reset.
      describe table i_fmodule lines w_linnum.
      write: / c_fmod , at 35 w_linnum.                         "#EC NOTEXT
      write: 157''.
      if p_func = 'X'.
    display fuction modules used in program
        uline (38).
        write: 157''.
        loop at i_fmodule.
          write: sy-vline,
          write: 157''.
        uline (38).
      describe table i_submit lines w_linnum.
      write: / c_subm , at 35 w_linnum.                         "#EC NOTEXT
      write: 157''.
      if p_subm = 'X'.
    display submit programs used in program
        uline (44).
        write: 157''.
        loop at i_submit.
          write: sy-vline,
          write: 157''.
        uline (44).
    issue message with number of user-exits displayed
      describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum.
      message s697(56) with w_linnum.
    endform.                        "DATA_DISPLAY
    reward points if it helps

  • I clicked "block images from...." in the right click menu and need to undo it

    i was opening the right click menu so i could click "open link in new tab" for pictures on facebook and accidentally hit "block images from..." and i can't see photos and need to undo it. i found one website that said to fix it by clicking these....
    Add the address
    Check allow
    click ok
    but i either don't have "options" under my tools menu or am under the wrong tools menu
    thaks! your help is much appreciated!

    On MacOS, your options dialog is here:
    Firefox > Preferences > Content
    The "Exceptions" button you want is the one to the right of "Load images automatically"
    Any luck?

  • IPad air ,i need to undo the latest update,battery life is the worst ,i can't finish my work like that

    TOday i just downloaded the latest update of ios it was for fixing bugs but for my iPad it was for killing battery life time
    i used the lowest of brightness and canceled all background refreshing and still bad
    i need to undo that update immediately
    it's useless now to use my iPad with that battery time

    what should i do now !
    I'm using the teblet plugged into recharger while using it


    I'm ready to scream -- I was supposed to be transferred to the department for a refund and instead it timed out and ended my chat:
    One moment please while we route your chat to a representative.
    All representatives are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. A representative will be with you shortly.
    Thank you for contacting Adobe Sales. My name is Gavin. How may I help you today?
    Gavin: Hi, may I have your first name please?
    you: Hi, my name is Barry.  I spoke with your chat line the other night, the night I purchased CS6.  I was on the fence, do I want CS6 (for about $400) or CC (with the ongoing $20 a month fee).  I was told that if I wanted to cancel CS6 and move to CC, it would be OK, since I had only installed CS6 and had not used it yet.  And that I could get the refund for CS6 and install CC at the same time.  At the moment, my purchase from Best Buys had not registered in your system, but I'm sure it has now.  SO THE QUESTION AGAIN -- could you discuss with me the pros and cons of CS6 vs. CC -- I have heard that I will not be able to update/upgrade CS6, that it is close-ended, and that CC will be a constant addition of latest features.  PLEASE ELUCIDATE ME ON WHICH PROGRAM I (A NEOPHYTE WHO JUST PAID SOMEONE TO BUILD ME A WEBSITE) MIGHT WANT TO USE.
    Gavin: Hello Barry
    Gavin: Let me explain that for you.
    you: Hi, -- can you read my lengthy question and provide me your insights, CS6 or CS CC?  Thanks, Gavin - I might have spoken with you the other night even.
    Gavin: No, its with other representative.
    Gavin: Adobe Creative Cloud is our newest option for you, That will give you everything , plus the ability to sync and store your files
    Gavin: If you purchase the software outright at once then you'll be paying the upgrade cost when new version releases but that is not the case when subscribed to Creative Cloud membership since you get free upgrades to future version and will remain current with the latest software tools.
    you: Is there some comparison sheet which would lay out the features and benefits of the two programs, side by side, for an educated decision?  I was told that CS6 if purchased outright is NOT UPGRADABLE -- wouldn't that lean me toward DW CC instead, to stay current as features are added and tools too?  IF THAT IS THE CASE, PLEASE REFUND ME THE CS6 COST AND SIGN ME UP FOR THE DW CC PROGRAM INSTEAD.  I was told you could transfer me to the folks in your place who could make this happen -- but I NEED IT DONE TONIGHT!  My website developer is coming tomorrow and needs an installed program to train me on.
    Gavin: We are connected, right?
    you: sorry, it took time to frame my question
    Gavin: That's okay.
    Gavin: Barry, I see that going forward all new versions will be through creative cloud membership.
    Gavin: I'll help you with the cancellation for your CS6 purchase made once you complete the sign up for Dreamweaver CC, Okay
    you: SO, HELP ME TO A DECISION, GAVIN.  What do I do?  Get the monthly fee program and turn in the CS6 for a refund?  HELP
    you: Lead the way -- BUT.... AND IT'S A BIG "BUT" -- will it be installed and functioning TONIGHT so my guy can train me tomorrow?  PLEASE ANSWER THEN let's get this new sign up & cancellation into action.
    Gavin: I see that there is no option to equalize the CS6 purchase for the CC subscription plan however you need to subscribe first and then will refund the CS6 purchase made.
    Gavin: After subscribing to Dreamweaver CC you can download/ install the software immediately
    Gavin: Sounds great, right?
    you: So you cannot help me -- what do I do?  How do I subscribe first, and how do I get the refund for CS6?  Please advise.  I'm ready to do it NOW! 
    Gavin: I'll help you now with the link to subscribe Dreamweaver CC and then help you to get the refund for CS6, Okay
    you: fantastic -- I'm at your disposal
    you: what do you need from me?
    Gavin: Please click here to subscribe
    Gavin: I'll stand by please let me know once your done.
    you: one last question -- as I said, I'm new to this -- can I later upgrade to Creative Cloud's whole family by just increasing my monthly payment by the difference?  please advise.
    Gavin: Yes, that's possible.
    Gavin: You can later switch or upgrade to complete creative cloud membership when you require other products.
    you: great - I'm purchasing now and will let you know when it goes through
    Gavin: Sure
    you: do I have to un-install CS6 first? PLEASE ADVISE - I'M STARTING TO DOWNLOAD AND DIDN'T THINK OF IT!!!!
    Gavin: Excellent!
    Gavin: You can uninstall CS6 version once you complete the download for CC.
    Gavin: Barry, please stay online while I transfer this chat to our Customer Service Team for more help on cancellation for your CS6 purchase made, Okay
    you: I am online, and DW CC has extracted and is half-way through the next step
    you: by the way, here's my proof of purchase--should I proceed through the entire installation and checking for upgrades.  Need I check for upgrades, or is this the latest version?
    you:   We received your payment - thank you! Here are the details about that order for your records:   Order Details:    Creative Cloud single-app membership for Dreamweaver (one-year) $19.99 per month Order # AD010920985  
    Gavin: Excellent!
    Gavin: Please run the download to install, mean while you cancel the order for CS6 purchase made, Okay.
    you: Ok - how do I cancel it?  Will you turn me over to that department to effect the cancellation?
    Gavin: Yes, please stay online while I transfer this chat.
    you: Dreamweaver CC is now installed.  Thanks for your help, Gavin.  I'm so nervous about this because I can't afford to screw it up and have my website guy come tomorrow and not be able to train me.
    Gavin: Not to worry!
    Please wait while I transfer you to an operator at Adobe Service.
    We are still assisting other customers, thank you for your patience. You can also try our community forums, where experts are online 24/7.
    We are still assisting other customers, thank you for your patience. You can also try our community forums, where experts are online 24/7.
    You are not currently connected to a chat representative.
    Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.
    We are still assisting other customers, thank you for your patience. You can also try our community forums, where experts are online 24/7.
    You are not currently connected to a chat representative.
    We are still assisting other customers, thank you for your patience. You can also try our community forums, where experts are online 24/7.
    You are not currently connected to a chat representative.

    Hello Barry,
    as one of these DW fans here, I'm very surprised and disappointed how your chat passed off. And I can fully understand your immeasurable disappointment. So I/we won't give up this quickly. Maybe you would succeed by using the written form. The employees have time to reflect your problem in an optional way. Please try it once more and use this form for "Sales Inquiries" (Contact us online):
    Good luck!

  • Do We need access key for Additional Data B in VA01

    Hi all,I have to add fields in Additional Data B,I have searched SDN about it and came to know that it is screen '8459' of program 'SAPMV45A',but it is asking key for that,is it safe applying access key for this screen?
    Thanks in advance.

    >is it safe applying access key for this screen?
    yes it is safe. SAP provided the screen 8459 only for adding our own custom fields to it. For this you need access key for the first time. along with that you need access key for
    PBO include, PAI include
    MV45AOZZ ,MV45AIZZ .
    check it once.

  • Need standrad program for vendor aging report

      Need standrad program for vendor aging report.
    Please reply me only standrad programs.
    Point are sure.

    Hi Pankaj
       sorry to say that this is not my required program.
    I need vendor aging report like s_alr_87012178 tc leads to customer aging report.
    Thanks for your effort.
    points are awarded.

  • Need to set/read 'Keyword' in a PDF programatically

    We have adobe professional license ver 9.
    When a user downloads a PDF from our custom web application (C#), we need to set a keyword (attribute) to the PDF automatically. The 'Keywords' field in 'File > Properties' seems to be ideal location.
    User typically edits this downloaded PDF and uploads it again back to the web application. During this editing, the keyword is assumed to remain the same.
    Finally, user uploads the edited PDF back to the web application. At this point, the keyword is to be read from PDF.
    Kindly suggest API's to set/read keyword.

    This is not a scripting question. The solution needs to be in the custom
    application you're using to create the PDF files.
    The "Keywords" field is just a part of the document metadata, which any PDF
    library should be able to edit.
    On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 12:54 PM, sandhya_sky is the limit

  • Keynote and pages are now free, but why do i need to pay for them still when there now free?!?

    keynote and pages are now free, but why do i need to pay for them still when there now free?!?

    Users can obtain the iWorks and iLife applications free, if they purchased a Mac after the beginning of October 2013.
    Older Mac purchases require a paid purchase of these applications.

  • HT201209 How to get an itunes gift card code, no need to wait for shipping

    Good day to all,
    I want to get an itunes gift card just to download whatsapp on my iphone 3gs. I have my credit card but the billing address is in Haiti, unfortunately Haiti is not in your list of  countries. How can I get itunes gift card code immediately in order to download that application? No need to wait for shipping, just want to have the code to add it to my apple account.
    If you have a better solution, it's welcome.
    Thank you in advance for your reply

    Sorry, but you can't, if you live in Haiti. As you say yourself, there is no iTunes Store for Haiti and you are not allowed to use the iTunes Store of any other country.
    If you live in a country where there is an iTunes Store, check to see if Apple sells physical gift cards in your country and if so purchase and redeem one of those. There is no way to purchase an electronic gift certificate from Apple without a credit card from the country whose iTunes Store you wish to use.

  • I have multiple computers set up on homesharing under one itunes account. Can I use face time on all of them or do i need seperate accounts for each?

    I have multiple computers set up on homesharing under one itunes account. Can I use face time on all of them or do i need seperate accounts for each?

    I'd suggest you consider a cloud-based file sharing service such as Dropbox for this sort of use. iOS is not designed to be synched with more than one iTunes library at a time, so attempting to use it as you describe, connecting a single iPad to multiple computers, almost certainly won't work as you intend and is likely to cause nothing but headaches.

  • I have my own icloud account separate from my family's apple ID for itunes. I need more storage for I have to pay a separate $20/ month to get more storage or does the $20 include all members of the plan?

    I have my own icloud account separate from my family's apple ID for itunes. I need more storage for I have to pay a separate $20/ month to get more storage or does the $20 include all members of the plan?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If your iCloud account uses your family's Apple ID, you will pay $20/year for all your family members. If your iCloud account uses a different Apple ID than your family's Apple ID, you will pay only for you

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