Need Encoding Advice

I was running a thread entitled "Encoding AVCHD from AVCHD". I got lots of great help (thank you, all). Unfortunately, some of the answers lead to some disappointment / dashed expectations.
Nevertheless, may I ask for some follow up advice? I have a Panasonic HD video camera that produces AVCHD 1080i at 29.97 fps. I create a series of Premiere Sequences from this video. They tend to be anywhere from 5 minutes to, maybe, 15 minutes in duration. I would like to use Premiere, through the Media Encoder to produce an HD output file, having the same 1920x1080 resolution. I will use these output files to do the following:
Assemble several (maybe 10 or so) of these output files into Encore CS5 timelines, set bookmarks, do my menus and produce a BluRay output image.
Store the output files on a backup drive
Possibly reload these files into Premiere Pro CS5 for a future project.
So, I need the output files to retain high quality (I loved the quality of AVCHD on my Sony Bravia) and to be usable in both Premiere for editing and Encore for publishing.
Could somebody make a recommendation for an output format / codec that might satisfy these needs?
Thank again everybody - great forum.

You do not want to use Lagarith for HD, way to bigger files.
I have a 9 minute clip its over 27 gigs and it does not run wel.
On the other hand i have the same clip as a Cineform clip and its just over 6 gigs and runs very well.
Lagarith may be lossless. Cineform is visual lossless. And i do not see the difference between the two.

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    Look at the specifications here:
    You may be confusing the quad core CPU with the Graphics processor.
    It should have no difficulty in running Adobe Photoshop.

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    Stacey, I pointed you to an app called Temperature Monitor that will give an accurate temperature reading of your MacBook.
    Never EVER use your MacBook on a pillow or a blanket that can block airflow. I have no doubt that is adding to the problem.
    Download and install the firmware updates as well as Temperature Monitor found HERE. That way we can know what temps we are talking about. There is no way to tell if they are high if you cannot give us a reading.

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      Almost every thing has been said, you can also refer to this for Lookups,
    For the second part, you may consider an alert.
    This weblogs might help you.

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      private ITransactionService transactionService;
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         authenticationService = new DBAuthenticationService();
         authenticationService = new DBTransactionService();
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         String sessionToken = authenticationService.logon(username, password);
         return sessionToken;
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         bolean validUser =  authenticationService.isValidUser(sessionToken);
         return validUser;
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              throw new AuthenticationException();
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         if (!isValidUser(sessionToken) {
              throw new AuthenticationException();
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    thanks in advance

    Thanks for your reply. This however, I understood. My concern is regarding my application in regards to business delegate pattern. You see I have this class (simplified for clarity):
    public class ShoppingCart {
       private ILoginService ls = new DBLoginService();
       private ITransactionService ts = new DBTransService();
       // and so on for all services I offer.
       //  then I mirror all the calls of my private interfaces
       //  and pass them through internally
       public String sessionToken login(String username, String password) {
            ls.login(username, password);
       public boolean addToCart(sessionToken, itemNo) {
            // check session
            ts.addToCart(sessionToken, itemNo);
       //  and so on
    }Multiple questions for this one:
    1) Am I not already implementing the Business Delegate pattern with my ShoppingCart class since all interfaces are private and all calls are mirrored from the wrapper class (ShoppingCart) to the private interfaces? All services are implemented as POJOs and I am not using JNDI at the present so I don't use the ServiceLocator pattern.
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    You don't need a "Gigabit router". It's way, way overkill (and $$$$$$) for your network.
    The Comcast link is going to max out at about 15-20mpbs, so any router with 100mpbs links is going to be more than sufficient.
    As it happens, I wouldn't get a router anyway. Comcast are going to provide you with a router (they need to in order to terminate the RG-58 cable connection they drop and provide an ethernet port (that ethernet port, BTW, will be 100base-T).
    What you really need is a firewall. One that can handle multiple public IP addresses and allow specific incoming traffic (e.g. the FTP servers).
    I would recommend something from NetScreen. You may be able to pick up one of their NetScreen 5GTs pretty cheap now they're end of life (I have several of these around my network, including one in the exact same configuration you're talking about here). Failing that the SSG-5 would be sufficient.
    They also have the advantage of being able to run as a VPN endpoint should you need that functionality.
    At the end of the day your network topology would look something like:
    Comcast router -> (NetScreen) Firewall -> Switch -> Clients
    All the clients will connect to the switch and can talk amongst themselves at gigabit speeds. Any internet traffic would pass from the switch to the firewall and out to the big bad world.

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    I'm thinking of just making a partition for winxp(uke) so that I can game, but this isn't something I'm totally willing to do.
    Basically I need some advice and/or suggestions that anyone is willing to share with me.
    Thank you in advance.
    BTW: I'm not new to linux, I've been using it for almost 2 years now and have tried ALL of the distro's you can think of. (Arch is my distro of choice at the moment, along with slackware.)

    Enemy Territory is an excellent game, and it is totally free.
    I haven't played the free game from the US Army, but heard it is really good, and is totally free.
    I bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which plays perfectly in Single player mode, but I have some trouble in multiplayer mode (and I'm not an expert either).
    I bought Unreal Tournament 2004, which plays perfectly in both single player and online, but I simply suck at the game.
    I bought Never Winter Nights because I know the company has a linux version you can download once you have a registered copy.  I havent installed it yet, though, been playing UT2004.
    Doom3 is supposedly going to have a linux installer on the CD's, like UT2004 does.
    Anygame that uses OpenGL graphics instead of DirectX will prolly run under WINE or WINEX, or be easy for the original company to port (if they choose to).
    There are some "up and coming" linux only OpenGL games, light flightgear (a flight simulator), and a couple of 'massive online games".
    Betweet RTCW, EnemyT, Never Winter Nights, UT2004, and soon Doom3 - I have enough games to play, and thats without buying winex.
    Fergettabout Windows! You simply don't need it anymore.
    If you are determined to run Windows, get a removeable drive bay, and just swap boot drives when you want to swtich.  Or use GRUB if you want to select from multiple OS's.

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    I agree with LowLister, the best option for you to share the video online is to upload it to your online storage account for example : Box, Dropbox, SkyDrive (All of them provide free storage beginning from 2GB).
    You can upload the files which you want to share in this online storage and then they have sharing options in which you'll will get the link of the file to be sent and send the email. You're good to go!
    Tip : You can store multiple files for backup purposes.

  • Need your advice on making family videos without losing quality

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    I have a couple of digital cameras that I use to make family videos.  They both produce .avi files.  Sometimes I use an iPhone that produces .mov files.  So after my children and grandchildren visit, I end up with a bunch of these little videos.  I want to combine them into longer videos that I can watch more conveniently on my Apple TV 2 or put on a DVD to send my kids or to my elderly mother-in-law to watch.  I know how to combine them using iMovie HD, but that process seems to radically degrade the resolution and/or image quality.  The original .avi files are 1024x768 and are very clear and sharp.  I can't watch these .avi files on my ATV2 so I've been using Quicktime Player 10.0 to open them and then save them as .mov files.  Once I import these files into iTunes, I can watch them on my ATV2 and they too look great on my tv (since they have the same resolution as the original .avi files): sharp and clear.  But after I use iMovie HD to combine them (the .avi files) into an .m4v file, they're down to 640x480, and don't look near as good.  And the DVD made from this file using iDVD looks equally bad and blocky. 
    I think what I want to know is, can I change some parameters on iMovie HD to produce files that are as high quality as the original .avi and .mov files?  Or if not, what software do I need to accomplish this?  I'm not interested in "fancy" movies.  These are just home movies, but they are important to us.  Should I upgrade my iMovie to do this?  Or get Quicktime Pro?  Or what?  I'd appreciate your advice.  I'd like to keep the process as simple as possible.

    This is my workflow. I'm sure you will get a variety of opinions, but all I can say for my AVI clips, I've had excellent results for viewing on AppleTV.
    I use iMovie HD 6 for organizing the clips into short movies, 15 minutes +/-.  Clips are imported into iMovie as DV files. Once the movies are completed, I Export from iMovie as Full Quality, which results in a my-movie.dv file.
    I then open the dv file in MPEG Streamclip. There I use the MP4 and iTunes settings for screen ratio and bit rate. 4:3 for Standard Def and 16:9 for High Def. Sounds complicated, but once you open MPEG Streamclip, the settings are simple to figure out.
    The main thing to remember about quality is not to upscale your video. If the resolution is 640x480 SD, do not export higher than 640x480.
    Here are a couple of screenshots using MPEG Streamclips "Export to MP4" setting:

  • Plan on going to Manila for vacation and going to bring my iPad 4. Need your  advice what to do.

    Plan on going to Manila for vacation and going to bring my iPad 4. Need your  advice what to do.

    Hello Aongtan051,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    About Apple World Travel Adapter Kit
    The World Travel Adapter Kit includes a USB power adapter, a 30-pin to USB cable, and a set of six AC plugs with prongs that fit different electrical outlets around the world. For world travelers, this is the perfect kit to ensure power connectivity in most countries you may travel to.
    Best of luck,

  • When I burn a disc from a playlist in iTunes, the track names and artist info does not display on the disc when friends view/listen to it. This probably is an easy fix, but I need some advice.

    When I burn a disc from a playlist in iTunes on my MacBook, the track names and artist info does not display on the disc when friends view/listen to it. This probably is an easy fix, but I need some advice.

    No, this standard has been implemented for several decades.
    How iTunes remembers audio CDs -
    It is just conceivable you burned a CD that exactly matched one already in the Gracenote database.  Gracenote uses track count and duration to decide what CD it is you have in a computer.  If you have one that matches that it will label it.  You could conceivably even have one that matches it that is not the correct one.
    This script will only work on Macs: - script to use CD-text file on CD to label CD in iTunes

  • Weird Access Problems - Really Need Your Advice

    This is complex and confusing, and I am not an IT expert. Let me provide background and symptoms:
    1) I recently moved and transferred ISP providers from Cox to Adelphia.
    2 My setup consists of Mac G5, a Powerbook, and an Airport Station. The internet cable from Adelphia runs into the Airport Station. A cable then runs from the Airport Station to the G5, and the connection to the Powerbook is made via wireless. This setup worked very well when Cox was my ISP
    3) My Apple Mail client accesses mail servers at Cox, Adelphia, Gmail, and .Mac,
    4) When I made the hookup described in 2) I was no longer able to access Gmail from Safari. However, when I directly connected the Adelphia cable to the G5 (cutting the Airport out of the loop) I was able to access Gmail.
    5) Upon review from Adelphia they suggested that I make sure that there no static entries had been placed in the DHCP field. I checked the field using the Airport software and cleared the field (I am not sure if this was static entry or had been placed there by Adelphia).
    6) I hooked the computers and Airport up as in 2). Now the Gmail could be accessed from Safari. HOWEVER, now I could not access Adelphia's mail from Safari. Also I found that I could not access some the the web pages that came up as a result of Google searchs. This has never occurred before.
    7) Additionally, I found now when directly connected the G5 to the Adelphia cable I could still get Gmail, but I no longer could access .Mac from Safari.
    Note: I have gone through the same steps above using Foxfire and get similar results
    BASIC SUMMARY: 1) When Airport is in the connections cannot get access .Mac from Safari (but can access Gmail and Adelphia). 2) When the Airport is connected I cannot access Adelphia from Safari (but can access Gmail and .Mac).
    WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT???: 1) Should I reset the Airport to its original factory settings and reinstall?. 2) Should I clear out the cookies?. 3) Since these are all related to various mail accounts (Gmail, .Mac, and Adelphia) is there something that could be done with the Apple Mail client???
    Need your advice!
    Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    pretty complex indeed.
    I would start by running Network Diagnostics with your standard configuration (i.e. the one with the Airport).
    In the Apple menu, select System Preferences, Network, then click on the "Assist me..." button on the bottom. That should give you two options: "Diagnostics" and "Assistant".
    Try Diagnostics first. If that doesn't solve your problem, run it again without the Airport. If the problem persists, run Assistant and set up a new configuration from scratch, using the original layout with the Airport.
    Please post back the results. Good luck!

  • Need a advice...

    Guys I need some advice regarding Rooting of the device....My phone is just 1 month old right now, thats y I am not sure whether I shud root it or not...
    nd What are the risk associated with rooting
    Plz advice....

    why do you want to root your phone? is there an specific app that you want to root? which Android version and build number do you have?
    check this thread
    Don't forget to mark the Correct Answers & Helpful Answers
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

  • Having some serious issues with my iPhone and need some advice

    I'm going to these two issues which have been occuring with me for the past weeks-
    1.) I am facing a problem with my iPhone 5's lightning port or the cable. This started happening all of a sudden; one second my phone is charging, and the other it is not. Even if it is slightly moved from its position, it would stop charging, and further shaking starts it again, so on and so forth. At first I thought the issue might be with my cable, so I asked my friend to bring his lightning cable to my house so we could test that. It happened again- one shake the phone will charge, another shake stops it. (Note that any kind of movement does this, not only shaking) I'm a bit skeptical about his (my friend's) cable too, though- it shows NOT CHARGING on his iPad while it is in fact actually charging. His cable is only 3-4 weeks old though, so this confuses me even more. I think the issue might be with my port, but as of now I cannot draw a valid conclusion to my problem.
    2.) The second problem is that I've noticed my battery drains a **** lot faster now- ever since the first issue started. I manage to get my phone charging by placing it very carefully on the table and it charges overnight. However, when I pick it up in the morning, and read some news, it drains from 100% to 99% in ~60 seconds. This never happened before. Before this, it used to be at 100% for at least 10-15 minutes (might be even more). If I reboot my phone, it shows 100% again, but it still drains a lot faster now. I know because I've been using this phone for the past 4 months now, and I know when it drains and when it does nots
    Please, help! I need some advice as to how I should approach this problem. My phone is in the warranty period, however, I would like to have an expert's opinion first.

    First: I've experienced the same problem with my iPhone 5. I've bought a new charger and it still did the same thing. I went to the Apple Store to get my iPhone checked out and they said that the pins inside my iPhone we're damaged, and I had to get a replacement.
    ~ Josh

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    Hey everyone i need some advice, i live in the uk and i have a 2 year old mac book pro and the power supply cable has heated so much that it has melted and stop working, what should i do?? should i just buy a new one or complain to apple and try to and get a replacement ??

    This has happened to me before.
    Just take the power supply and your laptop to your apple store (make an appointment at the genius bar) and they'll swap it out free of charge as long as ur still under warranty (or apple care)

Maybe you are looking for