Need Explaination for the Code

I would like to understand the declaration part of the code and also the flow below
what is L_S_RANGE     and   RSR_S_RANGESID  ?
what is LOC_VAR_RANGE     and    RRRANGEXIT ?
l_s_range -high
l_s_range -sign = 'I'.
l_s_range - opt = 'BT'.   or  'EQ'
APPEND l_s_range to E_T_RANGE.

what is L_S_RANGE and RSR_S_RANGESID ?
See the Structure in SE11:  RRRANGESID
       RSR_S_RANGEK   TYPE RRrange,
See the Structure in SE11: RRRANGEEXIT

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    public static void main(String [] args) {
    ThreadB b = new ThreadB();
    synchronized(b) {
    try {
    System.out.println("Waiting for b to complete...");
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
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    }can anyone please explain me the code flow of this particular program n how does wait n notify work inb a bit confused.thankx in adv.

    sowme wrote:
    kajbj wrote:
    sowme wrote:
    its just an example to illustrate the use of wait and notify and i think i havent mentioned any word saying this code is a good one or safe to use ..but i would like to know why it is bad and unsafe.Total needs to be volatile. The main thread can otherwise print the wrong value. There's also a possibility that the program never terminates, and that can happen if thread B gets the lock before the main thread gets the lock. (That is, notify is called before the main thread has invoked wait).
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    In general, no. However, if your code depends on code that was changed as part of a bugfix, you may have to make source changes, and then recompile.
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    Just distribute the java.tpl file from the <jdev_install>\jdev\system9.0.x.x directory. That should do the trick.

  • Need help improve the code

    I have this file but I need to improve the code on some method. The methods are addNode, deleteNode, saveNode, findLader and are they anyway for me to iliminate the findsmallest method?
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    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Stack;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Graph {
    private LinkedList graph;
    private BufferedReader inputFile;
    public Graph() {
    graph = new LinkedList();
    // read the words from the given file
    // create a GraphNode
    // Add the node to the graph
    public void createGraph(String fileName) throws IOException {
    inputFile = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("word.txt")));
    // Convert the linkedlist to an array 'a'
    // sort the array 'a'
    // create a string from all elements in 'a'
    // return the string
    public String printGraph() {
    String output = new String();
    // will contain String objects
    // ... do some work with the list, adding, removing String objects
    String[] a = new String[graph.size()];
    // now stringArray contains all the element from linkedList
    quickSort(a, 0, a.size() - 1);
    for(int i=0;i<a.length;++i)
    output = output + new String(a.toString())+"\n";
    return output;
    private static void quickSort(Comparable[] theArray,
    int first, int last) {
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order.
    // Precondition: theArray[first..last] is an array.
    // Postcondition: theArray[first..last] is sorted.
    // Calls: partition.
    int pivotIndex;
    if (first < last) {
    // create the partition: S1, Pivot, S2
    pivotIndex = partition(theArray, first, last);
    // sort regions S1 and S2
    quickSort(theArray, first, pivotIndex-1);
    quickSort(theArray, pivotIndex+1, last);
    } // end if
    } // end quickSort
    private static int partition(Comparable[] theArray,
    int first, int last) {
    // Partitions an array for quicksort.
    // Precondition: theArray[first..last] is an array;
    // first <= last.
    // Postcondition: Returns the index of the pivot element of
    // theArray[first..last]. Upon completion of the method,
    // this will be the index value lastS1 such that
    // S1 = theArray[first..lastS1-1] < pivot
    // theArray[lastS1] == pivot
    // S2 = theArray[lastS1+1..last] >= pivot
    // Calls: choosePivot.
    // tempItem is used to swap elements in the array
    Comparable tempItem;
    // place pivot in theArray[first]
    //choosePivot(theArray, first, last);
    Comparable pivot = theArray[first]; // reference pivot
    // initially, everything but pivot is in unknown
    int lastS1 = first; // index of last item in S1
    // move one item at a time until unknown region is empty
    for (int firstUnknown = first + 1; firstUnknown <= last;
    ++firstUnknown) {
    // Invariant: theArray[first+1..lastS1] < pivot
    // theArray[lastS1+1..firstUnknown-1] >= pivot
    // move item from unknown to proper region
    if (theArray[firstUnknown].compareTo(pivot) < 0) {
    // item from unknown belongs in S1
    tempItem = theArray[firstUnknown];
    theArray[firstUnknown] = theArray[lastS1];
    theArray[lastS1] = tempItem;
    } // end if
    // else item from unknown belongs in S2
    } // end for
    // place pivot in proper position and mark its location
    tempItem = theArray[first];
    theArray[first] = theArray[lastS1];
    theArray[lastS1] = tempItem;
    return lastS1;
    } // end partition
    // Given a new word, add it to the graph
    public void addNode(String word) {
    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(word);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Duplicate Word, operation terminated");
    for(int i=0; i<graph.size(); ++i) {
    if(isAnEdge((String)(((GraphNode)graph.get(i)).getVertex()),(String)(node.getVertex()))) {
    EdgeNode e1 = new EdgeNode((String)node.getVertex(),1);
    EdgeNode e2 = new EdgeNode((String)((GraphNode)graph.get(i)).getVertex(),1);
    public boolean deleteNode(String word) {
    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(word);
    EdgeNode n = new EdgeNode(word,1);
    if(!graph.contains(node)) {
    return false;
    else {
    for(int i=0; i<graph.size();++i) {
    return true;
    public void save(String fileName) {
    try {
    PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("word.txt"));
    for(int i=0; i< graph.size();++i) {
    catch (IOException e) {
    // given two word, find the ladder (using dijkstra's algorithm
    // create a string for the ladder and return it
    public String findLadder(String start,String end) {
    String ladder = new String();
    GraphNode sv = new GraphNode(start);
    GraphNode ev = new GraphNode(end);
    if(!graph.contains(sv)) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,start + " not in graph");
    return null;
    if(!graph.contains(ev)) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,end + " not in graph");
    return null;
    LinkedList distance = new LinkedList(((GraphNode)graph.get(graph.indexOf(sv))).getEdgeList());
    LinkedList visited = new LinkedList();
    LinkedList path = new LinkedList();
    path.add(new PathNode(start,"****"));
    for(int i=0; i<distance.size();++i) {
    PathNode p = new PathNode((String)((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getKey(),start);
    while(!visited.contains(end)) {
    EdgeNode min = findSmallest(distance,visited);
    String v = (String)min.getVertex();
    return null;
    // for(int i=0;i<graph.size();++i) {
    // String u = (String)(((GraphNode)(graph.get(i))).getVertex());
    GraphNode temp1 = new GraphNode(v);
    int index = graph.indexOf(temp1);
    LinkedList l = new LinkedList(((GraphNode)graph.get(index)).getEdgeList());
    for(int i=0;i<l.size();++i)
    String u = (String)(((EdgeNode)(l.get(i))).getVertex());
    if(!visited.contains(u)) {
    int du=999, dv=999, avu=999;
    dv = min.getCost();
    EdgeNode edge = new EdgeNode(u,1);
    if(distance.contains(edge)) {
    du = ((EdgeNode)(distance.get(distance.indexOf(edge)))).getCost();
    GraphNode temp = new GraphNode(v);
    GraphNode node = ((GraphNode)(graph.get(graph.indexOf(temp))));
    LinkedList edges = node.getEdgeList();
    if(edges.contains(edge)) {
    avu = ((EdgeNode)(edges.get(edges.indexOf(new EdgeNode(u,1))))).getCost();
    if( du > dv+avu) {
    if(du == 999) {
    distance.add(new EdgeNode(u,dv+avu));
    path.add(new PathNode(u,v));
    else {
    if(!path.contains(new PathNode(end,"")))
    return null;
    LinkedList pathList = new LinkedList();
    for(int i=0;i<path.size();++i) {
    PathNode n = (PathNode)path.get(path.indexOf(new PathNode(end,"****")));
    if(n.getEnd().compareTo("****") != 0) {
    n = (PathNode)path.get(path.indexOf(new PathNode(n.getEnd(),"****")));
    end = n.getStart();
    for(int i=0;i<pathList.size()-1;++i) {
    ladder = ladder + ((String)(pathList.get(i))) + " --> ";
    ladder = ladder + ((String)(pathList.get(pathList.size()-1)));
    return ladder;
    private EdgeNode findSmallest(LinkedList distance, LinkedList visited) {
    EdgeNode min = new EdgeNode("****",999);
    for(int i=0;i<distance.size();++i) {
    String node = (String)(((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getVertex());
    if(!visited.contains(node)) {
    if(((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getCost()<min.getCost()) {
    min = (EdgeNode)distance.get(i);
    return min;
    // class that represents nodes inserted into path set
    private class PathNode {
    protected String sv;
    protected String ev;
    public PathNode(String s,String e) {
    sv = s;
    ev = e;
    public String getEnd() {
    return ev;
    public String getStart() {
    return sv;
    public void setEnd(String n) {
    ev = n;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
    public String toString() {
    return "("+sv+":"+ev+")";
    thank you

    let me fix my misstake which was point out by some one in here and thank you ofr do so because I'm new at this.
    I have this file but I need to improve the code on some method. The methods are addNode, deleteNode, saveNode, findLader and are they anyway for me to iliminate the findsmallest method?
    here is the code
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Stack;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Graph {
    private LinkedList graph;
    private BufferedReader inputFile;
    public Graph() {
    graph = new LinkedList();
    // read the words from the given file
    // create a GraphNode
    // Add the node to the graph
    public void createGraph(String fileName) throws IOException {
    inputFile = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("word.txt")));
    // Convert the linkedlist to an array 'a'
    // sort the array 'a'
    // create a string from all elements in 'a'
    // return the string
    public String printGraph() {
    String output = new String();
    // will contain String objects
    // ... do some work with the list, adding, removing String objects
    String[] a = new String[graph.size()];
    // now stringArray contains all the element from linkedList
    quickSort(a, 0, a.size() - 1);
    for(int i=0;i<a.length;++i)
    output = output + new String(a.toString())+"\n";
    return output;
    private static void quickSort(Comparable[] theArray,
    int first, int last) {
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order.
    // Precondition: theArray[first..last] is an array.
    // Postcondition: theArray[first..last] is sorted.
    // Calls: partition.
    int pivotIndex;
    if (first < last) {
    // create the partition: S1, Pivot, S2
    pivotIndex = partition(theArray, first, last);
    // sort regions S1 and S2
    quickSort(theArray, first, pivotIndex-1);
    quickSort(theArray, pivotIndex+1, last);
    } // end if
    } // end quickSort
    private static int partition(Comparable[] theArray,
    int first, int last) {
    // Partitions an array for quicksort.
    // Precondition: theArray[first..last] is an array;
    // first <= last.
    // Postcondition: Returns the index of the pivot element of
    // theArray[first..last]. Upon completion of the method,
    // this will be the index value lastS1 such that
    // S1 = theArray[first..lastS1-1] < pivot
    // theArray[lastS1] == pivot
    // S2 = theArray[lastS1+1..last] >= pivot
    // Calls: choosePivot.
    // tempItem is used to swap elements in the array
    Comparable tempItem;
    // place pivot in theArray[first]
    //choosePivot(theArray, first, last);
    Comparable pivot = theArray[first]; // reference pivot
    // initially, everything but pivot is in unknown
    int lastS1 = first; // index of last item in S1
    // move one item at a time until unknown region is empty
    for (int firstUnknown = first + 1; firstUnknown <= last;
    ++firstUnknown) {
    // Invariant: theArray[first+1..lastS1] < pivot
    // theArray[lastS1+1..firstUnknown-1] >= pivot
    // move item from unknown to proper region
    if (theArray[firstUnknown].compareTo(pivot) < 0) {
    // item from unknown belongs in S1
    tempItem = theArray[firstUnknown];
    theArray[firstUnknown] = theArray[lastS1];
    theArray[lastS1] = tempItem;
    } // end if
    // else item from unknown belongs in S2
    } // end for
    // place pivot in proper position and mark its location
    tempItem = theArray[first];
    theArray[first] = theArray[lastS1];
    theArray[lastS1] = tempItem;
    return lastS1;
    } // end partition
    // Given a new word, add it to the graph
    public void addNode(String word) {
    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(word);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Duplicate Word, operation terminated");
    for(int i=0; i<graph.size(); ++i) {
    if(isAnEdge((String)(((GraphNode)graph.get(i)).getVertex()),(String)(node.getVertex()))) {
    EdgeNode e1 = new EdgeNode((String)node.getVertex(),1);
    EdgeNode e2 = new EdgeNode((String)((GraphNode)graph.get(i)).getVertex(),1);
    public boolean deleteNode(String word) {
    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(word);
    EdgeNode n = new EdgeNode(word,1);
    if(!graph.contains(node)) {
    return false;
    else {
    for(int i=0; i<graph.size();++i) {
    return true;
    public void save(String fileName) {
    try {
    PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("word.txt"));
    for(int i=0; i< graph.size();++i) {
    catch (IOException e) {
    // given two word, find the ladder (using dijkstra's algorithm
    // create a string for the ladder and return it
    public String findLadder(String start,String end) {
    String ladder = new String();
    GraphNode sv = new GraphNode(start);
    GraphNode ev = new GraphNode(end);
    if(!graph.contains(sv)) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,start + " not in graph");
    return null;
    if(!graph.contains(ev)) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,end + " not in graph");
    return null;
    LinkedList distance = new LinkedList(((GraphNode)graph.get(graph.indexOf(sv))).getEdgeList());
    LinkedList visited = new LinkedList();
    LinkedList path = new LinkedList();
    path.add(new PathNode(start,"****"));
    for(int i=0; i<distance.size();++i) {
    PathNode p = new PathNode((String)((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getKey(),start);
    while(!visited.contains(end)) {
    EdgeNode min = findSmallest(distance,visited);
    String v = (String)min.getVertex();
    return null;
    // for(int i=0;i<graph.size();++i) {
    // String u = (String)(((GraphNode)(graph.get(i))).getVertex());
    GraphNode temp1 = new GraphNode(v);
    int index = graph.indexOf(temp1);
    LinkedList l = new LinkedList(((GraphNode)graph.get(index)).getEdgeList());
    for(int i=0;i<l.size();++i)
    String u = (String)(((EdgeNode)(l.get(i))).getVertex());
    if(!visited.contains(u)) {
    int du=999, dv=999, avu=999;
    dv = min.getCost();
    EdgeNode edge = new EdgeNode(u,1);
    if(distance.contains(edge)) {
    du = ((EdgeNode)(distance.get(distance.indexOf(edge)))).getCost();
    GraphNode temp = new GraphNode(v);
    GraphNode node = ((GraphNode)(graph.get(graph.indexOf(temp))));
    LinkedList edges = node.getEdgeList();
    if(edges.contains(edge)) {
    avu = ((EdgeNode)(edges.get(edges.indexOf(new EdgeNode(u,1))))).getCost();
    if( du > dv+avu) {
    if(du == 999) {
    distance.add(new EdgeNode(u,dv+avu));
    path.add(new PathNode(u,v));
    else {
    if(!path.contains(new PathNode(end,"")))
    return null;
    LinkedList pathList = new LinkedList();
    for(int i=0;i<path.size();++i) {
    PathNode n = (PathNode)path.get(path.indexOf(new PathNode(end,"****")));
    if(n.getEnd().compareTo("****") != 0) {
    n = (PathNode)path.get(path.indexOf(new PathNode(n.getEnd(),"****")));
    end = n.getStart();
    for(int i=0;i<pathList.size()-1;++i) {
    ladder = ladder + ((String)(pathList.get(i))) + " --> ";
    ladder = ladder + ((String)(pathList.get(pathList.size()-1)));
    return ladder;
    private EdgeNode findSmallest(LinkedList distance, LinkedList visited) {
    EdgeNode min = new EdgeNode("****",999);
    for(int i=0;i<distance.size();++i) {
    String node = (String)(((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getVertex());
    if(!visited.contains(node)) {
    if(((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getCost()<min.getCost()) {
    min = (EdgeNode)distance.get(i);
    return min;
    // class that represents nodes inserted into path set
    private class PathNode {
    protected String sv;
    protected String ev;
    public PathNode(String s,String e) {
    sv = s;
    ev = e;
    public String getEnd() {
    return ev;
    public String getStart() {
    return sv;
    public void setEnd(String n) {
    ev = n;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
    public String toString() {
    return "("+sv+":"+ev+")";
    }thank you

  • I bought an itunes card but when i scratch the back for the code it took off the ink. I cant do anything cause i cant enter the right code to buy songs

    My itunes card that i bought yesterdAy dont work cause when i scratched the back for the code the ink took off

    You'll need to contact support and ask them to find the code for you. Don't forget to include the serial number of the card for their reference.
    iTunes Store: Invalid, inactive, or illegible codes

  • *UPDATED 7/15/04* Complete guide to bioses, drivers, and needed files for the MSI K8N Neo Platinum

    Complete newbie's guide to bioses, drivers, and needed files for the MSI K8N Neo Platinum:
    Last Updated: Thursday July 15th, 2004
    (In order of date released.)
    1.1b3 - (Download)
    - Pre-1.1, given to reviewers to use in their reviews and benchmarks.
    - Less stable, but supposedly you get slightly better overclocks.
    1.1 Official - (Download)
    1. This is AWARD BIOS release
    2. This BIOS fixes the following problems of the previous version:
    - Memory always run DDR 200 when install single side DDR on DIMM2 & DIMM3.
    - Windows 2000 can't format the RAID IDE HDD when plug in Promise 378 controller.
    1.2b5 - (Download)
    1.2b7 - (No Download Yet)
    1.2b10 - (Download)
    - First attempt to fix false temperature readings. Fixes it for some people with Newcastle cores and doesn't fix it for anybody with Clawhammer cores.
    1.2b12 - (Download)
    - Second attempt to fix false temperature readings. Fixes it for some people with Newcastle cores and some people with Clawhammer cores.
    1.3b1 - (Download)
    - Another attempt to fix temperature problems?
    - Possibly fixes cold boot/power light issues?
    1.2 Official - (Download)
    1. This is AWARD BIOS release
    2. This BIOS fixes the following problems of the previous version:
    - System can't resume from S3 sometimes when install USB device.
    - Support K8 Sempron CPU.
    - Turn off keyboard LED in S3.
    --Quick Guide for flashing BIOS, provided by MSI--
    1. Create a MS-DOS boot diskette, then copy the the .exe and the bios file to the floppy disk. Both of these files can be found in the package you downloaded.
    2. Press "Delete" and go to BIOS setup while computer bootup.
    Check BIOS advanced features and see if BIOS flash write control is enabled
    (This option must be enabled. If you can not find this setting, it means the BIOS can be
    3. Boot from MS-DOS boot diskette and get a:\> prompt.
    4. Type "", then press ENTER
    5. The flash program will then ask "Do you want to save BIOS?", please press "N" for no. The when you see Press 'Y' to program or 'N' to Exit, please press "Y" to continue.
    6. After flashing complete, remove floppy and reset the system .
    7. Press DELETE or F1 when prompted at first reboot after flashing.
    8. Load BIOS optimized defaults, then save settings and exits.
    Drivers & Needed Files:
    (Note: All these drivers are for Windows XP.)
    Leaked Nvidia nForce3 Chipset Drivers Version 4.40
    (Please use at your own risk, these are LEAKED drivers. Password for the .zip file is "ocworkbench rules". Also, you will need to rename the WinXP_2K folder in IDE to either WinXP or Win2K else the installer doesn't pick it up.) Thanks for the link Wonkanoby!
    *NEW* Leaked Nvidia nForce3 Chipset Drivers Version 5.03
    More leaked drivers? Seems some parts of the drivers are older and some are newer.
    1. Windows XP Service Pack 1A (Web Install) -or- Windows XP Service Pack 1A (Full Install)
    2. Microsoft DirectX 9.0b (Web Install) -or- Microsoft DirectX 9.0b (Full Install)
    3. Nvidia nForce3 Chipset Drivers Version 4.24
    4. AMD Athlon 64 Processor Driver Version
    5. Nvidia Video Card Driver Version 56.72 -or- Omega Nvidia Video Card Driver Version v1.5303
    (The Omega drivers are third party drivers optimized for gaming, most prefer these over the standard Nvidia drivers.)
    5. ATI Video Card Driver Version 4.7 -or- Omega ATI Video Card Driver Version 2.5.51
    (The Omega drivers are third party drivers optimized for gaming, most prefer these over the standard ATI drivers.)
    6. Onboard Sound Driver (Realtek AC'97 Audio Codec) Version A3.61
    It is HIGHLY reccomended that you install the drivers/needed files in the order listed above. Please note that there are two #5's because you either install one or the other depending on your video card, do not install both of them.
    You will come across a problem here though. You can't install the chipset drivers without installing the Windows service pack and DirectX first, but the Windows service pack and DirectX installs need the internet to download files and you won't have working internet until you install the chipset drivers. Here's what I did to get around this. Instead of downloading the web install versions of Windows service pack and DirectX, download the full version and and put them along with all the other drivers on a backup hard drive or burn them to a CD, this way you will have all the drivers you need when it's time to install them and none of them will require the internet to download files.
    Another note when installing drivers. Apparently the Nvidia chipset drivers also come with drivers for the onboard sound, but people seem to agree that the Realtek onboard sound drivers are better. When you are installing the Nvidia chipset drivers, just be sure to uncheck the box for sound drivers when it asks you which drivers you would like to install. Now you can safely install the Realtek drivers without any chance of conflicting sound drivers. Thanks for the tip Wonkanoby!

    Originally posted by RLiu818
    Originally posted by Deviation56
    Originally posted by RLiu818
    You CAN install the nforce drivers BEFORE installing SP1.  The only requirement to install the nforce drivers is DX9.
    So is SP1 still recommended to install before the nforce drivers?
    The installer still reccomends to install it beforehand for full USB 2.0 functionality... I would have put what you said in there but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible.  
    oh.  IIRC the installer just says USB 2.0 will be fully functional after SP1 is installed.  So after you install SP1 you go into device manager and u click update driver and it will auto search and update the driver.
    Simplicity-wise, i guess its pretty much equal.  It might take less preparation to just copy DX9 full onto a CD and install that first, then nforce driver, then right away you have yoru internet connection.
    but i dunno.. i guess i will try it your way this time when my RMA"d board comes.
    i will be fomratting and doing a fresh install later on today and will let you know if i come across any problems

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    How would I find this? I need it for the police report so if I could get answers soon that would be great, thanks

    Lanlani wrote:
    ... It there any other solution ?
    Consider using this site:
    This is Apple's official word on the subject:
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    If you have lost or found an Apple product, please contact your local law enforcement agency to report it. Although Apple does not have a process to track or flag lost or stolen product, you can use My Support Profile to find a list of serial numbers for items purchased or registered with your Apple ID.

  • I would like to upgrade my OS to the latest version.  I now have 10.6.8 and my machine has 1Gb of memory.  Need 2Gb for the new OS.  Is is possible (and practical) to add memory to a machine that's five years old?

    I would like to upgrade my OS to the latest version.  I now have 10.6.8 and my machine has 1Gb of memory.  Need 2Gb for the new OS.  Is is possible (and practical) to add memory to a machine that's five years old?

    You can put two 2gb RAM sticks in your model 2,1 but it can only use 3,3gb. This is a hardware limitation and cannot be changed. b-memory-limitation-details.html
    OWC tests have found that there is a slight speed increase with having two 2gb sticks in rather than one 1gb and one 2gb. Your model is in the gray lines at the bottom of the graph.
    You can buy Lion for $29 from the App Store witht a model 2,1 MacBook. Lion will require at least 2gb of RAM but really needs 4gb to run smoothly. As for programs see this list for compatibility with 10.7
    Lion doesn't run any Power PC programs. To see if you have any Power PC programs go to the Apple in the upper left corner and select About This Mac, then click on More Info. When System Profiler comes up select Applications under Software. Then look under Kind to see if any of your applications are listed as Power PC. Universal and Intel will run under Lion.
    Before Mac switched to Intel processors they used Power PC processors from 1994 to 2005. Power PC 601 through 604, G3, G4 and G5. Applications written for the Power PC processors need the application called Rosetta to run on Intel processors. This was part of the Operating System in 10.4 and 10.5 but was an optional install in 10.6. With 10.7 Lion Apple dropped all support for Power PC applications.
    These are good online stores for Mac compatible RAM
    OWC - They offer Mac tested RAM at very good prices.
    Crucial Memory - good place to buy RAM from all over the world. They also have an excellent memory selector that allows you to choose memory based on your computer's model
    Data Memory Systems - another good, cheap place to buying RAM if you live in the U.S.
    Here are instructions on replacing RAM in a MacBook with a removable battery.
    If you don’t have the tools to open up the MacBook OWC has a set for $5

  • I have a macbook pro 1175 its a 2006 model which boot camp will work i tried 4.03 but it says this boot camp is not for this machine thats the oldest one i found here please help i have windows 7 32 bit installed but need drivers for the sound

    i have a 2006 mackbook pro running windows 7 32 bit i need drivers for the sound and the earliest bootcamp on here is 4.03 my machine says its not for this system please help which version of boot camp can i use

    Read this. You need to be running Snow Leopard or later.

  • Need solution for the following sync error: "iTunes could not sync calendars to the iPad "iPad name" because an error occurred while sending data from the iPad"

    Need solution for the following sync error: "iTunes could not sync calendars to the iPad "iPad name" because an error occurred while sending data from the iPad"

    I want to add that I deleted all the old back-ups and created a new back-up without any issues except sync problem.

  • Need help for the $200 promo rebate for trade-in of I Phone 4

    Need help for the $200 promo rebate for trade-in of I Phone 4.  Unable to preregister when I ordered the new 6  in September.  Now can not contact VZW recycle program regarding.

    When I ordered my phone on Sept. 13th in a Verizon store, I had to ask the salesman how I went about getting the $200 rebate. He said shipping materials would come with the new phones. When I received the confirmation e-mail of my order, it contained a link for the rebate. Fortunately I clicked on the link, filled out the form online, and received the packing materials to send my phone in shortly after. My phones came in on Oct. 14th and I sent 3 of them back. So far I have received a gift card for $200 for 2 of the phones; the other is showing not received. I don't know what your situation is, but I think the promotion ended Oct. 15th. If I had listened to the salesman I think I would be out of luck as well. I hope I am wrong for your sake.

  • HT1688 The number code would not allow me to input a 1 2 or 3 for my 4 digit code.  After numerous tries, it now says iphone disabled connect to itunes.  When i connected to itunes, it asked for the code, but I could not enter it.  How do I fix this probl

    The number pad would not let me type in a 1 2 3 for my 4 digit code.  After numerous tries, the phone now says iphone disabled connect to itunes.  When I connected to itunes, it asked for the code which I was unable to enter.  Help!

    Open iTunes on computer, connect iPhone to computer with USB cable. Hold both Home and Power buttons on iPhone until iTunes recognizes iPhone in Recovery Mode. This usually takes about 20 seconds of holding both buttons. Restore the iPhone Firmware.

  • TS1292 i have an itunes card that when scratching off for the code some of the numbers rubbed off.  This was a gift so i really dont want to ask for a receipt.  Any suggestions?

    i have an itunes card that when scratching off for the code some of the numbers rubbed off.  This was a gift so i really dont want to ask for a receipt.  Any suggestions?

    Click here and ask the iTunes Store staff for assistance. Supply them with as much of the code as you can.

  • I need to retrieve the code I was given to activate my creative suite design & web premium.

    PLEASE can someone help me. I need to retrieve the code I was given to activate my creative suite design & web premium. I have got a new mac and it is only saying I have a 30 day trial.

    Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later
    Find your serial number quickly

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