Need help getting these methods to work

this program consists three seperate classes. i have two of the three working, i just can't figure out this one. here is my code, and the pseudo code for the methods. any help would be greatly appreciated. i am getting the following 18 errors getAccountType(java.lang.String) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
if(myFields[indexForAccountType].equals(CheckingAccount.getAccountType())){ //A-1-2-10
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor CheckingAccountPlus(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,double)
location: class CheckingAccountPlus
CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount = new CheckingAccountPlus(myFields[indexForAccountId], //A-1-2-17 THROUGH A-1-2-20
^ getAccountId(java.lang.String) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
currentAccount.getAccountId().equals(myFields[indexForAccountId]); //A-1-3-06
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method makeDeposit(double)
location: class CheckingAccountPlus
currentAccount.makeDeposit(amount); //A-1-6-02
^ getAccountId(java.lang.String) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
currentAccount, currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), currentAccount.getBalance());
^ getAccountType(java.lang.String) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
currentAccount, currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), currentAccount.getBalance());
^ non-static method getAccountType() cannot be referenced from a static context
currentAccount, currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccountPlus.getAccountType(), currentAccount.getBalance());
^ getAccountId(java.lang.String) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
System.out.printf("Account Totals", currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), //A-1-11-01
^ getAccountType(java.lang.String) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
System.out.printf("Account Totals", currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), //A-1-11-01
^ getBeginningBalance(double) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(), //A-1-11-02
^ getDeposits(double) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(), //A-1-11-02
^ getWithdrawals(double) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(), //A-1-11-02
^ getFees(double) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
currentAccount.getFees(), currentAccount.getBalance(), currentAccount.getOverdrafts(), " *"); //A-1-11-03 THROUGH A-1-11-04
^ getOverdrafts(double) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
currentAccount.getFees(), currentAccount.getBalance(), currentAccount.getOverdrafts(), " *"); //A-1-11-03 THROUGH A-1-11-04
^ getAccountType(java.lang.String) in CheckingAccount cannot be applied to ()
System.out.printf("Account Totals", currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), //A-1-12-01
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getBeginningBalance()
location: class CheckingAccountPlus
currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(), //A-1-12-02
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getDeposits()
location: class CheckingAccountPlus
currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(), //A-1-12-02
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method getSumOfCreditCardAdvances()
location: class CheckingAccountPlus
currentAccount.getBalance(), currentAccount.getSumOfCreditCardAdvances(), " *"); //A-1-12-03 THROUGH A-1-12-04
18 errors
Process completed.
public class CheckingAccountsTest
     private static final int indexForAccountId = 0;
     private static final int indexForAccountType = 2;
     private static final int indexForBalance = 5;
     private static final int indexForDepositAmount = 2;
     private static final int indexForFirstName = 3;
     private static final int indexForLastName = 4;
     private static final int indexForRecordType = 1;
     private static final int indexForWithdrawalAmount = 2;
     private static final String recordTypeForDeposit = "CKD";
     private static double sumOfBeginningBalances = 0.0;
     private static double sumOfCreditCardAdvances = 0.0;
     private static double sumOfDeposits = 0.0;
     private static double sumOfEndingBalances = 0.0;
     private static double sumOfFees = 0.0;
     private static double sumOfOverdrafts = 0.0;
     private static double sumOfWithdrawals = 0.0;
public static void main(String args[])
     MyCsvFile myFile = new MyCsvFile("monthlyBankTransactions,v05.txt"); //A-1-2-01 THRU A-1-2-02
     System.out.println("\nBig Bank: Monthly Checking Account Activity\n"); //A-1-2-04
     System.out.println("----------- Account ----------- Beginning\t\t    With-\t\t   Ending\tOver-\tCredit Cd"); //A-1-2-05
     System.out.println("     Name\t   Id    Type\t Balance   +   Deposit   -  drawal   -    Fee   =  Balance\tdraft\t Advance\n"); //A-1-2-06
     myFile.readARecord(); //A-1-2-07
     while(myFile.getEofFound() == false) //A-1-2-08
          String []myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray();//A-1-2-09
          if(myFields[indexForAccountType].equals(CheckingAccount.getAccountType())){ //A-1-2-10
         CheckingAccount currentAccount = new CheckingAccount(myFields[indexForAccountId], //A-1-2-11 THROUGH A-1-2-12
         myFields[indexForFirstName], myFields[indexForLastName],
         Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForBalance])); //A-1-2-13
         handleAccount(currentAccount, myFile, myFields); //A-1-2-14
         currentAccount = null;// A-1-2-15
         CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount = new CheckingAccountPlus(myFields[indexForAccountId], //A-1-2-17 THROUGH A-1-2-20
         myFields[indexForFirstName], myFields[indexForLastName], Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForBalance]));
         handleAccount(currentAccount, myFile, myFields);
         currentAccount = null; //A-1-2-21
    }//end if A-1-2-22
}//end while A-1-2-23
     System.out.printf("Report Totals", sumOfBeginningBalances,sumOfDeposits, //A-1-2-24
     sumOfWithdrawals, sumOfFees, sumOfEndingBalances, sumOfOverdrafts, sumOfCreditCardAdvances, "**"); //A-1-2-25
     System.out.printf("The information in the above report is from the 17 records in the following file:",
     myFile.getCountOfRecords());                                                                           //A-1-2-26
     System.out.printf("Path to file:", myFile.getFilePath()); //A-1-2-27
     System.out.printf("Name of file:", myFile.getFileName()); //A-1-2-28
     System.out.println("\nEnd of program"); //A-1-2-29
}// end main method
public static void handleAccount(CheckingAccount currentAccount, MyCsvFile myFile, String []myFields)
     sumOfBeginningBalances += currentAccount.getBalance(); //A-1-3-01
     printBeginningBalance(currentAccount); // A-1-3-02
     myFile.readARecord(); //A-1-3-03
     myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray(); //A-1-3-04
while (myFile.getEofFound() == false) //A-1-3-05
   currentAccount.getAccountId().equals(myFields[indexForAccountId]); //A-1-3-06
if(myFields[indexForRecordType].equals(recordTypeForDeposit)){ //A-1-3-07
     handleDeposit(currentAccount, Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForDepositAmount])); //A-1-3-08 THROUGH A-1-3-09
      else //A-1-3-10
      handleWithdrawal(currentAccount,Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForWithdrawalAmount])); //A-1-3-11 THROUGH A-1-3-12
   }//end if //A-1-3-13
myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray(); //A-1-3-15 THROUGH A-1-3-16
}//end while //A-1-3-17
sumOfEndingBalances += currentAccount.getBalance();//A-1-3-18
printEndingBalance(currentAccount); //A-1-3-19
public static void handleAccount(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount, MyCsvFile myFile, String [] myFields)
sumOfBeginningBalances += currentAccount.getBalance(); //A-1-4-01
printBeginningBalance(currentAccount); //A-1-4-02
myFile.readARecord(); //A-1-4-03
myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray(); //A-1-4-04
  while (myFile.getEofFound()==false) //A-1-4-05
currentAccount.getAccountId().equals (myFields[indexForAccountId]); //A-1-4-06
if(myFields[indexForRecordType].equals(recordTypeForDeposit)){ //A-1-4-07
     handleDeposit(currentAccount, Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForDepositAmount])); //A-1-4-08 THROUGH //A-1-4-09
      else //A-1-4-10
      handleWithdrawal(currentAccount,Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForWithdrawalAmount])); //A-1-4-11 THROUGH A-1-4-12
   }//end if A-1-4-13
myFile.readARecord(); //A-1-4-14
myFields = myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray(); //A-1-4-15 THROUGH A-1-4-16
}//end while A-1-4-17
sumOfEndingBalances += currentAccount.getBalance(); //A-1-4-18
printEndingBalance(currentAccount); //A-1-4-19
private static void handleDeposit(CheckingAccount currentAccount, double amount)
sumOfDeposits += amount; //A-1-5-01
currentAccount.makeDeposit(amount); //A-1-5-02
System.out.printf("$,%.2f", amount); //A-1-5-03
  private static void handleDeposit(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount, double amount)
  sumOfDeposits += amount;//A-1-6-01
  currentAccount.makeDeposit(amount); //A-1-6-02
  System.out.printf("$,%.2f", amount); //A-1-6-03
  private static void handleWithdrawal(CheckingAccount currentAccount, double amount)
  if (currentAccount.makeWithdrawal(amount) == true){ //A-1-7-01
   sumOfWithdrawals += amount; //A-1-7-02
   System.out.printf("$,%.2f", amount); //A-1-7-03
  }else{ //A-1-7-04
   double overdraftFee = currentAccount.getOverdraftFee(); //A-1-7-05
   sumOfFees += overdraftFee; //A-1-7-06
   sumOfOverdrafts += amount; //A-1-7-07
   System.out.printf("$,%.2f",overdraftFee, amount); //A-1-7-08
  }//end if A-1-7-09
  private static void handleWithdrawal(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount, double amount)
       if (currentAccount.makeWithdrawal(amount) == true){ //A-1-8-01
        sumOfWithdrawals += amount; //A-1-8-02
        System.out.printf("$,%.2f",amount); //A-1-8-03
  }else{ //A-1-8-04
   double creditCardAdvance = currentAccount.getCreditCardAdvance(); //A-1-8-05 THROUGH A-1-8-06
   sumOfCreditCardAdvances += creditCardAdvance; //A-1-8-07
   sumOfWithdrawals += currentAccount.getActualWithdrawal(); //A-1-8-08
   System.out.printf("$,%.2f",currentAccount.getActualWithdrawal(),creditCardAdvance); //A-1-8-09
  }//end if //A-1-8-10
private static void printBeginningBalance(CheckingAccount currentAccount)
System.out.printf("",   //A-1-9-01 THROUGH A-1-9-02
   currentAccount, currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), currentAccount.getBalance());
private static void printBeginningBalance(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount)
System.out.printf("",   //A-1-10-01 TROUGH A-1-10-02
   currentAccount, currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccountPlus.getAccountType(), currentAccount.getBalance());
private static void printEndingBalance(CheckingAccount currentAccount)
  System.out.printf("Account Totals", currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), //A-1-11-01
    currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(), //A-1-11-02
    currentAccount.getFees(), currentAccount.getBalance(), currentAccount.getOverdrafts(), " *"); //A-1-11-03 THROUGH A-1-11-04
private static void printEndingBalance(CheckingAccountPlus currentAccount)
  System.out.printf("Account Totals", currentAccount.getAccountId(), CheckingAccount.getAccountType(), //A-1-12-01
    currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(), currentAccount.getWithdrawals(), //A-1-12-02
    currentAccount.getBalance(), currentAccount.getSumOfCreditCardAdvances(), " *"); //A-1-12-03 THROUGH A-1-12-04
This public static method has no return value and has one parameter of type String named args[ ], an array
A-1-2-01)     INSTANTIATE a local variable named myFile of class MyCsvFile, passing a single String argument for the CSV filename:
A-1-2-02)          ?monthlyBankTransactions,v05.txt?
A-1-2-03)     DISPLAY the task / programmer identification line
A-1-2-04)     DISPLAY the ?Big Bank: Monthly Checking Account Activity? title line
A-1-2-05)     DISPLAY the first column heading line: ?---------- Account ----------??
A-1-2-06)     DISPLAY the second column heading line: ? Name Id??
A-1-2-07)     Get 1st record from CSV file using method readARecord: MyCsvFile class: myFile.readARecord()
A-1-2-08)     WHILE (myFile.getEofFound() IS FALSE)
A-1-2-09)          DEFINE a String Array named myFields, and ASSIGN it the value myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray()
A-1-2-10)          IF (myFields[indexForAccountType].equals(CheckingAccount.getAccountType()))
A-1-2-11)               INSTANTIATE a local variable named currentAccount of class CheckingAccount, passing the following arguments:
A-1-2-12)                    myFields[indexForAccountId], myFields[indexForFirstName], myFields[indexForLastName],
A-1-2-13)                    Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForBalance])
A-1-2-14)               CALL method handleAccount of this class, passing the following arguments: currentAccount, myFile, myFields
A-1-2-15)               ASSIGN null TO currentAccount
A-1-2-16)          ELSE
A-1-2-17)     INSTANTIATE a local variable named currentAccount of class CheckingAccountPlus, passing the following arguments:
A-1-2-18)          myFields[indexForAccountId], myFields[indexForFirstName], myFields[indexForLastName],
A-1-2-19)          Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForBalance])
A-1-2-20)     CALL method handleAccount of this class, passing the following arguments: currentAccount, myFile, myFields
A-1-2-21)               ASSIGN null TO currentAccount
A-1-2-22)          END IF
A-1-2-23)     END WHILE
A-1-2-24)     DISPLAY the report-total line using the following arguments: ?Report Totals?, sumOfBeginningBalances, sumOfDeposits,
A-1-2-25)          sumOfWithdrawals, sumOfFees, sumOfEndingBalances, sumOfOverdrafts, sumOfCreditCardAdvances and ?**?
A-1-2-26)     DISPLAY the ?The information in the above report? line with the following arguments: myFile.getCountOfRecords()
A-1-2-27)     DISPLAY the ?Path to file? line with the following arguments: myFile.getFilePath()
A-1-2-28)     DISPLAY the ?Name of file? line with the following arguments: myFile.getFileName()
A-1-2-29)     DISPLAY the ?End of program? line
This private static method has no return value, and has three parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccount, myFile of type MyCsvFile and myFields of type String array.
A-1-3-01)     CALL method currentAcccount.getBalance and ADD its return value to sumOfBeginningBalances
A-1-3-02)     CALL method printBeginningBalance with the following argument list: currentAccount
A-1-3-03)     CALL method myFile.readARecord, which reads the 1st record after the Balance record (a deposit or withdrawal) for the current customer
A-1-3-04)     CALL method myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray and ASSIGN its return value to myFields, a String array. This makes the values from the
A-1-3-05)          fields in the record just read available for access as elements in the myFields string array
A-1-3-06)     WHILE (myFile.getEofFound() IS FALSE AND currentAccount.getAccountId().equals(myFields[indexForAccountId]))
A-1-3-07)          IF (myFields[indexForRecordType].equals(recordTypeForDeposit))
A-1-3-08)               CALL method handleDeposit with the following argument list: currentAccount,
A-1-3-09)                    Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForDepositAmount]
A-1-3-10)          ELSE
A-1-3-11)               CALL method handleWithdrawal with the following argument list: currentAccount,
A-1-3-12)                    Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForWithdrawalAmount]
A-1-3-13)          END IF
A-1-3-14)          CALL method myFile.readARecord, which reads the next deposit or withdrawal record, if any, for this customer
A-1-3-15)     CALL method myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray and ASSIGN its return value to myFields, a String array. This makes the value from the
A-1-3-16)          fields in the record just read available for access as elements in the myFields string array
A-1-3-17)     END WHILE
A-1-3-18)     CALL method currentAcccount.getBalance and ADD its return value to sumOfEndingBalances
A-1-3-19)     CALL method printEndingBalance with the following argument list: currentAccount
This private static method has no return value, and has three parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccountPlus, myFile of type MyCsvFile and myFields of type String array.
A-1-4-01)     CALL method currentAcccount.getBalance and ADD its return value to sumOfBeginningBalances
A-1-4-02)     CALL method printBeginningBalance with the following argument list: currentAccount
A-1-4-03)     CALL method myFile.readARecord, which reads the 1st record after the Balance record (a deposit or withdrawal) for the current customer
A-1-4-04)     CALL method myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray and ASSIGN its return value to myFields, a String array. This makes the values from the
A-1-4-05)          fields in the record just read available for access as elements in the myFields string array
A-1-4-06)     WHILE (myFile.getEofFound() IS FALSE AND currentAccount.getAccountId().equals(myFields[indexForAccountId]))
A-1-4-07)          IF (myFields[indexForRecordType].equals(recordTypeForDeposit))
A-1-4-08)               CALL method handleDeposit with the following argument list: currentAccount,
A-1-4-09)                    Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForDepositAmount]
A-1-4-10)          ELSE
A-1-4-11)               CALL method handleWithdrawal with the following argument list: currentAccount,
A-1-4-12)                    Double.parseDouble(myFields[indexForWithdrawalAmount]
A-1-4-13)          END IF
A-1-4-14)          CALL method myFile.readARecord, which reads the next deposit or withdrawal record, if any, for this customer
A-1-4-15)     CALL method myFile.getCsvRecordFieldArray and ASSIGN its return value to myFields, a String array. This makes the value from the
A-1-4-16)          fields in the record just read available for access as elements in the myFields string array
A-1-4-17)     END WHILE
A-1-4-18)     CALL method currentAcccount.getBalance and ADD its return value to sumOfEndingBalances
A-1-4-19)     CALL method printEndingBalance with the following argument list: currentAccount
This private static method has no return value, and has two parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccount and amount of type double.
A-1-5-01)     ADD amount TO sumOfDeposits
A-1-5-02)     CALL method currentAccount.makeDeposit, passing it the following arguments: amount
A-1-5-03)     DISPLAY the deposit line using the following arguments: amount
This private static method has no return value, and has two parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccountPlus and amount of type double.
A-1-6-01)     ADD amount TO sumOfDeposits
A-1-6-02)     CALL method currentAccount.makeDeposit, passing it the following arguments: amount
A-1-6-03)     DISPLAY the deposit line using the following arguments: amount
This private static method has no return value, and has two parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccount and amount of type double.
A-1-7-01)     IF (currentAccount.makeWithdrawal(amount) IS TRUE)
A-1-7-02)          ADD amount TO sumOfWithdrawals
A-1-7-03)          DISPLAY the withdrawal line using the following arguments: amount
A-1-7-04)     ELSE
A-1-7-05)          DEFINE variable overdraftFee of type double and ASSIGN it the value returned from a call of method currentAccount.getOvedraftFee
A-1-7-06)          ADD overdraftFee TO sumOfFees
A-1-7-07)          ADD amount TO sumOfOverdrafts
A-1-7-08)          DISPLAY the overdraft line using the following arguments: overdraftFee, amount
A-1-7-09)     END IF
This private static method has no return value, and has two parameters: currentAccount of type CheckingAccountPlus and amount of type double.
A-1-8-01)     IF (currentAccount.makeWithdrawal(amount) IS TRUE)
A-1-8-02)          ADD amount TO sumOfWithdrawals
A-1-8-03)          DISPLAY the withdrawal line using the following arguments: amount
A-1-8-04)     ELSE
A-1-8-05)          DEFINE variable creditCardAdvance of type double and ASSIGN it the value returned from a call of method
A-1-8-06)               currentAccount.getCreditCardAdvance
A-1-8-07)          ADD creditCardAdvance TO sumOfCreditCardAdvances
A-1-8-08)          ADD currentAccount.getActualWithdrawal() TO sumOfWithdrawals
A-1-8-09)          DISPLAY the credit-card-advance line using the following arguments: currentAccount.getActualWithdrawal(),creditCardAdvance
A-1-8-10)     END IF
This private static method has no return value, and has one parameter: currentAccount of type CheckingAccount.
A-1-9-01)     DISPLAY the beginning balance line using the following arguments: currentAccount , currentAccount.getAccountId(),
A-1-9-02)          currentAccount.getAccountType() and currentAccount.getBalance()
This private static method has no return value, and has one parameter: currentAccount of type CheckingAccountPlus.
A-1-10-01)     DISPLAY the beginning balance line using the following arguments: currentAccount , currentAccount.getAccountId(),
A-1-10-02)          currentAccount.getAccountType() and currentAccount.getBalance()
This private static method has no return value, and has one parameter: currentAccount of type CheckingAccount.
A-1-11-01)     DISPLAY the ending balance line using the following arguments: ?Account Totals,? currentAccount.getAccountId(),
A-1-11-02)          currentAccount.getAccountType(), currentAccount.getBeginningBalance(), currentAccount.getDeposits(),
A-1-11-03)          currentAccount.getWithdrawals(), currentAccount.getFees(), currentAccount.getBalance() and
A-1-11-04)          currentAccount.getOverdrafts(), ?? *?

You're calling a bunch of methods and constructors with the wrong arguments, or missing arguments. Take the errors one by one, and look at the method you're being told you're calling, and check that the arguments you're using are right

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    buttonPanel.add( {color:#339966}last {color});
    cp.add( buttonPanel,BorderLayout.{color:#339966}SOUTH {color});
    cp.add( buttonPanel1,BorderLayout.{color:#339966}NORTH {color});{color:#999999}///NewInventory_Test/logo.gif{color} u = {color:#0000ff}this{color}.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource({color:#ff9900}"\\NewInventory_Test\\logo.gif"{color});
    ImageIcon icon = {color:#0000ff}new {color}ImageIcon(u);
    {color:#339966}imageLabel{color} = new JLabel( {color:#ff9900}"Inventory View"{color}, icon, JLabel.{color:#339966}CENTER {color});
    cp.add({color:#339966} imageLabel{color},BorderLayout.{color:#339966}WEST{color} );
    {color:#0000ff}this{color}.setContentPane( cp );
    {color:#0000ff}this{color}.setContentPane( cp );
    {color:#0000ff}this{color}.setTitle( "Inventory Program IT 215" );
    {color:#0000ff}this{color}.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.{color:#339966}EXIT_ON_CLOSE{color} );
    {color:#0000ff} this{color}.{color:#339966}textArea{color}.setText({color:#339966}inv{color}.getStart());
    {color:#0000ff} this{color}.setSize(200, 200);
    {color:#0000ff}this{color}.setVisible( {color:#0000ff}true {color});
    {color:#0000ff}public void{color} actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    {color:#0000ff} if {color}( e.getActionCommand().equals({color:#ff9900} "Start"{color} ) )
    textArea.setText( {color:#339966}inv{color}.getStart() );
    {color:#0000ff}if {color}( e.getActionCommand().equals( {color:#ff9900}"Next" {color}) )
    {color:#0000ff}if{color} ( e.getActionCommand().equals( {color:#ff9900}"Previous" {color}) )
    textArea.setText( {color:#339966}inv{color}.getPrevious() );
    {color:#0000ff} if{color} ( e.getActionCommand().equals( {color:#ff9900}"Last"{color} ) )
    {color:#0000ff}public static {color}LagersAddInfo getInv()
    {color:#0000ff}return{color:#339966} {color}{color}{color:#339966}inv{color};
    {color:#0000ff}public static void{color} setInv( LagersAddInfo inv )
    LagersGUI.{color:#339966}inv {color}= inv;
    {color:#808080} /**
    * @param args
    {color:#0000ff}public static void {color}main( String[] args )
    LagersGUI {color:#ff0000}_inventory_ {color}= {color:#0000ff}new {color}LagersGUI( {color:#ff9900}"Inventory"{color} );{color:#ff0000}//** here's the part I'm having trouble with...inventory is an * unused variable. What other way could I get {color:#000000}main{color} */ method to work?{color}

    This forum can format your code for you and make it easier to read. Simply click the CODE button and two tags will appear. Then paste your code in between the tags. Important, copy code form your source not first post.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • I need help getting my printer to work

    I need help getting my printer to work
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • I need help getting this program to work.

    K. I don't pay much attention in my AP Comp Science Class.. but my teacher said if i can get this program to work i get an a for the semester... The program is Metrowerks Codewarrior IDE.. we are running it on windows 98 i think. She said she can't get it to compile.. so i guess it just needs to be able to input simple java programs (i.e. loops, just the regular crap) and compile them and run them...i have no clue what is wrong with it.. it could just need a patch...or we may just be going about it the wrong way...any help would be SUPER appreciated...

    K. I don't pay much attention in my AP Comp Science
    Class.. but my teacher said if i can get this programYou better did.
    to work i get an a for the semester... The program is
    Metrowerks Codewarrior IDE.. we are running it on
    windows 98 i think. She said she can't get it toAtleast be sure of the OS.
    compile.. so i guess it just needs to be able to
    input simple java programs (i.e. loops, just the
    regular crap) and compile them and run them...i have
    no clue what is wrong with it.. it could just need aEven we don't.
    patch...or we may just be going about it the wrong
    way...any help would be SUPER appreciated...Nothing in your thread really speaks of the problem. And since you mentioned homework, there's hardly anyone to be interested in that.

  • Need help getting guest access to work.

    I have searched and Googled and found very little about enabling temporary guest access on an AEBS.
    What I could find said just type in "the PIN number." OK, what PIN number? It appears that the device seeking access is supposed to supply it somehow and then I type it in while using the Airport Utility. I see no such number on the device. I also tried the "first one to try" method and got nowhere.
    In both cases I was using an iPhone that wanted to use my network. Does this work with iPhones?
    Many thanks,

    This thread looked helpful but I can't get guest access to work for my son's guest using a Dell XP laptop (using Dell wireless management) despite allowing timed access. Neither the PIN nor the first attempt option allowed him on the network without giving him our password.
    It's still not clear if or when this will work. At the very least, the documentation is terrible.

  • Need help getting this code to work

    I am trying to get this code to work using "if else statment" but it will only do the first part and not do the second part in the else statement. Can anyone help me out? Here is the code:
    var R1 = this.getField("Registration Fees1");
    var R2 = this.getField("Registration Fees2");
    var R3 = this.getField("Registration Fees3");
    var R4 = this.getField("Registration Fees4");
    var R0 = 0
    if (R0 == 0)
      event.value = Math.floor(R1.value);
      event.value = Math.floor(R2.value + R3.value + R4.value);
    I did notice that if I fiddled around this this part:
    if (R0 == 0)
    sometimes I can get the second part to work but not the first. I need it to do either or and this is getting frustrating.
    I might also not even need "var R0 = 0". I put that there for the condition part. If that is what is causing the problem, I can take it out. But then what would the condition be? For this form, the default is 0 and then the calculation follows by user clicking on different prices. The first part is if they want to pay for the full conference and the second part is if they want to pay for either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday or 2 of the 3 days. Is it possible to get this to work with both parts together? I am still stuck on getting just one or the other working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    I have posted this on another message board and a user by the name of gkaiseril offered this solution but it hasn't worked either.
    // all four days
    var R1 = this.getField("Registration Fees1").value;
    // Monday
    var R2 = this.getField("Registration Fees2").value;
    // Tuesday
    var R3 = this.getField("Registration Fees3").value;
    // Wednesday
    var R4 = this.getField("Registration Fees4").value;
    var Fee = 0
    event.value = ''; // default value
    if (R1 != 'Off') {
      Fee = Number(R1) + Fee;
    } else {
      if(R2 != 'Off') {
         Fee = Number(Fee) + R2;
      if(R3 != 'Off') {
         Fee += Number(R3);
      if(R4 != 'Off') {
         Fee = Number(R4) + Fee;
    event.value = Fee;

  • Need help getting LCD monitor to work with G4 GeForce4 MX

    I have a G4 that I haven't been using and want to get running again. It has a Nvidia GeForce4 MX video card. I had a huge CRT monitor and want to use a ViewSonic VX1935wm which I got a deal on. When I hook the monitor up it says that the resolution is out of range.
    I can boot with my old monitor and change the connection and then get the LCD to work but only at certain resolutions.
    Do I need to get a new video card, or can I get an adaptor? What kind of card should I get if it needs to be replaced? Or what other kind of monitor would be supported by this video card?
    Here is the webpage for this monitor:

    thanks for the links.
    switchResX does something, but it doesn't solve the problem. i can now switch to the "optimum" resolution of 1440x900, 60hz. but when i restart the computer, it still won't work! i continue to get the "out of range" message and have to boot with my crt and then switch cables to do anything. also, the fonts in the finder menus look terrible, you can see the jagged lines.
    displayConfigX won't let me test that high of a resolution without registering the product.. needless to say, i don't want to pay money if the results are going to be the same as with SwitchResX.
    I sent an e-mail to ViewSonic support. Is it typical to have these problems? I am getting more and more confused as I learn more about this.

  • I need help getting Mini Bridge to work in PS CS6

    I have already tried deleting the folder and rebooting the computer, I have tried creating a new user account, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the entire package and I cannot get Mini Bridge to work at all. It just keeps going to "Mini Bridge waiting for Bridge CS6..." and then never finds anything. I am having this issue on both my Macbook Pro Retina 15 and my MacBook Pro 13 (Early 2011 model). I cannot seem to find any other solutions to this problem online. I also made sure that both Macbooks are fully updated as well as all CS6 software titles. Please help me fix this!
    I also made sure I added it to the exceptions list in the firewall too.

    Moving the discussion to PS forum
    You can also follow the solution suggested in
    they may help

  • Need help getting Apple Extreme to work with Be box

    Anyone able to give an idiots guide to getting Apple Extreme to work with Be Box wireless modem?
    Used to have Orange (Wanadoo) broadband with Livebox wireless router, which i had my AE wired up to and it worked fine. Signed up with Be* and managed to get their wireless router working and communicating with my Mac OK. When i hooked up AE the green light came on but i can't manage to get my Mac to find it.
    Any help would be very appreciated.

    Hello Orang Hutan. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    What is your connectivity goal for the 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn)?
    o Connect it directly to the Be Box wireless router via Ethernet, or
    o Connect it wirelessly to the Be Box's wireless network?
    If it is to go the wireless route, do you want the AEBSn to extend the wireless range of the Be Box?

  • I need help getting my Intuos5 to work with Flash CS6

    Can someone give me some help with this? I can't find a single thing on Google that helps me.
    I installed Adobe Flash CS6 recently and I have been using my Intuos5 Large for a long time now with Photoshop CS6. The thing is, with Photoshop, it took forever to get working properly. It turned out that I needed to use the 64-bit version because my 64-bit system and tablet drivers won't work with 32-bit Photoshop.
    Concerning Flash, it's the same problems as Photoshop. It refuses to recognize my tablets functions such as pressure and tilt sensitivity. It also has an annoying lag or lack of response if I do small, quick strokes. I would switch Flash to 64-bit mode, but there isn't one. I can't find the little stroke-like icon in Flash to turn on sensitivity either. I'm really confused. I've tried it with Flash CS5.5 and it's the same thing.
    That's my issue, and I have tried restarting the software and rebooting many times as well. There doesn't seem to be much for options. This all leads to it probably being a 64-bit and 32-bit compatability issue
    I'm running Windows 7 with more than enough power to maintain Flash CS6. It is possible that I may need to update my tablet driver since I did for Photoshop CS6, but it was a pain in the *** getting Photoshop to work until I used 64-bit mode. I may need additional files to mod the software.
    I would really appreciate the help so I can begin to learn animation. It's my passion. Thanks, in advance.
    Here are my relevant specs:
    System Information
    Time of this report: 9/4/2012, 01:32:48
           Machine name: LAPPY_TOPPY
       Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030)
               Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
           System Model: Satellite L675
                   BIOS: Phoenix SecureCore Version 2.30
              Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 450  @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
                 Memory: 4096MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 3954MB RAM
              Page File: 2016MB used, 5890MB available
            Windows Dir: C:\windows
        DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
       User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
        DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
         DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode
    Display Devices
              Card name: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650
           Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
              Chip type: ATI display adapter (0x68C1)
               DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
             Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_68C1&SUBSYS_FD001179&REV_00
         Display Memory: 2735 MB
       Dedicated Memory: 1014 MB
          Shared Memory: 1721 MB
           Current Mode: 1600 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)
           Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
          Monitor Model: unknown
             Monitor Id: LGD01CA
            Native Mode: 1600 x 900(p) (60.080Hz)
            Output Type: Internal

    If you are moving from an existing Mac to a new Mac the easiest thing to do is connect the two Macs via a Firewire cable and run the Migration assistant. If you are moving files from a Windows platform or you don't want to use the Migration assistant review this article.

  • Need help getting my applets to work on web pages!

    I've been trying to get it to work for a while now, and I no idea why it won't work! I've tried all kinds of things to get it to work, but it still won't work. All I want to do is make a simple applet, don't care what it does, and put it on a web page.
    Here is my HTML code:
    <applet code=?Slime2P.class? height=?300? width=?400? codebase=?>
    Here is a link to what happens:
    Here is the errors:
    load: class ?Slime2P.class? not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ?Slime2P.class?
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    It works fine when I run the applet in eclipse, and I've tried many different applets. I tried using a cool program I wanted to put online first, then I made a simple program to try, and then I even downloaded the file from a tutorial and didn't edit it at all... nothing works!
    Here's code from one of the applets (Simple applet with green lines):
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Duck extends Applet {
    int width, height;
    public void init() {
    width = getSize().width;
    height = getSize().height;
    setBackground( );
    public void paint( Graphics g ) {
    g.setColor( );
    for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
    g.drawLine( width, height, i * width / 10, 0 );
    I have all the .class file and the html page in the same place (
    Thank you for your help! It is most likely something simple...
    Edited by: Donv7 on Jul 17, 2008 2:27 PM

    Here is your html:
    <body bgcolor="#DAE9F3">
    <applet code=?Slime2P.class? height=?300? width=?400?>
    ducks these dayz...<br>
    C:\Documents and Settings\Don\Desktop<br><br>
    </HTML>Look carefully at the double quotes surrounding the red text (bgcolor).
    Look at the double quotes used in the applet tag now!!!

  • Need help getting mimeopen -d to work [SOLVED]

    I'm trying to set default applications on a relatively fresh install of Arch.  I know in the past I've been able to just to do something like mimeopen -d file.pdf okular and it has worked, but now I get the following error message
    [ryantr@myhost Downloads]$ mimeopen -d file.pdf okular
    No applications found for mimetype: application/pdf
    [ryantr@myhost Downloads]$ mimeopen -d file.pdf
    No applications found for mimetype: application/pdf
    My guess is that there is a database somewhere that needs updating.  I tried running update-desktop-database but no help.  I know in the past I haven't had to manually edit files for something as common as a pdf.
    What am I missing?  FYI, my DE is Fluxbox.
    Last edited by ryan0270 (2010-12-15 05:23:14)

    Ok, I finally got frustrated enough to look at this again and have it working, although I'm not sure what exactly made it work  Here are the steps I did:
    Looking at the verbose output of update-desktop-database seemed to indicated a directory problem.  The last line says a directory did not exist so I created that...
    [root@user]# update-desktop-database --verbose
    Search path is now: [/usr/share/applications, /usr/local/share/applications]
    File "/usr/share/applications/policytool.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/qtconfig.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/kde4/Help.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/kde4/knetattach.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/bssh.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/avahi-discover.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/dropbox.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/jconsole.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/bvnc.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/pidgin.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    File "/usr/share/applications/assistant.desktop" lacks MimeType key
    Could not create cache file in "/usr/local/share/applications": Error opening directory '/usr/local/share/applications': No such file or directory
    Running update-desktop-database again got rid of the last error message but didn't fix the problem so I manually copied all the Okular related .desktop files from /usr/share/applications/kde4 to /usr/share/applications.  This seemed to fix the problem, although I'm not sure why since the above error message showed problems with other .desktop files inside the kde4 directory so I'm assuming it was scanning correctly.
    But it works now, for whatever reason.

  • Need help getting my EVDO to work again - lost without it!!

    My BB no longer picks up the EVDO or 1X signal. All I have now is 1x. This started to happen when I returned to Canada from a vacation in Jamaica. For this reason I have a feeling that the problem may be software related and not a hardware problem. My intentions are to wipe the phone and reinstall the OS (and any other applicable software - although I don't know what all would be required). I am not sure where to find the OS files and was wondering if anyone can help guid me through this.
    Thanks for any help!!!
    Message Edited by Benjo_1 on 01-20-2009 12:50 PM

    wait !
    home screen >> options >> advanced options >> Host Routing Table
    open the menu then do "register now".
    exit, wait for the arrows to finish blinking.
    then do a reboot : the soft reboot, and if it does not work, the hard reboot. Don't worry, you can't lose data with these two reboots.
    Soft reboot :
    1) Hit the three following keys at the same time :
    - Alt
    - Left Shift
    - Delete
    2) wait 2 minutes for the Blackberry to wake up.
    Hard reboot :
    1) your Blackberry device is on
    2) remove the battery and wait for a minute
    3) Put the battery back
    4) wait 5 minutes for the device to wake up.
    Please tell us if it works for you.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Need help getting my MacBook to work a with a D-Link print server

    I'm trying to set up my MacBook Pro running OS X Ver 10.4.11 to print to a HP PSC 2210 All in One printer attached to a D-Link DP-301U print server. I'm actualy a Windows user and set this up and it works fine on the Windows side. My brother in law here is the Mac user and I can't seem to get this going.
    I did install Gimp Print Ver 4.2 and the printer is listed as a support device at their website. But, the printer model doesn't appear in the list when I try and add the IP printer. I did try a LaserJet 4l driver and DeskJet 860c - they don't work. In the print queue, the status says "Network host '<IP address of D-Link> is busy; will retry in 30 seconds."
    Any ideas? D-Link support was horrible, claiming that they don't support Macs - despite what it says on the box.
    Any insights on next steps would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Greg. GutenPrint lists it as a supported printer but as I said, I don't see it. I'll try the other site.
    There is some stuff on Macs at teh D-Link site, but its not verry useful. But, re: the queue, name it appears to me that the PS-<servername>-P1 convention comes from a print server with a parallel interface and this is the LPT port name. This is a USB printer and that's why we get the PSC2210 name which I think is the Windows name I gave the Printer. At any rate, the D-Link doc claims that you should leave the queue name blank for a single port server. I beleive that the issue is that this is not a postscript printer which hopefully I can get at the alternate site.
    I am curious why this is different on a Mac than in Windows. If the printer works if direct connected, why does the Mac OS need the special drivers to extend the connection through a network? I'm curious as I mooonlight setting up home networks and I don't want to be a "windows only" solution. Oh, and would this work on the Mac if I had selected an Apple print server or wireless router with printer port built in?
    Thanks again.

  • I need help getting my nano to work with my mac!

    I just got a mac for christmas, and I would like to get all of my music on to my mac. when i try and sync, it will not work. I want all of my songs to go into I tunes, so that this can become my new i-tunes computer. I have a nano. Can anyone help me with thiss???

    If you are moving from an existing Mac to a new Mac the easiest thing to do is connect the two Macs via a Firewire cable and run the Migration assistant. If you are moving files from a Windows platform or you don't want to use the Migration assistant review this article.

Maybe you are looking for