Need help in automating text from xml into illustrator

I have seen some examples of automation script for filling text from xml into illustrator, need some help in this matter.
Need script (currently working in mac OS)

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    place a scroll pane on the stage to adding scrolling capabilities.
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    2. I can not figure out how to space the thumbnails evenly. I
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    but there are large differences between landscape and portrait
    Thanks for the help

    You need to switch from using loadMovie to using the
    MovieClipLoader object. This object has a listener called
    "onLoadInit" that allows you to get the size of your photo when it
    comes in, but before it appears on stage, so that you can adjust
    its placement. Check out the help docs for info on usage.

  • Need help in storing data from JList into a vector

    need help in doing the following.-
    alright i click a skill on industryskills Jlist and press the add button and it'll be added to the applicantskills Jlist. how do i further store this data that i added onto the applicantskills JList into a vector.
    here are the codes:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane.*;
    //import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
    public class Employment extends JFrame
            //declare class variables
            private JPanel jpApplicant, jpEverything,jpWEST, jpCENTRE, jpEAST, jpAddEditDelete,
                                       jpCentreTOP, jpCentreBOT, jpEastTOP, jpEastCENTRE, jpEastBOT,
                                       jpBlank1, panel1, panel2, panel3, panel4,jpBottomArea,
            private JLabel jlblApplicantForm, jlblAppList, jlblName, jlblPhone,
                                       jlblCurrentSalary, jlblPassword, jlblDesiredSalary,
                                       jlblNotes, jlblApplicantSkills, jlblIndustrySkills,
                                       jlblBlank1, jlblBlank2, ApplicantListLabel,
                                       NotesListLabel, ApplicantSkillsLabel,
            private JButton jbtnAdd1, jbtnEdit, jbtnDelete, jbtnSave, jbtnCancel,
                                            jbtnAdd2, jbtnRemove;
            private JTextField jtfName, jtfPhone, jtfCurrentSalary, jtfPassword,
              private JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
            private DefaultListModel /*listModel,*/listModel2;
              String name,password,phone,currentsalary,desiredsalary,textareastuff,NotesText;
              String selectedname;
            final JTextArea Noteslist= new JTextArea();;
            DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel();
            JList ApplicantSkillsList = new JList(listModel);
           private ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel;
            JList ApplicantList, /*ApplicantSkillsList,*/ IndustrySkillsList;
            //protected JTextArea NotesList;    
                    //Vector details = new Vector();
                  Vector<StoringData> details = new Vector<StoringData>();             
                public static void main(String []args)
                    Employment f = new Employment();
                }//end of main
                    public Employment()
                            setTitle("E-commerce Placement Agency");
                                  Font listfonts = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 12);
                            JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
                            topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
                            getContentPane().add( topPanel );
                            tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Applicant", panel1 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Job Order", panel2 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Skill", panel3 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Company", panel4 );
                            topPanel.add( tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
            public void createPage1()//PAGE 1
                 /*******************TOP PART********************/
                            panel1 = new JPanel();
                            panel1.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                                  jpBottomArea = new JPanel();
                                  jpBottomArea.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            jpApplicant= new JPanel();
                            jpApplicant.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            Font bigFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,24);
                            jlblApplicantForm = new JLabel("\t\t\t\tAPPLICANT FORM  ");
           /********************************EMPTY PANEL FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES*************************/
                               jpEmptyPanelForDisplayPurposes = new JPanel();
                               jlblEmptyLabelForDisplayPurposes = new JLabel(" ");
                            jpWEST = new JPanel();                 
                            jpWEST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            //Applicant List
                                  listModel2=new DefaultListModel();
                                  ApplicantList = new JList(listModel2);
                                listSelectionModel = ApplicantList.getSelectionModel();
                                listSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new SharedListSelectionHandler());
                                JScrollPane scrollPane3 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantList);
                                  ApplicantList.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20,40));
                            ApplicantListLabel = new JLabel( "Applicant List:");
                            jpCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jpCENTRE.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
                            jpCentreTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreTOP.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2));
                              //Creating labels and textfields
                            jlblName = new JLabel( "Name:");
                            jlblBlank1 = new JLabel ("");
                            jtfName = new JTextField(18);
                            jlblBlank2 = new JLabel("");
                            jlblPhone = new JLabel("Phone:");
                            jlblCurrentSalary = new JLabel("Current Salary:");
                            jtfPhone = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfCurrentSalary = new JTextField(7);
                            jlblPassword = new JLabel("Password:");
                            jlblDesiredSalary = new JLabel("Desired Salary:");
                            jtfPassword = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfDesiredSalary = new JTextField(6);
                              //Add labels and textfields to panel
                            jpCentreBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpBlank1 = new JPanel();
                             //     Noteslist = new JTextArea(/*Document doc*/);
                            JScrollPane scroll3=new JScrollPane(Noteslist);
                            NotesListLabel = new JLabel( "Notes:");
                            //Applicant Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> TOP
                            jpEAST = new JPanel();
                            jpEAST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpEastTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpEastTOP.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            ApplicantSkillsLabel = new JLabel( "Applicant Skills");
                            JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantSkillsList);
                            //Add & Remove Buttons
                            //EAST ==> CENTRE
                            jpEastCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd2 = new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnRemove = new JButton("Remove");
                            //add buttons to panel
                            //add listener to button
                           jbtnAdd2.addActionListener(new Add2Listener());
                           jbtnRemove.addActionListener(new RemoveListener());
                            //Industry Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> BOTTOM
                            jpEastBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpEastBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                           String[] data = {"Access97", "Basic Programming",
                           "C++ Programming", "COBOL Programming",
                           "DB Design", "Fortran programming"};
                           IndustrySkillsList = new JList(data);
                           JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(IndustrySkillsList);
                           IndustrySkillsLabel = new JLabel( "Industry Skills:");
                            jpAddEditDelete= new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd1=       new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnEdit=       new JButton("Edit");
                            jbtnDelete=     new JButton("Delete");
                            jbtnSave=       new JButton("Save");
                            jbtnCancel=     new JButton("Cancel");
                               jbtnEdit.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                               jbtnDelete.addActionListener(new DeleteListener());
                                jbtnEdit.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                            jbtnAdd1.addActionListener(new Add1Listener());
                            jbtnCancel.addActionListener(new CancelListener());
            public void createPage2()//PAGE 2
                    panel2 = new JPanel();
                    panel2.setLayout( new GridLayout(1,1) );
                    panel2.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage3()//PAGE 3
                    panel3 = new JPanel();
                    panel3.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel3.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage4()//PAGE 4
                    panel4 = new JPanel();
                    panel4.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel4.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public class Add1Listener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    name = jtfName.getText();
                    password = jtfPassword.getText();
                    phone = jtfPhone.getText();
                    currentsalary = jtfCurrentSalary.getText();
                    int i= Integer.parseInt(currentsalary);
                    desiredsalary = jtfDesiredSalary.getText();
                    int j= Integer.parseInt(desiredsalary);
                       StoringData person = new StoringData(name,password,phone,i,j);
                   //     StoringData AppSkillsList = new StoringData(listModel);
                 //     details.add(AppSkillsList);
    //                NotesList.setText("");
            public class Add2Listener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                           String temp1;
                           temp1 = (String)IndustrySkillsList.getSelectedValue();
            public class RemoveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                            int index = ApplicantSkillsList.getSelectedIndex();
            public class EditListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class DeleteListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        int index1 = ApplicantList.getSelectedIndex();
            public class SaveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class CancelListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class SharedListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener
            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
             selectedname =ApplicantList.getSelectedValue().toString();
             StoringData selectedPerson = null;
                   for (StoringData person : details)
                          if (person.getName1().equals(selectedname))
                                 selectedPerson = person;
                              //String sal1 = Integer.parseString(currentsalary);
                             // String sal2 = Integer.parseString(desiredsalary);
                             // jtfCurrentSalary.setText(sal1);
                             // jtfDesiredSalary.setText(sal2);
                   //     if (selectedPerson != null)

    Quit posting 300 line programs to ask a question. We don't care about your entire application. We only care about code that demonstrates your current problem. We don't want to read through 300 lines to try and find the line of code that is causing the problem.
    If you need further help then you need to create a [url]Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE) that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
    And don't forget to use the [url]Code Formatting Tags so the code retains its original formatting.
    Here is a simple SSCCE. Now make your changes and if you still have problems you have something simple to post. If it works then you add it to your real application.
    Learn to simplify your problem by simplifying the code.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ListTest2 extends JFrame
         JList list;
         public ListTest2()
              String[] numbers = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven" };
              list = new JList( numbers );
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( list );
              getContentPane().add( scrollPane );
         public static void main(String[] args)
              ListTest2 frame = new ListTest2();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              frame.setSize(200, 200);
              frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );
              frame.setVisible( true );

  • Need help with automating text import/pasting/macro between Photoshop and Excel

    Hey everyone,
    I'm working on a large project now that seems extremely daunting, but I was hoping there would be some way to automate it using either Actions or some sort of macro program.  Here's the gist:
    I've created a template with 24 differently sized text boxes in the photoshop image file.  Each text feild has unique text that needs to be be pasted into it, which has been compiled in excel.  This wouldn't be too dificult to do, except I have to recreate this image and all 24 text fields aproximately 350 times.  None of the text boxes will remain static through all 350 images as text is the title, description, and demographic ratings/percentages/data for the topic of each image.  I did something similar manually last year and it took me about 3, non-stop 18 hour days to complete it.
    (the test template)
    Can anyone think of any way I could automate this process?  I'm thinking some sort of macro that copies cell 1 in excel, switches to photoshop, opens layer 1, pastes, switches back to excel, goes to cell 2, copies, back to photoshop, layer 2, pastes, etc, etc, then does a 'save as' in photoshop and revets to PS layer 1, EX cell 1 (on tab 2) to start the process all over again.  I have no idea if this would work or if there is another way to do this but I would really appreciate any help or advice you guys could give.  I don't have really any expreience using PS Actions or macro programs/scripts, so I may be over my head or overlooking a really simple way to do this.  If there's a way to do it, I'm persistent enough to figure it out and get it working. Doesn't really matter how it gets done, I just need to fill those text boxes as best as I can and as quickly as I can.
    Any help you all could give is really appreciated.

    Have you read up on the Variables support in Photoshop?

  • Need help with generating keys from xml

    I am just learning about JCE and am haveing some problems with implementing a basic program.
    I have the following information:
    From which I need to construct a public and private key. I am using RSA algorithm for the encrypting and decrypting. I am using the org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider provider. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    My questions are:
    1) Is it possible to create the public and private key from this data?
    2) How can I construct a public and private key from this data.
    Thank you in advance.

    Thanks for your help...I am still having problems.
    I am now creating the public and private keys. I am generating the public exp, modulus, private exp, and the encrypted text from another source.
    so my questions are:
    1) How do I verfiy that the private and public keys that I generate are valid?
    2) How do I get the decrypted text back in a readable form?
    3) the decrypted text should read "ADAM"
    Here is a test I wrote:
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    import java.math.BigInteger;
    import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
    public class CryptTester
         protected Cipher encryptCipher = null;
         protected Cipher decryptCipher = null;
         private KeyFactory keyFactory = null;
         protected PublicKey publicKey = null;
         protected PrivateKey privateKey = null;
         private RSAPublicKeySpec publicKeySpec = null;
         private RSAPrivateKeySpec privateKeySpec = null;
         public CryptTester()
              /* Create Cipher for asymmetric encryption (
              * e.g., RSA),
                   encryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA", "BC");
                   System.out.println("Successfully got encrypt Cipher" );
                   decryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA", "BC");
                   System.out.println("Successfully got decrypt Cipher" );
                   keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA" , "BC");
                   System.out.println("Successfully got keyFactory" );
              }catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae)
                   System.out.println("Exception1: " + nsae.toString() );
              catch ( NoSuchPaddingException nspe)
                   System.out.println("Exception2: " + nspe.toString() );
              catch ( nspe)
                   System.out.println("Exceptiont6: " + nspe.toString() );
              /* Get the private and public keys specs
              BigInteger publicMod = new BigInteger ("86e0ff4b9e95bc6dcbfd6673b33971d4f728218496adcad92021923a9be815ddb7ecf17c06f437634c62fa999a293da90d964172a21d8ce74bd33938994fbd93377f7d83ce93d523782639c75221a3c91b53927a081b2b089a61770c6d112d78d5da8a6abc452d39a276787892080d6cf17dd09537c1ec5551d89567345068ef", 16);
              BigInteger publicExp = new BigInteger ("5");
              BigInteger privateExp = new BigInteger ("50ed65fa2bf3710ead980a456b88dde62de4e0e9", 16);
              publicKeySpec = new publicMod, publicExp );
              privateKeySpec = new publicMod, privateExp);
                   privateKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec);
                   publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec);
              }catch ( InvalidKeySpecException ivse)
                   System.out.println("Exception3: " + ivse.toString() );
              * initialize it for encryption with
              * recipient's public key
                   encryptCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey );
                   decryptCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey );
         }catch ( InvalidKeyException ivse)
                   System.out.println("Exception4: " + ivse.toString() );
         public String getPublicKey()
              //return new String(publicKey.getEncoded());
              return publicKey.toString();
         public String getPrivateKey()
         //          return new String(privateKey.getEncoded());
              return privateKey.toString();
         public String encryptIt(String toencrypt)
              * Encrypt the message
                   byte [] result = null;
                        result = encryptCipher.doFinal(toencrypt.getBytes());
                   catch ( IllegalStateException ise )
                        System.out.println("Exception5: " + ise.toString() );
                   return new String(result);
              }catch (Exception e)
              return "did not work";
         public String decryptIt(String todecrypt)
                        * decrypt the message
                   byte [] result = null;
                        result = decryptCipher.doFinal(todecrypt.getBytes());
                   catch ( IllegalStateException ise )
                        System.out.println("Exception6: " + ise.toString() );
                   return new String(result);
              }catch (Exception e )
                   e.printStackTrace() ;
              return "did not work";
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
              CryptTester tester = new CryptTester();
              String encrypted = "307203c3f5827266f5e11af2958271c4";
              System.out.println("Decoding string " + encrypted + "returns : " + tester.decryptIt(encoded) );
              } catch (Exception e)

  • Need help with Link passed from XML

    This is to create a flash driven navigation menu. What I have
    is a coldfusion page that serves a simple XML formatted page. There
    are 3 XML components, linkLabel, linkURL and linkType. The label
    just passes text, the type is just a number 0-9 that is used to
    determine the style of the button. The linkURL that is passed from
    coldfusion comes across encoded for XML, so what I end up with is
    url's that replace "&" with ";amp;".
    So my question is this, is there an easy way in the
    actionscript to replace the ";amp;" with "&"? Other than that
    little problem, the rest of the script runs just fine, I just can't
    seem to find the syntax I'm looking for to replace items in a
    string. I saw the code for replacesel() but this doesn't seem to do
    it, unless i'm writing it wrong.

    Just in case you want something similar in future:
    string = string.split("&amp;").join("&");
    is an easy way to replace something in a string (here
    '&amp;' gets replaced with '&').

  • I need to forward a text from my iPhone 4s to email so I can print it but it will only forward as a text message.  Help!  Thank you!

    I need to forward a text from my iPhone 4s to my email so I can print it as it is an official email that I cannot lose but when I tap "more" and it gives me the "arrrow" to "forward", it will only forward it back as a text in my message folder, even if I type in my email address manually.  Can someone please tell me how to do this as I need this because of losing everything in Hurricane Sandy?  Thank you!

    Thank you so much.  I need to print it out showing the person's name that sent it to me & that doesn't show when I copy or forward.  Sorry to be such a pest!

  • Header Text from VF01 into Line layout of F-30

    Good day..
    i Need help on this
    I need to display the header text from VF01 into F-30 line layout
    display the text field from fbl5n into line layout of F-30 Process Open Items.
    thank you in advance

    As per your requirement is possible through by develop the Z tcode that means Zf-30, why because you didnt post the only acounting documents in this particular Tcode
    Is this ok for you means, talk with the abper they will the changes as per your reuirement

  • Error editing task sequence: Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" From XML into WMI

    I've started getting an intermittent error editing my Windows 7 OSD task sequence.  Sometimes I can open the TS to edit, but when I try to apply changes I get the error.  Other times I get the error when trying to open the TS.  If I try again
    right away, I still get the error, but if I wait a few minutes and try again sometimes it will open the TS. 
    The error reads:
    ConfigMgr Error Object:instance of SMS_Extended Status{Description = "Failed to load dynamic properties for class \"SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction\" from XML into WMI";Error Code = 2147943746;File = "e:\\qfe\\nts\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\ssptspackage.cpp";Line = 3454;Operation = "ExecMethod";ParameterInfo = "SMS_TaskSequencePackage";ProviderName = "WinMgmt";StatusCode = 2147749889;}
    Coinciding with this error, I show the following entries in the TaskSequenceProvider.log file: 
    [PID: 7608] Invoking method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml
    Failed to protect memory buffer, hr=0x80070542
    Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" from XML into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load node Apply Windows Settings from XML into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "PostInstall" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "Execute Task Sequence" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load XML for the task sequence into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    [PID: 7608] Done with method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml
    Setting status complete:  status code = 0x80070542; Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" from XML into WMI
    I exported the task sequence and checked in "object.xml" for the "ApplyWindowsSettingsAction", to see if there was something odd in the xml, but I don't find anything that jumps out as being wrong.  Here's the section of XML for
    that step.  I've removed identifying info, and replaced it with a generic term in bold.
    <step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" name="Apply Windows Settings" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0" runFromNet="false"><action>osdwinsettings.exe /config</action><defaultVarList><variable name="OSDLocalAdminPassword" property="AdminPassword"></variable><variable name="OSDComputerName" property="ComputerName">%_SMSTSMachineName%</variable><variable name="OSDProductKey" property="ProductKey"></variable><variable name="OSDRandomAdminPassword" property="RandomAdminPassword">false</variable><variable name="OSDRegisteredOrgName" property="RegisteredOrgName">COMPANY NAME</variable><variable name="OSDRegisteredUserName" property="RegisteredUserName">COMPANY NAME</variable><variable name="OSDServerLicenseConnectionLimit" property="ServerLicenseConnectionLimit">5</variable><variable name="OSDTimeZone" property="TimeZone">Central Standard Time</variable></defaultVarList></step><step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyNetworkSettingsAction" name="Apply Network Settings" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0" runFromNet="false"><action>osdnetsettings.exe configure</action><defaultVarList><variable name="OSDDomainName" property="DomainName">DOMAIN.COM</variable><variable name="OSDJoinPassword" property="DomainPassword"></variable><variable name="OSDJoinAccount" property="DomainUsername">DOMAIN ACCOUNT</variable><variable name="OSDEnableTCPIPFiltering" property="EnableTCPIPFiltering" hidden="true">false</variable><variable name="OSDNetworkJoinType" property="NetworkJoinType">0</variable><variable name="OSDAdapterCount" property="NumAdapters" hidden="true">0</variable></defaultVarList></step>
    Is there any other log I should check for a clue on this issue?  What could be causing this error?

    Thanks for sharing that!  I tend to save contacting MS support until after I've exhausted other options.  I'm always afraid that I'll spend the $500 to open a case and then it turns out to be something simple that I would have found if I had just
    kept working on it myself a little longer.
    It looks like that link is for an update released in February as KB3023562.  I downloaded and installed it. I'll try opening/editing/saving the task sequence a few times today to see if the issue is resolved.  
    After I had already installed it, I thought to look up that update in configmgr.  The update is listed as superseded by 2 other updates.  The newest of those is KB3046049, which just installed last night with the other March patches, so it's possible
    that I didn't need to install KB3023562 after all.  

  • Cp5 - Pasting text from Notepad into a text box

    I posted this message in the "Getting Started Forum" but there isn't a whole lot of activity in that forum.
    Hopefully someone can help me because I have a lot of text to paste into a lesson.
    This  seems like such an elementary requirement and I am almost certain that I  have done this before but...for some reason, copying text from Windows  Notepad into a Captivate 5 text box just isn't working today.
    Basically, the paste option is simply not available!
    Yes, I can copy paste into other applications; Captivate is the only application that is blocking this Windows function.
    If  I insert a Text Entry Box, I am able to paste single lines of text  (from Notepad) but obviously this isn't going to work as a text box.
    Is this by design or has something gone haywire?
    Question, how do I get pre-written text (i.e. from Notepad) into Captivate?

    I have had that happen to me too.  I am always copying and pasting into my Captivate projects.  But sometimes the paste option is just not available.  What I have done, is to save everything and close the application and start it again.  Seems there's a lot of little irritating things like that with Captivate, that's corrected with a restart.  Hope this helps!
    From: shawninvancouver <[email protected]>
    To:Linda Highlander <[email protected]>
    Date: 8/3/2011 10:44 AM
    Subject: Cp5 - Pasting text from Notepad into a text box
    I posted this message in the "Getting Started Forum" but there isn't a whole lot of activity in that forum.
    Hopefully someone can help me because I have a lot of text to paste into a lesson.
    This  seems like such an elementary requirement and I am almost certain that I  have done this before but...for some reason, copying text from Windows  Notepad into a Captivate 5 text box just isn't working today.
    Basically, the paste option is simply not available!
    Yes, I can copy paste into other applications; Captivate is the only application that is blocking this Windows function.
    If  I insert a Text Entry Box, I am able to paste single lines of text  (from Notepad) but obviously this isn't going to work as a text box.
    Is this by design or has something gone haywire?
    Question, how do I get pre-written text (i.e. from Notepad) into Captivate?

  • Need help moving videos/photos from Galaxy S4 to iMac

    need help moving videos/photos from Galaxy S4 to iMac
    Samsung's utility Kies is awful
    Hlpe please

    did this
    import photos from android to mac
    got this, try it o_your_mac/
    or use the first link to try some of the google hits for ways to get photos from android devices into osx

  • I need help with my text tone and I have ring tone. no text tone for the 4s.

    I need help with my text tone. I have ring tone no text tone. I have a 4s.

        Hi Sarar2333!  Let's get your text tones working again!
    Here's a link with instructions how to enable and change your alert sounds for your text/notification settings on your iPhone 4S:  You can ensure text tones are enabled by selecting a tone in the "Text Tone" setting.  Let me know how that works out for you.  Thanks!
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • I need help to transfer CS4 from a dead G5 to a new Macbook Pro. Can't find my program discs but purchased CS4 in 2008 and have record of it.

    I need help to transfer CS4 from a dead G5 to a new Macbook Pro. Can't find my program discs but purchased CS4 in 2008 and have record of it.

    Sounds like you got it installed and activated. Don't forget your updates.
    Adobe - Photoshop : For Macintosh

  • I need help to create  idoc from scrach.

    i need help to create  idoc from scrach.

    Swamy Katta,
    Please read "[the rules|]" before you post any further, and confirm that you have read them?
    => Search first, ask questions later please!

  • How to prevent SAP to copy a manually typed Item text from PO into Info rec

    Hi SAP gurus
    Could you guide me the configuration  to prevent SAP to copy a manually typed Item text from PO into Info record PO text,

    I'm having trouble with copying text from Info Record to RFD.
    When in Spro I put the fix indicator at <*> or <N>, the the system does what it should.
    But when I put the fix indicator at < > blank, then no text is copied.
    Is this normal behaviour ?

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello everyone, I am a newbie to this site . I wanted to know whether we can configure single data guard for multiple database (instances), has this been done anytime in the past . I know this sounds weird but we are a small business and growing at r