Need help in UTL file

We are writting the file through UTL utility and 1st we are writing the HEADER of report and then from next line we are writing the data.But when we are try to execute the procedure its override the header part and wriitng the data only,But i need to write both the header and after header it need to write the data from the next line.
Please help ASAP.

wfile_handle UTL_FILE.file_type;
v_wstring VARCHAR2 (100);
v_file VARCHAR2 (100);
v_date VARCHAR2 (20);
mail_conn UTL_SMTP.connection;
l_rep_headers VARCHAR2 (32000);
p_o_srv_result xxcss_prf_report_pkg.ref_cur_srv_prog;
lv_str_type XXCSS_PRF_STRING;
l_line VARCHAR2 (32000);
lv_send_to VARCHAR2 (200);
lv_host_name VARCHAR2 (200) := '';
l_vtab CHAR := CHR (9);
lv_from VARCHAR2 (200) := '[email protected]';
lv_att_file_name VARCHAR2 (200);
v_path VARCHAR2 (200);
v_instance VARCHAR2 (200);
p_request_type VARCHAR2 (1) := 'E';
p_request_id NUMBER;
errbuf VARCHAR2 (2000);
retcode NUMBER;
-- lv_from VARCHAR2(2000) := '[email protected]';
crlf VARCHAR2 (2) := CHR (13) || CHR (10);
lv_line_data VARCHAR2 (32000);
INTO v_path
FROM v$parameter
WHERE NAME = 'utl_file_dir';
v_path := '\tmp';
l_rep_headers :=
|| CHR (9)
|| CHR (9)
|| CHR (9)
|| CHR (9)
|| CHR (9);
FOR i IN ( SELECT DISTINCT srv_program_id srv_prgm
FROM xxcss_prf_cust_srv_programs
ORDER BY srv_program_id ASC)
l_rep_headers := l_rep_headers ||i.srv_prgm || CHR (9);
-- l_rep_headers := l_rep_headers || CHR (13);
XXCSS_PRF_REPORT_PKG.offline_daemon (p_request_id,
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Error in Offline');
IF UTL_FILE.is_open (wfile_handle)
UTL_FILE.fclose (wfile_handle);
lv_att_file_name := 'Eligibility_reports'||p_request_id||'.csv';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('header '||l_rep_headers);
wfile_handle := UTL_FILE.fopen (v_path, lv_att_file_name, 'W');
--UTL_FILE.put_line (wfile_handle, 'Test');
UTL_FILE.put_line (wfile_handle, l_rep_headers);
--DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('loop start');
FETCH p_o_srv_result INTO lv_str_type;
EXIT WHEN p_o_srv_result%NOTFOUND;
l_line := NULL;
FOR i IN 1 .. lv_str_type.COUNT
l_line := l_line || lv_str_type (i) || CHR (9);
UTL_FILE.put_line (wfile_handle, l_line);
-- UTL_FILE.put_line (wfile_handle, l_line);
--DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('loop end    ' || l_line);
UTL_FILE.fflush (wfile_handle);
UTL_FILE.fclose (wfile_handle);
when others then
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('error is ' || sqlerrm);
SELECT instance_name
INTO v_instance
FROM v$instance
v_instance := NULL;
wfile_handle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (v_path, lv_att_file_name, 'R');
UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (wfile_handle, lv_line_data);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (lv_line_data);
lv_line_data := lv_line_data || crlf || lv_line_data;
UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (wfile_handle);
UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (wfile_handle); -- close file
SELECT email_id
INTO lv_send_to
FROM xxcss_prf_offline_report_tb
WHERE request_id = p_request_id AND report_type = p_request_type;
mail_conn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection (lv_host_name, 25);
UTL_SMTP.Helo (mail_conn, lv_host_name);
UTL_SMTP.Mail (mail_conn, 'sangrdas');
UTL_SMTP.Rcpt (mail_conn, lv_send_to);
'Date: '
|| TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss')
|| crlf
|| 'From: '
|| lv_from
|| crlf
|| 'Subject: ELIGIILITY Report_'
|| p_request_id
|| crlf
|| 'To: '
|| lv_send_to
|| crlf
|| 'MIME-Version: 1.0'
|| crlf
|| -- Use MIME mail standard
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'
|| crlf
|| ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'
|| crlf
|| '-------SECBOUND'
|| crlf
|| 'Content-Type: text/plain;'
|| crlf
|| 'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'
|| crlf
|| 'some message text'
|| crlf
|| -- Message body
'more message text'
|| crlf
|| '-------SECBOUND'
|| crlf
|| 'Content-Type: text/plain;'
|| crlf
|| ' name="'|| lv_att_file_name||'"'
|| crlf
|| 'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'
|| crlf
|| 'Content-Disposition: attachment;'
|| crlf
|| ' filename="'
|| lv_att_file_name
|| '"'
|| crlf
|| lv_line_data
|| crlf
|| -- Content of attachment
|| '-------SECBOUND--' -- End MIME mail
UTL_SMTP.quit (mail_conn);
END print_reports;

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    Using the file adapter, you can poll from multilple locations...
    Keep the following property in your .jca file
    <property name="DirectorySeparator" value="," />
    While giving the path in File Adapter configuration, keep comma and give the next location....then the file will be picked up from the locations you gave....
    Hope this helps...

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            BufferedReader keyboard;                                  //<-
            InputStreamReader reader;                                 //  Allows the program to
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                {                                                                           //  Takes the inputed names and
                    System.out.println (" Please input name ");                            //  gives them a number according to
                    temp = keyboard.readLine ();                                           //  the order they were inputed in
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                {                                                                                //  Outputs the names in the reverse 
                    System.out.print (" \n ");                                                   //  order that they were inputed
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                        System.out.print (" \n ");                                            //
                        System.out.println (array [order] + (" starts with M or m"));         //
                    }                                                                         //<-
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                    length = array [order].length ();                                                   //
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                        System.out.print (" \n ");                                                      //
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    }The notepad file contains the following names:
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    By "connect", do you just mean you want to put the names into an array?
    array[0] = "jim"
    array[1] = "laruie"
    and so on?
    That shouldn't be difficult at all, provided you know how to open a file for reading, and how to read a line of text from it. You can just read the line of text, put it in the array position you want, until the file is exhausted. Then open a file for writing, loop through the array, and write a line.
    What part of all that do you need help with?

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        <title>Placement Wizard 4.0</title>
        <vendor>Applied Solutions, Inc.</vendor>
        <homepage href="index.html"/>
        <description>Placement Wizard 4.0</description>
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    Can you explain the steps you used, and the error message (or symptom), that says the copy did not work? 

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    You have to make the backup yourself. That's your only protection against file loss whether accidental or catastrophic. In fact you should have at least two of them - each done differently and on separate drives.
    If your files truly were "erased" then you can see if they can be recovered:
    General File Recovery
    If you stop using the drive it's possible to recover deleted files that have not been overwritten by using recovery software such as MAC Data Recovery, Data Rescue II, File Salvage or TechTool Pro.  Each of the preceding come on bootable CDs to enable usage without risk of writing more data to the hard drive.  Two free alternatives are Disk Drill and TestDisk.  Look for them and demos at MacUpdate or CNET Downloads. Recovery software usually provide trial versions that enable you to determine if the software would help before actually paying for it. Beyond this or if the drive has completely failed, then you would need to send the drive to a recovery service which is very expensive.
    The longer the hard drive remains in use and data are written to it, the greater the risk your deleted files will be overwritten.
    Also visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on Data Recovery.
    Basic Backup
    For some people Time Machine will be more than adequate. Time Machine is part of OS X. There are two components:
    1. A Time Machine preferences panel as part of System Preferences;
    2. A Time Machine application located in the Applications folder. It is
         used to manage backups and to restore backups. Time Machine
         requires a backup drive that is at least twice the capacity of the
         drive being backed up.
    3. Time Machine requires a backup drive that is at least double the
         capacity of the drive(s) it backs up.
    Alternatively, get an external drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
      1. Carbon Copy Cloner
      2. Get Backup
      3. Deja Vu
      4. SuperDuper!
      5. Synk Pro
      6. Tri-Backup
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on backup and restore.  Also read How to Back Up and Restore Your Files. For help with using Time Machine visit Pondini's Time Machine FAQ for help with all things Time Machine.
    Although you can buy a complete external drive system, you can also put one together if you are so inclined.  It's relatively easy and only requires a Phillips head screwdriver (typically.)  You can purchase hard drives separately.  This gives you an opportunity to shop for the best prices on a hard drive of your choice.  Reliable brands include Seagate, Hitachi, Western Digital, Toshiba, and Fujitsu.  You can find reviews and benchmarks on many drives at Storage Review.
    Enclosures for FireWire and USB are readily available.  You can find only FireWire enclosures, only USB enclosures, and enclosures that feature multiple ports.  I would stress getting enclosures that use the Oxford chipsets especially for Firewire drives (911, 921, 922, for example.)  You can find enclosures at places such as;
      1. Cool Drives
      2. OWC
      3. WiebeTech
      4. Firewire Direct
      5. California Drives
      6. NewEgg
    All you need do is remove a case cover, mount the hard drive in the enclosure and connect the cables, then re-attach the case cover.  Usually the only tool required is a small or medium Phillips screwdriver.

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    I'm trying to use following code but it's keep saying  incorrect syntax near "+".
    EXEC p_CreateExcel 'sql64', 'NewFile', '\\hrfile1\Shared\Buying Report\NewFile'

    This is what I have on EXEC p_CreateExcel
    USE [XePro01]
    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_CreateExcel]    Script Date: 02/26/2015 11:27:35 ******/
    ALTER procedure [dbo].[p_CreateExcel]
            @db_name varchar(100),
            @table_name varchar(100), 
            @file_name varchar(100)
    --Generate column names as a recordset
    declare @columns varchar(8000), @sql varchar(8000), @data_file varchar(100)
            @columns=coalesce(@columns+',','')+column_name+' as '+column_name 
    select @columns=''''''+replace(replace(@columns,' as ',''''' as '),',',',''''')
    --Create a dummy file to have actual data
    select @data_file=substring(@file_name,1,len(@file_name)-charindex('\',reverse(@file_name)))+'\data_file.xls'
    --Generate column names in the passed EXCEL file
    set @sql='exec master..xp_cmdshell ''bcp "set fmtonly off select * from (select '+@columns+') as t" queryout "'+@file_name+'" -c -t, -T -S'''
    --Generate data in the dummy file
    set @sql='exec master..xp_cmdshell ''bcp "set fmtonly off select * from XeProgst01.dbo.'+@table_name+'" queryout "'+@data_file+'" -c -t, -T -S'''
    --Copy dummy file to passed EXCEL file
    set @sql= 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''type '+@data_file+' >> '+@file_name+''''
    --Delete dummy file 
    set @sql= 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''del '+@data_file+''''

  • Need help in setting file name with special characters in attachment

    We have a requirement where we need to set the file name that contains special characters (like Russian) and send mauil using Java mail.
    If we set the file name as such, the attachment in the email contains garbled filename
    Can you pl let me know how to resolve this?
    We should use the file name as attachment name and this will have say special characters. The receiver who gets the mail should get with the correct attachment name
    One important point.. the attachments are opened from MS outlook.
    Thanks and regards
    Edited by: 884910 on 13 Sep, 2011 5:00 AM

    Read the FAQ carefully. You don't need to call encodeText unless you're using a really
    old version of JavaMail.
    And, it depends on whether the mail reader you're using is handling encoded parameters
    according to the (new) MIME standard, or according to the (old) non-standard hack.
    Sadly, without knowing what mail reader the recipient is using, it's impossible to use
    encoded filenames that will work everywhere.

  • Need help with backup files made by HP Recovery.

    So in 2011 I had made a post about a DV9 series HP laptop I had that I felt needed a harddrive. Well the laptop has been sold to a friend of mine and he has since fixed the issue it had. My curent deboggle is trying to deal with the 36GB of data it backed up onto an external USB powered harddrive. The information was saved from a system that ran Windows VISTA, on that same DV9 Pavilion. I have a new laptop and it's a Pavilion DV6 running windows 7. Is there some sort of 3rd party application or an uncommon HP utility that can open, run or modify. Specificaly I need to some files but not all, but if my only option is to extract all then that would be fine also. There is an executible in the backup folder but it doesn't extract anything it just locks up. 
    For the TLR portion, need to access backup files made on an older HP laptop with windows vista to a newer HP latop running windows 7.

    Terribly sorry for the post, I should have researched more before posting. I found the answer to my issue in another thread here on the HP forums! Thanks so much!!

  • Need help with fla.file

    I'm always having trouble with a fla.file in cs3 professional. Every time i try to reopen the file in flash i get this:
    failed to open document/users.desktop/jason/social.fla
    pls help reopen this file

    create a new directory and move your fla there and try and open.  if that fails, change the file's name and try and reopen.  if that fails and you created the fla, it's probably corrupt.

  • Hard drive recently failed and iPhoto brings a -36 error when copying need help accessing image files

    I recently updated my computer to mountain lion and after doing so my computer would no longer boot up.  I took it to the apple store and they told me that the hard drive was damaged and needed to be replaced.  They were booting my computer with an external drive and in doing so could access my computers HDD.  Upon starting to drag and drop files to a new hard drive I started to get a lot of -36 errors.  I proceeded to go go,e and create my own bootable thumb drive and try doing the same process with more time to look through it.  I have up till now been able to copy most of my files but have run into a problem with iPhoto.
    I have been searching around for a while now and have yet to find a method that helps me in my particular situation so I am now asking for help myself. I will explain what my current system of file recovery is and see if anyone can help me out.
    I have since then replaced the HDD in my computer and purchased a SATA external HDD enclosure for the original drive.  This allows me to still access all files and folders from the original drive.  I have managed to recover a majority of the files but have recently run into a problem with the iPhoto library.  Every time I try to drag and drop the iPhoto library to my new HDD it fails after "transferring" 2.02GB and tells me it has encountered a -36 error because some files cannot be read or written.  I believe I am using iPhoto '09, I will check and confirm that later.
    I am looking for a way to open iPhoto's library and access the image files it seems to be hiding from me. Please understand that I cannot open the iPhoto library either, I have lost access to the library entirely and want to see if there are any image files that I can save.  I dont have the computer backed up recently and want to save my photos.  Thanks for looking and I'm hoping someone can help.

    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In Library Manager it's the FIle -> Rebuild command). Rebuild it to the Pictures Folder. This might overcome the -36 issue.
    (This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.)
    Failing that you're into recovering your Originals from the damaged Library and creating a new Library and starting over from scratch.

  • Need help recovering .dmg files from an accidentally reformatted external hard drive

    I went to make a copy of an important drive and accidentally re-formatted it (re-formatted mac journaled, originally mac journaled).  The drive contained a bunch of important disk image files which I need to retrieve whole. I'm fairly confident that the files are still there and only the  table information got overwritten, as the re-format took about 30 seconds.  None of the  recovery software I've seen however, can retrieve .dmg files, or such large files (these are up to 32 gb each in size).
    Any suggestions on how I can retrieve these disk image files?

    Here is a selection of some data recovery products, in case it includes one you have not yet researched:

  • Need Help in Sender File Content Conversion

    Hi All,
    I request your expert advice on Sender File content Conversion. I need to process the below pasted file. I was able to achieve this by keeping a offset of 6 in Sender PI File Adapter (PI 7.1) to ignore first 6 lines and used a Unix script to remove last line"END OF REPORT".
    Now my new requirement is I need to capture the date "DECEMBER 2009" from line 3. How can I do this. I have set offset as 6 so Adapter will start processing from line 7. If I don't set offset Interface fails. Please suggest. Thank you.
    ABC LAB            XYZ LIMITED"
                       TRIAL BALANCE"
                       FOR THE PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 2009"
    "TEST Bank","101000",-1589365.58,0.00,738295.08,0.00
    "TEST Bank Clearing A/c","101200",0.00,0.00,14848018.55,0.00
    "TEST Bank Sweeps","101250",104315957.19,0.00,7571985482.08,0.00
    "TEST Receipts","101260",0.00,0.00,19788596.15,0.00
    "TEST Corporate Deposits","101270",-7776629.87,0.00,-135914980.50,0.00

    Dear Phani,
    Please go through the below blogs:
    File content conversion sites
    Please see the below links for file content conversion..
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2004/12/15/how-to-send-a-flat-file-with-fixed-lengths-to-xi-30-using-a-central-file-adapter - FCC
    /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2004/12/15/how-to-send-a-flat-file-with-fixed-lengths-to-xi-30-using-a-central-file-adapter - FCC
    File Content Conversion for Unequal Number of Columns
    /people/jeyakumar.muthu2/blog/2005/11/29/file-content-conversion-for-unequal-number-of-columns - FCC

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