Need Help on using CAS Incremental Crawl with JDBC data source

As part of one of the e-commerce implementations, we are implementing a delta pipeline which reads the data from the database views. We plan to crawl the data with the help of CAS JDBC data source. In order to optimize the data reads, we want to use the CAS capabilities of incremental crawl. We rely on CAS to be able to identify the updates available in the subsequent incremental crawl and only read the updated data for any given crawl unless we force a full crawl.
     We have tried implementing the above setup using JDBC data source. CAS reads from the database and stores it in the record store. The Full crawl works fine however; we observed some unexpected behavior during the incremental crawl run. Even when there is no change in the database, crawl metrics show that certain number of records have been updated in the record store and the number of updates differ in every subsequent run.
Any pointers what can be the issue ? Does CAS has the incremental crawl capability using JDBC data source ?
Nitin Malhotra

Hi Ravi,
Generic Extraction is used to extract data from COPA tables. And delta method used to extract delta records (records created after initilization) is timestamp.
What is this timestamp?
Assume that, you have posted 10 records one after the other to the COPA tables. And we do initilization to move all these 10 records to BW system. Later another 5 records are added to COPA tables. How do you think the system identifies these new 5 records (delta records).?
It identifies based on a timestamp field (eg : Document created on ,a 16 digit decimal field).
Assume that, in our previous initilzation, say  "document created on" field for the last (or the latest) record is 14/11/2006, 18.00 hrs. and  timestamp is set to the 14/11/2006, 18.00hrs.  then when you do delta update, the system treats all the records with "document created on" field is greater than 14/11/2006, 18.00 hrs as delta records. This is how new 5 records are extracted to bw system and timestamp is again set to the new value besed in field in the records.(say 14/11/2006, 20.00hrs)
Assume that, you have two records with "document created on" field as 14/11/2006, 17.55hrs and 14/11/2006, 17.57hrs. and they were updated to the COPA table after 14/11/2006,20.00hrs (at this time last delta load is done)  due to some reason. How can you bring these two records? For this, purpose we can reset the timestamp at KEB5. In this eg, we can reset as 14/11/2006, 17.50 hrs) and do the delta again. So, the system picks all the records which are posted after 14/11/2006,17.50hrs again.  But remember that, doing this, you sending some of the records again (duplicate records). So, make sure that you sending ODS object. otherwise you end up with inconsistant data due to duplicate records.
Hope this helps!!

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    REPORT  zmm_materialupload.
    $$    TYPES
    $$    INTERNAL TABLES (custom structure
    $$    RANGES
    *SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR mara-matnr.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_mtart FOR mara-mtart.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_mbrsh FOR mara-mbrsh DEFAULT 'P'.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_werks FOR marc-werks DEFAULT '1000' OBLIGATORY.
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          field_name = 'P_FNAME'
          file_name  = p_path.
      PERFORM check_input.
      PERFORM get_file.
      PERFORM filter_input.
    PERFORM populate_tabs.
      PERFORM bapi_mat.
    $$    FORMS
    FORM bapi_mat.
      LOOP AT it_tab INTO wa_tab.
            material_type    = wa_tab-mtart
            industry_sector  = wa_tab-mbrsh
            required_numbers = 1
            material_number  = it_matnr.
      LOOP AT it_matnr INTO wa_matnr.
        READ TABLE it_tab INTO wa_tab INDEX sy-tabix.
        wa_tab-matnr = wa_matnr-material.
        MODIFY it_tab FROM wa_tab INDEX sy-tabix.
      PERFORM populate_tabs.
         headdata                   = it_headdata
        clientdata                 = it_clientdata
        clientdatax                = it_clientdatax
        plantdata                  = it_plantdata
        plantdatax                 = it_plantdatax
        FORECASTPARAMETERS         =
        PLANNINGDATA               =
        PLANNINGDATAX              =
        valuationdata              = it_valuationdata
        valuationdatax             = it_valuationdatax
        SALESDATA                  =
        SALESDATAX                 =
        STORAGETYPEDATA            =
        STORAGETYPEDATAX           =
        flag_online                = ' '
        flag_cad_call              = ' '
        NO_DEQUEUE                 = ' '
        NO_ROLLBACK_WORK           = ' '
         return                     = it_return
         materialdescription        = it_materialdescription
         unitsofmeasure             = it_unitsofmeasure
         unitsofmeasurex            = it_unitsofmeasurex
         internationalartnos        = it_internationalartnos
         materiallongtext           = it_materiallongtext
         taxclassifications         = it_taxclassifications
         returnmessages             = it_returnmessages
        PRTDATA                    =
        PRTDATAX                   =
        EXTENSIONIN                =
        EXTENSIONINX               =
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wait   = 'X'
          return = it_return.
    ENDFORM.                    "bapi_mat
    *&      Form  GET_FILE
    FORM get_file.
          text = 'Getting data from file...'.
      MOVE: p_path TO gv_file.
          filename                = gv_file
          filetype                = 'ASC'
          has_field_separator     = 'X'
          read_by_line            = 'X'
          data_tab                = it_tab
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_read_error         = 2
          no_batch                = 3
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
          invalid_type            = 5
          no_authority            = 6
          unknown_error           = 7
          bad_data_format         = 8
          header_not_allowed      = 9
          separator_not_allowed   = 10
          header_too_long         = 11
          unknown_dp_error        = 12
          access_denied           = 13
          dp_out_of_memory        = 14
          disk_full               = 15
          dp_timeout              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    "GET_FILE
    *&      Form  check_input
    FORM check_input.
    Material Type
      IF s_mtart-low IS INITIAL AND s_mtart-high IS INITIAL.
       s_mtart = 'IEQ'.
       s_mtart-low = 'ABF'.        "Waste
       s_mtart-high = 'ZTRD'.      "Stock Items
       APPEND s_mtart.
      IF s_mtart-low IS NOT INITIAL AND s_mtart-high IS INITIAL.
        MOVE: s_mtart-low TO s_mtart-high.
    Industry Sector
      IF s_mbrsh-low IS INITIAL AND s_mbrsh-high IS INITIAL.
       s_mbrsh = 'IEQ'.
       SELECT mbrsh
       FROM mara
       INTO TABLE it_mbrsh.
       s_mbrsh-low = wa_mbrsh-mbrsh.
       LOOP AT it_mbrsh INTO wa_mbrsh.
         s_mbrsh-high = wa_mbrsh-mbrsh.
       APPEND s_mbrsh.
      IF s_mbrsh-low IS NOT INITIAL AND s_mbrsh-high IS INITIAL.
        MOVE: s_mbrsh-low TO s_mbrsh-high.
      IF s_werks-low IS INITIAL AND s_werks-high IS INITIAL.
        s_werks = 'IEQ'.
        s_werks-low = '1000'.
        s_werks-high = '2000'.
      IF s_werks-low IS NOT INITIAL AND s_werks-high IS INITIAL.
        MOVE: s_werks-low TO s_werks-high.
    Storage Location
      IF s_lgort-low IS NOT INITIAL AND s_lgort-high IS INITIAL.
        MOVE: s_lgort-low TO s_lgort-high.
    ENDFORM.                    "check_input
    *&      Form  Filter_input
    FORM filter_input.
      SORT it_tab BY matnr mtart mbrsh werks lgort.
      LOOP AT it_tab INTO wa_tab.
       IF wa_tab-mtart NOT IN s_mtart.
         DELETE it_tab WHERE mtart NOT IN s_mtart.
       IF wa_tab-mbrsh NOT IN s_mbrsh.
         DELETE it_tab WHERE mbrsh NOT IN s_mbrsh.
        IF wa_tab-werks NOT IN s_werks.
          DELETE it_tab WHERE werks NOT IN s_werks.
        IF wa_tab-lgort NOT IN s_lgort.
          DELETE it_tab WHERE lgort NOT IN s_lgort.
    ENDFORM.                    "Filter_input
    *&      Form  populate_tabs
    FORM    populate_tabs.
      LOOP AT it_tab INTO wa_tab.
        MOVE: wa_tab-matnr TO wa_headdata-material,
              wa_tab-mbrsh TO wa_headdata-ind_sector,
              wa_tab-mtart TO wa_headdata-matl_type,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-basic_view,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-sales_view,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-purchase_view,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-mrp_view,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-account_view.
             wa_tab-matkl TO wa_clientdata-matl_group,
             wa_tab-meins TO wa_clientdata-base_uom,
             wa_tab-groes TO wa_clientdata-size_dim,
             wa_tab-gewei TO wa_clientdata-unit_of_wt,
             wa_tab-ntgew TO wa_clientdata-net_weight,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdatax-matl_group,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdatax-base_uom,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdata-size_dim,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdatax-unit_of_wt,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdatax-net_weight,
             wa_tab-werks TO wa_plantdata-plant,
             wa_tab-ekgrp TO wa_plantdata-pur_group,
             wa_tab-prctr TO wa_plantdata-profit_ctr,
             wa_tab-werks TO wa_plantdatax-plant,
                      'X' TO wa_plantdatax-pur_group,
                      'X' TO wa_plantdatax-profit_ctr,
             wa_tab-werks TO wa_valuationdata-val_area,
             wa_tab-bklas TO wa_valuationdata-val_class,
             wa_tab-peinh TO wa_valuationdata-price_unit,
             wa_tab-verpr TO wa_valuationdata-moving_pr,
             wa_tab-stprs TO wa_valuationdata-std_price,
             wa_tab-xlifo TO wa_valuationdata-lifo_fifo,
             wa_tab-werks TO wa_valuationdatax-val_area,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-val_class,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-price_unit,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-moving_pr,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-std_price,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-lifo_fifo.
        APPEND wa_headdata TO it_headdata.
       APPEND wa_clientdata TO it_clientdata.
       APPEND wa_plantdata TO it_plantdata.
       APPEND wa_valuationdata TO it_valuationdata.
       MODIFY it_tab FROM wa_tab TRANSPORTING matnr.
    ENDFORM.                    "populate_tabs

    check the below example.
    REPORT z34332_bdc_create_material .
    data: la_headdata type BAPIMATHEAD,
    la_clientdata type BAPI_MARA,
    la_return type BAPIRET2.
    data: i_materialdescription type table of BAPI_MAKT,
    wa_materialdescription like line of i_materialdescription.
    la_headdata-MATERIAL = '000000000000000004'.
    la_headdata-IND_SECTOR = 'M'.
    la_headdata-MATL_TYPE = 'FERT'.
    la_clientdata-BASE_UOM = 'FT3'.
    la_clientdata-MATL_GROUP = '01'.
    wa_materialdescription = 'TEST'.
    append wa_materialdescription to i_materialdescription.
    clear: wa_materialdescription.
    headdata = la_headdata
    CLIENTDATA = la_clientdata
    FLAG_ONLINE = ' '
    FLAG_CAD_CALL = ' '
    RETURN = la_return
    MATERIALDESCRIPTION = i_materialdescription
    write: la_return-TYPE, ',', la_return-MESSAGE.
    clear: la_headdata, la_return, la_clientdata, la_clientdatax.

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    I assume GBS Agency Expert 6.7.6c is some sort of database or data source? If you have an ODBC driver then create or use a System DSN to the database. Then you can create a report using that DSN.
    Otherwise I suggest you contact the makers of GBS Agency Expert 6.7.6c and ask them how to connect to the database.
    Let them know CR is ANSII 92 ODBC 3 compliant.
    Thank you

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    Variant is shown as       var{VT_Ul1,1}  in debug
    Using the following
    hr = CA_VariantGetShort (&var, &value);
    I get 0 for my answer instead of 1.
    Go to Solution.

    Answered my own question.
    VT_Ul1 is an unsigned char and not a short.

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    Please help to proceed forward.

    Thanks for your reply
    I am able to login to the console
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    What i feel is there needs to be some configurataion maybe policy or Agent
    IDMDomainAgent is configured and so is the OAM server configured .
    Please advice some books or link how to do achieve logging into the weblogic em/console from a remote machine
    Thanks in Advance

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    Moderator's Note: Post was moved and changed the title into a subject-related title. This is to keep the forum organized and let other forum users easily see and respond to this post.

    Please, we need the error message word for word. If you do not get an error message, please, elaborate in greater detail …
    Furthermore, which phone model do you use?

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    SAP Crystal Server 2013 SP1
    BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
    SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise
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    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
    When I do searches online I get very generic information relating to setting up data sources. While I believe the problem is indeed with the data source, I don't believe it is setup wrong.
    When I access the universe using the IDT (which uses the 32bit version of the data source to build its connection, it wont let me use a 64bit) I can load a table under the "result objects for query #1" press refresh, I get a list of data.
    When I access the same universe using CRE (which "Seems" to use a 64bit data source, but I am not sure), and follow the same process as above. I get the above error.
    If I cancel the process, when CRE lists the fields for the report I can later manually map these fields to an ODBC connection. But if I have to do this what is the point of using the universes at all as the end user has full access to all the various DB's available in the data source.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    On the server where Crystal Reports Server is installed, create a 64-bit ODBC connection with the same name as the 32-bit connection.  CRS will then automatically use the 64-bit version of the connection.

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    I follow the instruction in the link below to create an ADF Swing application using datasource. I am using JDeveloper version 10.1.3.
    The ADF generated code looks like this:
    JUMetaObjectManager.setErrorHandler(new JUErrorHandlerDlg());
    JUMetaObjectManager mgr = JUMetaObjectManager.getJUMom();
    BindingContext ctx = new BindingContext();
    ctx.put(DataControlFactory.APP_PARAM_ENV_INFO, new JUEnvInfoProvider());
    ctx.setLocaleContext(new DefLocaleContext(null));
    HashMap map = new HashMap(4);
    map.put(DataControlFactory.APP_PARAMS_BINDING_CONTEXT, ctx);
    mgr.loadCpx("datasource.view.DataBindings.cpx" , map);
    final FormMain frame = new FormMain();
    I got this error when executing the last line: frame.setBindingContext(ctx);
    (oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolException) JBO-30003: The application pool (datasource.datamodel.AppModuleDS) failed to checkout an application module due to the following exception:
    ----- LEVEL 1: DETAIL 0 -----
    (oracle.jbo.JboException) JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: oracle.jbo.DMLException, msg=JBO-27200: JNDI failure. Unable to lookup Data Source at context jdbc/xe_hrDS
    ----- LEVEL 2: DETAIL 0 -----
    (oracle.jbo.DMLException) JBO-27200: JNDI failure. Unable to lookup Data Source at context jdbc/xe_hrDS
    ----- LEVEL 3: DETAIL 0 -----
    (javax.naming.NoInitialContextException) Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
    If I configure the application module connection type as JDBC URL, everything works.
    If the connection type is JDBC Datasource, I got the above error.
    Can someone show me how to adjust the generated code by ADF to use datasource?

    ADF BC has a bug. With Data Source in Application Module, application module does not connect. Use JDBC Connection URL.
    Also refer
    ADF BC: JDBC URL vs JDBC DataSource

  • Using Fields in Reports with stored Data

    i like to use fields in Reports with saved Data in it.
    Is this possible ?
    A Invoicereport with saved Data  in a File. Now i like to get the Field Invoice_ID to use this in
    Any Idea ?
    VS2008 with CR_reports in 8.5

    You wrote:
    A Invoicereport with saved Data in a File. Now i like to get the Field Invoice_ID to use this in
    You can export a report with saved data and then change the filtering without hitting the DB again. If you are asking if using a flat file as the data source there are multiple ways to do this. Define an ODBC data source to the file and specify the sturcture, or using ADO.NET and a record set, or using XML as the data source. Lots of ways in newer versions of CR. 8.5 was limited so the ODBC example is your best option.
    Or if you are asking how to get the data from the report you can use REadRecords. Not sure if 8.5 has this functionality though. It's way past it's end of life so I can't look.
    You wrote:
    VS2008 with CR_reports in 8.5
    Not supported, 8.5 has no .net assemblies and no RDC, only option would be to use RAS to make changes or reading records so you need to upgrade.

  • Some doubts in using resource-ref,connection pool n Data-source

    Hi all ,
    I need little bit clarification in the following points.
    1) Does the connection pool which is created can be displayed in JNDI Tree???
    I am seeing only DataSOurce in the JNDI Tree Only.
    2)In case of Bean Managed Persistance, in ejb-jar.xml,
    I had given the following info.
         </resource-ref>Does the <res-ref-name> refers to Datasource Name??
    In weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
         </reference-descriptor>Here <jndi-name> refers to connection pool as per weblogic bible book.
    If so when i deployed my ejb into the server iam getting Datasource cant be found.
    If i had given like the following,
    In ejb-jar.xml
         </resource-ref> In weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
        </reference-descriptor>Then only my ejb code is successfully deploying doing some work which is as per xpectation.
    Can any body tell why I have to give the same name for <res-ref-name> n <jndi-name>??
    I am working on this problem from last one week. Still not found the solution.
    Connection Pool Creation
    Name : ramukkpool
    url : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test
    Driver Classname: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    Properties :
    user = root
    Password = XXX
    i had shifted myServer from left side to right side n clicked >>Apply
    (Techncially can we say this as deploying the connection pool into server ???????????
    If not how to deploy the connection pool into server??)
    I did not get any errors in the console.
    Now i am creating a datasource
    Name : ramukkDataSource
    JNDIName: jdbc/ramuJndi(Does we have to follow this convention only?? i.e JNDIName should start with jdbc/ only)
    PoolName: ramukkpool
    I had shifed myServer from left to right n >>Apply.
    Now also i did not get any errors in the console.Thanx(in advance),

    I have read the documentation.
    I changed my class to oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl from
    I observed in the EM that the Open JDBC Connections and Total JDBC Connections are the same. When I used oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource my Total JDBC Connections was increasing and Open JDBC Connections remains 0.
    My question still remains unanswered, could some kindly help.
    Q? I have defined a data source in JDeveloper using
    In my java bean I am using the code pasted below to make a connection to database.
    Can some one tell whether I am using the correct method of connection pooling mechanism or do I need to make some changes? This application uses JSP and used by lots of people which hits database very frequently.
    Any help is highly appreciable.
    Thanks in advance.
    *******Code to make connection*********
    private javax.naming.InitialContext context = null;
    private javax.sql.DataSource jdbcURL = null;
    private static final String url = "jdbc/ProdCoreDS";
    public boolean openConnection()
        DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    context = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
    jdbcURL = (javax.sql.DataSource)context.lookup(url);
    con =  jdbcURL.getConnection();
    return true;
      catch(Exception e)
           System.out.println("Error in the Connection  "+e);
                 return false;

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    Basava Raju

    Hi Madhu,
       Just curious ... if you already have a generic FM extractor then just go into it and find out where it is reading the data from. If its reading data from the CRM system then thre is no need for any BW adapter ... just in case you need any ABAP help ... post here ... I may be of use to you.
    Best regards,

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