Need help to analysis "foreground and background wait events" on statspack report for oracle database on AIX

Hi: I'm analyzing this STATSPACK report: it is "volume test" on our UAT server, so most input is from 'bind variables'.  Our shared pool is well utilized in oracle.  Oracle redo logs is not appropriately configured on this server, as in 'Top 5 wait events' there are 2 for redos.
I need to know what else information can be dig-out from 'foreground wait events' & 'background wait events', and what can assist us to better understanding, in combination of 'Top 5 wait event's, that how the server/test went?  it could be overwelming No. of wait events, so appreciate any helpful diagnostic or analysis.  Database is oracle upgraded from, on IBM AIX power system 64bit, level 6.x
STATSPACK report for
Database    DB Id    Instance     Inst Num  Startup Time   Release     RAC
~~~~~~~~ ----------- ------------ -------- --------------- ----------- ---
700000XXX   XXX              1 22-Apr-15 12:12  NO
Host Name             Platform                CPUs Cores Sockets   Memory (G)
~~~~ ---------------- ---------------------- ----- ----- ------- ------------
     dXXXX_XXX    AIX-Based Systems (64-     2     1       0         16.0
Snapshot       Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
~~~~~~~~    ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- ------------------
Begin Snap:       5635 22-Apr-15 13:00:02      114       4.6
  End Snap:       5636 22-Apr-15 14:00:01      128       8.8
   Elapsed:      59.98 (mins) Av Act Sess:       0.6
   DB time:      35.98 (mins)      DB CPU:      19.43 (mins)
Cache Sizes            Begin        End
~~~~~~~~~~~       ---------- ----------
    Buffer Cache:     2,064M              Std Block Size:         8K
     Shared Pool:     3,072M                  Log Buffer:    13,632K
Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction    Per Exec    Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~      ------------------  ----------------- ----------- -----------
      DB time(s):                0.6                0.0        0.00        0.00
       DB CPU(s):                0.3                0.0        0.00        0.00
       Redo size:          458,720.6            8,755.7
   Logical reads:           12,874.2              245.7
   Block changes:            1,356.4               25.9
  Physical reads:                6.6                0.1
Physical writes:               61.8                1.2
      User calls:            2,033.7               38.8
          Parses:              286.5                5.5
     Hard parses:                0.5                0.0
W/A MB processed:                1.7                0.0
          Logons:                1.2                0.0
        Executes:              801.1               15.3
       Rollbacks:                6.1                0.1
    Transactions:               52.4
Instance Efficiency Indicators
            Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:  100.00
            Buffer  Hit   %:   99.98  Optimal W/A Exec %:  100.00
            Library Hit   %:   99.77        Soft Parse %:   99.82
         Execute to Parse %:   64.24         Latch Hit %:   99.98
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   53.15     % Non-Parse CPU:   98.03
Shared Pool Statistics        Begin   End
             Memory Usage %:   10.50   12.79
    % SQL with executions>1:   69.98   78.37
  % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   70.22   81.96
Top 5 Timed Events                                                    Avg %Total
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                   wait   Call
Event                                            Waits    Time (s)   (ms)   Time
CPU time                                                       847          50.2
enq: TX - row lock contention                    4,480         434     97   25.8
log file sync                                  284,169         185      1   11.0
log file parallel write                        299,537         164      1    9.7
log file sequential read                           698          16     24    1.0
Host CPU  (CPUs: 2  Cores: 1  Sockets: 0)
~~~~~~~~              Load Average
                      Begin     End      User  System    Idle     WIO     WCPU
                       1.16    1.84     19.28   14.51   66.21    1.20   82.01
Instance CPU
~~~~~~~~~~~~                                       % Time (seconds)
                     Host: Total time (s):                  7,193.8
                  Host: Busy CPU time (s):                  2,430.7
                   % of time Host is Busy:      33.8
             Instance: Total CPU time (s):                  1,203.1
          % of Busy CPU used for Instance:      49.5
        Instance: Total Database time (s):                  2,426.4
  %DB time waiting for CPU (Resource Mgr):       0.0
Memory Statistics                       Begin          End
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                ------------ ------------
                  Host Mem (MB):     16,384.0     16,384.0
                   SGA use (MB):      7,136.0      7,136.0
                   PGA use (MB):        282.5        361.4
    % Host Mem used for SGA+PGA:         45.3         45.8
Foreground Wait Events  DB/Inst: XXXXXs  Snaps: 5635-5636
-> Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
-> ordered by Total Wait Time desc, Waits desc (idle events last)
                                                             Avg          %Total
                                          %Tim Total Wait   wait    Waits   Call
Event                               Waits  out   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn   Time
enq: TX - row lock contentio        4,480    0        434     97      0.0   25.8
log file sync                     284,167    0        185      1      1.5   11.0
Disk file operations I/O            8,741    0          4      0      0.0     .2
direct path write                  13,247    0          3      0      0.1     .2
db file sequential read             6,058    0          1      0      0.0     .1
buffer busy waits                   1,800    0          1      1      0.0     .1
SQL*Net more data to client        29,161    0          1      0      0.2     .1
direct path read                    7,696    0          1      0      0.0     .0
db file scattered read                316    0          1      2      0.0     .0
latch: shared pool                    144    0          0      2      0.0     .0
CSS initialization                     30    0          0      3      0.0     .0
cursor: pin S                          10    0          0      9      0.0     .0
row cache lock                         41    0          0      2      0.0     .0
latch: row cache objects               19    0          0      3      0.0     .0
log file switch (private str            8    0          0      7      0.0     .0
library cache: mutex X                 28    0          0      2      0.0     .0
latch: cache buffers chains            54    0          0      1      0.0     .0
latch free                            290    0          0      0      0.0     .0
control file sequential read        1,568    0          0      0      0.0     .0
log file switch (checkpoint             4    0          0      6      0.0     .0
direct path sync                        8    0          0      3      0.0     .0
latch: redo allocation                 60    0          0      0      0.0     .0
SQL*Net break/reset to clien           34    0          0      1      0.0     .0
latch: enqueue hash chains             45    0          0      0      0.0     .0
latch: cache buffers lru cha            7    0          0      2      0.0     .0
latch: session allocation               5    0          0      1      0.0     .0
latch: object queue header o            6    0          0      1      0.0     .0
ASM file metadata operation            30    0          0      0      0.0     .0
latch: In memory undo latch            15    0          0      0      0.0     .0
latch: undo global data                 8    0          0      0      0.0     .0
SQL*Net message from client     6,362,536    0    278,225     44     33.7
jobq slave wait                     7,270  100      3,635    500      0.0
SQL*Net more data from clien        7,976    0         15      2      0.0
SQL*Net message to client       6,362,544    0          8      0     33.7
Background Wait Events  DB/Inst: XXXXXs  Snaps: 5635-5636
-> Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
-> ordered by Total Wait Time desc, Waits desc (idle events last)
                                                             Avg          %Total
                                          %Tim Total Wait   wait    Waits   Call
Event                               Waits  out   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn   Time
log file parallel write           299,537    0        164      1      1.6    9.7
log file sequential read              698    0         16     24      0.0    1.0
db file parallel write              9,556    0         13      1      0.1     .8
os thread startup                     146    0         10     70      0.0     .6
control file parallel write         2,037    0          2      1      0.0     .1
Log archive I/O                        35    0          1     30      0.0     .1
LGWR wait for redo copy             2,447    0          0      0      0.0     .0
db file async I/O submit            9,556    0          0      0      0.1     .0
db file sequential read               145    0          0      2      0.0     .0
Disk file operations I/O              349    0          0      0      0.0     .0
db file scattered read                 30    0          0      4      0.0     .0
control file sequential read        5,837    0          0      0      0.0     .0
ADR block file read                    19    0          0      4      0.0     .0
ADR block file write                    5    0          0     15      0.0     .0
direct path write                      14    0          0      2      0.0     .0
direct path read                        3    0          0      7      0.0     .0
latch: shared pool                      3    0          0      6      0.0     .0
log file single write                  56    0          0      0      0.0     .0
latch: redo allocation                 53    0          0      0      0.0     .0
latch: active service list              1    0          0      3      0.0     .0
latch free                             11    0          0      0      0.0     .0
rdbms ipc message                 314,523    5     57,189    182      1.7
Space Manager: slave idle wa        4,086   88     18,996   4649      0.0
DIAG idle wait                      7,185  100      7,186   1000      0.0
Streams AQ: waiting for time            2   50      4,909 ######      0.0
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle w          129    0      3,612  28002      0.0
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator           258   50      3,612  14001      0.0
smon timer                             43    2      3,605  83839      0.0
pmon timer                          1,199   99      3,596   2999      0.0
SQL*Net message from client        17,019    0         31      2      0.1
SQL*Net message to client          12,762    0          0      0      0.1
class slave wait                       28    0          0      0      0.0
thank you very much!

Hi: just know it now: it is a large amount of 'concurrent transaction' designed in this "Volume Test" - to simulate large incoming transaction volme, so I guess wait in eq:TX - row is expected.
The fact: (1) redo logs at uat server is known to not well-tune for configurations (2) volume test slow 5%, however data amount in its test is kept the same by each time import  production data, by the team. So why it slowed 5% this year?
The wait histogram is pasted below, any one interest to take a look?  any ideas?
Wait Event Histogram  DB/Inst: XXXX/XXXX  Snaps: 5635-5636
-> Total Waits - units: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
-> % of Waits - column heading: <=1s is truly <1024ms, >1s is truly >=1024ms
-> % of Waits - value: .0 indicates value was <.05%, null is truly 0
-> Ordered by Event (idle events last)
                           Total ----------------- % of Waits ------------------
Event                      Waits  <1ms  <2ms  <4ms  <8ms <16ms <32ms  <=1s   >1s
ADR block file read          19   26.3   5.3  10.5  57.9
ADR block file write          5                     40.0        60.0
ADR file lock                 6  100.0
ARCH wait for archivelog l   14  100.0
ASM file metadata operatio   30  100.0
CSS initialization           30              100.0
Disk file operations I/O   9090   97.2   1.4    .6    .4    .2    .1    .1
LGWR wait for redo copy    2447   98.5    .5    .4    .2    .2    .2    .1
Log archive I/O              35   40.0         8.6  25.7   2.9        22.9
SQL*Net break/reset to cli   34   85.3   8.8         5.9
SQL*Net more data to clien   29K  99.9    .0    .0    .0          .0    .0
buffer busy waits          1800   96.8    .7    .7    .6    .3    .4    .5
control file parallel writ 2037   90.7   5.0   2.1    .8   1.0    .3    .1
control file sequential re 7405  100.0                      .0
cursor: pin S                10   10.0                    90.0
db file async I/O submit   9556   99.9    .0                .0          .0
db file parallel read         1  100.0
db file parallel write     9556   62.0  32.4   1.7    .8   1.5   1.3    .1
db file scattered read      345   72.8   3.8   2.3  11.6   9.0    .6
db file sequential read    6199   97.2    .2    .3   1.6    .7    .0    .0
direct path read           7699   99.1    .4    .2    .1    .1    .0
direct path sync              8   25.0  37.5  12.5  25.0
direct path write            13K  97.8    .9    .5    .4    .3    .1    .0
enq: TX - row lock content 4480     .4    .7   1.3   3.0   6.8  12.3  75.4    .1
latch free                  301   98.3    .3    .7    .7
latch: In memory undo latc   15   93.3   6.7
latch: active service list    1              100.0
latch: cache buffers chain   55   94.5                     3.6   1.8
latch: cache buffers lru c    9   88.9                    11.1
latch: call allocation        6  100.0
latch: checkpoint queue la    3  100.0
latch: enqueue hash chains   45   97.8                     2.2
latch: messages               4  100.0
latch: object queue header    7   85.7        14.3
latch: redo allocation      113   97.3               1.8    .9
latch: row cache objects     19   89.5                           5.3   5.3
latch: session allocation     5   80.0              20.0
latch: shared pool          147   90.5   1.4   2.7   1.4    .7   1.4   2.0
latch: undo global data       8  100.0
library cache: mutex X       28   89.3         3.6         3.6         3.6
log file parallel write     299K  95.6   2.6   1.0    .4    .3    .2    .0
log file sequential read    698   29.5    .1               4.6  46.8  18.9
log file single write        56  100.0
log file switch (checkpoin    4               25.0  50.0  25.0
log file switch (private s    8         12.5        37.5  50.0
log file sync               284K  93.3   3.7   1.4    .7    .5    .3    .1
os thread startup           146                                      100.0
row cache lock               41   85.4   9.8               2.4         2.4
DIAG idle wait             7184                                      100.0
SQL*Net message from clien 6379K  86.6   5.1   2.9   1.3    .7    .3   2.8    .3
SQL*Net message to client  6375K 100.0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0
Wait Event Histogram  DB/Inst: XXXX/xxxx  Snaps: 5635-5636
-> Total Waits - units: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
-> % of Waits - column heading: <=1s is truly <1024ms, >1s is truly >=1024ms
-> % of Waits - value: .0 indicates value was <.05%, null is truly 0
-> Ordered by Event (idle events last)
                           Total ----------------- % of Waits ------------------
Event                      Waits  <1ms  <2ms  <4ms  <8ms <16ms <32ms  <=1s   >1s
SQL*Net more data from cli 7976   99.7    .1    .1    .0                      .1
Space Manager: slave idle  4086     .1    .2    .0    .0    .3         3.2  96.1
Streams AQ: qmn coordinato  258   49.2                .8                    50.0
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle  129                                            100.0
Streams AQ: waiting for ti    2   50.0                                      50.0
class slave wait             28   92.9   3.6   3.6
jobq slave wait            7270     .0                               100.0
pmon timer                 1199                                            100.0
rdbms ipc message           314K  10.3   7.3  39.7  15.4  10.6   5.3   8.2   3.3
smon timer                   43                                            100.0

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    That is 100% consistent with the #1 Web Design mistake:
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    > obviously, the design is very impressive, but it also
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    > web mechanics that I have been trying to figure out, so
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    use them? are there
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    perhaps a link to a
    > good
    > tutorial?
    > please help me. i am very confused.
    > thanks so much.

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    Morning DeeHutton,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at this article:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Best of luck,

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    Change your document from Grayscale to RGB, or change the selected channel to the RGB data instead of a mask.

  • Need help FLASH not launching and not uninstalling "licensing for this product has stopped working".

    Need help FLASH not launching and not uninstalling "licensing for this product has stopped working" and " you can only install one adobe product at a time please complete the other installation"  Flash was working absolutely fine before, I have no idea why this happened.

    I am having similar problem.  Can't open any of CS3 programs after trying to download Dreamweaver Trial, which wouldn't work because "couldn't remove DLM extention" error message.  So now I can not run Illustrator, Photoshop, or even Adobe Reader.  These are properly licensed for about a year. I get "License for product has stopped working".  Have 2 pending cases open with Adobe support (one for Dreamweaver trial, one for license problem) since 8/3 with NO ANSWERS - It says answers within 1-3 business days.  Was on phone support hold today for over 3 hours before line went dead with no help.  What is up with adobe support?  Can anyone help?

  • BDC program in Foreground and Background

    I have a requirement from client to write a BDC program which can upload the data in TABLES in foreground and background. There will be a flag for FOREGROUND on the screen, if user clicks the FOREGROUND FLAG then data should be uploaded in foreground and if flag is blank than should be in background. What statements should I used to accomplish this logic in a BDC program.

    Check this sample.
                DEFAULT '\\FS000P01\D48\ANSKA\SAP_R3_ANSKA_FILES.TXT'.
                PC RADIOBUTTON GROUP GRP1.
                                          USING  FILENAME
                                        CHANGING RC.
                                   USING  FILENAME
                                 CHANGING RC.
                                   USING    P_FILENAME
                                   CHANGING P_RC.
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
          IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        P_RC = 0.
        P_RC = 4.
    ENDFORM.                    " upload_application_server
                            USING    P_FILENAME
                            CHANGING P_RC.
      CLEAR P_RC.
    *   CODEPAGE                      = ' '
          FILENAME                      = FILENAME
          FILETYPE                      = 'ASC'
    *   HEADLEN                       = ' '
    *   LINE_EXIT                     = ' '
    *   TRUNCLEN                      = ' '
    *   USER_FORM                     = ' '
    *   USER_PROG                     = ' '
    *   DAT_D_FORMAT                  = ' '
    *   FILELENGTH                    =
          DATA_TAB                      = P_ITAB_DATA
          CONVERSION_ERROR              = 1
          FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 2
          FILE_READ_ERROR               = 3
          INVALID_TYPE                  = 4
          NO_BATCH                      = 5
          UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 6
          INVALID_TABLE_WIDTH           = 7
          GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER       = 8
          CUSTOMER_ERROR                = 9
          OTHERS                        = 10
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        P_RC = SY-SUBRC.
    ENDFORM.                    " upload_workstation
    Hope this will solve ur issue.

  • How to change foreground and background color using CC SDK?

    Hello all,
    I am just starting to study the sdk (Mac CC). Currently, I am seeking the answer to change foreground and background color using CC SDK?
    Is it possible to do so? In addition, will the Image Mode such as RGB, CYMK or Grayscale be effecting such solution?
    Thanks in advance.

    These are NOT dropdown menus. They are dropdown LISTS.
    And from the links in the Google search you can learn that a list item has no style.
    And a dropdown list behaves differently from dropdown menus. Here's how it looks on Mobile Safari :

  • So im about to buy a mac pro, I just need help cause im not sure if it's worth paying more for instance, a hi-res screen compared to the stock screen, and will i really miss the .2 ghz and the upgraded video card if I get the 2.0 ghz mbp?

    So im about to buy a mac pro, I just need help cause im not sure if it's worth paying more for instance, a hi-res screen compared to the stock screen, and will i really miss the .2 ghz and the upgraded video card if I get the 2.0 ghz mbp?

    The_Tiger92 wrote:
    So im about to buy a mac pro, I just need help cause im not sure if it's worth paying more for instance, a hi-res screen compared to the stock screen, and will i really miss the .2 ghz and the upgraded video card if I get the 2.0 ghz mbp?
    It appears the 15" 2.2 ghz isn't worth spending $400 more for, but you get the 1GB Radeon 6750M that has four times the VRAM than the 15" 2.0Ghz model and about 167% more performance. High settings on all current games with over 50 fps.
    If your not into 3D gaming or just light weight, then the 2.0 Ghz (last years performance) will suffice on low-medium settings at about 30 fps.
    The 13" is rather poor as it has integrated graphics. 30 fps on only some games.
    The high res screen is a excellent choice and the anti-glare is great for viewing just about anywhere.
    No messy films to replace at $30-$40 a pop.
    A lot of people bring the glossy screens back once they hear about the anti-glare. trys-out-of-touch/
    Here's my 17"
    In my opinion the extra $400 for another 2-3 years of use out of the computer is worth it.
    Quad cores are more than enough for most uses for most people for many years, it's just a slow card is going to make the machine feel slow in rendering graphics in the future.

  • I need help importing navigation bars and rollover buttons from fireworks?

    I need help importing navigation bars and rollover buttons from fireworks, drop down menus and rollover states won't work!

    In my experience, the code created by graphics apps is less than satisfactory. And image based menus are very awkward for several reasons. 
    #1 If you decide to change your menu later, you must go back to your graphics app and re-craft the whole thing.  After 2-3 times of this, it gets old in a hurry.
    #2 Image based menus cannot be "seen" by search engines, screen readers and language translators.
    #3 CSS styled text menus are better for your site's visibility, accessibility and they are a snap to edit in Dreamweaver.
    That said, if you're still married to image based menus, use Fireworks to create images only. Use Dreamweaver's Image Rollover Behaviors to create your rollover scripts.
    Nancy O.

  • Exchange Messages Between Foreground and Background Tasks

    I'm working on an Application where I use background task for handling Bluetooth communication. For that, I'm trying to exchange messages between foreground and background tasks when the Bluetooth device sends
    something and want to notify the foreground about it. Similarly, I want the foreground to send messages to background when the user activates something. I've started doing that using event handlers but it is not reliably working. Looks like the problem is
    coming from the synchronization between these two tasks. I found the class BackgroundMediaPlayer which does what I really want , except controlling the media player. What are the options of doings that?

    Hi Rob,
    Thank you for your reply. So in this case, I guess each process shall keep reading the file and see if there are commands to be processed. Is there a way to raise an event when the content of the file get changed? Are there existing file handling classes
    that support this?

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