Need help with in-line HTML code

I am trying to write some in-line HTML code to change the background color to blue for Exception-Bad.  Here is my code
I am trying to use in-line HTML code in WAD to change the background color for Exceptions-Bad to blue.  This is not working.  I really need to get this to work so if someone could tell what is wrong with my code, I would really appreciate the help.
            <style type="text/css" > SAPBEXexcBad7 {background-color: blue}; .SAPBEXexcBad8 {background-color: blue}; SAPBEXexcBad9 {background-color: blue} </style>

Hi Boater,
HTML code will also come like this also
let this one also

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    Hey everyonr i am totally new to Java... so need your help with this code...
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    public class Pascal {
      /** Return ragged array containing the first nRows rows of Pascal's
       *  triangle.
      public static int[][] makeRows(int nRows) {
            int[][] mpr  = new int[nRows+1][];
            int l=0; int r=0;
            for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
              mpr[row] = new int[row+1];  //index starts at 0
              if (row==0) {
                mpr[0][0]= 1;
                    if (row==1) {
                mpr[1][0]= 1;
                mpr[1][1]= 1;
              if (row>=2) {
                 for (int j = 0; j <= row; j++) {
                    if (j==0)               {l=0;} else {l=mpr[row-1][j-1];}
                    if (j==mpr[row].length-1) {r=0;} else{r=mpr[row-1][j];}
                    mpr[row][j] = l + r;
            return mpr;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
             if (args.length != 1) {
               System.out.println("usage: java " + Pascal.class.getName() + " N_ROWS");
             int nRows = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
             if (nRows > 0) {
               int[][] pascal = makeRows(nRows);
               for (int[] row : pascal) {
              for (int v : row) System.out.print(v + " ");
         }this makeRows function should return ragged array containing the first nRows rows of Pascal's triangle
    Edited by: magic101 on May 9, 2008 4:03 PM

    i think corlettk meant that some people might not know what pascal's triangle is.
    also, you didnt say what was wrong with your code, just that it was wrong.
    asking smart questions is about giving as much information you can to get the
    best answer. i would throw a System.out.print between every line of your
    algorithm. i would also supply us with the values you are getting for each row.
    also, this question is asked all the time here. do a forum search.

  • Need Help with creating Line Graph Chart

    I have the following XML Data
    Note that each Branch_Desc has 12 periods called CURRPERIOD,CURPERSUB1,CURPERSUB2 ...... and 12 values for those periods as VALUECURRENTPERIOD, VALUECURRENTPERIODSUB1, VALUECURRENTPERIODSUB2......
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    Hi Tim,
    We have this XML data calculated from several tables where the layout was in the format of One account(a Branch in this case) and 12 periodic values for the same . So reformatting the XML is not going to be easy as the source data is like this itself. I tried un-pivioting the table (as this one is already pivoted) but it looks like Oracle doesn't support this feature yet, but is suported in DB2 or SQL. Please take a look at this link
    So I am stuck with the data in this format and users want a line graph for each branch over he period of time. May be somone on this forum can figure out how to un-pivot a table in Oracle. Thanks for your help in advance.

  • Need Help with command line arguments for a class method

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    Hey guys,
    I'm fairly new to programming in java.
    I want to a write a class method that adds up its
    command line arguments which are numbers. For
    example, if the input was .... 5 2 3....then the
    output would be 10.Okay. So you would receive the numbers to add as the String[] argument to a main method. The steps are simple:
    1) declare a variable for the count
    2) for each String in the array:
    2.1) extract the value as a double
    2.2) add this to the count
    3) output the resulting count
    I have been told to use the Convert to convert a
    string to a double.
    I'm ok for writing the class
    method but I have no idea how to use ConvertThere is no class Convert in the Java API.
    and why
    I need it in the method. Do you understand you need to somehow convert each String to a double (step 2.1)? Since Convert is unknown to me, maybe you should just take a look at class Double. It can help you do step 2.1, the rest should be trivial enough.
    Give it a go and feel free to post back with a specific problem you are having, accurately described if you please :-)

  • Need help with crazy custom calculations code in Acrobat XI pro

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    var Dsix = +getField("D6").value;
    var Dfive = +getFeild("D5").value;
    var B2 = 0.37;
    var B3 = 0.45;
    var B4 = 0.53;
    if (Dsix = 15){
    D9.value = B2*Dfive;
    if (Dsix = 30){
    D9.value = B3*Dfive;
    if (Dsix = 45){
    D9.value = B4*Dfive;

    Well thats makes since but unfortunitly it didnt work. The green text feild D9 is where im placing code at. they will be hiiden feilds. the red outlined text feilds are all input feilds. seconds is D6 and nozzels is D5.

  • Need help with paint (here my code)

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    //Debut imports
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    //Fin imports
    //  Class: soudure
    public class soudure extends JApplet implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ChangeListener
        //Debut Declarations
        boolean dessinConfig = false; //Savoir quand on utilise paint pour config
        Image img; //Image a dessiner
        int x = -1; //Sert pour savoir le point x de la souris
        int y = -1; //Sert pour savoir le point y de la souris
        int ovalHeight = 10; //Set la hauteur de l'oval
        int ovalWidth = 10; //Set la largeur de l'oval
        JLabel xCoord, //Coordonner de la souris X
               yCoord, //Coordonner de la souris Y
               lVoltage, //Identifie le voltage
               lAmperage; //Indeitifie l'amperage
        JPanel config, //Panel de configuration
               dessin, //Panel de dessin
               info; //Panel d'info
        JSlider voltage, //Set le voltage
                amperage; //Set l'amperage
        Vector sauvOvalXY; //Sauvegarde les points x et y des ovals
        Vector sauvOvalWH;  //Sauvegarde les largeur et hauteur des ovals
        //Fin Declarations
        //  Fonction: init()
        public void init()
            //Debut Initialisations
            config = new JPanel();   
            dessin = new JPanel();
            info = new JPanel();
            xCoord = new JLabel("X Coord.: ");
            yCoord = new JLabel("Y Coord.: ");
            voltage = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL, 15,30,15);
            lVoltage = new JLabel("Voltage  15 :");
            amperage = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL, 100,400,100);
            lAmperage = new JLabel("Amperage  100 :");
    //      img = new Image();
          sauvOvalXY = new Vector();
          sauvOvalWH = new Vector();
            //Fin Initialisations
            //Debut set Background
            //Fin set Background
            //Debut set layout
            //Fin Set Layout
            //Add les listener
            //Fin Add listener
            //Divers settings
            dessin.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1,1,1,1,;
            config.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1,1,1,1,;
            info.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1,1,1,1,;
            //Set Size
            //Fin set Size
            //Debut ajout Panel
            //Fin ajout Panel       
        //Fin Fonction init()
        //  Fonction: mouseClicked(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mouseClicked(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseDragged(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            //Prend l'objet sur lequel l'event est fait
            Object obj = e.getSource();
            x = e.getX();
            y = e.getY();
            //JPanel Dessin
            if(obj == dessin)
            //Fin JPanel dessin
        //Fin Fonction mouseDragged(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseEntered(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mouseEntered(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseExited(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
            //Met les coords de la souris a 0
            xCoord.setText("X Coord.: 0");
            yCoord.setText("Y Coord.: 0");
        //Fin Fonction mouseExited(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseMoved(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mouseMoved(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mousePressed(MouseEvent)
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mousePressed(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: paint(Graphics)
        public void paint(Graphics g)
            g = dessin.getGraphics();
            //Verifie si rien n'a encore ete dragger
            if(x != -1)
                //Sauvegarde les infos
                sauvOvalXY.add(new Point(x,y));
                sauvOvalWH.add(new Point(ovalWidth,ovalHeight));
                //Dessine les sauvegarde
                int size = sauvOvalXY.size();
                for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
                    Point tmpXY = (Point)sauvOvalXY.get(i);
                    Point tmpWH = (Point)sauvOvalWH.get(i);
    /*        //Si dessine pour panel config
                g = config.getGraphics();
               // dessinConfig = false;
        //Fin Fonction paint(Graphics)
        //  Fonction: positionSouris(MouseEvent)
        public void positionSouris(MouseEvent e)
            int tmpX = e.getX();
            int tmpY = e.getY();
            xCoord.setText("X Coord.: " + Integer.toString(tmpX));
            yCoord.setText("Y Coord.: " + Integer.toString(tmpY));
        //Fin Fonction positionSouris(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: stateChanged(ChangeEvent)
        public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
            //Verifie lobject actuel
            Object obj = e.getSource();
            if(obj == voltage)
                int tmpVoltage = voltage.getValue();
                lVoltage.setText("Voltage  " + Integer.toString(tmpVoltage) + " :");
            //Fin voltage
                if(obj == amperage)
                    int tmpAmperage = amperage.getValue();
                    lAmperage.setText("Amperage  " + Integer.toString(tmpAmperage) + " :");
                //Fin voltage       
        //Fin Fonction stateChanged(ChangeEvent)

    For Swing components you need to override the paintComponent method instead of paint. In your case you can't do that with the approach you have taken. Here is how you can do it:
    1. Remove your paint method
    2. Change your creation of the dessin JPanel and override its' paintComponent method using an anonymous class.
        dessin = new JPanel()
                    public void paintComponent( Graphics g )   
                      //Verifie si rien n'a encore ete dragger 
                      if(x != -1)       
                        //Sauvegarde les infos
                        sauvOvalXY.add(new Point(x,y));
                        sauvOvalWH.add(new Point(ovalWidth,ovalHeight));
                        //Dessine les sauvegarde          
                        int size = sauvOvalXY.size(); 
                        for(int i=0;i<size;i++)         
                          Point tmpXY = (Point)sauvOvalXY.get(i);
                          Point tmpWH = (Point)sauvOvalWH.get(i);
                 };This will allow you to override the correct method and still use all of your applet class variables. Notice that I have removed the line getting the graphics of dessin because it is now being passed into the paintComponent method.
    The two steps above should remove any flashing that you may have had.

  • Need help with part of my code

    this code is taken from a News server i am making...
    // process connection with client
       private void processConnection(String[][] texts) throws IOException
         Newslist = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
                System.out.println(texts[0]+ "" + texts[i][1]+ "" +texts[i][2] );
    When a client connects to this server the server does a system output of an array in the servers class. Instead of simply out putting these array items to the screen, what code do i need to output them to the client. its a socket connection so im using get streams to handle input and output. I dont know how to send these array info to the client, that is my question
    here is my get stream codeprivate void getStreams() throws IOException
    // set up output stream for objects
    output = new ObjectOutputStream( connection.getOutputStream() );
    output.flush(); // flush output buffer to send header information
    // set up input stream for objects
    input = new ObjectInputStream( connection.getInputStream() );
    displayMessage( "\nGot I/O streams\n" );
    thanks for any help.

    thanks, i used writeObject cause it didnt like write
    for some reason. My next question is how can i make my
    client program read the array and form it own array
    with it.The simplest way is to create the array as the client needs it as send it via writeObject()
    You will be able to do a readObject() at the other end to get the object back.
    My client is currently using its own array of strings
    for reading info, i want to use the servers array
    instead.If you send a custom object, the code for these object(s) will need to be the same on the client and the server.

  • Need help with the following condition code

    Hi All,
    I am creating CreditMemo based on the open amount and I have option to create either up to 4 credit memo's or open amount is zero. When I create the CM initially then cmponum1 has to be updated in the table, for second CM cmponum2 has to be updated.
    The created CM number comes out from the function as 'Salesdocument'.
    The following code I wrote is working fine for CM1, if I have the CM2 then it is updating CMPONUM2 but update command is making CMPONUM1 as zero, so for CM3 as CM1 was updated as zero it is going to CMPONUM1 instead of CMPONUM3.
    Can some one please help me with this code.
          DATA: zcmponum1  type zsdcoop-cmponum,
                zcmponum2  type zsdcoop-cmponum,
                zcmponum3  type zsdcoop-cmponum,
                zcmponum4  type zsdcoop-cmponum.
          If zsdcoop-cmponum1 is initial.
            zcmponum1 = salesdocument.
          elseif zsdcoop-cmponum2 is initial.
            zcmponum2 = salesdocument.
          elseif zsdcoop-cmponum3 is initial.
            zcmponum3 = salesdocument.
          elseif zsdcoop-cmponum4 is initial.
            zcmponum4 = salesdocument.
          Update zsdcoop
          cmponum1  = zcmponum1
          cmponum2  = zcmponum2
          cmponum3  = zcmponum3
          cmponum4  = zcmponum4
          where kunnr = zsdcoop-kunnr and pfnum = zsdcoop-pfnum.

    Hi All,
    This code solved my req.
          If zsdcoop-cmponum is initial.
            zcmponum = salesdocument.
            Update zsdcoop
            set cmponum  = zcmponum
            where kunnr = zsdcoop-kunnr and pfnum = zsdcoop-pfnum.
          elseif zsdcoop-cmponum2 is initial.
            zcmponum2 = salesdocument.
            Update zsdcoop
            set cmponum2  = zcmponum2
            where kunnr = zsdcoop-kunnr and pfnum = zsdcoop-pfnum.
          elseif zsdcoop-cmponum3 is initial.
            zcmponum3 = salesdocument.
            Update zsdcoop
            set cmponum3  = zcmponum3
            where kunnr = zsdcoop-kunnr and pfnum = zsdcoop-pfnum.
          elseif zsdcoop-cmponum4 is initial.
            zcmponum4 = salesdocument.
            Update zsdcoop
            set cmponum4  = zcmponum4
            where kunnr = zsdcoop-kunnr and pfnum = zsdcoop-pfnum.

  • Dreamweaver 4 Dinosaur needs Help with Clean Up HTML Error

    I'm a dinosaur still using DW 4.01 for our company website.  Recently, due to a PC crash, I had to reinstall it on a new DELL Workstation running under XP Pro SP3.
    Tried to run the Clean Up HTML command and got this error every time on any page I tried to use it on:
    "While executing onClick in Clean Up HTML, a JavaScript error occurred." Then you have to select Cancel, or DW will abruptly close/crash.
    There are a few references to external javascript files - do I need to comment these out to get CleanUp HTML to work???
    Has anyone ever seen this problem before?  I find ZERO references to it online.
    Can't afford the $200 to upgrade to a newer version this month, nor do I have the time to learn a new piece of software.  Just trying to ride the Edsel to the dinosaur graveyard til the economy gets better.
    If you have a suggestion on how to FIX or workaround this bug, it would be great.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

    See if this helps:

  • Need help with small bit of code

    Hello I am using JBuilder 9 and it cannot resolve getHeader() and getSOAPBody() any help will be appreciated to fix the problem or any suggestions
    SOAPHeader header = message.getHeader();
    SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();

    The jar files are added it reads all the imports but it just doesnt read the lines marked by stars and its coming out with errors
    cannot resolve symbol:method getSOAPHeader() in class javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage (for the 1st 1)
    cannot resolve symbol:method getSOAPBody() in class javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage (for the 2nd 1)
    cannot resolve symbol:method getSOAPBody() in class javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage (for the 3rd 1)
    import javax.xml.soap.*;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection;
    import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPPart;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader;
    SOAPHeader header = message.getSOAPHeader();
    SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();
    SOAPBody soapBody = response.getSOAPBody();
    //First create the connection
    SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
    SOAPConnection connection = soapConnectionFactory.createConnection();
    SOAPFactory soapFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
    //Create the actual message
    MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
    SOAPMessage message = factory.createMessage();
    //Create objects for the message parts
    SOAPHeader header = message.getSOAPHeader();*******************
    SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();***********************
    //Populate the message
    Name bodyName = soapFactory.createName("GetLastTradePrice", "m",
    SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = body.addBodyElement(bodyName);
    Name name = soapFactory.createName("symbol");
    SOAPElement symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
    URL endpoint = new URL("");
    SOAPMessage response =, endpoint);
    SOAPBody soapBody = response.getSOAPBody(); *********************

  • Need Help with Cue Points/Custome Code

    So I've figured out that videos with a playback component need cue points in order to set up all the interactivity I want to use. The only way to make animated graphics, interactive graphs and text is to apparently create custom code, which I no zip about.
    Should I hire someone to do that for me? I was thinking elance, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to make an interactive video other ways (or cheaper)ways.
    how much do you think I should charge for that:)?

    My advice... start with a very simple "proof of concept" project before you attempt the entire package.
    It will be much easier to scale up if you first have a very good understanding of what's going on.
    So one simple video with just one cuepoint and only one button and additional display. You'll also have to work out the interaction of pausing the video when a cuepoint is reached or button pushed to display the graph, giving the viewer time to read the graph... then when the viewer closes the graph, the video should "resume".
    Start very simple and build on that only after you understand the fundamentals.
    Second, you mention "video reports"... plural. So that most likely means that you will need a video player with a "playlist".
    This may mean that you'll need to learn to use a little .xml to bring in the playlist data. You may also find xml an excellant way to bring other data into you project.
    At the link listed above there is an excellant tutorial on "Integrating Flash and XML"
    "Flash and XML"
    "XML Video Playlist"
    "ActionScript 3 XML Basics"
    "ActionScript 3 Advanced XML"
    Personally I would not even begin a project like this without considering how I could use xml to feed data into the project.
    Here's an example of a video player I created that has a playlist, thumbnails, categories, transcipts, "Now Playing" etc. All that data comes into the main .swf via various xml files. Super good way in input data into Flash.
    Yours is a rather ambitious project and will take awhile to gain the skill and assemble the pieces. So when you come to a new part... first create a real simple "proof of concept" model so you can learn how that section works. Don't expect to be able to assemble the entire project all at once.
    Best wishes,

  • Need help with simple VS2005 C++ code

    I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong, or if the Switch Front Panel isn't expected to reflect the results of my code.  I have a virtual 1163 cart setup in MAX.  I start the Switch Soft Front Panel and can see the state of the channels. I have auto refresh turned on.
    My C++ code has a task generated by the .mxb file.  The channel is configured this way: 
    void CDAQmxTask::Configure()
       CNiDAQmxDOChannel ch = DOChannels.CreateChannel("SC1Mod6/port0/line2", "DigitalOut", DAQmxOneChannelForEachLine);
        ch.InvertLines = false;
    For simplicity sake, I create a gobal instance  of this class at the top of the dlg class file:
    CDAQmxTask task;
    I have a single button that when pressed should turn on channel 2 
    void CFVT_TestAppDlg:nBnClickedButton1()
        CNiDAQmxDigitalSingleChannelWriter* writer = new CNiDAQmxDigitalSingleChannelWriter(task.Stream);
        writer->WriteSingleSampleSingleLine(TRUE, TRUE);
        delete writer;
    Should I expect to see teh results of this code in either the Schematic or Relays tab of SwitchSoft FP?

    You will not see the NI-Switch Soft Front Panel (SSFP) update to reflect the results of your Visual Studio code.  This is because NI-Switch is an IVI compliant driver, and IVI compliance for switches requires the driver to be able to open multiple driver sessions with one switch.  As a result, your C++ program and the SSFP have each established a seperate, independant IVI driver session to the switch.
    For example, if your C++ program instructs Relay 1 to close, the relay will close.  Then, if the SSFP instructs Relay 1 to close, nothing will happen since the relay is already closed.  The SSFP can also instruct Relay 1 to open, and it will, regardless of the fact that your C++ program gave no such command.
    As a result, it is important that for switching applications, you be sure that you only have one session open to a given switch at a time, otherwise you may see unexpected behavior.  This can even happen within an application.
    You can lock a session within your application so that no other thread in your application can access that driver session.  Do this using the niSwitch_LockSession function.  You can find more information on this function in the NI-Switch shipping help.
    Seth B.
    Staff Test Engineer | National Instruments
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Certified TestStand Developer
    “Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems.”- Scott Adams

  • I need help with resetting my security code answers, nothing seems to be helping

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    You need to contact Apple to get the questions reset. Click here, phone them, and ask for the Account Security team, or fill out and submit this form.

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    please help.

    Activating what PIN code? What are you referring to? You need to provide more detailed information.

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    but it does not work. Can anyone help please?
    Thanks in advance,
    <h:form id="calendarForm">
                <h:outputLabel value="login"/><h:inputText id ="login" value="#{AccountJSFManagedBean.login}" required="true"/><h:message showDetail="true" for="login"/>
                <h:outputLabel value="firstName"/><h:inputText id ="fn" value="#{AccountJSFManagedBean.firstName}" required="true"/><h:message showDetail="true" for="fn"/>
                <h:outputLabel value="lastName"/><h:inputText id ="ln" value="#{AccountJSFManagedBean.lastName}" required="true"/><h:message showDetail="true" for="ln"/>
                <h:outputLabel value="email"/><h:inputText id ="email" value="#{}" required="true"/><h:message showDetail="true" for="email"/>
                <h:outputLabel value="date of birth"/>
                <t:inputCalendar id="secondOne" monthYearRowClass="yearMonthHeader" weekRowClass="weekHeader"
                    currentDayCellClass="currentDayCell" value="#{AccountJSFManagedBean.dateOfBirth}" renderAsPopup="true"
                    popupTodayString="#{example_messages['popup_today_string']}" popupWeekString="#{example_messages['popup_week_string']}" required="true"/>
                 <h:commandButton value="sign up" action="#{AccountJSFManagedBean.signUp}" />

    Which form fields? In the code posted, I don't see where you have tried putting linebreaks.
    You can try putting the <BR> tags in f:verbatim tags. Like this:
    <f:verbatim><br /></f:verbatim>CowKing

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