Need key events in JPanel

I can't receive key events in a JPanel, and need to figure out how. While the JDialog I added my JPanel to originally could catch these, once I added more components (like a JTextBox and JCheckBox), neither my panel nor dialog caught any key events at all. Isn't there some way when my panel has focus to capture and respond to key press events?
Mark McKay

This works for a JFrame, didn't test it on a JDialog:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class PanelEvents extends JFrame
     public PanelEvents()
          JPanel main = new JPanel();
          main.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(300, 300) );
          getContentPane().add( main );
          main.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter()
               public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          main.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter()
               public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
          getContentPane().add(new JTextField(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
     public static void main(String[] args)
          JFrame frame = new PanelEvents();
          frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
          frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );

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    I have a single JPanel added to the content pane of a JFrame.
    I want to itercept key events by adding a KeyListener to the JPanel.
    If I do it, I don't receive key events.
    To solve the problem I identified two ways:
    - add the KeyListener to the JFrame's content pane
    - invoke setFocusable(true) on the JPanel (available only since 1.4)
    I can't use the former because I want to bind the the KeyListener to the JPanel, and I can't use the latter because I don't want to have dependencies on jdk 1.4.
    Can anyone suggest a way to solve the problem as simple as calling setFocusable() but available also for older versions of java?

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class KeyListenTest {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              panel.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
                   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    }The panel must be displayable and visible, so you have to make the call after frame.setVisible(true), however if you don't have any other components that will take the focus away from your panel, this should do it for you. If you want the use to be able to shift focus to your panel, then just add a mouse listener to the panel with a mousePressed(MouseEvent) method that calls the requestFocus() method on the panel.

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    No working source code here, try to figure out what I'm saying.

    Please help me. I did help you. I gave you a link to the tutorial that shows that proper way to do this.
    All Swing components use Key Bindings so you might as well take the time to understand how they work.
    Anyway, based on your vague description of the problem we can't help you because we don't know the details of your code.

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    public boolean isFocusable()
    return true;
    }My JPanel still doesn't catch KeyEvents, unless I get rid of the JToolBar. It seems that the controls in the toolbar don't pass the focus on to the panel. How do I change this behavior, without removing the toolbar?

    Found the answer elsewhere.
    I now add a "requestFocus()" call in my mousePressed event handler, and the JPanel catches the key events again.

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    switch (keyCode) {
    case -50:
    // I want to disable key events here
    // process this key
    // re-enable key events

    I had tried using a boolean to skip avoid the key as you suggested. That does not work. It seems as if the keys are only being processed in a serial manner. By that I mean the keyPressed method is not receiving the second and third keys while I am processing the first. So when I am done processing the first key I set isOkayToProcess=true and then the second key comes in.

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    So do I also have to implement FocusListener?
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    How to Use Key Bindings

  • Detect key events on anything

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    The correct way to collect the key events is the following:
    from java 1.2 to java 1.3 use the FocusManager. This class can be found in the javax.swing package. You would then need to extend the DefaultFocusManager and override specific behavior.
    for java 1.4 use the KeyBoardFocusManager. This class can be found in the java.awt package.
    Please see the following for a better explanation:
    Thanks for your time,

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    Possible that the keystrokes are really being trapped by the other gui, which stops registering them when it's not visible.
    IF that's the case, you'll need to re-design your keyboard trap as part of the second JFrame, wholly independent of the original JFrame or originating app. Also, it may be thread-starved i.e. operating off the originating program, which thread may be stopping when it has no focus.
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    There is an application I've created uses key event that needs your help.
    As you know, that setting 'Mnemonic' to a JButton object makes the button accessible by a key mentioned in the parameter as the following ->
                   OkButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_O);Now, pressing 'Alt' and 'O' keys together will do the same action as the 'OKButton' does.
    But as of me, I think pressing two keys together is not a complete handy job.
    So, is there any code that will do the same, by pressing only the 'O' key ?
    Ok! I know that there is something to be taken care of; that is, if I want the button to react by pressing only the 'O' key the button must be in focus [value returned by the method [code]isFocusable() for the button must return true.]
    Then how the 'Mnemonic' works ?!! When 'Mnemonic' do something, button does not have any focus.
    Only, I press the Alt+O and the work done successfully! No need to take care wherever the focus is. So, is there any way to do alike, where I don't have to manage the focus subsystem?? I would only press the 'O' key and the task will be done.
    Please send a sample code. Thanks!

    I suggest you look into Key Bindings:
    "How to Use Key Bindings"
    Here is a short demo program that uses Key Bindings to do what you describe:
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class PressOTest extends JFrame {
        public PressOTest() {
            super("Press O or C");
            // Action that will be associated with the OK button and with
            // the 'O' key event
            Action okAction = new AbstractAction("Ok") {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(PressOTest.this, "Ok!");
            // Action that will be associated with the Cancel button and with
            // the 'C' key event
            Action cancelAction = new AbstractAction("Cancel") {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(PressOTest.this, "Cancel!");
            // Register Key Bindings for the 'O' and 'C' keys:
            InputMap im = getRootPane().getInputMap(
            ActionMap am = getRootPane().getActionMap();
            im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_O, 0 ), "ok");
            am.put( "ok", okAction );
            im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_C, 0 ), "cancel");
            am.put( "cancel", cancelAction );
            // Create and add OK & Cancel buttons:
            JButton okButton = new JButton(okAction);
            JButton cancelButton = new JButton(cancelAction);
            Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
            box.add( Box.createHorizontalGlue() );
            box.add( okButton );
            box.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut(10) );
            box.add( cancelButton );
            box.add( Box.createHorizontalGlue() );
            getContentPane().add( box );
            setSize(300, 300);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new PressOTest().setVisible(true);

  • Help with understanding key event propagation

    I am hoping someone can help me understand a few things which are not clear to me with respect to handling of key events by Swing components. My understanding is summarized as:
    (1) Components have 3 input maps which map keys to actions
    one for when they are the focused component
    one for when they are an ancestor of the focused component
    one for when they are in the same window as the focused component
    (2) Components have a single action map which contains actions to be fired by key events
    (3) Key events go to the currently focused component
    (4) Key events are consumed by the first matching action that is found
    (5) Key events are sent up the containment hierarchy up to the window (in which case components with a matching mapping in the WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW map are searched for)
    (6) The first matching action handles the event which does not propagate further
    I have a test class (source below) and I obtained the following console output:
    Printing keyboard map for Cancel button
    Level 0
    Key: pressed C
    Key: released SPACE
    Key: pressed SPACE
    Level 1
    Key: pressed SPACE
    Key: released SPACE
    Printing keyboard map for Save button
    Level 0
    Key: pressed SPACE
    Key: released SPACE
    Level 1
    Key: pressed SPACE
    Key: released SPACE
    Printing keyboard map for Main panel
    Event: cancel // typed SPACE with Cancel button having focus
    Event: save // typed SPACE with Save button having focus
    Event: panel // typed 'C' with panel having focus
    Event: panel // typed 'C' with Cancel button having focus
    Event: panel // typed 'C' with Save button having focus
    I do not understand the following aspects of its behaviour (tested on MacOSX although I believe the behaviour is not platform dependent):
    (1) I assume that the actions are mapped to SPACE since the spacebar clicks the focused component but I don't explicitly set it?
    (2) assuming (1) is as I described why are there two mappings, one for key pressed and one for key released yet the 'C' key action only has a key pressed set?
    (3) assuming (1) and (2) are true then why don't I get the action fired twice when I typed the spacebar, once when I pressed SPACE and again when I released SPACE?
    (4) I read that adding a dummy action with the value "none" (i.e. the action is the string 'none') should hide the underlying mappings for the given key, 'C' the my example so why when I focus the Cancel button and press the 'C' key do I get a console message from the underlying panel action (the last but one line in the output)?
    Any help appreciated. The source is:
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class FocusTest extends JFrame {
         public FocusTest ()     {
              setTitle ("FocusTest");
              setLocationRelativeTo (null);
              setSize(325, 160);
              setVisible (true);
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              new FocusTest();
    private void initComponents()
         JPanel panTop = new JPanel();
              panTop.setBackground (java.awt.Color.RED);
    JLabel lblBanner = new javax.swing.JLabel ("PROPERTY TABLE");
    lblBanner.setFont(new java.awt.Font ("Lucida Grande", 1, 14));
    lblBanner.setHorizontalAlignment (javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER);
              panTop.add (lblBanner);
              JPanel panMain = new JPanel ();
              JLabel lblKey = new JLabel ("Key:");
              lblKey.setFocusable (true);
              JLabel lblValue = new JLabel ("Value:");
    JTextField tfKey = new JTextField(20);
    JTextField tfValue = new JTextField(20);
    JButton btnCancel = new JButton (createAction("cancel"));     // Add a cancel action.
    JButton btnSave = new JButton (createAction("save"));          // Add a sve action.
              panMain.add (lblKey);
              panMain.add (tfKey);
              panMain.add (lblValue);
              panMain.add (tfValue);
              panMain.add (btnCancel);
              panMain.add (btnSave);
              add (panTop, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
              add (panMain, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
    setDefaultCloseOperation (javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
    // Add an action to the panel for the C key.
              panMain.getInputMap (JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put (KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_C, 0), "panel");
              panMain.getActionMap ().put ("panel", createAction("panel"));
              // FAILS ???
              // Add an empty action to the Cancel button to block the underlying panel C key action.
    btnCancel.getInputMap().put (KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_C, 0), "none");
    // Print out the input map contents for the Cancel and Save buttons.
    System.out.println ("\nPrinting keyboard map for Cancel button");
    printInputMaps (btnCancel);
    System.out.println ("\nPrinting keyboard map for Save button");
    printInputMaps (btnSave);
              // FAILS NullPointer because the map contents are null ???
    System.out.println ("\nPrinting keyboard map for Main panel");
    // printInputMaps (panMain);
    private AbstractAction createAction (final String actionName) {
         return new AbstractAction (actionName) {
              public void actionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
                   System.out.println ("Event: " + actionName);
    private void printInputMaps (JComponent comp) {
         InputMap map = comp.getInputMap();
         printInputMap (map, 0);
    private void printInputMap (InputMap map, int level) {
         System.out.println ("Level " + level);
         InputMap parent = map.getParent();
         Object[] keys = map.allKeys();
         for (Object key : keys) {
              if (key.equals (parent)) {
              System.out.println ("Key: " + key);
         if (parent != null) {
              printInputMap (parent, level);
    Tim Mowlem

    Use the [url]Code Formatting Tags so the posted code retains its original formatting.
    1) In the Metal LAF the space bar activates the button. In the Windows LAF the Enter key is used to activate the button. Therefore these bindings are added by the LAF.
    2) The pressed binding paints the button in its pressed state. The released binding paint the button in its normal state. Thats why the LAF adds two bindings.
    In your case you only added a single binding.
    3) The ActionEvent is only fired when the key is released. Same as a mouse click. You can hold the mouse down as long as you want and the ActionEvent isn't generated until you release the mouse. In fact, if you move the mouse off of the button before releasing the button, the ActionEvent isn't even fired at all. The mouse pressed/released my be generated by the same component.
    4) Read (or reread) the [url]How to Remove Key Bindings section. "none" is only used to override the default action of a component, it does not prevent the key stroke from being passed on to its parent.

  • On Key Event change sprite and sound

    I can't sort this out for the life of me.
    I have this at the moment....They are cast member scripts.
    There are four movies that switch on mouse clicks along with
    their associated sound.
    Trouble is that they are different sizes and the largest
    stays on the screen behind the new clip.
    I tried an unload
    but wherever I put it it did not work.
    I am new to Director and using ver11
    I have put the first clip on channel 1 and its sound on sound
    channel 1. Then that has a cast memeber script to swap the sound
    and image from the cast.. Each clip has a cast member script to
    move to the next clip.
    I did post earlier in the 'basics' a similar problem but have
    as yet found no solution.
    I really do need to have the changing of clips and of sound
    driven by key events. But I cannot get any key
    event to be recognised by director when the projector runs..
    Where does one put key.up and key.down in director?
    I really am stuck here and truly any help would be great

    You can place 'on keyUp' or 'on keyDown' event handlers on
    any sprites
    that would normally get keyboard input (i.e. editable #text
    or #field
    sprites as well as certain #flashComponents). You can also
    make a
    "movie-wide" control by putting an 'on MouseUp'handler in a
    script. This event will happen if there is no editable text
    item on the
    If you want to use a global keyDown handler, you need to set
    up 'the
    keyDownScript' (refer to the help file for explanation and

  • Getting key events without a jcomponent...

    Is it possible to get key events without adding a keylistener to a jpanel? I want a class of mine to manage input of it's own, but it has no reference to a jpanel. They don't necessarily have to be KeyEvents, but just some way to detect if a key has been pressed (like the arrow keys). How can I do this? Thanks.

    Lots of components can listen for key events.
    What does your class subclass?It doesn't subclass anything. I am creating a custom menu system for my game using images I have made for the tileset. I would like it to handle some keyboard events of its own. (Like if the down arrow is pressed, it will move the focus down to the next component on its own). Right now I am currently passing the key events from my fullscreen jpanel to the menu class and it is handling them that way. Thanks.

  • How to implement "ALT + some key" event ?

    I'd like JDialog to catch key events only when user holds ALT button and presses some regular key (e.g. A,B,C, etc...).
    How this can be done ?
    Thanks for any advice !

    maybe you should use mnemonics?
    i don't know what is it you want to do.
    buti if you want for example to have JDialog, where are some buttons (OK & CANCEL) and want user to be able to click them by pressing ALT+O or ALT+C, then you might need to use mnemonics...
    if you want to enable some new kind of copy/paste/whatever combinations, then you might want to use keybindings
    or see tutorial about using menus, and the part there which tells about enabling key operations
    or be more specific about your problem... what and Why are you trying to do.

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    if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
    }But I need to know when a combination of keys is pressed (like ctrl-a). How can I know if two specifics keys are pressed together?
    Thank you...

    Read JavaDoc. java.awt.event.InputEvent class.
    if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP && event.isControlDown())

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    see java.awt.Robot

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