Getting key events without a jcomponent...

Is it possible to get key events without adding a keylistener to a jpanel? I want a class of mine to manage input of it's own, but it has no reference to a jpanel. They don't necessarily have to be KeyEvents, but just some way to detect if a key has been pressed (like the arrow keys). How can I do this? Thanks.

Lots of components can listen for key events.
What does your class subclass?It doesn't subclass anything. I am creating a custom menu system for my game using images I have made for the tileset. I would like it to handle some keyboard events of its own. (Like if the down arrow is pressed, it will move the focus down to the next component on its own). Right now I am currently passing the key events from my fullscreen jpanel to the menu class and it is handling them that way. Thanks.

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    Is it possible to generate key events without pressing a key in swing???
    i dont know if the question is logical or not, but just i want to generate some display as if the key is pressed by the user

    assuming c represents a text field.
    This will type the character 'a' in the text field:
    c.dispatchEvent( new KeyEvent (c, KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED, 0, 0, KeyEvent.VK_UNDEFINED, 'a') );
    This will invoke Ctrl+F1, which will show the tool tip for the text field:
    c.dispatchEvent( new KeyEvent (c, KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, 0, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK, KeyEvent.VK_F1) );

  • Key event without focus

    Could you tell me how to get F1 key event which is
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    For example, suppose there's a button saying "F1 exit",
    and the focus is on some other button.
    In such case, if user pushes F1, program should exits.
    That's what I want to do.
    Thank you.

    For example:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Example {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JPanel p = new JPanel();
            p.add(new JButton("sample button"));
            Action action = new AbstractAction("homer") {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
            KeyStroke stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F1");
            Object key = action.getValue(Action.NAME); //homer
            p.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(stroke, key);
            p.getActionMap().put(key, action);
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Example");

  • Getting Key Events during animation loop

    I'm having a problem recieving Key events during my animation loop. Here is my example program
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import GAME.sprites.MainPlayer;
    import GAME.util.MapData;
    import GAME.input.*;
    public class ImageTest extends JFrame {
        private static final long DEMO_TIME = 20000;
        private Animation      anim;
        private MainPlayer     mPlayer;
        private MapData               mapData;
        private InputManager      inputManager;
        private GameAction moveLeft;
        private GameAction moveRight;
        private GameAction exit;
        public ImageTest()
         setSize(1024, 768);
         anim = new Animation();
            mPlayer = new MainPlayer(anim);
         // load the player images
         private void loadImages()
              // code that loads images...
         // Initialize input controls
         private void initInput() {
            moveLeft = new GameAction("moveLeft");
            moveRight = new GameAction("moveRight");
            exit = new GameAction("exit",
            inputManager = new InputManager(this);
            inputManager.mapToKey(moveLeft, KeyEvent.VK_LEFT);
            inputManager.mapToKey(moveRight, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT);
            inputManager.mapToKey(exit, KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE);
        // Check player input
        private void checkInput(long elapsedTime) {
            if (exit.isPressed()) {
            if (mPlayer.isAlive()) {
                float velocityX = 0;
                if (moveLeft.isPressed()) {
                if (moveRight.isPressed()) {
        // main animation loop
        public void animationLoop() {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long currTime = startTime;
            while (currTime - startTime < DEMO_TIME) {
                long elapsedTime =
                    System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime;
                currTime += elapsedTime;
                // draw and update screen
                BufferStrategy strategy = this.getBufferStrategy();
                Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)strategy.getDrawGraphics();
                if (!(bgImage == null))
                     if (!strategy.contentsLost()) {
                // take a nap
                try {
                catch (InterruptedException ex) { }
        public void draw(Graphics g) {
            // draw background
            if (bgImage != null)
                         // draw image
                 g.drawImage(mPlayer.getImage(), (int)mPlayer.getX(), (int)mPlayer.getY(), null);
    }My InputManager implements KeyListener. When running print statements on my Key events, they are not being called until after the animation demo is done running. Can someone help me with getting the Key events to update during the animation loop? Thank you!

    I've used the post from Abuse on the following thread with success. Maybe it will clue you in to what you might be doing wrong:

  • How to distinguish is cell get key event or mouse event in table?

    I have a JTable.
    1.Select cell and double click. As result caret is show
    2.Select cell and start type. As result caret is show
    How distinguish is caret is show, because cell get mouse event or key event?
    Thank you.

    Hm ...
    the problem with the key events is, that they are partically taking place in an editor component - but the double click of the mouse clicked on a cell, which is not currently edited, can be get by a MouseListener added to the JTable.
    My idea to that is as follows - hold the double_clicked state in a boolean variable hold by your JTable subclass - it is set by a MouseListener added to the JTable - and reset by the overwritten prepareEditor(...) method. This method should do the following:
    // say, double_clicked is a boolean field in your JTable subclass
    public Component prepareEditor(TableCellEditor editor,int row,int column) {
    Component c = super.prepareEditor(editor,row,column);
    if ((!double_clicked)&&(c instanceof JTextField)) { ((JTextField) c).setText(""); }
    double_clicked = false;
    return c;
    }now you have only to implement an add a MouseListener to your JTable subclass which detects this double click and sets the double_clicked field accordingly.
    This is an idea on the fly - hope it is helpful for you.
    greetings Marsian

  • How to listen a key event without having any window component

    Hi all,
    I would like to know how can I listen key events from an application that doesn't use windows

    yoiu can make a Thread run inside your application. This will listen for inputs in the command line. For examplethis is part of a chat server (on the console) with let the server manager to enter messages or commands.
    The message or command entered on the console by the user is catched and processed as a String. The string is passed to the processConsole() method, you must define yourself.
    Th Thread is never stopped, so the user may enter any message at any time
    The core of you application should also be a Thread for better performance, but maybe it will also work without. Jst try and provide needed importstatements.
    Runnable runInput = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              while(true) {
                try {
                  byte buffer[] = new byte[255];
        ;//, 0, 255);
                  String inputString = new String(buffer, "Default");
                catch(NullPointerException npe) {
                  System.out.println("Syntax error");
                catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(); }
          Thread inputThread = new Thread(runInput);

  • Not getting key events.

    Okay have a really odd issue. I have a frame that contains a custom panel that contains a custom canvas. I it setting the focus to the canvas when it opens but I don't seem to be getting key strokes!
    When you change the focus from the frame to another window and click back again you do get the keystrokes but the request focus call seems to only sort of work!
    Any suggestions?

    lwatcdr wrote:
    Already did that and not joy.
    The odd thing is that it used to work and I can not figure out for the life of me why it stopped!
    I have started to move the application over to Swing so some of the dialogs are now Swing with the main window still in AWT. I am working on porting that part to Swing but it is a big dynamic custom document so it is taking a while.Let's just quit with the guessing then, post your code.

  • Does anyone know how to simulate the GET PERSON event without using PNPCE?

    I need to modify report is RPCGRNU0
    About line 109, it does GET PERSON, then sets a flag to true.  Then once the GET PERAS event starts, it checks if the flag is true or not.
    Edited by: Christian Rios on Apr 2, 2009 5:43 PM

    what exactly are you trying to do? Copy RPCGRNU0 & modify it? why do you need to simulate the GET PERSON event?

  • Send a press key event without Batch Input?

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    When I put a instruction in the report, the report simulate the key pressed.
    Exist some FM to do it? Is it posible?

    Hi Marcos,
    you can use the method I recommended in an additional timer object method .
    Please adapt the below sample program I used to display the current time with auto update:
    *& Report  ZZCLOCK
    *& may be used to keep connection
    REPORT  zzclock.
    *       CLASS lcl_gui_timer DEFINITION
    class lcl_gui_timer definition inheriting from cl_gui_control.
        CONSTANTS:  eventid_finished TYPE i VALUE 1 .
        CLASS-DATA: interval TYPE i VALUE '0'.
        EVENTS:     finished .
                         lifetime TYPE i OPTIONAL
                         value(shellstyle) TYPE i OPTIONAL
                         value(parent) TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container OPTIONAL
                 dispatch REDEFINITION.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_gui_timer DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION.
                           FOR EVENT finished OF lcl_gui_timer.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
    DATA: gui_timer TYPE REF TO lcl_gui_timer.
    DATA: event_handler TYPE REF TO lcl_event_handler.
    DATA: timeout_interval TYPE i VALUE '9'.
                p_datum TYPE sy-datum,
                p_uzeit TYPE sy-uzeit.
    * set to time rounded to 10 seconds
      p_datum = sy-datum.
      p_uzeit = sy-uzeit.
      CREATE OBJECT gui_timer.
      SET HANDLER event_handler->on_finished FOR gui_timer.
      gui_timer->interval = timeout_interval.
      CALL METHOD gui_timer->run.
    *       CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD on_finished.
    * Start Timer again
        gui_timer->interval = timeout_interval.
        CALL METHOD gui_timer->run.
    * cause PAI
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code
            new_code = 'REFR'.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "on_finished
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    *       CLASS lcl_gui_timer IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_gui_timer IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD constructor.
        TYPE-POOLS: sfes.
        DATA clsid(80).
        DATA event_tab TYPE cntl_simple_events.
        DATA event_tab_line TYPE cntl_simple_event.
        IF clsid IS INITIAL.
          DATA: return,
                guitype TYPE i.
          guitype = 0.
              object_model = sfes_obj_activex
              return       = return
              OTHERS       = 1.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            RAISE error.
          IF return = 'X'.
            guitype = 1.
          IF guitype = 0.
                object_model = sfes_obj_javabeans
                return       = return
                OTHERS       = 1.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0.
              RAISE error.
            IF return = 'X'.
              guitype = 2.
          CASE guitype.
            WHEN 1.
              clsid = 'Sapgui.InfoCtrl.1'.
            WHEN 2.
              clsid = ''.
        CALL METHOD super->constructor
            clsid      = clsid
            shellstyle = 0
            parent     = cl_gui_container=>default_screen
            autoalign  = space
            OTHERS     = 1.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          RAISE error.
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>subscribe
            shellid = h_control-shellid
            ref     = me
            OTHERS  = 1.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          RAISE error.
    * Register the events
        event_tab_line-eventid = lcl_gui_timer=>eventid_finished.
        APPEND event_tab_line TO event_tab.
        CALL METHOD set_registered_events
            events = event_tab.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
      METHOD cancel.
        CALL METHOD call_method
            method     = 'SetTimer'
            p_count    = 1
            p1         = -1
            queue_only = 'X'
            OTHERS     = 1.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          RAISE error.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "cancel
      METHOD run.
        CALL METHOD call_method
            method     = 'SetTimer'
            p_count    = 1
            p1         = interval
            queue_only = 'X'
            OTHERS     = 1.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          RAISE error.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "run
      METHOD dispatch .
        CASE eventid.
          WHEN eventid_finished.
            RAISE EVENT finished.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "dispatch
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_gui_timer IMPLEMENTATION
    Hope that's what you are looking for. I got the idea from a project where they used it to auto refresh an ALV grid...
    You may also search this forum for keywords timer or autorefresh. It has been discussed here earlier.

  • Do not get key events when HContainer object is added to HScene

    Please help, I am missing something simple.
    I am creating an container (mCurrentContainer) with some buttons in them as follows,
              mRecListButton = new HTextButton("List", curX, curY);
              // Setup a recording
              curY += V3Button.mHeight + gap;
              mRecButton = new HTextButton("Record", curX , curY);
              // Shows the list of scheduled recordings
              curY += V3Button.mHeight + gap;
              mScheduleRecButton = new HTextButton("Schedule", curX , curY);
              // Shows the list of Series Recordings
              curY += V3Button.mHeight + gap;
              mSeriesRecButton = new HTextButton("Series", curX, curY);
              mCurrentSelectedButton = LISTVALUE;
    Then I am creating a scene,
              HSceneFactory factory = HSceneFactory.getInstance();
              HSceneTemplate sceneTemplate = new HSceneTemplate();
                             new Dimension(640, 400),
                             new HScreenPoint((float)0,(float)0),
              mScene = factory.getBestScene(sceneTemplate);
    Then, I add the above container to the mscene as follows,
    mCurrentContainer = myContainer;
    mScene.add(mCurrentContainer); // Keys Presses do not work if left uncommented
    mScene.addKeyListener( mCurrentContainer);
    I see the buttons correctly and the "List" button is highlighted correctly. However, I do not get any key presses.
    Now, if I comment out "mScene.add()" as follows,
    mCurrentContainer = myContainer;
    // mScene.add(mCurrentContainer); // Now the key presses works correctly.
    mScene.addKeyListener( mCurrentContainer);
    The key presses works correctly. However, the buttons are not displayed now.
    What am I missing?

    I have not tried the above suggestions but the problem is solved. The issue was - I had the requirement of creating a a default child record when the parent record is created. I was creating the child record using insert statement in Prepared Statement in the doDML of parent EOImpl. So it is not creating a row in the EO and when I add the second record through the application and save, the getRowCount returns 1 which is new record that created through application. Sorry for not providing this info earlier and Thank You all.
    Regards, Pradeep

  • How to catch key events

    I have a component which extends JPanel. Now I dynamically add a JTextField as a child to this component. The problem is: when the textfield has focus, how can I get key events in my panel before the textfield gets them (and maybe intercept them so that the textfield doesn't get them at all)?
    Background: the component is a self written table and the textfield is an editor. Now I have to make sure that when I am editing and press e.g. "cursor up", that not the textfield will get this key event but the table (which should traverse the current cell then ...)
    The problem is: I cannot change the textfield (extend it or something) because a possible solution has to work with any java awt "Component" (or at least with JComponent).
    Any help very appreciated.

    implement the keyListener interface for the Extended component...
    and in Keypressed method
    // do all ur reuirements here
    //and comsume the keyEvent...
    hope this helps

  • Dialog not on display list getting key down events

    Hi all,
    I have a listener on the stage listening for KEY_DOWN events.
    I show a dialog (MovieClip containing a TextField). Click a button
    on the dialog to close the dialog. ("close the dialog" == remove
    the MovieClip from the display list - the dialog instance is still
    around, which I think is part of the issue)
    Now, the stage's listener no longer gets KEY_DOWN events
    until I click somewhere on the stage. The dialog's text field is
    getting the key events. (I don't normally add a KEY_DOWN listener
    to this dialog, but I did as a test to see if it was indeed getting
    the events.)
    How can I get the stage to get KEY_DOWN events again without
    clicking it first? There seems to be no way to explictly set
    keyboard focus that I can find.

    Hi. What happens if you simply request focus to the
    MainTimeline? That should seem to do the trick. If focus is on a
    removed element (but it still has focus, which seems weird), the
    the stage won't get any events.
    ( 'i' before 'e', except after 'w')

  • RemoteApp receives multiple KeyUp events without any keys being pressed

    Hi All,
    I have a very simple winforms app that I am using to try and track down what is happening with keyboard events when using RemoteApp.
    Basically I have a form and a textbox that track the KeyDown, KeyPress and KeyUp events.
    As soon as I start my app via RemoteApp I receive multiple KeyUp events without even pressing a key.
    Does anyone know why RemoteApp would be sending these random KeyUp events.
    The code of my simple test app is as follows:
    Public Class Form1
    Dim lst As New List(Of String)
    Private Sub AddtoList(str As String)
    End Sub
    Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
    AddtoList("txt KeyDown" & vbTab & "KeyCode is " & e.KeyCode)
    End Sub
    Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
    AddtoList("txt KeyPress" & vbTab & "KeyChar is " & e.KeyChar)
    End Sub
    Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
    AddtoList("txt KeyUp" & vbTab & "KeyCode is " & e.KeyCode)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
    AddtoList("Form Closing")
    IO.File.AppendAllLines(Application.StartupPath & "\SimpleKeyUp_v2.txt", lst)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
    AddtoList("Form KeyDown" & vbTab & "KeyCode is " & e.KeyCode)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
    AddtoList("Form KeyPress" & vbTab & "KeyChar is " & e.KeyChar)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_KeyUp(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyUp
    AddtoList("Form KeyUp" & vbTab & "KeyCode is " & e.KeyCode)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    AddtoList("Form Load")
    End Sub
    End Class
    Simply opening and closing the app via RemoteApp gives the following results:
    Form Load
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 9
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 9
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 16
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 16
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 16
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 16
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 17
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 17
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 17
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 17
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 9
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 9
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 18
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 18
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 9
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 9
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 18
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 18
    Form KeyUp KeyCode is 9
    txt KeyUp KeyCode is 9
    Form Closing
    Cheers and Thanks in Advance!

    It seems that your issue has been out of the scope of this forum.For coding issue,I suggest you ask in the
    MSDN forum to see whether anyone can help you out.
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    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • HTML5 UI is unable to correctly get the information of  key-events .

    I have developed a plug-in for Illustrator CC2014.
    But, The Plug-in UI which was built with HTML5, is unable to correctly get the information of  key-events .
    As problems following.
        0-9 key press       : "keyCode" is "0"
        Shift key press     : "shiftKey"is "false"
        Alt key press        : "altKey"is"false"
    Even if acquired at any timing(keydown, keypress, keyup) symptom occurs.
    In the Windows, you can get the information of key-events is correct at the same implementation.
    In the case of the browser UI, even in the Mac, I can correctly get.
    What causes that can not be acquired key event information is correct on the plug-in?
    Also, If you have any way to get the information of key-events correctly, please let me know.

    Pulluran wrote:
    I tried the event, but it does not resolve.
    In the windows, onKeydownEvent(event) can get the event information correctly.
    in the Mac, the keyevent information was originally can be get.The problem is that the keyevent information was not the correct information.
    "in the Mac, the keyevent information was originally can be get"
    What does that mean?
    "The problem is that the keyevent information was not the correct information."
    The problem seems to be that the event contains no information, keyCode is always zero and shiftKey and altkey are always false.
    What happens if you try
    function onKeydownEvent(obj) {
    var keyCode = (obj.keyCode >= 96 && obj.keyCode <= 105) ? obj.keyCode - 48 : obj.keyCode;
    var inputStr = String.fromCharCode(keyCode);

  • How do I sync my iPhone calendar without getting duplicate events posted?

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    This is ridiculous!  I bought an Ipad 2 to help keep up with my appointments etc and now it wont sync my Yahoo calendar appointments that i made from my iphone.  I have tried all the suggestions I can find and nothing is working.  I don't have time to go back and add it all by hand a second time.  Please fix!!!

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