Need OS9 bad

Hi! Just bought a Powerbook G4 1.25ghz 15". It came with a clean install of OSX 10.4. My problem is that I need to run a MacMedical program on OS9 Classic. I have all install discs for 10.3 Panther and 10.4 Tiger. Is there anyway to install OS9 from these discs or anywhere else. Thanks in advance for any help given.

Hi, JA55 -
OS 9 (Classic) is not included on any retail OSX Install disks. Your model is not OS 9 bootable, so it can not use any stand-alone OS 9 Install CD - the installers on those run only when the machine is booted to OS 9.
The only source available to install Classic (OS 9) on your machine are the original disks that shipped with it (which also had OSX 10.2.7, according to MacTracker).
You might contact the seller you got the machine from to see if they 'forgot' to include the original disks - it is considered good practice to include the original disks with a computer when it is sold.
You may be able to acquire replacement original disks from Apple's Customer Support -
Some folk have found that copying a working OS 9.2.1 or later System Folder from another machine will work well enough for their needs - unlike OSX, OS 9 (Classic) can be copied using a drag-and-drop Finder copy process with no loss of functionality.
Sometimes copying the System Folder from an OS 9 Install CD is sufficient - note, though, that those System Folders have an extremely limited assortment of control panels and extensions, so many services will not be available with such.

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    You will probably not find a BADI to suit your needs.  However if you look at include program MV45AFZZ you should find two subroutines:  USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE and USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT.  You can put the code you need directly into these subroutines.  If these have not been changed yet on your system, you will need an access key to make these changes.
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    Best Regards,
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    Hi Prasad,
    Before trying with a BAdI, have you tried to control this behaviour thru the Order confirmation parameters (OPK4)?
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    Kind Regards,

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