Need Some Technique Advice

I am using JInternal frames for a program. So far, selecting one option from a menu opens a frame which allows the user to enter certain information. Other menu options and frames will process or add to that information.
The initial frame (frame 1) creates an object of a class which is used to recEive information (in this case names), and store it. Now I am ready to move to the next frame where a list of these names will be created and the user will have the ability to enter additional information. In this situation, I need to still be able to access that array of names. However.... I have to access the variables in the storage class (in this case the String array) using an object. But if I create a new object in frame 2, I can't access the information stored via frame 1 because it is stored in the object created there (right?).
How does a java programmer deal with this? Should I make everything under the sun in my storage class static and then acces via method names without ever creating an object? Will that save the data in the storage class regardless of what frame I access it from? Or is there a way to access the object created in frame 1 from frame 2, retaining all values stored during frame 1?
I hope I explained this ok....
Thank you

Ok, so does a 'Setter' and 'Getter' as you are referring to access the object created in frame 1 from frame 2?
I pasted my all my code below (sorry for lots of stuff to look at.) So if I understand you correctly, what I could do is restructure the class Recieve (which is meant to be the storage class ) and take out the constructor (because a constructor is only present when you create an object of the class right?) In that case I would not need to create an object of the class. In that situation, would I need to make my methods in the storage class static? ( I think I remember some kind of error about not being able to access non-static methods until I accessed them through an object). Then I would be able to access the data located in Recieve from any class anywhere?
Below is the class which creates the Desktop frame.
import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class IntroTest4 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
private JDesktopPane desktop;               // Declare a new desktop frame (Instance variable)
    public IntroTest4()               // Constructor for IntroTest4 class
     super( "Grade Calculator v1.3" );     // Title bar text
     //Make the big window be indented 50 pixels from each edge
     //of the screen.       
     int inset = 50;     
     Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();       
     setBounds(inset, inset,
                  screenSize.width  - inset*2,
                  screenSize.height - inset*2);
     desktop = new JDesktopPane();          // Make a new desktop frame
     getContentPane().add( desktop );     // Create the content pane for the desktop frame
     setJMenuBar(createMenuBar());          // Menu bar will be made in createMenuBar()
        desktop.setDragMode(JDesktopPane.OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE);  // FAST AND UGLY DRAGGING YAH
    protected JMenuBar createMenuBar()                // What the heck is this damn it.
//- "menuBar" is the menu bar              -
     JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();          // Create new menu BAR
*     AND "INSERT GRADES".                                   *
//- "add_menu" is first option on menu bar -
     JMenu add_menu = new JMenu(" Add Grades ");     // Create the first menu on the bar
        add_menu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_A);          // Set mnemonic to keystroke A
     menuBar.add( add_menu );               // Add the menu to the menu bar
//- "reg_class" is first item under menu   -
//- option "add_menu"                   -
     JMenuItem reg_class = new JMenuItem(" Register A New Class "); //New option under Add Grades menu
        reg_class.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_R);            // Set mnemonic to keystroke R
                KeyEvent.VK_R, ActionEvent.ALT_MASK));     // Uh, YAH OK WHATEVER THAT SHIT IS
        reg_class.setActionCommand("reg");               // Assign command "reg" to initiate
        reg_class.addActionListener(this);               //  and add it to ActionListener
//- "insert_g" is next item under menu     -
//- option "add_menu"                   -
     JMenuItem insert_g = new JMenuItem(" Insert New Grades "); //2nd option under Add Grades menu
        insert_g.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_I);            // Set mnemonic to keystroke I
                KeyEvent.VK_I, ActionEvent.ALT_MASK));     // Uh, YAH OK WHATEVER THAT SHIT IS
        insert_g.setActionCommand("ins");               // Assign command "ins" to initiate
        insert_g.addActionListener(this);               //  and add it to ActionListener
        return (menuBar);
//  React to menu selection              -
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        if ("reg".equals(e.getActionCommand()))
          { //new
     else if ("ins".equals(e.getActionCommand()))
          { //new
//   Create frame for registering a new class              -
    protected void createFrame1()
        RegFrame frame = new RegFrame();          // New frame RegFrame
        desktop.add(frame);                    // Add new frame to desktop
     {                              // What the fuck is THIS shit?
        } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {}
//   Create frame for inserting new grades              -
    protected void createFrame2()
        InsFrame frame = new InsFrame();          // New frame InsFrame
        desktop.add(frame);                    // Add new frame to desktop
     {                              // What the fuck is THIS shit too?
        } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {}
   //Quit the application.
    protected void quit()
    private static void createAndShowGUI()
        //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
        //Create and set up the window.
        IntroTest4 frame = new IntroTest4();
        //Display the window.
    public static void main(String[] args)
     {//BEGIN MAIN
        //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
        //creating and showing this application's GUI.
        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
          {//BEGIN SOME SHIT
                public void run()
                });//END SOME SHIT
        }//END MAIN
This is class RegFrame. It is the first frame I made created from
a menu option of the Desktop frame. It takes data and passes it.
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;     /* Used by */
import javax.swing.*;
public class RegFrame extends JInternalFrame
{   // Begin class RegFrame
static final int xOffset = 30, yOffset = 30;
        private Recieve addStud;
     private JLabel nameLabel, displayLabel;  
     private JTextField nameField;
     private JTextArea displayNames;
     private JButton addButton;
     private String name;
     private int numStu;
public RegFrame() {     // Begin RegFrame constructor  
              super(" Register a New Student ",
              true, //resizable
              true, //closable
              true, //maximizable
        //...Create the GUI and put it in the window...
        //...Then set the window size or call pack...
        setSize(400,500);        //Set the window's location.
        setLocation(xOffset, yOffset);
        Container content = getContentPane();
        content.setLayout(new BoxLayout(content, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
        addStud = new Recieve();
     nameLabel = new JLabel(" Enter student name: ");
     nameField = new JTextField(20);
        nameField.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(10, 5));       
     content.add ( nameLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
     content.add ( nameField, BorderLayout.CENTER );
        content.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,5)));
     addButton = new JButton( "Add Student" );
     content.add( addButton, BorderLayout.CENTER );
        content.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,5)));
        displayNames = new JTextArea();
        content.add( displayNames, BorderLayout.CENTER );
        displayNames.append( "Number\tStudent\n" );
          new ActionListener()
     { // Open ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
     } // Close ActionListener
    }   // End RegFrame Constructor
// get input
    private void getInput()
          name = nameField.getText();
                if ( numStu <= 10 )
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "NAME: "  + name
                    + "Student number:"+ numStu );
                    addStud.addName( name );
                    String output = ("\n" + numStu + "\t" + name);
                    displayNames.append( output );                   
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "ERROR: STUDENT LIMIT EXCEEDED" );                 
} // End class RegFrame;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Below is class Recieve (Yes I know it's spelled wrong.) This is where
I had RegFrame pass the data to.
public class Recieve
{ // Begin class Recieve
    private double stAssign[];
    private double stLab[];   
    private double stProject[];
    private double stQuiz[];
    private double stTest[];
    private String stNames[];       
    int snc;  
public Recieve ()
        stAssign = new double[10];
        stLab = new double[10];
        stProject = new double[10];
        stQuiz = new double[10];
        stTest = new double[10];
        stNames = new String[10];
        snc = 0;    // Student Name Counter      
public void addName (String stName)
        stNames[snc] = stName;
public String[] sendNames()
        return stNames;
//        String bogusNames[];
//        bogusNames = new String[10];
//        System.arraycopy(stNames, 0, bogusNames, 0, stNames.length); 
//        return bogusNames;
public void addGrades ( int stNum, double assi, double lab, double proj, double quiz, double test )
        stAssign[stNum] = assi;
        stLab[stNum] = lab;
        stProject[stNum] = proj;
        stQuiz[stNum] = quiz;
        stTest[stNum] = test;
} // End class Recieve~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is the frame where I aspire to allow the user to see a list of names,
select one, and enter more information for them.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;     /* Used by */
public class InsFrame extends JInternalFrame
    static final int xOffset = 40, yOffset = 40;   
    private JList nameList;
    private String stNames[];
public InsFrame() {       
     super(" Insert New Grades ",
              true, //resizable
              true, //closable
              true, //maximizable
        //...Create the GUI and put it in the window...
        //...Then set the window size or call pack...
        setSize(300,300);        //Set the window's location.
        setLocation(xOffset, yOffset);
        stNames = .sendNames();

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    After posting this and searching further, I found this:
    I am actully looking at CalDigit's SATA RAID too.
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    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    float sumItUp(int x);
    int main()
    int n;
    float sum = 0.0;
    string symbol = " + ";
    cout<<"Please enter in a value for the denominator of a recursive function call: ";
    sum = sumItUp(n);
    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
      cout<<"1/"<<i<<' ';
      if(i <= n-1)
              if(symbol == " + ")
                   symbol = " - ";
              symbol = " + ";
      }//end if stmt
    }//end for loop
    cout<<" = ";
    return 0;
    }//end main
    float sumItUp(int x)
    if (x == 1) return 1.0;
    if (x%2 != 0)
      return -1/(float)x + sumItUp(x-1);
      return 1/(float)x + sumItUp(x-1);
    }Here is my java code that doesnt work:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Recursion extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
         //graphical user interface components
         private JLabel numberLabel;
         private JTextField numberField;
         private JButton storeButton;
         public void init() {
              //get content pane and set its layout
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              //add nuumber label and number text field
              numberLabel = new JLabel("Please enter in the n for denominator:");
              numberField = new JTextField("", 3);
              //click button to store information
              storeButton = new JButton("Store Data");
         } //end method init
         //call method store when button is pressed
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              String theDenominator;
              int trueNumber;
              //process firstField
              if (e.getSource() == storeButton) {
                   //validate denominator
                   theDenominator = numberField.getText();
                   try {
                        trueNumber = trueNumber = Integer.parseInt(theDenominator);
                   } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
                        trueNumber = 0;
                   if (trueNumber ==0){
                                                   "The  denominator value is invalid",
                   else sumItUp(trueNumber);
              } //end store button action if
         } //end action performed method     
        public float sumItUp(int n){
              if (n == 1) return (float)1;
              if (n%2 != 0)
               return -1/(float)n + sumItUp(n-1);
               return 1/(float)n + sumItUp(n-1);
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              int i, x, y;
              x = 10;
              y = 160;
              g.drawString("First-Name", x, y);
              y += 8;
              g.drawLine(x, y, x + 330, y);
              y += 16;
              //iterate to print array elements and increment y value
              for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
                   g.drawString("1/"+n ,x,y);
                   y += 16;
    } //end of class Recursion

    Well, here it is...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Recursion extends JApplet implements ActionListener
    {          //graphical user interface components     
              private JLabel numberLabel;
              private JTextField numberField;
              private JButton storeButton;
              private int num;  // ** variable to hold value from numberField **
              private Container c; // moved here **
              private String kj;  // ** variable to hold result as a string from sumItUp method **
              public void init() {          //get content pane and set its layout
                      c = getContentPane();
                      c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());          //add nuumber label and number text field
                      numberLabel = new JLabel("Please enter in the n for denominator:");
                      numberField = new JTextField("", 3);
                      storeButton = new JButton("Store Data");
                      storeButton.addActionListener(this); //click button to store information
                      kj = "Ready"; // ** needed something to display prior to number input **
                   } //end method init
              //call method store when button is pressed
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                       if (e.getSource() == storeButton) {  //validate denominator
                     try {
                            num = Integer.parseInt(numberField.getText());
                            if (num == 0){
                                         nanWarning(); // ** display JOptionPane warning dialog **
                                     kj = Float.toString(sumItUp(num)); // ** I don't know, it just looks neat :-)
                     catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
                           nanWarning(); // ** displays JOptionPane warning dialog **
                   }//end store button action if
                   }//end action performed method
                   public void nanWarning(){ // ** display JOptionPane warning dialog **
                           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The  denominator value is invalid", "Warning",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
                           kj = "Try Again";  // ** just another message, replace by sumItUp result if a valid number **
                   public float sumItUp(int n){   // ** nothing really changed just re-arranged to look cleaner **
                              if (n == 1) return (float)1;
                                return(n%2 != 0)?(-1/(float)n + sumItUp(n-1)):(1/(float)n + sumItUp(n-1));
                   public void paint(Graphics g) {
                             int x, y;
                             x = 10;
                             y = 160;
                             g.drawString("First-Name", x, y);
                             y += 8;
                             g.drawLine(x, y, x + 330, y);
                             y += 16;
                           //iterate to print array elements and increment y value
                             for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
                             g.drawString("1/" + i ,x,y); // ** used "i" since it actually increments **
                             x += 25;          }
                             g.drawString(kj,x,y + 16);  // ** displays "Ready", "Try Again" or sumItUp result **
    }Based on the information you gave me, I made the corrections commented in the code...
    I modified the actionPerformed method mostly, removed some redundant variables and as you can see by this line...
    kj = new String(Float.toString(sumItUp(num)));assigned the results from sumItUp() to String kj...
    I added a method nanWarning() for the JOptionPane warning message...
    and finally modified this part in the paint() method...
    for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
         g.drawString("1/" + i ,x,y); // ** used "i" since it actually increments **
         x += 25;          }
    g.drawString(kj,x,y + 16);  // ** displays "Ready", "Try Again" or sumItUp result **where I have x increment by 25 to display the fractions horizontally and used int i for the denominator...
    Too much fun, like cool...
    - MaxxDmg...
    - ' He who never sleeps... '

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    there are firewire ports in your Macbook or it is the last version "unibody"?
    if you have firewire i suggest Motu Ultralite or greater
    ... if USB only.. search for Motu 828MKII Usb version
    Message was edited by: fermusic

  • Need some guidance, advice on AS for a video menu im designing

    Hi all,
    I consider myself a well versed professional in terms of design layout in Photoshop, to Iillustrator, and InDesign.  I have  just begun to pick up Flash cs3 and have had no problem laying out elements and so on.  I understand the timeline, since I do allot of video editingfrom FinalCut to AfterEffects.  However what is new and alien to me is ActionScripting I don't know what is best 2.0 or 3.0.  I have tried some tutorials in drop menus and so on.  yet I'm having issues across the board as to what process to build this video menu page.   (see photo below)
    The function of this menu is that you roll over a green title and a menu drops along side of it, then you roll your mouse courser over the sub menu and click on a sub menu title and a video starts.  I believe the functions to be easy and straight forward.  yet action script puzzles me.  is there a site for beginners or tutorials in just menus like this i could copy and use while i pick up action script whatever. or if anyone has simple code ideas to put or drop in said Key Frames or Layers (see photo below)
    any help guidance would be soooo appreciated.
    Set,Illustration, Graphic Designer

    there are lots of flash tutorials.  use google to search.
    however, if you're not, at least aquainted with some oop language, you're in for a steep learning curve trying to create a dropdown menu using actionscript.
    if you don't need any of the as3 features, use as2.  it's easier to learn.  although, if you plan to do more flash, you might want to skip as2 and learn as3.
    for your tutorial use:  flash as2 dropdown menu tutorial

  • I need some performance advice for video editing

    I am deciding on which Mac Book Pro to purchase for video editing. My choices are:
    2012 - 2.3 Ghz Quad-Core i7 w/ 500GB Serial ATA@5400 rpm 8G RAM
    2013  - 2.0 Ghz Quad-Core i7 w/ 256 Flash Storage 8G RAM
    The one is a year newer but .3 Ghz slower processor and I'm really not sure if it would matter that much for video editing. (FCPX, After Effects, etc.) I know the Flash Storage would be faster as far as opening applications etc., but for video editing, I didn't know.
    Can someone more qualified than me recommend which would be best. I need a laptop for video editing, but I need the least expensive I can get so I am looking at refurbs from Apple.
    Thank you!

    If you look at the 2013 Retina models in the Apple store, you'll see the higher end version has both the Intel Iris and an additional Nvidia graphics module. The higher end models have this additional circuit, which is to provide faster and smoother graphics for video, games, etc.
    I'd suggest looking at both model benchmarks at Here's the 2012: ok-pro-13-15-mid-2012-performance-benchmark-comparison.html

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    6GB (6x1GB) of 1066MHz DDR3 ECC memory
    640GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s 7200 rpm
    18x SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 with 512MB GDDR3 memory
    B)Mac Pro 8-core 3.2GHz Intel Xeon
    Two 3.2GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processors
    2GB (2 x 1GB) of 800MHz DDR2 ECC fully buffered DIMM
    500GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s 7200-rpm hard drive
    Two 16x SuperDrives (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB (two dual-link DVI ports)
    (doing a lot of chroma keying and am editing with XH-A1 @ 108060i need something fast

    I just talked to apple and they said: "With the 2.26 seems sufficient to me, also has better technology like DDR3, 18x Superdrive, and more ports for external peripherals along with better graphics cards.
    It does not have the airport card built in (neither of them do) but you can have that added)"
    I dont know if that helps me with my decision ... still researching..

  • Need some K8N advice

    I'm looking to hit the checkout button on my shopping cart at It's has the following plus some other minor stuff:
    MSI K8N Neo-Platinum
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+
    Corsair Value Select 1G(512MBx2) DDR PC-3200 cas 3 (yikes!)
    ENERMAX 460W psu Model "EG465AX-VE (W)FMA"
      ---> 3.3V@35A, +5V@35A, -5V@1A, +12V@33A, -12V@1A, [email protected]
    Western Digital 120GB 7200RPM SATA Hard Drive, Model WD1200JD
    Thermaltake Gaming Tower XaserV SeriesModel "V7000+"
      ---> Case Fans: 2 x 80mm, 3 x 90mm
    [plus some other msc. stuff]
    1. I think the Corsair is OK from reading thru the Kingston/Corsair sticky but does anyone else have an opinion about how well this works with this mobo?
    2. Real dumb question now: Can I just use one WD sata hard drive (no raid) like I would if I was just installing a single IDE type? I never used SATA HDDs before.
    3. Is it really stupid to use cas 3 memory while getting a pretty decent video card, mobo, and cpu?

    Wow! Thanks to all for the intelligent replies and mem speed discussion.
    I really appreciate the link to tomshardware where it says:
    We observed one interesting result in many of the gaming benchmarks: while the Pentium 4 3.2 GHz is normally just a touch faster than the Athlon 64 3200+, it quickly falls behind the Athlon if you only use slow memory modules.
    I've read such conflicting reports about how noticible the effects of diffs in cas that I wasn't sure it wasn't just throwing money at numbers for nothing.
    I also read somewhere else that the difference between cas 3 and cas 2.5 may end up meaning something comparable to a decrease of 10 fps in Quake 3. I'm not actually doing gaming though. I program 3D simulations - still animation but not as many polys to render or AI to deal with each frame than in high-end gaming. Also will use this machine for a lot of 3D Studio Max modeling. Maybe I won't even notice much difference in those apps - but I do hate rotating complex models and having to wait for the redraw. I'm counting on the Radeon 9800Pro card and the 1 Gb sys mem size to help with that one.
    Still not sure if the faster mem is worth it but HEY - have a great FRIDAY  
    Check this out on your machine:
    Celestia - free real time 3D sim of the entire (mapped) Universe

  • I need some help/advice about a CS5 invalid Serial Number

    I recently purchased a CS5 Master Collection on ebay. Excited to get playing with it, I started to load it right away. When the window popped up asking for the serial number I punched it in and it showed as invalid! I retyped it and again invalid! So I checked the disc and in the notetab text file the serial number there was different than the one I had typed in off of the instruction paper. I typed that number in and the CS5 loaded! HOWEVER, once the CS5 was finished installing and I started up any program the window popped again asking for the serial number! Also on the same window it says on the bottom to (click here) for trial version and the days count down!!!
    The seller claims that I'm not installing it right and says when not installed correctly it acts like a trial version!
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled it 4 times and I get the same results!
    Can anyone offer any comments, suggestions?
    I would greatly appreciate it!

    Welcome to our community
    You might try re-posting your issue in a forum where CS5 is discussed. This forum is used to discuss Adobe Captivate Installation issues.
    Click here to visit the Creative Suites forum
    Cheers... Rick

  • Need some quick advice on a restore with Time Machine

    I have just had my MacBook Pro wiped and reinstalled as there was a problem with the way it would 'see' the battery (there was an intermittent fault).
    I think that this has been solved now. So now I want to reinstall the whole Time Machine backup = but NOT the faulty base settings (the Operating system, etc). Everything - applications, folders, settings , files etc. How do I do this?

    I have just had my MacBook Pro wiped and reinstalled as there was a problem with the way it would 'see' the battery (there was an intermittent fault).
    I think that this has been solved now. So now I want to reinstall the whole Time Machine backup = but NOT the faulty base settings (the Operating system, etc). Everything - applications, folders, settings , files etc. How do I do this?

  • Powerbook G4 just Died. Need some help & advice!!

    Hope there's someone out there that can help me. I was working on my titanium Powerbook G4 and it just shut itself down (no warning sounds etc at all) and won't re-start. There's no sound from it at all. Even the green power cable light has stopped working. But the little glowing white light at the front (on the lid release) is still glowing. I've tried removing the battery and re-starting but to no avail (although with the battery removed the lid release light still works!). It's just dead. No sound at all. Has anybody any ideas what caused this?
    Is it a hard drive issue? - I've had hard drives fail before but the machine usually tries to boot up but this PBook is dead. Deceased.
    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Hi, Andy. If the sleep light on your Powerbook is in the display latch, the PB is Aluminum, not Titanium. There's another set of forums for the Aluminum models here.
    Have you tried resetting the Power Manager?

  • Need some advices with OBIEE

    Hi guys,
    At the moment I am doing an internship somewhere, and I am supposed to visualise some data from an Oracle database into a Google Map.
    The data should be fake, because the application will be a showcase.
    I need some start-up hints, because actually I don't know where to start and with which programs.
    First of all a little background.
    The following programs are installed on my laptop:
    - Oracle DB (1013)
    - Oracle Example Schemas
    - Oracle WebLogic (103)
    - Oracle BI enterprise (101340)
    - JDeveloper
    This is what I want:
    - Create a database or schema with fake data. The fake data should consist of addresses. (for the Google Map)
    - The combination with BI enterprise is a requirement, part of the internship programme.
    - Combination with Google map functionality.
    Maybe someone can give me some advices in how to begin. Which techniques I should use or some useful tutorials.
    I would really appreciate if someone can give me a heads up!

    The [Oracle by Example|] website has many good step by step tutorials on OBIEE so that would be a good start. Having said OBIEE doesn't support "heat maps" or overlaying data on maps out of the box. They are some 3rd party tools out there but I don't think you want to go there. From my point of view anyone asking you to use OBIEE to overlay data on Google Maps doesn't know what OBIEE should be used for (and probably doesn't know Google Maps either).

  • Business Delegate pattern - need some advice

    Hi. First let me apologize for the long post. I could see no other way. I�m building a system that quite large and I need some advice. The system is a type of transaction system, let�s suppose a shopping cart. I�m using struts taglibs and tiles for presentation, struts proper for controller, and POJOs for business logic. Also I�m using OJB for my data tier.
    Now I�ve been reading Pro Jakarta Struts (Apress), which BTW is a recommended read to anyone with novice experience in struts and related technologies. I�ve assimilated most of the techniques and patterns described in the book, and most of them make sense to me. However, I�ve hit a snag while reading the Business Delegate and Service Locator patterns.
    The way I had though of building my application before reading the book, was to have a wrapper class, such as the following:
    public class ShoppingCart {
      private IAuthenticationService authenticationService;
      private ITransactionService transactionService;
      public ShoppingCart() {
         authenticationService = new DBAuthenticationService();
         authenticationService = new DBTransactionService();
      public login(String username, String password) {
         String sessionToken = authenticationService.logon(username, password);
         return sessionToken;
      private boolean isValidUser(sessionToken) {
         bolean validUser =  authenticationService.isValidUser(sessionToken);
         return validUser;
      public performTransaction(sessionToken, TransactionVO) {
         if (!isValidUser(sessionToken) {
              throw new AuthenticationException();
      public editPreferences(sessionToken, PreferencesVO) {
         if (!isValidUser(sessionToken) {
              throw new AuthenticationException();
    }My idea was that my wrapper class would isolate all the business logic and could perform login service in case my application was ever to be used with other presentation layer than struts (standalone client, web services). However I believe that this overlaps the Business Delegate pattern and maybe even totally implements it. The way I understand the code I�m reading in the book, they suggest having a BD for each major service such as AuthenticationServiceBD, TransactionServiceBD, etc� However this would break my single point of entry for authenticating users. I really need some advice on my design and how it fits with the BD and SL patterns (or others). I would also like to know what you think/recommend of my authentication strategy.
    thanks in advance

    Thanks for your reply. This however, I understood. My concern is regarding my application in regards to business delegate pattern. You see I have this class (simplified for clarity):
    public class ShoppingCart {
       private ILoginService ls = new DBLoginService();
       private ITransactionService ts = new DBTransService();
       // and so on for all services I offer.
       //  then I mirror all the calls of my private interfaces
       //  and pass them through internally
       public String sessionToken login(String username, String password) {
            ls.login(username, password);
       public boolean addToCart(sessionToken, itemNo) {
            // check session
            ts.addToCart(sessionToken, itemNo);
       //  and so on
    }Multiple questions for this one:
    1) Am I not already implementing the Business Delegate pattern with my ShoppingCart class since all interfaces are private and all calls are mirrored from the wrapper class (ShoppingCart) to the private interfaces? All services are implemented as POJOs and I am not using JNDI at the present so I don't use the ServiceLocator pattern.
    2) I store a reference to the wrapper class (ShoppingCart) in the ServletContext so I can grab it from my Action classes. What do you think of this approach?
    3) How many BDs should an application contain. In my case I use just one. What is the advantage of using more?
    4) I create my own session tokens in case I ever want to use to business code in a non-web applications where sessions are not available readily. This brings about the problem that I can't pass the interfaces directly to the Action classes because the login session needs to be checked before any calls to services. So all methods include a sessionToken parameter which I use to check the session. This way, if I want to expose some of the services through web services, I can still use a login. What do you think of this approach.
    5) Any other remarks are very welcome...
    I really need help with this from an experienced programmer. Most things I can handle on my own but with this type of design issue, books just don't cut it. I need experience. I would really apreciate some feedback.
    ps: I would give all my Duke dollars for this (I only have 30), but I'm not sure how. If you want them I can create a dummy question and give them to you.

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