Need to create view ( Urgent )

Hi All,
I have one requirement to create a view .Presently we are using a packaged procedure(view_test_123_pkg) to extract part numbers to write to a file using utl_file package.
Now the requirement is to create a single column view to extract part numbers exactly as package (view_test_123_pkg) is extracting .
below is the package details and view which I have created .Please help
CREATE OR REPLACE package APPS.view_test_123_pkg
procedure create_part_ref_proc;
CREATE OR REPLACE package body APPS.view_test_123_pkg
procedure create_part_ref_proc
l_s_part varchar2(50);
L_CUST_PART varchar2(50);
l_cat varchar2(10);
l_partner_id varchar(30);
l_bare_part varchar2(50);
l_last_bare_part varchar2(50);
l_line_print varchar2(500);
l_last_s_part varchar2(50) :='newww';
l_last_c_part varchar2(50) :='newww';
l_last_cat varchar2(10) :='newww';
l_count number;
l_revision varchar2(50);
l_cust_revision varchar2(100);
l_error_code number;
l_error_text varchar2(200);
l_error_msg varchar2(1000) := '';
l_returned number := NULL;
Cursor part_find is
select distinct
corp_code cat,
customer_revision_number revision,
from APPS.customer_part_ref a
where NVL(PUBLISH_YORN,'Y') = 'Y';
-- order by 3,2,6 desc;
l_count := 0;
l_last_bare_part := null;
For rec in find_part
l_s_part := rec.internal_item_number;
L_CUST_PART := rec.customer_part_number;
l_cat :=;
l_bare_part := rec.bare_item_number;
l_revision := rec.revision;
if instr(L_CUST_PART,'~') = 0
IF l_last_s_part != l_s_part OR
l_last_cat != l_cat
IF l_count > 1
IF l_last_bare_part is NULL
l_line_print := l_line_print||'"';
end if;
l_line_print := l_line_print||l_cust_revision||'"';
write(r_file, l_line_print);
l_last_bare_part := null;
l_line_print := L_CUST_PART||'"'||l_s_part||'"'||l_cat||'"';
l_cust_revision := l_revision;
IF l_bare_part is not NULL
dbms_output.put_line('bare part is not null');
l_line_print := l_line_print||L_BARE_PART||'"';
l_last_bare_part := l_bare_part;
IF l_last_s_part = l_s_part AND ----------------------need help here for the same internal_number need but diff customer_part_number need to get one string
l_last_cat = l_cat AND --------example CUst_part1 | cust_part2 | internal_part
l_last_c_part != L_CUST_PART
l_line_print := L_CUST_PART||'|'||l_line_print;
l_cust_revision := l_revision||'|'||l_cust_revision;
IF l_last_s_part = l_s_part AND
l_last_cat = l_cat AND
l_last_bare_part is NULL AND
l_bare_part is not NULL
l_line_print := l_line_print||l_bare_part||'"';
l_last_bare_part := l_bare_part;
l_last_c_part := L_CUST_PART;
l_last_s_part := l_s_part;
l_last_cat := l_cat;
END IF; -- End of instr('~')
IF l_last_bare_part is null
l_line_print := l_line_print||'"';
l_line_print := l_line_print||l_cust_revision;
dbms_output.put_line('after loop');
write(r_file, l_line_print);
'An unknown error has occured ');
view :::
create or replace view test_123_view as select distinct
case when instr(partner_part_number,'~') =0
when bare_item_number is null
then customer_part_number||'"'||internal_item_number||'"'||corp_code||'"'||bare_item_number||'"'
as part_string
where NVL(PUBLISH_YORN,'Y') = 'Y';
need to amend the if condition
IF l_last_s_part = l_s_part AND
l_last_cat = l_cat AND
to the above view
I appreciate any help .

if it is really urgend, then you should not write so in the title of your post. This is a forum of volunteers and many of the regulars will just ask you why you think it is more important than the other questions.
Second: you post a lot of unformatted code. This makes it harder to read your question.
        CASE WHEN INSTR(partner_part_number,'~') = 0 THEN
            CASE WHEN bare_item_number IS NULL THEN
        END AS part_string
FROM    apps.customer_part_ref a
WHERE   NVL(publish_yorn,'Y') = 'Y';
need to amend the if condition
IF l_last_s_part = l_s_part
  AND l_last_cat = l_cat
  AND l_last_c_part != l_cust_part
to the above view I don't want to analyze your package for you, so you might want to tell us where you want to add the condition.

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    Hi Hsekar,
    The view SQL Syntax is standard ANSI SQL. From what I understand, you have a table named "Table 1" which has four columns, "Attr1", "Attr2", "Measure 1", "Measure 2". You want to create a new measure named "Attribute 3" (I'd recommend not having spaces in your column and table names FYI).
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    Hi Padma,
    Welcome to SDN .  Please use the below link to get the information about view
    Re: how to create a view?
    But please search SDN before posting and post the message in the correct forum ( ABAP) to get the faster response.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Do I need to create a view for this?

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    Hi W1zard,
    Thanks for your reply. Could you clarify the following points for me:
    1.) you could create a master block basing on your emp table and a detail block basing on your project table with the relation over emp_no. set the default_where clause of your detail block programmatically using
    set_block_property('project', default_where, 'status = ''assigned'' and <your_date_criteria>');
    Q1: where I pit this code? in pre-query trigger in detail block?
    2.) Of course you could create a view to join both of your tables if you don't want to use master detail blocks; Also do the join over emp_no
    create or replace force view v_emp as
    select emp.family_name, emp.given_name, project.start_date, project.end_date
    from emp, project
    where emp.emp_no = project.emp_no
    Q2 As I mentioned before, there are multipal entries for the same emp in project table and we only need the maching record from project table which has latest end_date. So I think I need something like
    max(project.end_date) somewhere in create view to make sure only one record for one employee.
    Also is there possible to include the no. of assigned field(select count(*) from project where status='assigned' and emp=emp_no) into the view as well?
    Q3 All the fields mentioned above are diaplay-only. So Can I create a control block which has all the fields from emp and project. Then populate them with my sql. The question is
    where I put this customerised sql so when user click excute query. My sql will run and display one the form?
    REally appreciated your help!

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    So it sounds like you want to create a form. There are really two approaches, either Acrobat (AcroForm) or LiveCycle Designer (XFA form). LiveCycle Designer comes with Acrobat Pro, but it's an entirely separate application.
    For an AcroForm, you'd create the underlying document in a page layout program (e.g., InDesign), word processor, or some other software and convert to PDF. Then in Acrobat you;d add the interactive form fields and any scripting you want. You can also add other types of interactive elements such as links, bookmarks, multimedia, etc. You can add a button which when clicked initiates an email with the filled-in form attached of submits to a web server.
    For an XFA form, you'd normally create the entire document in LiveCycle Designer, particularly for a dynamic forms. There's a lot that PDF has to offer that's not available with XFA forms, but XFA forms can do things AcroForms can't. For a good discussion of the important differences between the two types of forms, see the following article:
    For a form that needs to be saved with Adobe Reader, the document needs to be Reader-enabled. When such a document is opened in Reader, it will unlock certain functionality that Reader does not have otherwise, such as commenting, signing digital signature fields, and most important saving. But when a document has been extended this way with Acrobat, there are licesning restrictions. In short, if you distribute an enabled document to more than 500 recipients, you are allowed to use data from no more than 500 forms that have been returned to you, including hard copied. If fewer than 500 recipients, there is no such limit.

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    That would be a master-detail relation 1-* between 'entity' and 'entity dates'. If your dba has set up the foreign key association in the db and you use the wizard to create the business objects, jdev pick up the relation and create the correct master detail relation in the vo layer for you.
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    xmlResult CLOB;
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    xmlResult := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx);
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         <ROW num="1">
    <!-- additional rows ... -->
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    This is a duplicate of this posting Creating a View to check for 2 conditions.. This is a particularly heinous case because some of our finest minds have already responded in that thread.
    Lose ten culture points.
    Regards, APC

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    I need to create 100 tables in oracle using a loop.
    Please suggest . Advance thanks for your efforts.

    I am getting the foll error at run time when executing the procedure ..
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    ORA-06512: at "ORAUSER.CREATE_100_TABLE", line 9
    ORA-06512: at line 1
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    execute immediate v_sql_string;
    end loop;

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    Hi gurus,
    I am trying to create a stored procedure that opens a cursor for a select on a view owned by sys, but the errors says table or view does not exist. I can select * from the view (sys.mgw_gateway) from SQL*Plus or any other tool. Anyone have an idea why I get the ORA-00942: table or view does not exist error when I try to create a procedure? Here is the simple SQL statement for the procedure (I just want the users to see if the messaging gateway is running) and that's all in it.
    open p_MGWStatus for
         select AGENT_STATUS, AGENT_PING, to_char(LAST_ERROR_DATE, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi') as LastErrorDate,
         from sys.mgw_gateway;
    Thanks a lot.

    To allow the view owned by sys in a procedure, you have to grant select on that particular view to the owner of that procedure.
    Suggestion: may or may not be acceptable: create your own view in system schema (if it has the privilege to select that view else in sys schema) with the required column of the sys view and grant this newly created view to the owner of the procedure.
    Opps! Very late reply
    Message was edited by:
    Anurag Tibrewal

  • Doubts related to views urgent help needed

    Hi all ,
    i am new to oracle technology and have a doubt related to VIEWS
    i have a master table job_master and i have preapred a view of the master table as
    The view i created as create view job_master_view as select * from job_master
    Now my doubt is if i exevute a SELECT FOR UPDATE NOWAIT query on the view job_master_view then will corresponding row of the master table also be locked
    I am trying to execute above query to avoid simultaneous access by multiple users
    I the above approach correct ? and will the row of master table get locked ?
    please let me know in case my query is not clear
    Thanking in advance

    My question is, how long you are going to hold lock on these table? If not, you can only use select for update with requried records using where cluase. I also suggest other application which updates this table to use same kind of statement, with NOWAIT caluse, when these applicationg trying to get a lock on these records and found already locked my other, it wont block or wait, just statement fails and can be re-tried again.
    Bascially triggers are used for sort of action not for selecting data. What you can do is that develop a procedure and call it in the trigger and in the procedure you can easily use dbms_outout.put_line to display output on the sqlprompt.

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    i need to create a mv for one of my large database table and that should be refresh for every 30 min. so can you plese give me some syntax.
    thanks in advance,

    If you look up the documentation (which you can find at You will get all the syntax you'll ever need

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    It's quite urgent.

    You have to use DateNavigator Control to get the left hand side screen in SCC1 and
    for the right hand side one you have to work with table Control
    for Date Navigator UI control see WDR_TEST_EVENTS
    and to get the right hand side screen see  WDR_TEST_TABLE see the view SingleMarkableCell.
    Using both these standard components you can achieve this.

  • Create view link programatically

    Hi all,
    I am working on this weird requirement.
    Basically, I have to create a detail table on a search resullt table. The search result is seeded search, for Item Advance search in Oracle PIM module which is not based upon a VO. The search result table is dynamically built at run time in the EgoItemSearchHelper class and that's where they build the search result VO (EgoItemSearchResultsVO).
    Now, I need to access this VO in the controller class, and create a view link programatically between details table VO and this VO. The problem is since I do not have Impl class for the EgoItemSearchResultsVO, how do I accees the column that is the key attribute. Second I do not know how to create view link between the two VOs programatically.
    Please help it's urgent.

    Pratap, My problem is the seeded VO is in seeded AM and my details VO will be in my custom AM, I don't know if we can have a view link between View objects that are in different AMs.
    To bypass that problem, I tried to create a VO in the seeded AM programatically and then created a view link. Now since the AM is seeded, and I am adding my details VO to this AM programatically, I thought of creating a table also programatically on the detais VO.
    In the end it does not work, I end up getting a show button on the main table, but when I click I get an error (Cannot find <null> attribute in the EOGITEMSEARCHRESULTVO) which is the seeded VO class. Unfortunately there is no boolean variable on the dynamic seeded VO, so don't know what to put in oatablebean.setDetailViewAttributeName("") method;
    Any clues on this, appreciate all responses from the forum gurus.
    ViewObject voEmp = oaapplicationmodule.createViewObject("MyEmp", "");
    ViewObject voEmp = am.createViewObject("MyEmp", "");
    AttributeDef[] prjLinkAttrs = new AttributeDef[]{oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("EgoItemSearchResultsVO").findAttributeDef("INVENTORY_ITEM_ID_B")};
    System.out.println("definition for attr = "+ prjLinkAttrs[0]);
    AttributeDef[] taskLinkAttrs = new AttributeDef[]{voEmp.findAttributeDef("InvId") };
    ViewLink vl = am.createViewLinkBetweenViewObjects("MyLink3",
    "DetailInv", // accessor name--more on this below
    am.findViewObject("EgoItemSearchResultsVO"), // master
    prjLinkAttrs, // department attributes
    voEmp, // detail
    taskLinkAttrs, // employee attributes
    null); // assoc clause
    System.out.println("view link =" + vl.getName());
    OATableBean tb = (OATableBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext,TABLE_BEAN,null,"table");
    OAMessageStyledTextBean beans = (OAMessageStyledTextBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext,MESSAGE_STYLED_TEXT_BEAN,OAWebBeanConstants.VARCHAR2_DATATYPE,"number");
    oatablebean.setDetailViewAttributeName("SelectFlag"); // I just tried this, SelectFlag is not a boolean attribute though, is there a way to create a boolean attribute programatically for seeded VO EGOITEMSEARCHRESULTVO and set it here, will it help

  • Insert and update a data block which is based on view--urgent help required

    Hi experts,
    I created a view(A_VIEW) which is based on a union select. I have created a data block A_VIW_BLOCK which is based on this view. I need to insert/update one of the base tablesfor A_VIEW through this data block. I also need to be able to make a query through all the fields in the view.
    The questions are:
    1.Can it be done at all?
    2. What properties need to be set?
    3. If can't be done, what the best approach to achieve this?
    Thanks in advance!!

    try something like this.
    CREATE TABLE demo_tab (
    person_id NUMBER(3),
    first_name VARCHAR2(20),
    last_name VARCHAR2(20));
    SELECT * FROM demo_tab;
    INSERT INTO demo_tab
    (person_id, first_name, last_name)
    (1, 'Daniel', 'Morgan');
    INSERT INTO demo_tab
    (person_id, first_name, last_name)
    (2, 'Helen', 'Lofstrom');
    SELECT * FROM upd_view;
    UPDATE upd_view
    SET person_id = person_id * 10;
    SELECT * FROM upd_view;
    desc user_updatable_columns
    SELECT table_name, column_name, updatable, insertable, deletable
    FROM user_updatable_columns
    WHERE table_name IN (
       SELECT view_name
       FROM user_views);
    SQL> create table dummy (f1 number);
    Table created.
    SQL> create view dummy_v 
    2  as 
    3  select f1 from dummy 
    4  union all  
    5  select f1 from dummy;
    View created.
    SQL> create trigger dummy_v_it 
    2  instead of insert 
    3  on dummy_v 
    4  for each row 
    5  begin 
    6    insert into dummy values (:NEW.f1); 
    7  end; 
    8  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> insert into dummy_v values (1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from dummy_v;       
    SQL> select *
      2  from user_updatable_columns
      3  where table_name = 'DUMMY_V';
    FORBESC  DUMMY_V      F1            NO  NO  NOforms settings.
    Enforce Primary Key - No
    Query Allowed - Yes
    Query datasource Name - V_TSFDETAIL
    Insert Allowed - Yes
    Update Allowed - Yes
    Delete Allowed - Yes
    Locking Mode - Automatic
    Key Mode - Automatic
    do not forget to create synonyms.
    hope this helps.

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