Need to implement the timer class for 1.1

I am using JDK1.1 for integration with a STB.
The timer class is not existing for 1.1.
Where I can find an implementation code of the timer class in order
to perform a schedule task which work with JDK 1.1

Before you look for Sun's implementation of Timer in post-1.1 versions, make sure you read the licence agreement for those versions and the copyright notice on the code. There's a good chance that by using that code you will be violating one or both of those. This may be a serious issue.
Your other alternative is to read the API documentation for Timer (and TimerTask) and to write your own implementation. That shouldn't be too difficult.
I doubt that you will find people actively writing open-source extensions for Java 1.1 since Java 2 has been out for nine years now. Most likely you are on your own there.

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    public class A {
         public int x;
         A(int i){
              System.out.println("A is initialised");
    }Second Class extending it :
    public class B extends A{
         private int y;
       // Why do I need this constructor to call parents constructor?
      // My guess is so that when i make an object of class B referring to class A it should make sense?
         B(int i) {                     
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    You don't override constructors. However, every class, in it's constructor, must call some constructor from the class it's extending. In most cases this is simply super(). However, if your class does not have a default constructor (i.e. you've declared any other constructor, or the sub class does not have access to it, I.E. you've declared it private) then you must include a call to some other constructor in the super class. The constructor in the subclass does not have to be the same as the super class one, but you do have to invoke a constructor from the super class. I.E.
    class A {
      A(int i) {}
    class B extends A {
      B(String b) {

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    p.s might be kinda messy, might need to put it into a text editor
    This program encodes and decodes text strings using a cipher that
    can be specified by the user.
    public class Cipher
    public static void printID()
    // output program ID
    System.out.println ("*********************");
    System.out.println ("* Cipher *");
    System.out.println ("* *");
    System.out.println ("* *");
    System.out.println ("* *");
    System.out.println ("* CS 181-03 *");
    System.out.println ("*********************");
    public static void printMenu()
    // output menu
    System.out.println("\n\n****************************" +
    "\n* 1. Set cipher code. *" +
    "\n* 2. Encode text. *" +
    "\n* 3. Decode coded text. *" +
    "\n* 4. Exit the program *" +
    public static String getText(BufferedReader input, String prompt)
    throws IOException
    // prompt the user and get their response
    return input.readLine();
    public static int getInteger(BufferedReader input, String prompt)
    throws IOException
    // prompt and get response from user
    String text = getText(input, prompt);
    // convert it to an integer
    return (new Integer(text).intValue());
    public static String encode(String original, int offset)
    // declare constants
    final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // used to wrap around A-Z
    String encoded = ""; // base for string to return
    char letter; // letter being processed
    // convert message to upper case
    original = original.toUpperCase();
    // process each character of the message
    for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)
    // get the letter and determine whether or not to
    // add the cipher value
    letter = original.charAt(index);
    if (letter >='A' && letter <= 'Z')
    // is A-Z, so add offset
    // determine whether result will be out of A-Z range
    if ((letter + offset) > 'Z') // need to wrap around to 'A'
    letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);
    if ((letter + offset) < 'A') // need to wrap around to 'Z'
    letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);
    letter = (char) (letter + offset);
    // build encoded message string
    encoded = encoded + letter;
    return encoded;
    public static String decode(String original, int offset)
    // declare constants
    final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // used to wrap around A-Z
    String decoded = ""; // base for string to return
    char letter; // letter being processed
    // make original message upper case
    original = original.toUpperCase();
    // process each letter of message
    for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)
    // get letter and determine whether to subtract cipher value
    letter = original.charAt(index);
    if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z')
    // is A-Z, so subtract cipher value
    // determine whether result will be out of A-Z range
    if ((letter - offset) < 'A') // wrap around to 'Z'
    letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);
    if ((letter - offset) > 'Z') // wrap around to 'A'
    letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);
    letter = (char) (letter - offset);
    // build decoded message
    decoded = decoded + letter;
    return decoded;
    // main controls flow throughout the program, presenting a
    // menu of options the user.
    public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
    // declare constants
    final String PROMPT_CHOICE = "Enter your choice: ";
    final String PROMPT_VALID = "\nYou must enter a number between 1" +
    " and 4 to indicate your selection.\n";
    final String PROMPT_CIPHER = "\nEnter the offset value for a caesar " +
    "cipher: ";
    final String PROMPT_ENCODE = "\nEnter the text to encode: ";
    final String PROMPT_DECODE = "\nEnter the text to decode: ";
    final String SET_STR = "1"; // selection of 1 at main menu
    final String ENCODE_STR = "2"; // selection of 2 at main menu
    final String DECODE_STR = "3"; // selection of 3 at main menu
    final String EXIT_STR = "4"; // selection of 4 at main menu
    final int SET = 1; // menu choice 1
    final int ENCODE = 2; // menu choice 2
    final int DECODE =3; // menu choice 4
    final int EXIT = 4; // menu choice 3
    final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // number of elements in alphabet
    // declare variables
    boolean finished = false; // whether or not to exit program
    String text; // input string read from keyboard
    int choice; // menu choice selected
    int offset = 0; // caesar cipher offset
    // declare and instantiate input objects
    InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(;
    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader);
    // Display program identification
    // until the user selects the exit option, display the menu
    // and respond to the choice
    // Display menu of options
    // Prompt user for an option and read input
    text = getText(input, PROMPT_CHOICE);
    // While selection is not valid, prompt for correct info
    while (!text.equals(SET_STR) && !text.equals(ENCODE_STR) &&
    !text.equals(EXIT_STR) && !text.equals(DECODE_STR))
    text = getText(input, PROMPT_VALID + PROMPT_CHOICE);
    // convert choice to an integer
    choice = new Integer(text).intValue();
    // respond to the choice selected
    case SET:
         // get the cipher value from the user and constrain to
    // -25..0..25
    offset = getInteger(input, PROMPT_CIPHER);
    offset %= ALPHABET_SIZE;
    case ENCODE:
    // get message to encode from user, and encode it using
    // the current cipher value
    text = getText(input, PROMPT_ENCODE);
    text = encode(text, offset);
    System.out.println("Encoded text is: " + text);
    case DECODE:
    // get message to decode from user, and decode it using
    // the current cipher value
    text = getText(input, PROMPT_DECODE);
    text = decode(text, offset);
    System.out.println("Decoded text is: " + text);
    case EXIT:
    // set exit flag to true
    finished = true ;
    } // end of switch on choice
    } while (!finished); // end of outer do loop
    // Thank user
    System.out.println("Thank you for using Cipher for all your" +
    " code breaking and code making needs.");

    My source in code format...sorry guys :)
       This program encodes and decodes text strings using a cipher that
       can be specified by the user.
    public class Cipher
       public static void printID()
          // output program ID
          System.out.println ("*********************");
          System.out.println ("*       Cipher      *");
          System.out.println ("*                   *");
          System.out.println ("*                          *");
          System.out.println ("*                   *");
          System.out.println ("*     CS 181-03     *");
          System.out.println ("*********************");
       public static void printMenu()
          // output menu
          System.out.println("\n\n****************************" +
                               "\n*   1. Set cipher code.    *" +
                               "\n*   2. Encode text.        *" +
                               "\n*   3. Decode coded text.  *" +
                               "\n*   4. Exit the program    *" +
       public static String getText(BufferedReader input, String prompt)
                                           throws IOException
          // prompt the user and get their response
          return input.readLine();
       public static int getInteger(BufferedReader input, String prompt)
                                           throws IOException
          // prompt and get response from user
          String text = getText(input, prompt);
          // convert it to an integer
          return (new Integer(text).intValue());
       public static String encode(String original, int offset)
          // declare constants
          final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26;  // used to wrap around A-Z
          String encoded = "";           // base for string to return
          char letter;                   // letter being processed
          // convert message to upper case
          original = original.toUpperCase();
          // process each character of the message
          for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)
             // get the letter and determine whether or not to
             // add the cipher value
             letter = original.charAt(index);
             if (letter >='A' && letter <= 'Z')          
                // is A-Z, so add offset
                // determine whether result will be out of A-Z range
                if ((letter + offset) > 'Z') // need to wrap around to 'A'
                   letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);
                   if ((letter + offset) < 'A') // need to wrap around to 'Z'
                      letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);
                      letter = (char) (letter + offset);
             // build encoded message string
             encoded = encoded + letter;
          return encoded;
       public static String decode(String original, int offset)
          // declare constants
          final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26;  // used to wrap around A-Z
          String decoded = "";           // base for string to return
          char letter;                   // letter being processed
          // make original message upper case
          original = original.toUpperCase();
          // process each letter of message
          for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)
             // get letter and determine whether to subtract cipher value
             letter = original.charAt(index);
             if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z')          
                // is A-Z, so subtract cipher value
                // determine whether result will be out of A-Z range
                if ((letter - offset) < 'A')  // wrap around to 'Z'
                   letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);
                   if ((letter - offset) > 'Z') // wrap around to 'A'
                      letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);
                      letter = (char) (letter - offset);
             // build decoded message
             decoded = decoded + letter;
          return decoded;
       // main controls flow throughout the program, presenting a
       // menu of options the user.
       public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
         // declare constants
          final String PROMPT_CHOICE = "Enter your choice:  ";
          final String PROMPT_VALID = "\nYou must enter a number between 1" +
                                      " and 4 to indicate your selection.\n";
          final String PROMPT_CIPHER = "\nEnter the offset value for a caesar " +
                                       "cipher: ";
          final String PROMPT_ENCODE = "\nEnter the text to encode: ";
          final String PROMPT_DECODE = "\nEnter the text to decode: ";
          final String SET_STR = "1";  // selection of 1 at main menu
          final String ENCODE_STR = "2"; // selection of 2 at main menu
          final String DECODE_STR = "3"; // selection of 3 at main menu
          final String EXIT_STR = "4";  // selection of 4 at main menu
          final int SET = 1;            // menu choice 1
          final int ENCODE = 2;         // menu choice 2
          final int DECODE =3;          // menu choice 4
          final int EXIT = 4;           // menu choice 3
          final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // number of elements in alphabet
          // declare variables
          boolean finished = false; // whether or not to exit program
          String text;              // input string read from keyboard
          int choice;               // menu choice selected
          int offset = 0;           // caesar cipher offset
          // declare and instantiate input objects
          InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(;
          BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader);
          // Display program identification
          // until the user selects the exit option, display the menu
          // and respond to the choice
             // Display menu of options
             // Prompt user for an option and read input
             text = getText(input, PROMPT_CHOICE);
             // While selection is not valid, prompt for correct info
             while (!text.equals(SET_STR) && !text.equals(ENCODE_STR) &&
                     !text.equals(EXIT_STR) && !text.equals(DECODE_STR))       
                text = getText(input, PROMPT_VALID + PROMPT_CHOICE);
             // convert choice to an integer
             choice = new Integer(text).intValue();
             // respond to the choice selected
                case SET:
                // get the cipher value from the user and constrain to
                   // -25..0..25
                   offset = getInteger(input, PROMPT_CIPHER);
                   offset %= ALPHABET_SIZE;
                case ENCODE:
                   // get message to encode from user, and encode it using
                   // the current cipher value
                   text = getText(input, PROMPT_ENCODE);
                   text = encode(text, offset);
                   System.out.println("Encoded text is: " + text);
                case DECODE:
                   // get message to decode from user, and decode it using
                   // the current cipher value
                   text = getText(input, PROMPT_DECODE);
                   text = decode(text, offset);
                   System.out.println("Decoded text is: " + text);
                case EXIT:
                   // set exit flag to true
                   finished = true ;
             } // end of switch on choice
          } while (!finished); // end of outer do loop
          // Thank user
          System.out.println("Thank you for using Cipher for all your" +
                             " code breaking and code making needs.");

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    why do i need to buy the same app for each device over and over again??
    and why cant i just pay for the app ones for all devices as long at it is with the same account??
    i hate that i have to oay for the same game or app three time one for ipad ones for iphone and ones for mac please do something about that apple..!!!

    First, you posted in the Mac App Store forum which are apps for the Mac OS X, not iOS devices.
    You do not need to re purchase your apps. Connect your iOS devices to your computer, launch iTunes. From the menu bar click Apps then click Sync
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    which are the standard classes for events in ALV and explain each class pls
    jagrut bharatkumar Shukla

    some links.
    download the PDF from following link.
    The ALV object Grid methods allow the same functionality as ALV grid report function modules but are displayed within
    a screen (dialog program). SAP has provided a suit of programs which demonstrate how to For examples see standard SAP
    programs as detailed below:
    BCALV_EDIT_01 This report illustrates the simplest case of using an editable/noneditable ALV Grid Control.
    BCALV_EDIT_02 This report illustrates how to set chosen cells of an ALV Grid Control editable.
    BCALV_EDIT_03 In this example the user may change values of fields SEATSOCC (occupied seats) and/or PLANETYPE.
    The report checks the input value(s) semantically and provides protocol messages in case of error
    BCALV_EDIT_04 This report illustrates how to add and remove lines to a table using the ALV Grid Control and how to
    implement the saving of the new data.
    BCALV_EDIT_05 This example shows how to use checkboxes within an ALV Grid Control. You learn:
         (1) how to define a column for editable checkboxes for an attribute of your list
         (2) how to evaluate the checked checkboxes
         (3) how to switch between editable and non-editable checkboxes
    BCALV_EDIT_06 This example shows how to define a dropdown listbox for all cells of one column in an editable ALV
    Grid Control.
    BCALV_EDIT_07 This example shows how to define dropdown listboxes for particular cells of your output table.
    BCALV_EDIT_08 This report implements an ALV Grid Control with an application specific F4 help. The following aspects
    are dealt with:
         (1) how to replace the standard f4 help
         (2) how to pass the selected value to the ALV Grid Control
         (3) how to build an f4 help, whose value range depend on a value of another cell.

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    Hi I Pant,
    The idea that crossed my mind was to tie each of the lines coming from/going to "your device" to two of the DIO lines. Configure one these two ports as input, the other as output.
    When you want to read the state of the line, read from the line configured as input. Similarly, use the other port when it is time to write.
    Provided "your device" uses tri-state drivers/receivers, or can be used in a "wired-OR" configuration, this may work.
    What is "your device"?
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    I just want to say....THANK YOU!!!! to all of those who responded to my
    i DID fix the issue.. via the 888 294-6804... followed the
    prompts..opitions 4... then opt. 2... then opt. 3... then opt. 1....then
    opt. to Low.    whaaala.
    Again THANK YOU !!!
    On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 6:30 AM, tikibar1 <[email protected]>

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    u dont need to create a primary key class for a entity bean.if ur table's primary key feild(int ,float) is a built in or primitive data type,then u dont need one.But if ur table has a primary key field which is non primitive (for example StudentID,ItemID etc)then u have to create a primary key class.
    hope this helps :-)

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    To restore your iDevice, you have two options.
    1. Plug into iTunes and select your device and click restore.
    2. On your iPhone, go to Settings>General>Reset, and click which one you would like to use.
    If your device is locked up and you can't get into it,
    1. Open iTunes
    2. Power Down your Device
    3 hold down your home button and plug in the device to the computer at the same time
    4. Keep holding until your device shows the Plug into iTunes image.
    5. On iTunes, click restore
    Wait for the device to restore to factory settings and your done!

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    Hi Experts,
    How to use the different class for each screen as well as function.
    With BestRegards,
    M.Thippa Reddy.

    Hi ThippaReddy,
    see this sample code
    Public Class ClsMenInBlack
    #Region "Declarations"
        'Class objects
        'UI and Di objects
        Dim objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
        Dim strQuery As String
    #End Region
    #Region "Methods"
        Private Function GeRate() As Double
                Return Double
        End Function
    #End Region
    Public Sub SBO_Appln_MenuEvent(ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
            If pVal.BeforeAction = True Then
                If pVal.MenuUID = "ENV_Menu_MIB" Then
                End If
            Else ' Before Action False
                End If
        End Sub
    #End Region
    End Class
    End Class
    Vasu Anna Regional Feeling a???? Just Kidding
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:49 PM
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:50 PM

  • I have purchased apps in the past and now every time I download a new app my IPad notifies me that they cannot be purchased at the time. For example, tap tap revenge and 11 others cannot be purchased at the time. How can I get rid of it?

    I have purchased apps in the past and now every time I download a new app my IPad notifies me that they cannot be purchased at the time. For example, tap tap revenge and 11 others cannot be purchased at the time. How can I get rid of it. Can anybody help?

    The application iExplorer may be useful in your situation. Read these links below
    I found this in another long discussion (on the ASC site) about this very same problem that you are having.
    This is the discussion.

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    Ideas anyone?

    By default the screen display will dim in about 20 seconds to conserve the battery. And I cannot find any setting to inhibit this function. I am afraid there is no way you can keep the screen bright and enlarge the numbers on the timer.

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    Does anyone know how this problem was resolved.
    I am changing the development class for 0CALMONTH and for some reason I am not able to change the $TMP to ZBW because it is greyed out. I also noticed the Orginal system field is SAP and not our BWD name and the Orginal language is DE and not EN.
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    Local private objects cannot be repaired
    Message no. TR229
    Every user of the SAP System can access and change local private
    objects using the ABAP/4 Development Workbench.
    System Response
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    I have checked it once again and there indeed are links for ALUI components for Solaris on SPARC at (Officially ALUI supports Solaris on SPARC only)
    If you have looked at Solaris x86, then you must not have found them. Please make sure that you are selecting the righ platform. Also, make sure that you click on the Aqualogic media pack so as to get the lists of the components included in it. (Point to Note: You need to go to the next level)
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