Need to increase battery use time.

Since updating my iPad2 to iOS7 my battery use time is reduced. Are there any alterations that I can make to my settings to maximise my battery use time?

You should charge and discharge the battery until it would be completely empty.
This should be done always and this helps to calibrate the battery and to increase the battery life time

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    No one can give you a definite answer on this. Every speaker uses electricity at a different level so the only way to know is to call the manufacturer and test them out yourself. I can say that it will drain a lot of your iPod's batteries if it uses your iPods batteries in the first place. Usually speakers have a power source of its own so you can plug the speaker's adaptor to a outlet on the wall.

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    Can I configure Time Machine/Capsule to do just this simply? I'm all about using Apple programs but would need it to be simple.

    rcook349 wrote:
    That makes no sense to me. I just want to back up my data folder
    Why? Why not let Time Machine back up your entire system? That's what it was designed to do, and will protect you best that way. Yes, the first backup will copy everything, so it will take a long time (connect your Mac to the TC via an Ethernet cable if at all possible for this).
    But thereafter, TM's hourly backups of only what's new or changed should be very quick.
    Then when your internal HD fails, one simple step will recover your entire system to the exact condition it was in at the time of any backup (see #14 in the FAQ Tip below).
    And the configuration is a one-time process, and quite simple.
    You might want to review these:
    Time Machine Tutorial
    Time Machine 101
    How to back up and restore your files
    Time Machine Features
    Apple - Support - Mac OSX v10.5 Leopard Time Machine
    and perhaps browse the Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip,* also at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum.

  • PL/SQL Procedures using TIME

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    i have a table:
    ID receiveTime
    1 need a time
    2 need a time
    3 need a time
    THEN, how would i write a condition for this procedure, the condition is that i want to compare my System Time with the Time in the receiveTime column.
    eg. if system time > receive time THEN blah blah;
    Edited by: kwerty on Nov 7, 2008 11:47 PM
    Edited by: kwerty on Nov 8, 2008 1:18 AM
    editted my post a little

        t TIMESTAMP := TIMESTAMP '2008-11-08 11:00:00';
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('t:             ' || t);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('time now:      ' || SYSTIMESTAMP);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('30 mins ago:   ' || (SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '30' MINUTE));
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Time t is in the last 30 minutes');
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('t is 30 minutes ago or earlier');
        END IF;
    t:             08-NOV-08
    time now:      08-NOV-08 +00:00
    30 mins ago:   08-NOV-08 +00:00
    Time t is in the last 30 minutes
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    Restore the phone as NEW.  There's no patch needed.

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    You can partition the new drive, just don't make one of the partitons a TimeMachine drive, save a TM for a entire drive with more space than the boot drive as it saves "states" thus requires more room than most people expect.
    I highly advise one drive to one drive for backups, and not placing too many backup eggs in one vulnerable hardware basket basically.
    Drives are cheap, data is not. Hardware can fail just as often as software, so you need a multiple backup and storage stragedy to protect even against theft and fire.
    Most commonly used backup methods

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    Hi there,
    I found that Time Machine in Mavericks will sort it all out for you. You shouldn't need to buy another backup drive, unless you have insufficient space left and can't afford to delete whats on there. It should just work fine.

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    For the iPad, iMac you need to create verifyible e-mail addresses created with one of the providers such as Yahoo, Gmail,etc.  For the iphone you should use it's phone number, but an e-mail could be used for it too.  If you want to associate these e-mail addresses with a single ID, I'm including a link to give you info about how you can do that. Read it carefully, as it can be a bit confusing.

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    AirPort Utility is required to configure an Apple AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule.
    Time Machine can use a Time Capsule or a locally connected volume. You only need to use AirPort Utility if you are using a Time Capsule.

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    The new iPad does not need to be activated using iTunes. You will need a WiFi connection to activate it, but not a computer.
    If you are buying an iPad2, if it does not already have iOS 5 on it, then you would need a computer running the latest version of iTunes,

  • Need some help with backing up external hard drive using Time Machine

    Hi all, I'm trying to work out the best way to back up multiple iPhoto libraries using Time Machine.
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    I hope that makes sense, all I seem to be doing currently is going round and round and can't work out whether what I want to do is possible or not.
    Thanks in advance

    If I understand your goal correctly, you're considering using Time Machine as external storage, and it doesn't work that way.  Time Machine keeps around what it can, and older stuff gets flushed as the storage available to Time Machine reaches its lower threshold due to the addition of newer stuff.  When the older stuff gets flushed is not predictable.
    It is possible to have several Time Machine backups aimed at the same target (this can be done with Apple Time Capsule, for instance), though you might want to partition the disks to ensure that the intended amount of storage is available.  Different NAS drives have different features here.
    NAS is only as fast as your network connection, and that's almost always much slower than the in-box I/O connections; a local disk will be far faster than a NAS disk, just because of the bottleneck that is wired gigabit Ethernet, and most WiFi is slower and sometimes far slower than wired gigabit Ethernet.  FWIW.
    If your MacBook Pro is old enough and you have $$ but aren't in a position to spend $$$$$ on a newer model, then consider an in-place drive upgrade.
    If your network connection is fast enough to transfer the amount of data you're dealing with in a reasonable time, there are also hosted storage options.
    You can use a NAS drive as storage independent of Time Machine, and relocate stuff there.  (You'll still want to have backups of that data, as NAS drives — even NAS with RAID — can still lose files, become corrupted or otherwise ruin your data day.
    As for your performance, keeping about 10% or so free on the disks is the local preference, but it's worth reviewing the performance of the whole system — Performance Monitor,, etc — to see if there's something else going on, or if your system load and personal performance expectations are exceeding what your MacBook Pro can provide.

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    Turn Time Machine OFF temporarily in its preference pane. Leave the window open.
    Navigate in the Finder to your backup disk, and then to the folder named "Backups.backupdb" at the top level of the volume. If you back up over a network, you'll first have to mount the disk image file containing your backups by double-clicking it. Descend into the folder until you see the snapshots, which are represented by folders with a name that begins with the date of the snapshot. Find the one you want to restore from. There's a link named "Latest" representing the most recent snapshot. Use that one, if possible. Otherwise, you'll have to remember the date of the snapshot you choose.
    Inside the snapshot folder is a folder hierarchy like the one on the source volume. Find one of the items you can't restore and select it. Open the Info dialog for the selected item. In the Sharing & Permissions section, you may see an entry in the access list that shows "Fetching…" in the Name column. If so, click the lock icon in the lower right corner of the dialog and authenticate. Then delete the "Fetching…" item from the access list. Give yourself read access if you don't already have it. Click the gear icon below the list and select Apply to enclosed items from the popup menu.
    Now you should be able either to copy the item in the Finder or to restore it in the time-travel view. If you use the time-travel view, be sure to select the snapshot you just modified. If successful, repeat the operation with the other items you were unable to restore. You can select multiple items in the Finder and open a single Info dialog for all of them by pressing the key combination option-command-I.
    When you're done, turn TM back ON and close its preference pane.

  • I will be travelling abroad but use time machine and modem at home. Do I need to leave these switched on while away for iCloud to work?

    I will be travelling abroad but use time machine and modem at home. Do I need to leave these switched on while away for iCloud to work?

    No. iCloud has nothing to do with Time Machine on your computer, and as long as your computer has synched all desired content and settings to iCloud, not only does the modem not need to be switched on, your computer doesn't need to be on either.

  • I just bought an iMac now running OSX 10.8.4.  I have a G5 running OXS 10.5.8 - External HD connected to the G5 been using Time Machine to back up. Need to get my files, photos etc. but not applications etc. onto the iMac. How do I do it?

    I just bought an iMac now running OSX 10.8.4.  I have a G5 running OXS 10.5.8 - External HD connected to the G5 been using Time Machine to back up. Need to get my files, photos etc. but not applications etc. onto the iMac. How do I do it?

    David JHS21 wrote:
    Can I just plug the external hard drive into the iMac and copy the "Documents" and "Pictures" from the hard drive to the iMac?
    Not those whole folders, but their contents, maybe.
    If the user account now on the Mac has read rights to the user account(s) on the backups, yes.  If not, you may have to do some finagling. 
    Try the Browse Other Backup Disks option, per Time Machine - Frequently Asked Question #17.  If you find an account that can open those folders, restore what you want to an alternate location (#16 in the FAQ).
    If not try creating one or more accounts temporarily.

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