Need to Modify Existing Hierarchy

Hi Experts,
There are two hierarchies, one from CRM system and another from ECC system.
Both the hierarchies show same data. however ECC hierarchy is having one more detail level then CRM hierarchy.CRM hierarchy is having 4(continent, subcontinent, country,city) nodes and ECC hierarchy is having 5(continent, subcontinent, country,city,depot) nodes.
Now i need to attach the one extra level(5th node) of ECC hierarchy to CRM hierarchy in BW.
Is it possible without manually adding ECC 5th node and its values for all the node in CRM hierarchy?
Is it possible that if I can write a program in BW to add a node in hierarchy in BW from another hierarchy?

sorry for the confusion
while i am executing this script the linked pdf file 002.pdf is opening in new window not in current acrobat window!
i want to open the linked pdf file in the same window. I believe now you got my problem
i have looked in the javascript references for opening self window but i fails, the code is below is found in the reference
app.openInPlace = true;
thanks in advance
a r u l

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    While directly writing IDOC script in the applet window is perfectly acceptable, you will experience some need to change it, thus your dilemma of having to disable the workflow in order to edit it.
    It is a much better practice to put your IDOC logic in a component within a dynamichtml include, and simply reference the include in the applet.
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    if v_lowdate is null or v_highdate is null then
    select to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'DD')) into v_cur_day from dual;
    if v_cur_day < 25 then
    -- this is for the previous month run
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    Edited by: user11961230 on Sep 30, 2009 8:34 PM

    Hi Frank, This is code till the "modifying Code" which we were working. I will post the code after the "modifying Code" in the next reply. Thanks
    p_highdate date) IS
    v_lowdate date := p_lowdate;
    v_highdate date := p_highdate;
    v_error_code NUMBER(20);
    v_error_text VARCHAR2(300);
    v_recovery_id Recovery.Recovery_ID%type;
    v_loop_control Number(20);
    v_settlement_id recovery.settlement_id%type;
    V_Event_ID Event.Event_ID%Type;
    V_Event_Case_ID Event_Case.Event_Case_ID%Type;
    V_Recovery_Month Varchar2(100);
    V_Major_Company Major_Client.Major_Client_Name%Type;
    V_Company Client.Client_Name%Type;
    V_Client_Policy_Identifier Varchar2(100);
    V_Lan_ID Varchar2(10) := 'TROVERIS';
    V_Recovery_Account Client.Account_Number%Type;
    V_AccountA Number(2) := 0;
    V_AccountB Number(2) := 0;
    V_Unit Event_Client_Field.Client_Field_Data%Type;
    V_Market Event_Client_Field.Client_Field_Data%Type;
    V_case_open_date Event_case.Open_Date%type;
    V_Employer_Group_Code Employer_Group.Employer_Group_Code%Type;
    V_Unknown1 Number(2) := 0;
    V_Fee_Schedule_Code Event_Case.Fee_Schedule_Code%Type;
    V_Total_Fee_Percent Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Subrogation_Fee_Percent Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Unknown2 Number(2) := NULL;
    V_Unknown3 Number(2) := NULL;
    V_TOTAL_MEDICAL Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Recovery_Amount Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_Tax Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Administrative_Tax Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_NonCash_Fee Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_NonCash_Positive Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_NonCash_Negative Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_Recovery Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_NonCash_Fee_Positive Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_NonCash_Fee_Negative Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_Admin_Fee Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_Fee Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_NonCash_Tax_Positive Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    V_Total_NonCash_Tax_Negative Number(20, 2) := 0.00;
    report_type                  Varchar2(2);
    v_gl_num client.gl_num%type; -- *002*
    v_net_billable client.net_billable%type; -- *003*
    vevent_id event.event_id%type; -- *006*
    v_prev_event event.event_id%type; -- *006*
    v_prev_case event_case.event_case_id%type; -- *006*
    v_tot_recovery recovery.amount%type; -- *006*
    v_rec_amount recovery.amount%type; -- *006*
    v_prev_rec_amt recovery.amount%type; -- *006*
    v_prev_rec_month recovery_activity.recovery_month%type; -- *006*
    v_tot_fee recovery_activity.total_fee%type; --*006*
    v_mth_rev unbundled_recoveries.monthly_revenue%type; -- *006*
    v_diff number(18, 2); -- *006*
    v_nc_count number := 0; -- *006*
    v_c_count number := 0; -- *006*
    v_nc_tot recovery.amount%type; -- *006*
    v_used_rev recovery_activity.total_fee%type; -- *006*
    v_use_mth_rev unbundled_recoveries.monthly_revenue%type := 0; -- *006*
    v_use_nc_mth_rev unbundled_recoveries.monthly_revenue%type := 0; -- *006*
    v_prev_netbill client.net_billable%type; -- *006*
    v_event_type event.event_type_code%type;
    v_date_typed event.date_typed%type;
    v_acc_client_id client.acc_client_id%Type;
    v_Recovery_Revenue_GL_Num client.recovery_revenue_gl_num%Type;
    v_Funds_Due_GL_num client.funds_due_gl_num%Type;
    v_lob Varchar2(20);
    v_nc_recovery_id recovery.recovery_id%Type;
    /*Changed the Client_Policy_Identifier to concatenate the Retlation to insured code instead of the description
    which was exceeding the column size in the table. SWL 09/03/02. Checked with the Design Doc.*/
    SELECT Event.Event_ID,
    TO_CHAR(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'FMMONTHYYYY') As Recovery_Month,
    Major_Client.Major_Client_Name AS Major_Company,
    -- Client.Client_Name AS Company,
    -- nvl(client.legacy_client_id,'DC')||'-'||substr(Client.Client_Name,1,55) AS Company, -- SWL 04/01/04 52653
    decode(client.client_id, 1, 'DC', client.client_code)) || '-' ||
    60) AS Company,
    Event.Client_Policy_Identifier ||
    Event_Case.Relation_To_Insured_code as Client_Policy_Identifier,
    Client.Account_Number as Recovery_Account,
    '(' || recovery.recovery_transaction_internal || ')' ||
    l.recovery_transaction_descripti, --fml 110276
    trim(client.gl_num), -- *002*
    nvl(trim(client.net_billable), 'N'), -- *003*
    recovery.amount, -- *006*,
    FROM Recovery,
    recovery_transaction_lookup l
    Where to_date(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR')
    AND Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    AND Settlement.Event_Case_ID = Event_Case.Event_Case_id
    AND Event_Case.Event_ID = Event.Event_ID
    AND Event.Employer_Group_ID = Employer_Group.Employer_Group_ID(+)
    AND Event.Client_ID = Client.Client_ID
    AND Client.Major_Client_id = Major_Client.Major_Client_ID(+)
    and recovery.settlement_id not in
    (select settlement_id
    from recovery
    where to_date(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR')
    AND recovery_transaction_internal in
    ('05', '50', '52', '51'))
    and    client.invoice_flag = 'N'            *005* commenting
    -- SWL 05/03/05 #71231
    and event.event_id in
    (select event_id
    from event_end_user eeu
    where eeu.active_flag = 'Y'
    and eeu.owner_flag = 'Y'
    and eeu.end_user_id in
    (select end_user_id
    from end_user
    where end_user.research_internal_user = 'Y'))
    and recovery.recovery_transaction_internal =
    l.recovery_transaction_internal --fml 110276
    order by event.event_id, recovery.amount; -- *006*
    -- SWL 05/03/05 #71231
    -- end of 001
    -- SWL 11/10/03 # 52743
    -- *006*
    CURSOR get_recovery(vevent_id event.event_id%type) IS
    SELECT sum(r.amount)
    FROM Recovery r
    Where to_date(r.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR')
    and r.event_id = vevent_id
    and r.settlement_id not in
    (select settlement_id
    from recovery
    where to_date(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR')
    AND recovery_transaction_internal in
    ('05', '50', '52', '51'))
    and r.event_id in
    (select event_id
    from event_end_user eeu
    where eeu.active_flag = 'Y'
    and eeu.owner_flag = 'Y'
    and eeu.end_user_id in
    (select end_user_id
    from end_user
    where end_user.research_internal_user = 'Y'));
    SELECT distinct Event.Event_ID,
    TO_CHAR(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'FMMONTHYYYY') As Recovery_Month,
    Major_Client.Major_Client_Name AS Major_Company,
    -- Client.Client_Name AS Company,
    -- nvl(client.legacy_client_id,'DC')||'-'||substr(Client.Client_Name,1,55) AS Company, /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    client.client_code)) || '-' ||
    60) AS Company,
    Event.Client_Policy_Identifier ||
    Event_Case.Relation_To_Insured_code as Client_Policy_Identifier,
    Client.Account_Number as Recovery_Account,
    '(' || recovery.recovery_transaction_internal || ')' ||
    l.recovery_transaction_descripti, --fml 110276
    trim(client.gl_num), -- *002*
    nvl(trim(client.net_billable), 'N'), -- *003*
    recovery.amount,-- *006*
    FROM Recovery,
    recovery_transaction_lookup l
    Where to_date(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR')
    AND Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    AND Settlement.Event_Case_ID = Event_Case.Event_Case_id
    AND Event_Case.Event_ID = Event.Event_ID
    AND Event.Employer_Group_ID = Employer_Group.Employer_Group_ID(+)
    AND Event.Client_ID = Client.Client_ID
    AND Client.Major_Client_id = Major_Client.Major_Client_ID(+)
    and recovery.settlement_id in
    (select settlement_id
    from recovery
    where to_date(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR')
    AND recovery.recovery_transaction_internal in
    ('05', '50', '52', '51')
    and    client.invoice_flag = 'N'   *005* commenting
    /* SWL 05/03/05 #71231 */
    and event.event_id in
    (select event_id
    from event_end_user eeu
    where eeu.active_flag = 'Y'
    and eeu.owner_flag = 'Y'
    and eeu.end_user_id in
    (select end_user_id
    from end_user
    where end_user.research_internal_user = 'Y'))
    and recovery.recovery_transaction_internal =
    l.recovery_transaction_internal --fml 110276
    order by event.event_id, recovery.amount; -- *006*
    /* SWL 05/03/05 #71231 */
    --end of 001
    -- *006*
    CURSOR get_recovery_nc(vevent_id event.event_id%type) IS
    SELECT sum(r.amount)
    FROM Recovery r
    Where to_date(r.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR')
    AND r.event_id = vevent_id
    and r.settlement_id in
    (select settlement_id
    from recovery
    where to_date(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR'))
    AND recovery_transaction_internal in ('05', '50', '52', '51')
    and r.event_id in
    (select event_id
    from event_end_user eeu
    where eeu.active_flag = 'Y'
    and eeu.owner_flag = 'Y'
    and eeu.end_user_id in
    (select end_user_id
    from end_user
    where end_user.research_internal_user = 'Y'));
    CURSOR Recovery_Totals_Nc IS
    Select Recovery_Detail.Recovery_Id, /* SWL 07/01/04 59016 */
    max(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent, 0) +
    NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Percent, 0)) as Total_Fee_Percent,
    max(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent, 0)) as Subrogation_Fee_Percent,
    max(NVL(Recovery.Amount, 0)) as Recovery_Amount, /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_detail.Fees, 0) + NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin, 0)) as Total_Fee,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Taxes, 0) +
    NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes, 0)) as Total_Tax,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes, 0)) as Administrative_tax,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin, 0)) as Total_Admin_Fee,
    sum(recovery.retained_by_client) as Non_cash_fee, --fml 110276
    sum(recovery.allocation_check_amount) as cash --fml 110276
    From Settlement, Recovery, Recovery_Detail
    Where Recovery.settlement_id = v_settlement_id
    And recovery.recovery_id = v_recovery_id
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    And Recovery.Recovery_id = Recovery_detail.Recovery_id(+)
    and to_date(Recovery.Recovery_Date, 'DD-MON-RR') between
    TO_DATE(v_lowdate, 'DD-MON-RR') and
    TO_DATE(v_highdate, 'DD-MON-RR') /*SWL 12/03/04 */
    -- Group by Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent; /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    Group by Recovery_Detail.recovery_id;
    v_cash_recovery recovery_activity.cash_recovery%type;
    CURSOR Recovery_Totals_Positive_Nc IS
    -- Select Sum(Recovery.Amount) as Total_NonCash_Positive, /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    Select max(Recovery.Amount) as Total_NonCash_Positive,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Taxes, 0) +
    NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes, 0)) as Total_NonCash_Tax_Positive
    From Settlement, Recovery, Recovery_detail
    Where Recovery.settlement_id = v_settlement_id
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    and recovery.recovery_id = v_recovery_id /* SWL 07/01/04 59016 */
    And Recovery.Amount >= 0
    And Recovery.Recovery_id = Recovery_detail.Recovery_id(+)
    And Recovery.Recovery_Transaction_Internal in
    ('05', '50', '52', '51')
    -- Group by Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent; /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    Group by Recovery_Detail.recovery_id;
    CURSOR Recovery_Totals_Negative_Nc IS
    -- Select Sum(Recovery.Amount) as Total_NonCash_Negative, /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    Select max(Recovery.Amount) as Total_NonCash_Negative,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Taxes, 0) +
    NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes, 0)) as Total_NonCash_Tax_Negative
    From Settlement, Recovery, Recovery_Detail
    Where Recovery.settlement_id = v_settlement_id
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    and recovery.recovery_id = v_recovery_id /* SWL 07/01/04 59016 */
    And Recovery.Amount < 0
    And Recovery.Recovery_id = Recovery_detail.Recovery_id(+)
    And Recovery.Recovery_Transaction_Internal in
    ('05', '50', '52', '51')
    Group by Recovery_Detail.recovery_id;
    -- Group by Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent; /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    /* SWL 11/10/03 # 52743 */
    CURSOR Event_Client_Unit IS
    Select e.Client_Field_Data as Unit
    From Event_Client_Field e, recovery r
    Where r.Event_ID = e.Event_ID
    AND r.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID
    AND e.Client_Field_Name = 'UNIT';
    CURSOR Bill_totals IS
    Select mv_billdetail_case_sum.sum_paid as TOTAL_MEDICAL
    From mv_billdetail_case_sum
    where mv_billdetail_case_sum.event_id = V_Event_ID;
    CURSOR NonCash_Fee IS
    Select NVL(Sum(Recovery.Amount), 0) as Total_NonCash_Fee
    From Settlement, Recovery
    Where Recovery.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    And Recovery.
    Recovery_Transaction_Internal in ('05', '50', '52', '51');
    /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    CURSOR Recovery_Totals IS
    Select round(avg(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent, 0) +
    NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Percent, 0)),
    2) as Total_Fee_Percent,
    round(avg(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent, 0)), 2) as Subrogation_Fee_Percent,
    max(NVL(Recovery.Amount, 0)) as Recovery_Amount,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_detail.Fees, 0) + NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin, 0)) as Total_Fee,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Taxes, 0) +
    NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes, 0)) as Total_Tax,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes, 0)) as Administrative_tax,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin, 0)) as Total_Admin_Fee
    From Settlement, Recovery, Recovery_Detail
    Where Recovery.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    And Recovery.Recovery_id = Recovery_detail.Recovery_id(+)
    Group by Recovery_Detail.recovery_id;
    CURSOR Recovery_Totals_Positive IS
    /* Select Sum(Recovery.Amount) as Total_NonCash_Positive,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Taxes,0)+ NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes,0)) as Total_NonCash_Tax_Positive
    */ /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    Select max(Recovery.Amount) as Total_NonCash_Positive,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Taxes, 0) +
    NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes, 0)) as Total_NonCash_Tax_Positive
    From Settlement, Recovery, Recovery_detail
    Where Recovery.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    And Recovery.Amount >= 0
    And Recovery.Recovery_id = Recovery_detail.Recovery_id(+)
    And Recovery.Recovery_Transaction_Internal in ('04', '17', '15') /*SWL 10/05/04 #63919*/--*009* added 15
    Group by Recovery_Detail.recovery_id;
    -- Group by Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent; /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    CURSOR Recovery_NonFEE_Positive IS
    Select Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees, 0) + NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin, 0)) as Total_NonCash_Fee_Positive
    From Settlement, Recovery, Recovery_detail
    Where Recovery.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    And Recovery.Amount >= 0
    And Recovery.Recovery_id = Recovery_detail.Recovery_id(+)
    And Recovery.Recovery_Transaction_Internal in
    ('05', '50', '52', '51')
    Group by Recovery_Detail.recovery_id;
    -- Group by Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent; /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    CURSOR Recovery_Totals_Negative IS
    /* Select Sum(Recovery.Amount) as Total_NonCash_Negative,*/ /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    Select max(Recovery.Amount) as Total_NonCash_Negative,
    Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees_Taxes, 0) +
    NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin_Taxes, 0)) as Total_NonCash_Tax_Negative
    From Settlement, Recovery, Recovery_Detail
    Where Recovery.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    And Recovery.Amount < 0
    And Recovery.Recovery_id = Recovery_detail.Recovery_id(+)
    And Recovery.Recovery_Transaction_Internal in ('04', '17', '15') /*SWL 10/05/04 #63919*/--*009* added 15
    Group by Recovery_Detail.recovery_id;
    -- Group by Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent; /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    CURSOR Recovery_NonFEE_Negative IS
    Select Sum(NVL(Recovery_Detail.Fees, 0) + NVL(Recovery_Detail.Admin, 0)) as Total_NonCash_Fee_Negative
    From Settlement, Recovery, Recovery_Detail
    Where Recovery.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID
    And Settlement.Settlement_id = Recovery.Settlement_id
    And Recovery.Amount < 0
    And Recovery.Recovery_id = Recovery_detail.Recovery_id(+)
    And Recovery.Recovery_Transaction_Internal in
    ('05', '50', '52', '51')
    Group by Recovery_Detail.recovery_id;
    -- Group by Recovery_Detail.Fees_Percent; /* SWL 04/01/04 52653 */
    --This is a generic cursor which will be used to control the number of rows inserted into the recovery_activity table
    --There has to be 1 row inserted into the recovery_activity table for each detail record in the recovery_detail table.
    --However, if no recovery_detail record exists there will be only 1 insert into the recovery_activity table.
    CURSOR Control_Detail_Loop
    Select 1
    FROM Recovery,
    Where Recovery.Recovery_ID = Recovery_Detail.Recovery_ID(+)
    And Recovery.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID;
    /* SWL 04/01/04 Commented since the only time there were more entries in rd for a recovery is when there is a split fees */
    /* accounting does not want this to be displayed in detail. They need this aggregated as a single fee entry so the recovery */
    /* activity table will now have a single entry corresponding to each recovery in the recovery table. (#52653) */
    CURSOR Control_Detail_Loop IS
    Select 1 FROM Recovery where Recovery.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID;
    /* DJ 10/25/04 # 64633 start*/
    CURSOR Event_Client_Market IS
    Select e.Client_Field_Data as Market
    From Event_Client_Field e, recovery r
    Where r.Event_ID = e.Event_ID
    AND r.Recovery_ID = V_Recovery_ID
    AND e.Client_Field_Name = 'MARKET';
    /* DJ 10/25/04 # 64633 end*/
    v_cur_day integer := 0;
    v_vendor_fee_wh number;
    v_total_vendor_fee_wh number;
    v_rec_itc recovery_activity.recovery_transaction_internal%type;
    --v_settlement_id settlement.settlement_id%type;
    --*004* start
    function unbundled_fee(pevent_id event.event_id%type,
    plowdate date,
    phighdate date) return number is
    -- function variables
    v_fee number(18, 2) := 0;
    v_month_revenue unbundled_recoveries.monthly_revenue%type := 0;
    v_cum_revenue unbundled_recoveries.cum_revenue%type := 0;
    v_contract_fee_per unbundled_recoveries.contractual_fee_per%type := 0;
    v_prev_cum_revenue unbundled_recoveries.cum_revenue%type := 0;
    v_cum_ub_rec unbundled_recoveries.cum_ub_recoveries%type := 0;
    v_cum_inv_paid unbundled_recoveries.cum_inv_paid%type := 0;
    v_month_rec unbundled_recoveries.monthly_recoveries%type := 0;
    v_cum_rec unbundled_recoveries.cum_recoveries%type := 0;
    v_event_id event.event_id%type;
    --v_month_rec and v_cum_inv_paid
    select event_id,
    (select sum(r.amount)
    from recovery r
    where r.event_id = e.event_id
    and trunc(r.recovery_date) between plowdate and phighdate) as monthly_recoveries,
    -- *006* added cum_rec
    (select nvl(sum(r.amount), 0)
    from recovery r
    where r.event_id = e.event_id
    and trunc(r.recovery_date) <= trunc(phighdate)) as cum_recoveries,
    (select sum(decode(nvl(ex.client_invoice_closed, 'N'),
    from expense ex
    where ex.event_id = e.event_id
    and upper(ex.status) = 'PAID'
    and trunc(ex.check_date) <= phighdate
    and trim(ex.orig_client_invoice_date) is not null
    and nvl(ex.client_invoice_dispute, 'Y') = 'N') as cum_invoiced_paid
    into v_event_id, v_month_rec, v_cum_rec, v_cum_inv_paid
    from event e
    where e.event_id = pevent_id;
    when no_data_found then
    v_event_id := 0;
    v_month_rec := 0;
    v_cum_rec := 0;
    v_cum_inv_paid := 0;
    when others then
    v_event_id := 0;
    v_month_rec := 0;
    v_cum_rec := 0;
    v_cum_inv_paid := 0;
    -- *007* start
    -- if event previously written to table, get values from table
    select nvl(ub.cum_revenue, 0)
    into v_prev_cum_revenue
    from unbundled_recoveries ub
    where ub.event_id = pevent_id
    and ub.month_id =
    (select max(a.month_id)
    from unbundled_recoveries a
    where a.event_id = pevent_id
    and a.month_id < to_char(v_lowdate, 'YYYYMM'));
    when no_data_found then
    v_prev_cum_revenue := 0;
    when others then
    v_prev_cum_revenue := 0;
    -- *007* end
    select nvl(max(rd.fees_percent), 0)
    into v_contract_fee_per
    from recovery_detail rd
    where rd.recovery_id in
    (select r.recovery_id
    from recovery r,
    (select a.event_id, max(amount) as amount
    from recovery a
    where a.event_id = pevent_id
    and trunc(a.recovery_date) between plowdate and
    group by a.event_id) max_r
    where r.event_id = max_r.event_id
    and trunc(r.recovery_date) between plowdate and phighdate
    and r.amount = max_r.amount);
    when no_data_found then
    v_contract_fee_per := 0;
    when others then
    v_contract_fee_per := 0;
    v_cum_ub_rec := nvl(v_cum_rec, 0) - nvl(v_cum_inv_paid, 0);
    if ((nvl(v_cum_ub_rec, 0) > 0) and (nvl(v_month_rec, 0) <> 0)) then
    -- latest cumulative unbundled recoveries > 0
    v_cum_revenue := round(((v_contract_fee_per / 100) * v_cum_ub_rec),
    v_month_revenue := v_cum_revenue - v_prev_cum_revenue;
    end if;
    v_fee := v_month_revenue;
    return v_fee;
    when others then
    substr('populate_recovery_activity.undebundled_fee: ' ||
    Sqlcode || Sqlerrm,
    return v_fee;

  • Problem in modifying existing records in dbtab

    Hi Experts,
    I am doing a report where I have created two dbtab's , one for data getting saved and
    other for fetching data and modifying exsiting records..
    For eg - let ZABC be the table where I need to insert or update records and ZXYZ is the table where
    I need to fetch and modify existing records.
    Now my probelm is :
    In case of inserting new records (multiple records ) into my dbtab ( ZABC ) its working ,
    but modifying existing records in another dbtab (ZXYZ ) its not wroking !! plz advice !!
    If my select querry for modifying exsiting records is:
    *****then its inserting a newline along with the existing records.
    but when my querry is,
    then its modifying the existing records, but only the first record.
    Loop at itab.
    if sy-tabix  = 1.
    zabc-matnr = matnr.
    zabc-idnrk  = idnrk.
    zabc-budat = s_budat.
    zabc-menge = menge1.
    ZXYZ-menge = ZABC-Menge + MENGE1.
    ZXYZ-BALC  = ZXYZ-Menge   -   MENGE1.
    ELSEIF sy-tabix  = 2.
    zabc-matnr = matnr.
    zabc-idnrk  = idnrk.
    zabc-budat = s_budat.
    zabc-menge = menge2.
    ZXYZ-menge = ZABC-Menge + MENGE2.
    ZXYZ-BALC  = ZXYZ-Menge  -  MENGE2.
    ELSEIF sy-tabix  = 3.
    zabc-matnr = matnr.
    zabc-idnrk  = idnrk.
    zabc-budat = s_budat.
    zabc-menge = menge3.
    ZXYZ-menge = ZABC-Menge + MENGE3.
    ZXYZ-BALC  = ZXYZ-Menge   -  MENGE3.
            IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
              MESSAGE : I002 WITH 'RECORD CREATED'.
    Please advice
    Edited by: Karthik R on Aug 24, 2009 9:42 PM

    This is because in the second case you are not selecting records into an internal table.
    As a result only the first record which satisfies the where condition is fetched.
    Check if the program goes into the loop when you write second select query.
    KR Jaideep,

  • Modifying existing driver (newbie question?)

    we are trying to modify an existing driver, but we are fairly new to Labview. We have some generic questions, but I will give some specific info about what we are trying to do as well.
    We downloaded a driver (for the NDI Polaris motion tracker) from the NI site and want to modify this a little bit.
    The zip file contains an ndipolaris subdirectory with 2 .llb files and some .mnu files.
    Our first problem is that if we just open the .llb files, there are a lot of vi's in there (including working examples), but there are no project files, nor class definitions. This seems to prevent us from creating a new class that derives from a class which is apparently defined in the driver (but for which we don't seem to have the definition). Maybe a driver can be distributed without these definitions such that you can only use it, but not modify it?
    Our second problem is that if we use the "create new driver from existing driver" method, the NDI Polaris does not show up in the list of existing drivers. (We did copy the ndipolaris directory to the labview/instr.lib directory and restarted labview). (This is probably not a major problem as we could just modify the existing driver instead).
    Note that the existing driver is working nicely. We just want to add a time-stamp in the data. The existing driver has apparently a class (called "Tool info", whcih is a cluster of a few different types of data) for all the info that the Polaris returns, so we thought to modify that class or to derive a new class from it with the time-stamp added.
    Sorry if this is a trivial question. Thanks for any pointers.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Dennis
    thanks to your suggestions, we've sorted
    this out. We were confused by the fact that you cannot add controls
    when in "block diagram" view. Here is what we did:
    data cluster was constructed using  the "bundle by name" function,
    which takes a "template" cluster as input. It was this template that we
    needed to modify. However, as the template was a "constant", it didn't
    show up on the front panel, and so we couldn't add any controls to it.
    So, when viewing the block diagram, we right-clicked the
    template-cluster, converted it to a control, then switched to the front
    panel, created a new (string) control on the front panel, and placed
    that into the control corresponding to the template-cluster. Then we
    switched back to the block diagram, and converted our template cluster
    back to a "constant".
    Not straightforward I think, but once you know (i.e. get help from you and read a bit of the manual...),  it's ok.
    thanks again

  • I need to modify Postfix to listen to port 587

    Mountain Lion Server OS X 10.8.4
    Running Mail service with Postfix and Dovecot. In production with several mailboxes.
    I need to modify Postfix to listen to port 587. I should be able to telnet to port 587, and finally send mail via 587.
    587 already redirects to 25 via the firewall, but external devices need to visit the internal subnet without modifications to the mail app.
    At this stage I just want to get it working with password authentication.   SSL is a project for another day.
    Here's my understanding of the OS X Postfix config:
    /etc/services file:
    Maps service names to port numbers.  Port 25 is  "smtp" and port 587 is "submission".
    /etc/postfix/ file:
    Loads Postfix preferences. Service configurations for "smtp" and "submission" are listed at the top of the file. Each service configuration can be modified with parameters (-o variable_name_here=value_here).
    I found many discussion boards with instructions for enabling 587. They suggest removing the comment syntax for the existing "submission" line:
    # submission inet n - - n - smtpd
    My server didn't have a comment, the line was already enabled:
    submission inet n - - n - smtpd
    I restarted services and 587 didn't work.
    Then I tried a more direct approach:
    587 inet n - - n - smtpd
    This had no effect.
    After each attempt to enable 587 I test with:
    telnet 587
    And I get: Connection Refused
    I used the Server app and turned Mail off and on. This stops and starts Postfix.
    I also used commands to restart Postfix:
    postfix stop
    postfix start
    sudo postfix stop
    sudo postfix start
    postfix reload
    sudo postfix reload
    Nothing opens 587.  Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your insights.

    @Kraftwerk: You cannot change the TCP port used for SMTP.  Well, technically, you can, but then no other mail servers on the Internet will find and communicate with your mail server.  So... forget that.
    The ISP controls the terms and conditions for the network connection, and particularly controls the network and network access.  There's just no way 'round that either, as the ISP has the network position to implement port blocks and firewalls, and usually the contractual authority to allow or deny access.
    With the proper (static) network connection and proper DNS, there is nothing to struggle with; this stuff works. 
    Which implies your ISP does not offer static connections, or there's an ISP error, or you're attempting to operate a mail server on a dynamic address.  None of this works.
    You might try mailhop service — if that's permitted within the limits of the terms of service — but it'll be easier and cheaper to host your mail elsewhere.  Or to get a static IP address and proper public DNS, if your ISP offers that. 
    SMTP services are also tied to DNS, as well; other mail servers use DNS checks to detect rogue (spam) servers, and a mail server erroneously configured on a dynamic IP address will have mismatched DNS, and other mail servers will detect that and drop mail from and often to that mail server; that server is indistinguishable from a spam engine.
    There's rather more the ISP can do as part of best-practices networking, too.  TCP port 25 connections both inbound and outbound are usually spam engines operating on malware-infested, so it's common to block that traffic to reduce the volume of spam.  Various ISPs will further blacklist dynamic IP address blocks, which means other SMTP servers using these blacklist services will ignore servers in these address ranges.
    Get static IP.  Or host elsewhere.  Or (if permitted) mail hop. 

  • How to modify existing code of SQVI report?

    Hi Expert,
       There is a SQVI report which has already been created but we need to change the one for new requirement.
    is there any way to modify existing code for new requirement?
    Can we edit in abap workbench?
    Thanks & Regards

    You can not modify SQVI system generated code. You need to go to SAVI change mode and make modifications. If your requirement is a sort of additional fields or inserting come code into the program , then SQVI is not the choice. You need to use Infoset Queries (SQ03, SQ02, Sq01).

  • Proper way to modify existing files?

    Hi! I'm writing a small package for my own purposes to install some keyboard options I want to add to X. I am adding some files to /usr/share/X11/xkb/, but I also need to modify /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev, /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.lst, and possibly /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml. The modifications are small -- two or three lines generally, but I'm not sure what the best way to make these modifications are.
    Based on what I can find on the wiki, I can proceed one of two ways:
    * I can create a patch for the files, apply the patch during build() to the source files, and then put them into the package to replace the existing files.
    * I can add a .install file, which either applies the patches after install, or uses echo ... >> to add the appropriate lines to the files.
    I'm not sure if I'm missing something, or what the best way to apply these changes is? Which of these options is the cleanest to back out of? And how does pacman handle possible interactions with other packages that might want to modify the same files?
    I'm tempted towards the second option because if I use the various hooks it might be easier to back out of the changes?

    Neither of these are sane ideas. If you want to modify files which are owned by a package (any package) and not part of the backup array, you have a few options:
    1) rebuild the package owning the files with your changes. you'll have to do this for every release.
    2) rebuild the package with those files in the backup array. now you're free to change them and they won't be clobbered on upgrade. But, you'll still need to do this every release.
    3) change the files anyways, and add them to NoUpgrade in /etc/pacman.conf
    package install scriptlets are not meant to be used to arbitrarily modify files.


    Hi friends, I have the hierarchy 0SALES_OFF (Sales Office)
    The levels in this Hierarchy are ZZONE, 0SALES_ORG, 0SALES_DIST, 0SALES_OFF
    Now, i want this hierarchy to be extended to one more level that is 0CUSTOMER at the bottom.
    Also 0SALES_OFF is an attribute of 0CUSTOMER.
    We have to give the 0SALES_OFF Hierarchy to the 0CUSTOMER so that it will be like
    I hope u understood the requirement
    what i require is to link the Sales office Hierarchy to the 0Customer so that it will be fullfilled

    Unfortunately you have 2 options only:-)
    - Either maintain it Manually through RSH1
    - Maintain your Hierarchy in a Flat File and load your hierarchy through Flat File. This option may be easier if you maintain an Excel file for the hierarchy and generate a CSV file out of it to load it as a Flat File. Only difficulty you might face is to follow the format. You can download your existing hierarchy on a Flat File, modify it and reload it. Check the following link
    I can't see any other options.
    Anujit Ghosh

  • Installing rcu, need to modify ldapxact.sql

    Installing RCU into 11g I am blessed with "User or role ODS doesn't exist".
    Then I found a post some place that says i need to modify this piece of original Oracle software
    in the file ldapxact.sql
    Did I miss some step along the lines (I hope I did miss something) or this "feature" may surface in other places as well?
    Please advise
    Thank you

    sorry for the blast, problem resolved, was a wrong version
    Thank you

  • Modify existing rebate condition and exclusion

    We are rebate agreements for customers. Currently I want to modify rebate condition in one of rebate agreement.
    Scenario: let us June 10th 2010 onwards, the rebate % is 3% for Profit center 'xxxx' & customer 'yyyy' instead of 1%. And 3% needs to accrued on billing docs going forward. How to set up this.
    I tried to modify existing rebate condition using VBo2 as follows: went into rebate agreement using VBo2, changed rebate % for condition record with effective from 06/11/2010 and Saved.  problem when I ran VBOF program, system posted reversal accrual for old rebate condition 1%. Old condition record validity from 01/01/2009 Valid to 12/31/2011.
    I have one more question. We want to set up rebate condition for all materials exclude some of them. we have thousands of materials for which we need to calculate rebates. but we want to exclude some materials in the rebate agreement. How to set up such exclus
    any ideas really appreciated

    The key of your condition table (the one supporting your condition record in the agreement) is evidently Profit Center / Customer.  So for any combination of profit center and customer, you can maintain a rate and validity period. 
    You are attempting to maintain two separate records having the same key.  As you have experienced, the system does not allow it.
    The simple solution is to expire that rebate agreement and start a new one with the updated validity period and conditions.
    As for excluding certain materials, you need a more detailed key in your condition table.  Something else from the material master seems appropriateu2014Commission Group for example.  Maintain commissionable materials in group 01 and non-commissionable ones in group 02.  Then a key combination of Commission Group / Profit Center / Customer  would work well for you.

  • Modify existing .rpt file permanently

    I need to modify an existing rpt template not at runtime but permanently in order to create a  new template.
    Could you tell me how to do that?

    I am using RAS SDK and my rpt files have been created with Crystal Report 9.
    I have similar problem than in the folowing post: why the properties cannot be set and saved?
    I can see my modifications at runtime, but the saveAs() method does not save modifications in my new template.
    What should I do to save my modification permanently?

  • Modify existing Message

    Hi all,
    I need to change text/html part of message which I have in mail format. How to do this easily without loosing other parts of message?
    Or maybe you know some better way to create kind of simple proxy for SMTP which would add and replace some text in HTML part of email?
    So far I am reading message from plain stream of mail text representation (got it from Subethamail SMTP server) into JavaMail Message object. I had problem, when my changes to message were not reflected - I posted question on and solved this one by calling message.saveChanges();
    The issue is that when I call message.saveChanges() headers seams to be lost - especially those around Content Type and Charset.
    My code looks like this:
    public void resend(InputStream data) throws Exception {
            Transport transport = mailSession.getTransport();
            MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(mailSession, data);
            Object content = message.getContent();
            if (MimeMultipart.class.isAssignableFrom(content.getClass())) {
                MimeMultipart mimeMultipart = (MimeMultipart) content;
                for (int i = 0; i < mimeMultipart.getCount(); i++) {
                    MimeBodyPart bodyPart = (MimeBodyPart) mimeMultipart.getBodyPart(i);
                    if (bodyPart.getContentType().startsWith("text/plain")) {
                        String cnt = updateContent((String) bodyPart.getContent());
                        System.out.println("ContentType = " + bodyPart.getContentType());
                        System.out.println("Content = " + cnt);
                        String contentType = bodyPart.getContentType();
                        System.out.println("Updating content type to = " + contentType);
                        bodyPart.setContent(cnt, contentType);
                    } else if (bodyPart.getContentType().startsWith("text/html")) {
                        String cnt = updateContent((String) bodyPart.getContent());
                        System.out.println("ContentType = " + bodyPart.getContentType());
                        System.out.println("Content = " + cnt);
                        String contentType = bodyPart.getContentType();
                        System.out.println("Updating content type to = " + contentType);
                        bodyPart.setContent(cnt, contentType);
            } else {
                String cnt = updateContent((String) message.getContent());
                System.out.println("ContentType = " + message.getContentType());
                System.out.println("Content = " + cnt);
                String contentType = message.getContentType();
                System.out.println("Updating content type to = " + contentType);
                message.setContent(cnt, contentType);
    }Mark on Stackoverflow suggested that problem is in bodyPart.setContent(cnt, contentType); call...
    Hope that makes sense for you... and you will be able to help me...
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: 890134 on 2011-10-07 08:29

    JavaMail wasn't really design to support "editing" of existing messages.
    That's caused some problems over the years and I've had to fix a number
    of bugs in this area. The current version (1.4.4) definitely works better
    than older versions, but I won't be surprised if there are still bugs.
    Even so, your code is making a number of invalid assumptions about the
    structure of messages. I would suggest looking at the
    demo program. It includes code that visits all the parts of a message.
    It should be straightforward to extend that code to detect the parts you
    want to modify and to change the content of those parts using the
    setContent (or setText) method.
    If it's still not working for you, provide more detail about what you're doing,
    including a same message. (Send the details to me at [email protected]
    if you prefer.)

  • Modify Existing infocube

    Hi all,
    In BW 3.1, How we can modify existing cube with 3 years of data?
    I need to add characterstic in the existing cube with millions of record. If i add, then what will be the impact?

    From what I understand, you wish to have field set to either 'Y' or 'N' depending on availability of date. I assume this date is part of your BEx Query. In that case:
    1. You could create local CKF and do the needful. However, you will be unable to retrieve it from your InfoCube, which means the query can undergo performance issues if data is large. Nevertheless, it is worth a try.
    2. If the above does not work and you really need to have the field at InfoCube level, then you could try to create another Infocube (IC2) with key fields of present InfoCube (IC1) and add this field. After you have populated data in IC2, you can create an Infoset and you should be there.
    Hope this works.

  • Custom report. I need to modify canned report

    Hello everyone,
    There is canned report for "All package and program deployments"
    I need to modify it to get the same data but for specific timelines so I can monitor how many software installs are going through SCCM.
    Has anyone completed something like that and could share some info?
    This is the query for canned report.
    SELECT v_Advertisement.AdvertisementName,
    v_Package.Name AS C062,
    CASE WHEN AssignedScheduleEnabled != 0 or
    (AdvertFlags & 0x720) != 0
    THEN '*'
    ELSE ''
    END AS C063,
    v_Collection.Name as C064,
    FROM v_Advertisement
    INNER JOIN v_Package ON v_Advertisement.PackageID = v_Package.PackageID
    INNER JOIN v_Collection ON v_Advertisement.CollectionID = v_Collection.CollectionID
    ORDER BY v_Advertisement.AdvertisementName

    Yes, I know this is an old post, I’m trying to clean them up, Did you figure this out, if so how?

Maybe you are looking for

  • ASO Partial clear in Essbase v 9.2.0

    Can anyone let me know how to clear partial data from an Aggregate storage database in Essbase v9.2.0? We are trying to clear some data in our dbase and don't want to clear out all the data. Thank you in Advance, Dan

  • Some Songs On iPod Don't Display Artwork Until Center Button is Pressed

    Okay, I just got my computer revamped so I had my itunes library file and all the songs saved but I reinstalled iTunes. Now some songs on my ipod are acting weired by displaying all the song info to the left (the firmware calls for them to center whe

  • Aperture/iphoto missing masters

    I'm praying that someone can help me.  I use iPhoto and Aperture both.  I have about a 60GB library that hold approaximately 22,000 images.  I run my programs on the OSX Drive which is an 128GB SSD and I store the photos on a separate internal 750GB

  • Newbie: Starting an Oracle Database on Linux

    I am doing support for an Oracle Database installed on Red Hat. My problem is that I do not know how to start the oracle database. I had to reboot the Linux box and the database did not restart. What do I need to do to start the database? Also the Li

  • How to delete unwanted addressee from address bar?

    When I want to send an e mail and want to type in the addressee in the address bar as soon as I type the first letter my addressee will appear in the address bar but so will others I did not put there. How can I delete the unwanted ones?