Need to read text from FM 'BBP_PD_CONF_GETDETAIL' in a single line of ALV output

Hello Gurus,          I have to read the attached text in which TDID and TDLINE need to read.Here i need to write logic like that in ALV output text of TDLINE related to TDID Htxt come in single line if there is more than 1 line used , same for NOTE and Itxt. Please help me out with some ogic to show data in alv output. I have used FM 'BBP_PD_CONF_GETDETAIL'. Thanks Sankil
TDID TDLINE HTXT Supplier  Text HTXT Supplier  Text NOTE Note NOTE Note ITXT Supplier  Text ITXT Supplier  Text NOTE Note NOTE Note

Hello Sankil
This can be achieved by using event AFTER_LINE_OUTPUT and also search with keyword AFTER_LINE_OUTPUT to get more examples
Please go through the below tutorial.

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    I have a basic cd input program i've been trying to figure out the following problem for a while now, the user enters the artist and title etc and then a DOM (XML) file is created in memory this is then sent to the server. The server then echos back the results which is later printed on a html page by reading the replys from the server line by line.
    The server must be run it listens for clients connecting the clients connect and send DOM documents through the following jsp code.
    <%@page import="*"%>
    <%@page import="*"%>
    <%@page import="javax.xml.parsers.*"%>
    <%@page import="org.w3c.dom.*"%>
    <%@page import="org.apache.xml.serialize.*"%>
       public static final String serverHost = "cdserver";
       public static final int serverPort = 10151;
    <hr />
            Socket mySocket = null;          // socket object
            PrintWriter sockOut = null;      // to send data to the socket
            BufferedReader sockIn = null;    // to receive data from the socket
            try {
                //  #1 add line that creates a client socket
                mySocket = new Socket(serverHost, serverPort);
                // #2 add lines that create input and output streams
                //            attached to the socket you just created
                 sockOut = new PrintWriter(mySocket.getOutputStream(), true);
                 sockIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mySocket.getInputStream()));
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                throw e; // This time the JSP can handle the exception, not us
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw e; // This time the JSP can handle the exception, not us
    String cdTitle, cdArtist, track1Title, track1Time, track1Rating;
    // Retrieve the HTML form field values
    cdTitle = request.getParameter("cdtitle");
    cdArtist = request.getParameter("cdartist");
    track1Title = request.getParameter("track1title");
    track1Time = request.getParameter("track1time");
    track1Rating = request.getParameter("track1rating");
    // Create a new DOM factory, and from that a new DOM builder object
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    // Note that we are creating a new (empty) document
    Document document = builder.newDocument();
    // The root element of our document wil be <cd>
    // It gets stored as the child node of the whole document (it is the root)
    Element rootElement = document.createElement("cd");
    // Create an element for the CD title called <title>
    Element cdTitleElement = document.createElement("title");
    // Add a text code under the <title> element with the value that
    // the user entered into the title field of the web form (cdTitle)
    // Place the <title> element underneath the <cd> element in the tree
    // Create an <artist> element with the form data, place underneath <cd>
    Element cdArtistElement = document.createElement("artist");
    // Create a <tracklist> element and place it underneath <cd> in the tree
    // Note that it has no text node associated with it (it not a leaf node)
    Element trackListElement = document.createElement("tracklist");
    // In this example we only have one track, so it is not necessary to
    // use a loop (in fact it is quite silly)
    // But the code below is included to demonstrate how you could loop
    // through and add a set of different tracks one by one if you
    // needed to (although you would need to have the track data already
    // stored in an array or a java.util.Vector or similar
    int numTracks = 1;
    for (int i=0; i<numTracks; i++) {
      String trackNum = Integer.toString(i+1);
      Element trackElement = document.createElement("track");
      trackElement.setAttribute("id", trackNum);
      // Track title element called <title>, placed underneath <track>
      Element trackTitleElement = document.createElement("title");
      // Track time element called <time>, placed underneath <track>
      Element trackTimeElement = document.createElement("time");
      // Track rating element called <rating>, placed underneath <track>
      Element trackRatingElement = document.createElement("rating");
    OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat();
    // Create a new XMLSerializer that will be used to write out the XML
    // This time we will serialize it to the socket
    // #3 change this line so that it serializes to the socket,
    // not to the "out" object
    XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(writer, format);
            // Print out a message to indicate the end of the data, and
            // flush the stream so all the data gets sent now
            BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            String fromServer;
            String fromUser;
             #4 add a while loop that reads text from the
            server socket input stream, line by line, and prints
            it out to the web page, using out.println(...);
            Note that because the reply from the server will contain
            XML, you will need to call upon the toHTMLString() method
            defined below to escape the < and > symbols so that they
            will display correctly in the web browser.
            Also note that as you receive the reply back from the
            server, you should look out for the special <!--QUIT-->
            string that will indicate when there is no more data
            to receive.
            while ((fromServer = sockIn.readLine()) != null) {
                // If the reply from the server said "QUIT", exit from the
                // while loop by using a break statement.
                if (fromServer.equals("QUIT")) {
                    out.println("Connection closed - good bye ...");
                // Print the text from the server out to the user's screen
                out.println("Reply from Server: " + fromServer);
                // Now read a line of text from the keyboard (typed by user)
                fromUser = stdIn.readLine();
                // If it wasn't null, print it out to the screen, and also
                // print a copy of it out to the socket
                if (fromUser != null) {
                    out.println("Client: " + fromUser);
            // Close all the streams we have open, and then close the socket
    I'm suppose to modify the commented sections labled with #.
    #1,2 are correct but i have doubts on the 3rd and 4th modification.
    for #3 i changed so i serializes to the socket not to the "out" object:
    XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(out, format);
    XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(writer, format);
    with "out" it prints out some of the results entered but it just hangs i'm thinking it might be the while loop that i added in #4. If i changed it to serialize the socket XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(writer, format); it doesn't print out nothing at all; just a blank screen where it hangs.
    I can post the rest of the code (server thats in java and cdinput.html) but since i want to keep my post short and if required i'll post it later on i also omitted some of the code where it creates the DOM textnodes etc to keep my post short.

    On your previous thread, why did you say the server was using http POST and application/xml content type when it quite obviously isn't, but a direct socket communication that abuses XML comments for message end delimiters?
    The comments imply you need to wait for "<!--QUIT-->" on a line by itself, but your loop is waiting for "QUIT".

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    It's not possible to read from a file without using classes from the core API*. You'll have to get clarification from your instructor as to which classes are and are not allowed.
    *Unless you write a bunch of JNI code to replicate what the classes are doing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    What i am getting from ur explanation is that u are having a probelm in accessing a text field from the infotype, i.e: the value field in included in the infotype table (PA0035) but its text is in another table.
    If this is the problem, u should first use select statement on PA0035 to get the required infotype record. Then use F1 help on the required text field on the infotype screen to get the table and field name. Then u can use select statement on that table by specifying the relavant value field from the previous select in the where clause.
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    You need to set two properties to activate the correct cell and then you can read it's string property.
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  • Need to read Email from Lotusnotes and Outlook using Oracle

    Dear All,
    My database version Oracle 10.2
    I need to read Email from Lotusnotes and Outlook using Oracle.
    I have tried with below link problem is i am getting some java error.
    Can anyone suggest me to proceed further.

    I am using the another function to read an email from pop3 server
    create or replace
    FUNCTION pop3 (
       username   VARCHAR2,
       msgnum     NUMBER
       RETURN tstrings PIPELINED
       --POP3_SERVER             constant varchar2(19) := '';
       pop3_server   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (100)     := 'xxxxxx';
       pop3_port     CONSTANT NUMBER             := 110;
       --POP3_TIMEOUT            constant number := 10;
       pop3_ok       CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (10)      := '+OK';
       e_pop3_error           EXCEPTION;
       --E_READ_TIMEOUT  exception;
       --pragma exception_init( E_READ_TIMEOUT, -29276 );
       socket                 UTL_TCP.connection;
       line                   VARCHAR2 (30000);
       BYTES                  INTEGER;
       -- send a POP3 command
       -- (we expect each command to respond with a +OK)
       FUNCTION writetopop (command VARCHAR2)
          len    INTEGER;
          resp   VARCHAR2 (30000);
          len := UTL_TCP.write_line (socket, command);
          UTL_TCP.FLUSH (socket);
          -- using a hack to check the popd response
          len := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, resp);
          IF SUBSTR (resp, 1, 3) != pop3_ok
           RAISE e_pop3_error;
          END IF;
          RETURN (resp);
       PIPE ROW ('pop3:' || pop3_server || ' port:' || pop3_port);
       -- Just to make sure there are no previously opened connections
       -- open a socket connection to the POP3 server
       socket :=
          UTL_TCP.open_connection (remote_host      => pop3_server,
                                   remote_port      => pop3_port,
                                   --tx_timeout => POP3_TIMEOUT,
                                   CHARSET          => 'US7ASCII'
       -- read the server banner/response from the pop3 daemon
       PIPE ROW (UTL_TCP.get_line (socket));
       -- authenticate with the POP3 server using the USER and PASS commands
       PIPE ROW ('USER ' || username);
       PIPE ROW (writetopop ('USER ' || username));
       PIPE ROW ('PASS ' || PASSWORD);
       PIPE ROW (writetopop ('PASS ' || PASSWORD));
       -- retrieve the specific message
       PIPE ROW ('RETR ' || msgnum);
       PIPE ROW (writetopop ('RETR ' || msgnum));
       --PIPE ROW( 'LIST '||msgNum ); PIPE ROW( WriteToPop('LIST '||msgNum) );
          BYTES := UTL_TCP.available (socket);
         IF BYTES > 0
             BYTES := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, line);
             line := REPLACE (line, CHR (13) || CHR (10), '');
             IF LENGTH (line) = 1 AND line = '.'
                PIPE ROW ('*** END OF INTERNET MESSAGE BODY ***');
                PIPE ROW (line);
             end if;
         END IF;
          EXIT when length (LINE) = 1 and LINE = '.';
          -- PIPE ROW (line);
       END LOOP;
       -- close connection
       PIPE ROW ('QUIT');
       PIPE ROW (writetopop ('QUIT'));
       WHEN e_pop3_error
          PIPE ROW ('There are no mails !');
    END;I am getting the below output .
    21     pop3:sbssld1 port:110
    75     "+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version Release 8.0.1 ready on SBSSLD1/SBPSS.
    47     USER [email protected]
    69     "+OK [email protected], your papers please.
    13     PASS password
    63     "+OK [email protected] has 1 message.
    6     RETR 1
    17     "+OK 1546 octets
    9     Subject:
    48     X-KeepSent: A231D6D0:8485FE4B-65257AB1:0022E60F;
    23      type=4; name=$KeepSent
    46     To: [email protected]
    53     X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 8.0.1 February 07, 2008
    95     Message-ID: <[email protected]>
    48     From: [email protected]
    36     Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 11:51:14 +0530
    90     X-MIMETrack: Serialize by POP3 Server on SBSSLD1/SBPSS(Release 8.0.1|February 07, 2008) at
    23      11/09/2012 11:51:21 AM
    17     MIME-Version: 1.0
    37     Content-type: multipart/alternative;
    68     "     Boundary="0__=EABBF022DFB16ED68f9e8a93df938690918cEABBF022DFB16ED6""
    27     Content-Disposition: inline
    (null)     (null)
    58     --0__=EABBF022DFB16ED68f9e8a93df938690918cEABBF022DFB16ED6
    39     Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    33     Content-transfer-encoding: base64
    (null)     (null)
    (null)     (null)
    76     DQoNCg0KUmVnYXJkcywNClNoYW5tdWdhbSBOYXRhcmFqYW4uDQpNb2IgOiA5NjI5MjUyNDI1DQpP
    76     ZmYgOiAwNDQgMjI1MDQ3MDAgRXh0biA0Nzc5DQoNCiB+SWYgdGhlIGZhY3RzIGRvbuKAmXQgZml0
    68     IHRoZSB0aGVvcnksIGNoYW5nZSB0aGUgZmFjdHMu4oCdIC0gQWxiZXJ0IEVpbnN0ZWlu
    (null)     (null)
    58     --0__=EABBF022DFB16ED68f9e8a93df938690918cEABBF022DFB16ED6
    38     Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    27     Content-Disposition: inline
    33     Content-transfer-encoding: base64
    (null)     (null)
    76     PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+DQo8cD5SZWdhcmRzLDxicj4NClNoYW5tdWdhbSBOYXRhcmFqYW4uPGJyPg0K
    76     TW9iIDogOTYyOTI1MjQyNTxicj4NCk9mZiA6IDA0NCAyMjUwNDcwMCBFeHRuIDQ3Nzk8YnI+DQo8
    76     YnI+DQogfklmIHRoZSBmYWN0cyBkb27igJl0IGZpdCB0aGUgdGhlb3J5LCBjaGFuZ2UgdGhlIGZh
    60     Y3RzLuKAnSAtIEFsYmVydCBFaW5zdGVpbjxicj4NCjwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw+
    (null)     (null)
    60     --0__=EABBF022DFB16ED68f9e8a93df938690918cEABBF022DFB16ED6--
    (null)     (null)
    4     QUIT
    42     "+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server signing off.
    "Now pls suggest me how can i store the sender mail id, receiver mail id, subject and body of the mail in a table.
    So that i can display the saved data in the above table as a mail in my separate application.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to read text from a web page

    I want to read text from a web page. Can any body tell me how to do it.

    Ok i tell you detail. visit the site "" you will a index from A to Z which are basically car name index i want to read each page get car name and its model and store it in data base. I you can provide me the code i will be very thankful.

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    is there a way to  have the iPad 2 "read" text from iBooks as with web sites or pages? A different App perhaps?

    Isn't that you asking how to get it (undefined) back?
    If you never had Pages '09, you can buy it from Amazon very cheaply: 123bd2ed93806c7e7fb6&mforum=iworktipsntrick

  • Indesign CS3-JS - Problem in reading text from a text file

    Can anyone help me...
    I have an problem with reading text from an txt file. By "readln" methot I can read only the first line of the text, is there any method to read the consecutive lines from the text file.
    Currently I am using Indesign CS3 with Java Script (for PC).
    My Java Script is as follows........
    var myNewLinksFile = myFindFile("/Links/NewLinks.txt")
    var myNewLinks = File(myNewLinksFile);
    var a ="r", undefined, undefined);
    myLine = myNewLinks.readln();
    function myFindFile(myFilePath){
    var myScriptFile = myGetScriptPath();
    var myScriptFile = File(myScriptFile);
    var myScriptFolder = myScriptFile.path;
    myFilePath = myScriptFolder + myFilePath;
    if(File(myFilePath).exists == false){
    //Display a dialog.
    myFilePath = File.openDialog("Choose the file containing your find/change list");
    return myFilePath;
    function myGetScriptPath(){
    myFile = app.activeScript;
    myFile = myError.fileName;
    return myFile;
    Bharath Raja G

    Hi Bharath Raja G,
    If you want to use readln, you'll have to iterate. I don't see a for loop in your example, so you're not iterating. To see how it works, take a closer look at FindChangeByList.jsx--you'll see that that script iterates to read the text file line by line (until it reaches the end of the file).

  • Problem with reading text from .DOC files through java and POI

    I have used a jar file "poi-scratchpad-3.2-FINAL-20081019.jar" and "poi-3.2-FINAL.jar" to read text from a .DOC file. I used the "getParagraphText()" function of the class "org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor" to get the text.
    I am able to get the text in the .DOC file but along with that i am getting the following messages/warnings
    Current policy properties
    *     thread.thread_num_limited: true*
    *     file.write.state: disabled*
    *     net.connect_ex_dom_list:*
    *     mmc.sess_cab_act.block_unsigned: false*
    *     mmc.sess_cab_act.action: validate*
    *     mmc.sess_pe_act.block_blacklisted: false*
    *     mmc.sess_pe_act.block_invalid: true*
    *     jscan.sess_applet_act.stub_out_blocked_applet: true*
    *     file.destructive.in_list:*
    *     jscan.sess_applet_act.block_all: false*
    *     file.write.in_list:*
    *     file.nondestructive.in_list:*
    *     window.num_limited: true*
    * disabled*
    *     jscan.session.origin_uri:*
    *     file.nondestructive.state: disabled*
    *     jscan.session.user_ipaddr:*
    *     net.connect_other: false*
    *     thread.thread_num_max: 8*
    *     file.destructive.ex_list:*
    *     file.nondestructive.ex_list:*
    *     file.write.ex_list:*
    *     jscan.sess_applet_act.sig_invalid: block*
    *     mmc.sess_cab_act.block_invalid: true*
    *     jscan.session.policyname: TU1DIERlZmF1bHQgUG9saWN5*
    *     mmc.sess_pe_act.action: validate*
    *     thread.threadgroup_create: false*
    *     net.connect_in_dom_list:*
    *     net.bind_enable: false*
    *     jscan.sess_applet_act.sig_trusted: pass*
    *     jscan.session.user_name:*
    *     jscan.session.user_hostname:*
    *     jscan.sess_applet_act.sig_blacklisted: block*
    *     jscan.session.daemon_protocol: http*
    *     net.connect_src: true*
    *     jscan.sess_applet_act.unsigned: instrument*
    *     mmc.sess_pe_act.block_unsigned: false*
    *     file.destructive.state: disabled*
    *     mmc.sess_cab_act.block_blacklisted: true*
    *     window.num_max: 5*
    Below the above messages/warnings the data is getting printed. Only the text part of the data is retrieved not the fonts, styles and bullets etc.
    Can anyone explain me why I am getting above warnings and how can I remove them. Is it possible to fetch the text depending on delimiters.
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: tiijnar on May 21, 2009 2:45 AM

    The jar files which were used are downloaded from Those jars created the problem of displaying those messages on console. I downloaded APIs from and used them in my application. Now my application is running good.

  • Need to read data from pipe separated file using POJO?

    I need to read data from pipe separated file using POJO.
    There is file which consists of the
    data mapping.
    Can you help me with sample code or help?
    Edited by: Taton on Mar 7, 2009 4:41 PM

    It's not possible to read from a file without using classes from the core API*. You'll have to get clarification from your instructor as to which classes are and are not allowed.
    *Unless you write a bunch of JNI code to replicate what the classes are doing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    dear all,
    Need to read text file content and have to display it in multiline text box.
    actually im new to file handling. i have tried up to get_line and put_line.
    in_file := TEXT_IO.FOPEN ('D:\SAMPLE.txt', 'r');
    TEXT_IO.GET_LINE (in_file,linebuf);
    i dont know how to assign this get_line function to text item
    pls help me in this regards,

    Simply write:
    in_file := TEXT_IO.FOPEN ('D:\SAMPLE.txt', 'r');
    TEXT_IO.GET_LINE (in_file,linebuf);
    :block2.t1 := chr(10)||:block2.t1||chr(10)||linebuf;
    chr(10) --> is for new line character

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    It's not possible to read from a file without using classes from the core API*. You'll have to get clarification from your instructor as to which classes are and are not allowed.
    *Unless you write a bunch of JNI code to replicate what the classes are doing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    Thanks in advance.

    You should certainly be able to access VI Server from C#. LabVIEW has an ActiveX server built in that allows other applications to access a sizeable subset of VI Server functionality. I would guess you could access ActiveX servers directly from C#, but the worst-case scenario would be to wrap the ActiveX calls into a .NET assembly. I've seen this done before. This blog entry is slightly off topic, but might help you.
    Actually, I do need to revise this answer... If you are working with a LabVIEW DLL, the DLL would have to be compiled with the ActiveX Server option enabled. Otherwise, LabVIEW won't include the code that allows the DLL to be hooked into using this method. So if you don't have the source and you can't recompile it, you might be out of luck. Does the DLL really not have a function that exports this string value?
    Message Edited by Jarrod S. on 10-26-2006 01:39 PM
    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments

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    Try this page

Maybe you are looking for