Need to read Unicode in a file

My need to read Unicode from a file (on a Windows box) is due to the fact my software is used in different countries and on different keyboard naturally. All the users are not computer literate but, like me, they are all lazy and want to put their username and password in a config file my application reads. If their username or password contain Unicode characters I have a problem reading.
They are simple users that I would like to advise them to open the config file using Windows Notepad, then type in their username and password, and save the file as Unicode. Notepad has four ways to save a file, ANSI, Unicode, Unicode big endian, and UTF-8 (I've tried them all except ANSI of course). Saving a file in a different format is as complicated as I would like it to get for them, some will have trouble even with this.
I read the file like so:
BufferedReader rdr =
    new BufferedReader(
        new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file_name), "UTF-16"));
String line;
while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) {
    String[] pieces = line.split("[=:]");
    if (pieces.length == 2) {
        if (pieces[0].equals("PASSWORD")) {
            byte[] possibleUnicode = pieces[1].getBytes("various encodings");
            pieces[1] = new String(possibleUnicode, "various encodings");
        propertyTable.setProperty(pieces[0], pieces[1]);
}All reading is perfect except for a username or password which can contain a real multi-byte character. I have used many variations of converting the string I get into a byte[] using string_in.getBytes("various encodings tried") and then back to a string but nothing has worked.
I tried a regular FileReader to a BufferedReader and that didn't work. I tried a FileInputStreamto a DataInputStream and that didn't work. I accomplished the most with what I described above, FileInputStream to InputStreamReader to BufferedReader.
Does anyone know how to read Unicode in a file on a Windows file system?

I have used the byte conversion technique before
successfully when I loaded a set of properties
from a URL openStream(). The properties load()
method takes an InputStream and assumes ISO-8859-1
so I converted the bytes from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
Garbage characters were cleared up perfectly.I think you just got lucky that time. For characters up to U+007F, the UTF-8 encoding is the same as ISO-8859-1 (and most other encodings, for that matter). Characters in the range U+0080 to U+00FF will be encoded with one byte in ISO-8859-1, and with two bytes in UTF-8. In most cases, each of the two bytes in the UTF-8 representation will have values that are valid in ISO-8859-1. The decoded characters will be incorrect (and there will be too many of them), but they effectively preserve the original byte values, making it possible for you to re-encode the characters and then decode them correctly. But there's a big gap in the middle where the UTF-8 bytes produce garbage when decoded as IS)-8859-1. Run the included program to see what I mean.
I don't know what's going wrong with your application, but I do know that changing the encoding retroactively is not the solution. I also think you're right about asking users save files in a certain encoding. Considering how much trouble programmers have with this stuff, it's definitely too much to ask of users.
import java.awt.Font;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Test
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception
    JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
    ta.setFont(new Font("monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 14));
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.add(new JScrollPane(ta));
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0xA0; i <= 0xFF; i++)
    String str1 = sb.toString();
    byte[] utfBytes = str1.getBytes("UTF-8");
    String str2 = new String(utfBytes, "ISO-8859-1");
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < str1.length(); i++, j += 2)
      char ch = str1.charAt(i);
      byte b1 = utfBytes[j];
      byte b2 = utfBytes[j+1];
      String s1 = Integer.toBinaryString(b1 & 0xFF);
      String s2 = Integer.toBinaryString(b2 & 0xFF);
      char ch1 = str2.charAt(j);
      char ch2 = str2.charAt(j+1);
          ch, s1, s2, b1, b2, ch1, ch2));
    frame.setSize(400, 700);

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         public static void main(String args[]) {
              String string = "Suname:Forename:1234:01_02-06";
              String stringArray[] = string.split(":");
              System.out.println (validateLetters(stringArray[0]));//returns true
              System.out.println (validateNumbers(stringArray[3]));//returns false
         static boolean validateLetters(String s) {
                 for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
                 char c = s.charAt(i);
                 if ((c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && (c < 'a' || c > 'z')) {
                         return false; //return false if one of characters is other than a-z A-Z
                 }//end if
                 }//end for
                 return true;
         }//end validateLetters
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                 char c = s.charAt(i);
                 if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c != '-')) {
                         return false; //return false if one of characters is other than 0-9 or -
                 }//end if
                 }//end for
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         }//end validateNumbers

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    SetOperations class - contains the set methods
    // Imported packages.========================================================
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    // Public class SetOperations.===============================================
    public class SetOperations
         // Instance variables.===================================================
         private Vector v = null; // Creates new instance of vector.
         protected int memberCount;
         // Constructor.==========================================================
         public SetOperations()
              v = new Vector();
         } // end constructor.
         // Method isMember.======================================================
         * Checks whether the element is already a member of the set.
         * @return True if Vector v contains Object member.
         public boolean isMember(Object member)
              if (member != null) // only if Object member is not null.
                   return v.contains(member); // returns true if vector already contains member.
                   return false; // returns false if vector does not contain member.
         } // end public boolean isMember(Object member).
         // Method addMember.=====================================================
         * Adds a member to the set.
         * @return Adds Object member to Vector v.
         public void addMember(Object member)
              //if (! v.contains(member)) // only if element is not already a member.
              if (isMember(member) == false) // only if element is not already a member.
                   v.add(member); // adds a member.
         } // end public void addMember(Object member).
         // Method countMember.===================================================
         * Returns the number of members present in the vector.
         * @return Number of elements present in the vector.
         public int countMember()
              return v.size();
         } // end public int countMember().
         // Method isSetEmpty.====================================================
         * Returns true if set is empty.
         * @return True if no elements are present in Vector v.
         public boolean isSetEmpty()
              return v.size() == 0; // returns 0 if no elements are present in the vector.
         } // end of public boolean isSetEmpty().
         // Method printMember.===================================================
         * Displays member/s of the set.
         * @return Prints element/s present in the vector.
         public void printMember()
              for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) // iterates through present members.
                   System.out.println("[" + i + "] " + v.get(i)); // displays member/s present in the vector.
         } // end of public void printMember().
    } // end public class SetOperations.
    SetTextLauncher class - reads from a text file and implements the set operations
    // Imported packages.========================================================
    import java.util.*;
    // Public class SetTestLauncher.=============================================
    public class SetTestLauncher
         // Main method public static void main(String args[]).===================
         public static void main(String args[])
              displayFile("test.txt"); // outputs result from text file.
         // method to display a file on screen
         public static void displayFile (String textFile)
              // Instance variables.===============================================
              // Creates new instances of SetOperations.
              SetOperations setA = new SetOperations();
              SetOperations setB = new SetOperations();
              SetOperations setC = new SetOperations();
              SetOperations setD = new SetOperations();
              SetOperations setE = new SetOperations();
              // Initialisation.
              String line = "", nextLine = "";
              FileReader fr = null;
                   // Opens the file with the FileReader data sink stream.
                   fr = new FileReader(textFile);
                   // Converts the FileReader input stream with the BufferedReader processing stream.
                   BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
                   // Iterates through text file reading lines until end of text lines.
                   while (line != null)
                        line = br.readLine(); // reads one line at a time.
                        if(line == null) break; // when the line is null break the loop.
                        // Creates a new instace of StringTokenizer.
                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
                        // Loops until there are no more tokens.
                        while (st.hasMoreTokens())
                             String token = st.nextToken(); // reads next token.
                             // Only if the token encounters the String "membera".
                                  nextLine = br.readLine(); // gets next line.
                                  setA.addMember(nextLine); // adds a member to the set.
                                  // Displays members present in the set if vector is not empty.
                                  if (! setA.isSetEmpty())
                                       setA.printMember(); // print members present.
                                  // Displays the number of member/s present in the vector.
                                  System.out.println("Number of set members: " + setA.countMember());
              // Catches and displays exceptions.
              catch (FileNotFoundException exp)
              catch (IOException exp)
                        // if file is found
                        if (fr != null)
                             // close file
                   catch (IOException exp)
         } // end public static void main(String args[]).
    } // end public class SetTestLauncher.

    Thanks for your interest. Please ignore SetOperations class, it is just the class containing the methods and it works correctly since I checked it without reading from a text file. I marked the part where I think lies my problem in class SetTestOperations.
    The information in the text file is as follows:
    and the result is:
    [0] Hillman
    Number of set members: 1
    [0] Hillman
    [1] Skoda
    Number of set members: 2
    [0] Hillman
    [1] Skoda
    [2] Honda
    Number of set members: 3
    [0] Hillman
    [1] Skoda
    [2] Honda
    [3] Toyota
    Number of set members: 4
    instead of just one set:
    [0] Hillman
    [1] Skoda
    [2] Honda
    [3] Toyota
    Number of set members: 4
    Hope it is easier to understand like this.
    I need to read from a text file. When the token
    encounters a particular word (command) I need to read
    the next line and perform some actions. However, this
    part is working but it is repeating the values again
    and again until it encounters the next particular
    word (command). Hope that someone will help me out,
    as always when I posted a problem in these forums.
    SetOperations class - contains the set
    // Imported
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    // Public class
    public class SetOperations
    // Instance
    private Vector v = null; // Creates new instance of
    f vector.
         protected int memberCount;
         public SetOperations()
              v = new Vector();
         } // end constructor.
    // Method
    * Checks whether the element is already a member of
    f the set.
         * @return True if Vector v contains Object member.
         public boolean isMember(Object member)
    if (member != null) // only if Object member is not
    ot null.
    return v.contains(member); // returns true if
    if vector already contains member.
    return false; // returns false if vector does not
    not contain member.
         } // end public boolean isMember(Object member).
    // Method
         * Adds a member to the set.
         * @return Adds Object member to Vector v.
         public void addMember(Object member)
    //if (! v.contains(member)) // only if element is
    is not already a member.
    if (isMember(member) == false) // only if element
    nt is not already a member.
                   v.add(member); // adds a member.
         } // end public void addMember(Object member).
    // Method
    * Returns the number of members present in the
    e vector.
         * @return Number of elements present in the vector.
         public int countMember()
              return v.size();
         } // end public int countMember().
    // Method
         * Returns true if set is empty.
    * @return True if no elements are present in Vector
    r v.
         public boolean isSetEmpty()
    return v.size() == 0; // returns 0 if no elements
    ts are present in the vector.
         } // end of public boolean isSetEmpty().
    // Method
         * Displays member/s of the set.
         * @return Prints element/s present in the vector.
         public void printMember()
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) // iterates
    es through present members.
    System.out.println("[" + i + "] " + v.get(i)); //
    // displays member/s present in the vector.
         } // end of public void printMember().
    } // end public class SetOperations.
    SetTextLauncher class - reads from a text file
    and implements the set operations
    // Imported
    import java.util.*;
    // Public class
    public class SetTestLauncher
    // Main method public static void main(String
    g args[]).===================
         public static void main(String args[])
    displayFile("test.txt"); // outputs result from
    om text file.
         // method to display a file on screen
         public static void displayFile (String textFile)
    // Instance
              // Creates new instances of SetOperations.
              SetOperations setA = new SetOperations();
              // Initialisation.
              String line = "", nextLine = "";
              FileReader fr = null;
    // Opens the file with the FileReader data sink
    ink stream.
                   fr = new FileReader(textFile);
    // Converts the FileReader input stream with the
    the BufferedReader processing stream.
                   BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
    // Iterates through text file reading lines until
    til end of text lines.
                   while (line != null)
    line = br.readLine(); // reads one line at a
    at a time.
    if(line == null) break; // when the line is null
    null break the loop.
                        // Creates a new instace of StringTokenizer.
                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
                        // Loops until there are no more tokens.
                        while (st.hasMoreTokens())
    String token = st.nextToken(); // reads next
    next token.
    // Only if the token encounters the String
    tring "membera".
                                  // *****THE PROBLEM LIES HERE....I GUESS
    // need to read the next line after encountering the word membera in text file
    nextLine = br.readLine(); // gets next line.
    setA.addMember(nextLine); // adds a member to
    ber to the set.
    // Displays members present in the set if
    set if vector is not empty.
                                  if (! setA.isSetEmpty())
                                       setA.printMember(); // print members present.
    // Displays the number of member/s present in
    ent in the vector.
    System.out.println("Number of set members: " +
    s: " + setA.countMember());
              // Catches and displays exceptions.
              catch (FileNotFoundException exp)
              catch (IOException exp)
                        // if file is found
                        if (fr != null)
                             // close file
                   catch (IOException exp)
         } // end public static void main(String args[]).
    } // end public class SetTestLauncher.

  • Read in a text file and parse at spaces

    I need to read in a text file, then split it at the spaces (after each word)
    then I would like to save each sentence (maybe as a String Buffer)
    (chek each word to see if a .?! is at the end to determine the end of a sentence)
    Then I need to add the word END to the end of the StringBuffer
    then store each sentence as an element in an arrayList.
    Please Help.

    Cant you just store the entire text file into a really big String, then split it at each "."?
    String text = "";
    //read file into text
    String[] sentences = text.split(".");

  • Help with reading in a text file and arrays

    I need to read in a text file with info like this for example
    I can read the information into an array and display the names but what I need to do is display how many times the same name is in the file for example the output should be
    dave 2
    martha 1
    billy 1
    How can I accomplish this? Would I use a Compareto Method to find
    duplicate names?

    I would recommend storing them in a Hashtable.. something like this:
    Hashtable names = new Hashtable() ;
    String s ;
    while( ( s = bufferedReader.readLine() ) != null ) {
        if ( names.contains( s ) ) {
           names.put( s , new Integer( names.get(s)+1 ) ) ;
        else {
           names.put( s , new Integer( 1 ) ) ;
    }Then the hashtable will contain a set of keys and values, which are the names and counts respectively.

  • Read and List the Files from Remote Webserver Path

    Hi All,
    I have requirement where i need to Read and List the files from a Folder of Remote webserver path using JAVA.
    Remote webserver is within the network only...No Firewall and also Access is given to Read the folder. No Issues on this.
    Folder will just contain some PDF files...
    I just need to display the PDF file names available in the Folder..
    No need to read the PDF File...Only required to read the folder to list the file names in it.
    Looking forward some workaround to this.
    Thanks and Regards.

    I need to read the folder from a webserver path of different machine...
    File dir = new File( prop.getProperty("inputPath"));
    File[] files = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);     
    final String match=siteName;
         final String type=reportType;
         Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();
         c1.add(Calendar.MONTH, - Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("filterMonths"))); //Filters reportes generated in last X months (X picked from config file)           
         final long filterDate = c1.getTime().getTime();           
         FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter() {
         public boolean accept(File file) {
         long fileLastModiDate = file.lastModified();      
         if((fileLastModiDate >= filterDate) && (file.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith(match)) && ( (type.equals("M") && file.getName().indexOf("WIP")==-1) || ((!type.equals("M") && file.getName().indexOf("WIP")!=-1)) ) ) {                        
              return true;
         }else {
              return false;
    Here it works fine if the input path is local machine..
    But i need to know how to give the input path as WEBSERVER PATH of different machine??

  • Read lines from text file to java prog

    how can I read lines from input file to java prog ?
    I need to read from input text file, line after line
    10x !

    If you search in THIS forum with e.g. read lines from file, you will find answers like this one:
    Hi ! This is the answer for your query. This program prints as the output itself reading line by line.......
    public class readfromfile
    public static void main(String a[])
    if you search in THIS forum, with e.g. read lines from text file
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("")));
    while(br.readLine() != null)
    System.out.println(" line read :"+br.readLine());
    }catch(Exception e)

  • Reading Unicode data from a file...

    I am writing an application that needs to read some configuration data from a file. An end user edits the configuration file to provide the configuration data. The Java code reads this file and uses the configuration data supplied by the user.
    The user can also save non-ascii characters as part of the configuration data. hence, I do not want to use java properties files. What are the other options available that allow me reading Unicode data into my Java code and will also allow user to save the configuration file as Unicode?

    Java characters are Unicode characters. Read file data that consists of Unicode characters as Java characters or strings.
    You can read the data as primitive char values using the DataInputStream class. The InputStreamReader class can also read Unicode (UTF-16) data.
    Data can be written using the OutputStreamWriter class.

  • Read Unicode text file convert to ANSI text file

    I am new to Java. I am trying to read from, ReadUnicodeEncodedPlainTextDocument.txt, a plain text file encoded
    in Unicode, then select four particular lines, and then write those plain text lines to, WriteANSIencodedPlainTextSelectedFields.txt,
    another file encoded in ANSI.
    Using my code
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class ConvertEncodedText
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              File f = new File("ReadUnicodeEncodedPlainTextDocument.txt");
              Scanner scan = new Scanner(f);
              String peek1, peek2, peek3, peek4;
              boolean pk1 = false, pk2 = false, pk3 = false;
              int count = 0;
              while(scan.hasNext())     // begin search
                   peek1  = scan.nextLine();
                   if (peek1.startsWith("From"))
                        pk1 = true;
                        peek2  = scan.nextLine();
                        if(pk1 && peek2.startsWith("Date"))
                             pk2 =true;
                             peek3  = scan.nextLine();
                             if(pk1 && pk2 && peek3.startsWith("To"))
                                  pk3 = true;
                                  peek4 = scan.nextLine();
                                  if(pk1 && pk2 && pk3 && peek4.startsWith("Subject"))
                                       System.out.println("\n" + peek1 + "\n" + peek2 + "\n" + peek3 + "\n" + peek4);
                                       pk1 = false;
                                       pk2 = false;
                                       pk3 = false;                                   
                                  }//if pk1 && pk2 && pk3 && peek4.startsWith("Subject")), print, begin new search
                                       pk1 = false;
                                       pk2 = false;
                                       pk3 = false;                                   
                                  }//else begin  new search                              
                             }//if(pk1 && pk2 && peek3.startsWith("To"))
                                  pk1 = false;
                                  pk2 = false;
                                  pk3 = false;
                             }//else begin new search
                        }//if(pk1 && peek2.startsWith("Date"))
                             pk1 = false;
                             pk2 = false;
                             pk3 = false;
                        }//else begin new search
                   }//if (peek1.startsWith("From"))
              }//while hasNext
              System.out.println("\ncount = " + count);
    }As shown below, I would like to write to the following text file encoded in ANSI, WriteANSIencodedPlainTextSelectedFields.txt:
    From: "Mark E Smith" <[email protected]>
    Date: April 9, 2007 11:28:19 AM PST
    To: <[email protected]>
    Subject: FW: RFI Research Topic Up-date
    From: "Mark E Smith" <[email protected]>
    Date: May 26, 2007 11:14:12 AM PST
    To: <[email protected]>
    Subject: Batting Practice Sportsphere
    From: "Mark E Smith" <[email protected]>
    Date: May 30, 2007 11:53:45 PM PST
    To: <[email protected]>
    Subject: 3p meeting
    From: "Mark E Smith" <[email protected]>
    Date: June 20, 2007 4:09:10 PM PST
    To: <[email protected]>
    Subject: Question
    count = 4
    In order to produce the above text file,
    I would like to read the following text file encoded in Unicode, ReadUnicodeEncodedPlainTextDocument.txt:
    From: "Mark E Smith" <[email protected]>
    Date: April 9, 2007 11:28:19 AM PST
    To: <[email protected]>
    Subject: FW: RFI Research Topic Up-date
    Hi, Dr. Ulrich.? Are there any authors and titles of JME that you could recommend for my reading??
    Thanks.? Mark
    From: Joe Greene [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Sat 4/7/2007 4:10 PM
    To: Mark E Smith
    Subject: RE: RFI Research Topic Up-date
    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for the update. I have met Dr. Ulrich on several occasions ? he is a great guy!
    Dr. Hammer and I also have the same advisor from graduate school. He did his Masters with my PhD advisor at Poly-Tech. We have also met many times in the past. I think you will be in good hands down there.
    It seems clear that you need to start learning JME and can perhaps forget about Windows Mobile. JME represents a smaller footprint for Java that contains support for various APIs for mobile functionality. I do not own any JME books, but a search on turned up what looks like several good ones.
    Best wishes
    ----------------------------------------------------&#8232;Joe Greene, Ph.D.&#8232;DCSIT&#8232;;[email protected]&#8232;
    From: Mark E Smith [mailto:[email protected]] &#8232;Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 9:30 AM&#8232;To: [email protected]&#8232;Subject: RFI Research Topic Up-date
    Welcome to the conversation, Dr.Greene.? This is where we are so far.? I would appreciate your thoughts.
    Thanks.? Mark
    From: "Mark E Smith" <[email protected]>
    Date: May 26, 2007 11:14:12 AM PST
    To: <>
    Subject: Batting Practice Sportsphere
    Saturday, May 26, 2007
    Hi, Dr. Ulrich.? This read-sensitive run-recognition pitching distribution is perhaps a commercial problem in a less sophisticated framework.? Could we build a simple commercial application and then customize the solution for the Ballpark functions and framework?? Thanks.? Mark
    From: "Mark E Smith" <[email protected]>
    Date: May 30, 2007 11:53:45 PM PST
    To: <[email protected]>
    Subject: 3p meeting
    Hi, Dr. Ulrich.? Attached are a few notes from my research of the project docs that you sent me.? I am looking forward to our 3p meeting.??Thanks.? Mark?
    From: "Mark E Smith" <[email protected]>
    Date: June 20, 2007 4:09:10 PM PST
    To: <[email protected]>
    Subject: Question
    Hi, Dr. Ulrich.? Pine-tar.? What do you think?? Would you please show me how to pitch sliders and splitters into this so I can study the features in detail?? Thanks.? Mark
    As you can see, my code reads the particular sequence of 4 selected fields, From, Date, To, and Subject,
    out of an email that contains that specific sequence of 4 fields then I would like to place them in a text file
    called WriteANSIencodedPlainTextSelectedFields.txt, and then print the number of emails in the document.
    Instead of the desired output I would like to write to the file WriteANSIencodedPlainTextSelectedFields.txt; I am only getting this:
    Count = 0
    What is my problem???

    What is my problem???Obviously one of your conditions not being true...
    What does your question have to do with the thread's subject, btw?

  • Reading unicode file using pure C++??

    Hi Guys,
    I need help reading a unicode/utf8 file using C/C++. Any pointers or sample code will be of great help.

    See sections 20.2 and 20.3 of "The C++ Programming Language" 3rd ed. - by Bjarne Stroutrup.
    I'll go out on a limb and naively state that using wstring rather than string will take you a long way towards solving your problem, but you might have to play around with char_traits. The general usage of wstring should be identical to string, so I'm sure you can find many examples.
    ... Dave

  • Read unicode file using java

    Hi all,
    I'm fairly new to java. In my program i need to read a Unicode file. (When i did it normal way it shows only "?" s for all the non English characters).
    can any one help me? (It better u can sent a simple example too)

    Use an InputStreamReader.

  • Unable to properly read a binary .xls file in a unicode system.

    We are currently upgrading to ecc 6 unicode
    from a non unicode ecc5 system and we have
    found several problems reading files for
    Excel in place (sap office intergration).
    We have an excel file with macros scripted
    within it and it, parts of the file are in
    We use open dataset for input command to
    provide the data to the sap integration
    In ecc5, no additional parameters were
    needed for the command.
    In the unicode system, the file isn't read
    properly even when providing codepage for
    the file in legacy binary mode (I tried '1800' and '1810' for hebrew).
    When compared to a non unicode system, it seems
    that some of the binary data is missing and some
    characters are missing and instead appear
    like squares.
    this leads to the file not being read at
    Is there any method to read the file with
    the characters in it properly , or force it
    to use the non unicode read method?
    Best regards, Yoav

    Try the Acrobat forum; this is the Adobe Reader forum.

  • I need to read data from a text file and display it in a can this be done..please help

    hey ppl
    i have a datagrid in my form.i need to read input(fields..sort of a database) from a text file and display its contents in the datagrid.
    how can this  be done.. and also after every few seconds reading event should be re executed.. and that the contents of the datagrid will keep changing as per the changes in the file...
    please help as this is urgent and important.. if possible please provide me with an example code as i am completely new to flex... 

    It's not possible to read from a file without using classes from the core API*. You'll have to get clarification from your instructor as to which classes are and are not allowed.
    *Unless you write a bunch of JNI code to replicate what the classes are doing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Need to read data from a text file

    I need to read data from a text file and create my own hash table out of it. I'm not allowed to use the built in Java class, so how would I go implementing my own reading method and hash table class?

    It's not possible to read from a file without using classes from the core API*. You'll have to get clarification from your instructor as to which classes are and are not allowed.
    *Unless you write a bunch of JNI code to replicate what the classes are doing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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