Need to verify my directories and files are in good order

I am not sure my directory and files are in good order. Need to be sure they are configured correctly.

Use Disk Utility - it's in your Mac's Utilities folder.
Select the startup volume, then click the Verify Disk button. If it finds any errors it reports in red, describe them.

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    chk out the bellow list,get the xml and make the procedure.....     
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    Hi Jayashree
    Please check this FM, SUBST_GET_FILE_LIST. Pass the file path and file name, if it returns an entry in table FILE_LIST, then the filename and path are valid.
    Hope this helps !
    ~ Ranganath

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    I cannot find specs for that specific model but did find this page, does not look like it has GPS,
    Look in Device Manager to see what hardware is listed.

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    You can check the default color settings:
    * Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors
    Also make sure that "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above" has a check mark.
    See also:
    * [[Websites look wrong]]
    * [[Website colors are wrong]]

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    There are two key but related bugs in Yosemite..
    The big one IMHO at least is the network one.. and the secondary one is TM which is itself unreliable.
    To fix the Network ones we have a long list of things to do.. but you do apparently have access to the TC so for now that is not the major one.
    However some of your statements mean I am a bit lost on what you have done.
    I cannot open my backups in the time capsule as it reads "spars bundle temporarily unavailable."
    If you cannot open your backups how can you find that the backup files are missing. The files are missing from the sparsebundle which you cannot open??
    my time machine backup files are missing some files
    You cannot repair the disk of the Time Capsule.. only the Sparsebundle can be checked.. that means that you have accessed it and mounted it for disk utility to check it.
    I have don a disk repair on the time capsule.
    So I am confused about the comments.
    What I would recommend is the standard set of fixes to Yosemite.
    Factory reset universal
    Power off the TC.. ie pull the power cord or power off at the wall.. wait 10sec.. hold in the reset button.. be gentle.. power on again still holding in reset.. and keep holding it in for another 10sec. You may need some help as it is hard to both hold in reset and apply power. It will show success by rapidly blinking the front led. Release the reset.. and wait a couple of min for the TC to reset and come back with factory settings. If the front LED doesn’t blink rapidly you missed it and simply try again. The reset is fairly fragile in these.. press it so you feel it just click and no more.. I have seen people bend the lever or even break it. I use a toothpick as tool.
    N.B. None of your files on the hard disk of the TC are deleted.. this simply clears out the router settings of the TC.
    Setup the TC again.
    ie Start from a factory reset. No files are lost on the hard disk doing this.
    Then redo the setup from the computer with Yosemite.
    1. Use very short names.. NOT APPLE RECOMMENDED names. No spaces and pure alphanumerics.
    eg TCgen5 and TCwifi for basestation and wireless respectively.
    Even better if the issue is more wireless use TC24ghz and TC5ghz with fixed channels as this also seems to help stop the nonsense. But this can be tried in the second round.
    2. Use all passwords that also comply but can be a bit longer. ie 8-20 characters mixed case and numbers.. no non-alphanumerics.
    3. Ensure the TC always takes the same IP address.. you will need to do this on the main router using dhcp reservation.. or a bit more complex setup using static IP in the TC. But this is important.. having IP drift all over the place when Yosemite cannot remember its own name for 5 min after a reboot makes for poor networking. If the TC is main router it will not be an issue.
    4. Check your share name on the computer is not changing.. make sure it also complies with the above.. short no spaces and pure alphanumeric.. but this change will mess up your TM backup.. so be prepared to do a new full backup. Sorry.. keep this one for second round if you want to avoid a new backup.
    5. Mount the TC disk in the computer manually.
    In Finder, Go, Connect to server from the top menu,
    Type in SMB:// (or whatever the TC ip is which you have now made static. As a router by default it is and I encourage people to stick with that unless you know what you are doing).
    You can use name.. SMB://TCgen5.local where you replace TCgen5 with your TC name.. local is the default domain of the TC and doesn't change.
    However names are not so easy as IP address.. nor as reliable. At least not in Yosemite they aren't. The domain can also be an issue if you are not plugged or wireless directly to the TC.
    6. Make sure IPv6 is set to link-local only in the computer. For example wireless open the network preferences, wireless and advanced / TCP/IP.. and fix the IPv6. to link-local only.
    There is a lot more jiggery pokery you can try but the above is a good start.. if you find it still unreliable.. don't be surprised.
    You might need to do some more work on the laptop itself. eg Reset the PRAM.. has helped some people. Clean install of the OS is also helpful if you upgrade installed.
    Tell us how you go.
    Someone posted a solution.. See this thread.
    Macbook can't find Time Capsule anymore
    Start from the bottom and work up.. I have a list of good network practice changes but I have avoided Yosemites bug heaven.
    This user has had success and a few others as well.
    RáNdÓm GéÉzÁ
    Yosemite has serious DNS bug in the networking application.. here is the lets say more arcane method of fixing it by doing a network transplant from mavericks. u-can-do-to-fix-it/
    That is all to cover the network side of things.
    Time Machine issue is a harder one because there is no simple work around I can give you.
    My recommendations are to stop using a TC and test TM to an external hard disk plugged into the computer.. Do a whole new backup and see if that is fully working and accessible.
    Or change over to third party program for backup.. I do recommend Carbon Copy Cloner as I use it personally but SuperDuper has a good reputation and there are others. It is far easier and quicker to test a bootable clone made with CCC as you simply boot from the backup.

  • Creating Directories and Files

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    So do you "greatly appreciate" my potentially helpful response yet? Did you get run over by a bus?
    Oh, I understand now. To you, "to greatly appreciate" means "to ignore".
    (P.S. that might mean "You're welcome", but I likewise leave it to you to interpret)

  • I use audio memos and files are saved in icloud. while updating audio memo the apps stop working. i cannot access the apps. how can i retrieve the files saved in icloud ?

    I can't access the audio memo apps but i can see under usage - manage storage that all the files are located in icloud. how to extract .wav files from icloud if the apps is no longer responding to fileshare in itunes? Thanks.

    yes it was solved some time ago. i cant remember exactly but i think i disconnected from the internet and tried accessing the audio apps (or maybe i had accessed the apps first then only turned off internet i cant remember) thereafter the files were in my local apps and then I turned off use icloud. i suggest you backup your ipad on itunes before trying anything. All the best - hope you solve your problem.

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