Nested regions

There is problem with my Dreamweaver template:
When I edit template and try to update files it shows "Nested editable regions" error.
When I open file that had to update there are <body> tag added after <!DOCTYPE>, before <head>, but in template file everything is ok.
Please help

I've edited, but it's still adding body tag on top of page.
Now template looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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<br />
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="content2" --><!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
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            Visas Tiesības aizsargātas  &copy; SIA "Twin Auto" | 2011 | <a href="http://resendi/digital" target="_blank">Izstrādājis Resendi DIGITAL</a>

Similar Messages

  • Nesting Regions

    Ok, here's my objective. I have a list of first and last
    names running vertically (a new name on each line). I want to nest
    repeaters to repeat information, that's nested in the xml on a per
    row basis. When a user clicks on a row, it expands to show more
    about that user.
    My xml looks like this:
    <person firstname="bob" lastname="jones">
    <phonenumber type="home" value="8005551212" />
    <phonenumber type="home" value="8007774545" />
    <person firstname="jane" lastname="smith">
    <phonenumber type="home" value="9003338986" />
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    var dsData = GetPersonData();
    var dsPhones = null; // This needs to be set on a per
    user-click basis?
    <div spry:region="dsData"
    <div spry:repeat="dsData" class="contact"
    <a class="selectcontact" href="javascript: void(0);"
    <div spry:detailregion="dsPhones">
    Here are this uses phone numbers:
    <a spry:repeat="dsPhones"
    Is this possible with Spry? Nesting repeaters?
    Thanks for any insight you can provide!

    Hi Josh,
    Unfortunately Spry has problems doing exactly what you are
    trying to do. The reason is that our data set flattening code only
    flattens a single level of repeating nodes.
    We're working on a solution for solving this problem.
    That said, the only way to handle this type of situation
    currently is with a master/detail pattern where clicking on a name
    updates a region *outside* of the region containing your list of
    By the way, nesting regions isn't supported.
    --== Kin ==--

  • Nested regions best practice regarding inheritance of editable regions.

    Have a template page, in which I have an area labeled  "div#main_wrapper".
    When attempting to  make it an "editable" region, I received the following comment: "The selection already contains or overlaps with an editable, repeating, or optional region".
    I had already made the "header" and "column_left" regions editable, but as the "column_left" is nested within the wrapper, my question would be; Would the correct process be to un-do the "column_left" editable region, make the "div#main_wrapper" editable, and be able to edit the "column_left" area as an inherited editable area?
    When I did try to do so to the "main_wrapper" div, I did not get the identifier label (blue text block at top left of each area) and received the warning as mentioned previously.
    Thank You...

    I did attempt to specify the "main_wrapper" div, but did so after already creating the "column_left" div region as editable, (nested in the "wrapper") and that is when I received the error message.
    As an aside, the site is fairly simple, so I am using a single template in which I do make content changes to header, column_left, and hopefully within the wrapper itself) for each new page, thus intentionally wanting editable region in content of "wrapper".
    The "footer" and "menu" are the two areas in which I did not open up for change; the "menu" is a library item, so any changes are made from there.
    So, question now becomes that of getting the "main_wrapper" div editable and how can that be done without the aforementioned message?
    Thank You for your help.

  • Nested Region Error in Explorer 7 but not Firefox

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    error message when I attempt to view it in Explorer 7, while it
    processes correctly in Firefox? It claims that it "Found a nested
    spry:detailregion in the following markup." and points to the
    <p>...</p> code shown below, along with it's
    accompanying div statements.
    <div id="ballet" class="SpryHiddenRegion"
    spry:region="Olmannen" >
    <p spry:repeat="Olmannen">{activity} {preposition}
    <em onmouseover="Olmannen.setCurrentRow('{ds_RowID}');"
    id="trigger"> {name}</em> {conjunction} <em

    Hmm, Came back to the issue fresh today. Rearranged other
    code a bit on the page and voilà, no more IE error. They both
    work correctly now. It would be nice to know which change actually
    made the difference I know. I may go back to play with it more
    later, but for right now, I'm just going with a "divine providence"
    and be really happy that it works. :)

  • Nesting region to create a dashboard type of page

    Hello experts,
    I am trying all day to create a page nest that will create the illusion of a dashboard type page. Can any one show me how to do this?
    Thank you in advance for your help

    Would you go over liek a mini class on how to set up regions in apex as you were able to demo in your work. I am strugling to set up a dashboard type column
    ============= ============= ============ ===========
    = = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = = =
    ============= ============= ============ ===========
    it can be two rows like this as well
    ============= ============= ============ ===========
    = = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = = =
    ============= ============= ============ ===========
    ============= ============= ============ ===========
    = = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = = =
    ============= ============= ============ ===========
    How can I make graph chart, map etc...line up on this regions?

  • Error adding editable region in nested template Header

    I have a base template for the website (establishing basic
    menus), and a secondary template using that base template, which
    establishes a common table layout for one part of the site. Having
    created the PHP to drive the page, I need to lock down that
    secondary nested region - otherwise any edit I make to my secondary
    &quot;table-defining&quot; template is not passed through
    to the final pages using the secondary template. I have
    successfully created a secondary editable region in each part of
    the &lt;body&gt; area, and sure enough, it locks down text
    outside the secondary editable region just as DW help says it
    should. So far so good.
    Now the problem - I cannot create a region inside the
    &lt;head&gt; editable region to lock down that region too.
    Normally one would want keywords and so on to be variable from page
    to page, but as I am filling variable keywords from a database, it
    makes sense to lock down the &lt;head&gt; too. Does anyone
    know why that generates an error &quot;cannot create an
    optional region here&quot;? Is there anything that can be done
    about it?

    Posts are hard to read when they are all crammed together
    like yours. Try
    making some paragraphs!
    Nevertheless, I think I understand what you are saying., but
    honestly, I
    just wouldn't do it that way. Anymore, my templates are just
    one editable
    region in the body, and a bunch of server-side includes. I
    find nested
    templates much too complex, and troublesome to work with, and
    have really
    never found a scenario where I could do things with them that
    I could not do
    more easily with other methods.
    > However, I have an Editable
    > region with the HTML Head area, and DW does not permit
    me to add a
    > 'secondary-template Editable Region' within it to lock
    it down.
    Is it only you working on the site? Who are you trying to
    'lock down'? If
    it's only you, I'd forget about this. Invariably the things
    like this that
    you think are a good idea come back later to bite you.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "suddensurprise" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Murray 'ACE' wanted to understand why I am using nested
    > Template or 'base layout' I have a primary template
    which establishes
    > the
    > top, left and bottom borders for the site. These contain
    Spry menus - if
    > I
    > change the menu on the primary template, all pages will
    be updated. The
    > primary template has a 'work area box' which is where
    the page content
    > goes for
    > each different page.
    Secondary or 'nested' template Next I have a
    > secondary template, or nested template. It starts with
    the primary
    > template
    > but this time the 'work area box' is set up with a
    product table and
    > various
    > fixed column headings. The table is filled from
    different database
    > records
    > using PHP and MySQL. Therefore the secondary or 'nested'
    > establishes
    > a common format for the product table. For example, a
    change to a heading
    > in
    > the secondary template is updated into all pages using
    it. And to
    > reiterate, a
    > change to the Spry menu bar on the primary template will
    update the
    > secondary
    > template and all pages created from that template.
    Similarly, I have
    > several
    > other secondary templates, all created from the primary
    template, all
    > setting
    > standard sections of the website so that multiple pages
    can be updated at
    > once
    > via a single template change.
    Note: the code in the secondary
    > template
    > needs to be 'locked' so that edits within it are passed
    on to its slave
    > pages.
    > This is done by creating an empty Editable region at the
    beginning of the
    > 'work
    > area box' I talked about.
    Other Approaches? If anyone knows a
    > better
    > way of enabling site edits to be passed consistently
    down into different
    > standard-section blocks of the website, I would welcome
    your input.
    > Problem Now to reiterate the problem with which I
    started this thread.
    > In
    > a secondary template it works fine creating a second
    Editable Region
    > within the
    > Body of the HTML document - the rest of the code in that
    'primary template
    > editable region' is now locked out as is required.
    However, I have an
    > Editable
    > region with the HTML Head area, and DW does not permit
    me to add a
    > 'secondary-template Editable Region' within it to lock
    it down. I am
    > wondering
    > if anyone in the Community knows why or can suggest a
    solution. Regards
    > Richard

  • Nested Repeat Regions

    I've got a page where I need nested repeat regions using the
    same data.
    Basically, list people who have donated money in groupings by
    I'm looking at Tom Muck's "Simulated Nested Region" extension
    so I can do
    this using one Recordset (seems silly to set up a recordset
    for each
    donation level) but the only problem is it looks like the
    donation levels
    have to sort in order to work, and they don't.
    Anyone know of any other extensions or easy ways to make this
    Oh yeah.....MySQL and PHP.
    Mad Dog

    SmellyPete wrote:
    > I've got a problem with nested templates in my site. I
    don't think it's an
    > error or bug as such, just a really strange limitation,
    that I hope there is a
    > work around for.
    > I've setup a menubar with a repeating table region in a
    template. Then I laid
    > out the content (editable) regions in a nested template.
    The system works
    > really well in dreamweaver, if you want to add a menu
    item, you do so to the
    > parent template, and then it filters through out the
    > The problem is that when I try to edit the pages as a
    client with contribute
    > (even as an administrator) it will not allow access to
    edit a .dwt file, even
    > if it has editable regions in it. This means I can't use
    contribute to add an
    > item to the menubar, because I need to be able to edit
    the nested template. I'm
    > sure it's possible, because a .dwt is just an .htm file
    with a different hat on.
    > There must be some way of doing this. As soon as I read
    about the template
    > system I immediately thought this would be one of it's
    strengths, and would be
    > very surprised if the contribute user were limited to
    making changes on every
    > individual page.
    > PS. I'm sure someone will suggest that I just move the
    repeating region into
    > the nested template. I could do this, but the whole
    point is that with one
    > change I want it to will filter down through the whole
    site. I thought maybe
    > SSI might be the answer, but would that just confuse
    contribute even more?
    It seems to me the whole point of using Contribute is to keep
    users from
    changing basic site configurations such as the menu. Use
    Dreamweaver or
    one of the simple HTML editors around.

  • Nested repeat Region - run time var PHP

    I have tried several attempts at creating a nested region
    with no luck of sucess
    sql & PHP
    There are 2 record sets
    rsProduct and
    SELECT *
    FROM svProductList
    WHERE svProductList.productOrder
    ORDER BY productOrder ASC
    SELECT *
    FROM trainingCourseTBL
    WHERE trainingCourseTBL.product = colname
    ORDER BY trainingCourseTBL.courseOrder ASC
    type numeric
    default value -1
    runtim value $row_rsProduct['productOrder']
    Start repeat region 1
    Start repeat region 2
    END repeat region 2
    END Start repeat region 1
    I would like to set up a run time var for the rsCourse where
    I get the value from the first repeat regions productID
    Can someone point me towards the right direction?

    On 21 May 2007 in macromedia.dreamweaver.appdev, cdembek
    > Can someone point me towards the right direction?
    I don't have time for a long explanation right now, but do a
    web search
    for 'Nested Repeat Region'.
    Joe Makowiec

  • Assessing Complex Region and XML Data Relations

    First off, I've used Spry on multiple projects  and have loved it. Great product extension. The forum responses and code examples have been quite  supportive as well. However, this project is more complex and I need help from the  experts.
    Here's the situation: Nothing is  static...all data is populated from one XML doc. No code to show at the moment. (see image for ref)
    1. Is this possible to accomplish with SPRY?
    2. How would you suggest setting up the regions in terms of relation to one another? master? detail? nested data structures?
    3. the XML. ugh. (see file) Hope my XML term  references are correct in asking this. How do I create a (filter)function to  look for and compare similar element values (see xml: info/depts/dept/sub ==  info/vendors/vendor/sub)? Then apply that function to the generated  subcategories text (Region 3) and filter product images (Region 4) based on the  selected subcategory name? Basically, only products that have that subcategory name should show.
    4. Are there any limitations (off the top of your head) for the  tooltip feature or a paged view feature in a interface such as this? (applies to Region 4)
    fyi: server support for a database is not an  option for this project...enter SPRY
    Thanks for your time.

    Master / detail, nested and multiple dataset
    That is the reason why I would suggest to create multiple data sets.
    1 data set = detail / master regions
    2 result set
    From your image..
    region 1 = master
    region 2 = detail
    region 3 = nested
    region 4 = result set
    for filtering i would suggest looking at the examples, use either xpath based filtering or non destructive.
    no, just make sure, your "rebuild" the constructor of you tooltip each time the region updates. (use Region observers like onPostUpdate for this)
    Hopes this helps.

  • How to find the AK Region name from JSP

    I have the requirement to hide some of the fields/regions in Oracle Sales Online.
    To do that from AK Developer Region Name/Code and Region Item is required. How to find this Region Code.

    When you are on the webpage, right click and select "VIEW SOURCE". When the notepad opens up, find the string "TOP REGION". This will give the top region for that page. Query for this page in the AK Developer resp with "Define Regions". Then click on "Region Items". This will give all the Attribute Names and Nested Regions within the TOP REGION. You just have to dig into each one of 'em to find the one you need.

  • AK Regions, Jdeveloper, Oracle Apps 11.5.10

    As soon as my client's Oracle Applications instance will be migrated to 11.5.10 release I will be faced with porting of customs.
    In particular in the OA release as is actually (11.5.7) the custom we have developed is made up using BC4J and AK region's form.
    The migration will bring us to the last up-to-date patchset 11.5.10 + CU2 (Consolidated Upgrade) with the consequence of moving (.. I guess..) our custom date from AK repository to MDS repository.
    Now the questions are:
    1) Which Jdev release should I use to maintain my custom in the new OA release?
    2) because of AK to MDS migration, Should I rewrite/deploy my custom from the beginning?
    3) Could someone suggest me where to find out documentation? ( in the metalink Portal there are plenty of technical paper but a lot of notices that are unused for my project too)
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Tapash,
    to explain my doubts let me list down few steps on how my custom is implemented.
    1) I set up any AK regions/nested regions and AK items included
    2) I deployed JSP in an which is like file in iAS server
    3) The files included in are xml files and .class files used as AM modules or Controller modules for each AK region.
    4) the custom web pages are assigned to responsibilities after having set-up menus and functions
    5) For the AOL functions setup, in particular, I declared the AK region in the explicit way in the parameter form field.
    Here is the question:
    Applying the proper patchset I'll move all my custom AK region in the MDS repository but...
    a) Are My AM modules and my Control classes going to function properly, or will I have to re-implement the custom in different way? (see point (3))
    b) Taking in consideration the point (5) should I continue declaring the old AK "custom" regions in the AOL functions definition?
    Thank you in advance for your cooperation

  • How to catch lovEvent from PageLayout region

    I've got problem with catching event, which occure in nested region.
    I'm traying to perform such action:
    nipValue= oapagecontext.getParameter("taxRegNum");
    if (oapagecontext.isLovEvent())
    lovInputSourceId = oapagecontext.getLovInputSourceId();
    if ("OrgProfileQuickFlex2".equals(lovInputSourceId))
    Above code is placed in the highest region controler.
    The problem is, I'm getting null as a value of nipValue and event based on switching LOV has never effect.

    taxRegNum is messageTextInput type so it's visible on form and I expect, that I should have access to this element on the pageLayout region. I want to use value of this object when I'm writting processFormRequest because this information is necessery when user pushing the button "apply" of form. Also, in this method I want to notice LOV event from inner region and I can't.

  • Nested accordian?

    Very new to spry, Dreamweaver CS5, and web stuff so please bear with me
    Am trying to get a nested accordian working for tour travel comapny - I need two main panels (Europe and Rest of the world) and sub-panels for each country associated with both main sectiosn (Europe and Rest of world). I will then have spry data from HTML table within accordian for each tour associated with each country within the accordian - and when I click I get the detailed information on the right in a seperate window.
    My problem is that I have downloaded code for a nested accordian which works fine - but when I try to copy the nested regions to make more within a newly created main panel it doesn't work? How can I simply copy the nested regions so that they remain animated?
    Here's the link -

    Sorry wrong link

  • Accordion as nested menu

    I have the following setup:
    &lt;div id=&quot;regionMainMenu&quot;
    &lt;div id=&quot;Accordion1&quot;
    &lt;div id=&quot;regionMenuItems&quot;
    &lt;div id=&quot;menuItem&quot;
    var ac1 = new
    Because spry-region does not support nested regions. I loaded
    the complete menu.xml in another dataset. and use onDataChange
    observer to populate the AccordionContent with the current MenuID..
    See below:
    var dsMenuData = new
    data){return dsMenuData_DataChanged(ds, data, 1)}});
    var dsMenuData_DataChanged = function(dataSet, data,
    Spry.$$(&quot;#regionSubMenu&quot;).forEach(function(div) {
    ListSubmenus(div); });
    function ListSubmenus(menu)
    if(menu &amp;&amp; dsMenuData)
    var rows =
    &quot;'&quot; + menu.innerHTML + &quot;'&quot;});
    var subItems = &quot;==&quot;;
    var c = menu.innerHTML;
    for (var i = 0; i &lt; rows.length; i++)
    { var p = rows
    if(p &amp;&amp; c &amp;&amp; p == c)
    subItems += &quot;&amp;nbsp;• &quot; +
    rows[&quot;Text&quot;] +
    &quot;&amp;nbsp;&quot; + c + &quot;:[&quot; + p
    + &quot;]&lt;br&gt;&quot;;
    menu.innerHTML = subItems;
    menu.innerHTML = &quot;none&quot;;
    menu.innerHTML = &quot;---&quot;;
    The issue I am having is in the bold line &quot;var c =
    menu.innerHTML;&quot; I can assign a number like 1 or 2 to c..
    and it finds the menus. I can even compare
    &quot;parentID&quot; with a string and it finds them. But
    whenever I leave it has is and pass the menu.innerHTML it doesn't
    work. Is there something programatically incorrect with doing this?
    I even print out menu.innerHTML on the same line and it returns the
    value I need. I strip spaces convert to string number, doesn't
    matter. What am I doing wrong?
    Any one please help thanks.

    1. Yes. What third table would you need?
    2. No & No.
    You shouldn't be able to delete a category if it has products as children.
    You should have tables..
    CategoryID (INT) - Primary Key, Auto number
    ProductID (INT) - Primary Key, Auto number
    CategoryID (INT) - Foreign Key to Category
    If you change something in Category, NOTHING changes in Products.

  • Nested sliding panels and xml

    In this picture I try to explain my data set and the result I'm trying to obtain.
    I can't however figure out how to do this without nested regions.
    My code looks like this:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xmlns:spry="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryCollapsiblePanel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryNestedXMLDataSet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ds_ents = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("data2.xml", "ents/ent");
    var ds_servs = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_ents, "servs/serv");
    var ds_conts = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_ents, "conts/cont");
    var ds_stats = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_ents, "stats/stat");
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryCollapsiblePanel.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div id="CP_ents" class="CollapsiblePanel">
         <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab" tabindex="0">
                        <td spry:when="{ds_CurrentRowID} == {ds_RowID}"
         <div class="CollapsiblePanelContent" spry:region="ds_ents">
                   <tr spry:repeatchildren="ds_servs" spry:choose="">
                        <td> </td>
                        <td><div id="CP_servs" class="CollapsiblePanel">
                                  <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab" tabindex="1">
                                                 <td width="50">+ servs</td>
                                                 <td width="50">id</td>
                                                 <td width="50">att1</td>
                                                 <td width="50">att2</td>
                                  <div class="CollapsiblePanelContent" spry:region="ds_servs">
                                            <tr spry:repeatchildren="ds_servs">
                                                 <td width="50"> </td>
                                                 <td width="50">{id}</td>
                                                 <td width="50">{att1}</td>
                                                 <td width="50">{att2}</td>
                             <div id="CP_conts" class="CollapsiblePanel">
                                  <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab" tabindex="2">
                                                 <td width="50">+ conts</td>
                                                 <td width="50">id</td>
                                                 <td width="50">att1</td>
                                                 <td width="50">att2</td>
                                  <div class="CollapsiblePanelContent" spry:region="ds_conts">
                                            <tr spry:repeatchildren="ds_conts">
                                                 <td width="50"> </td>
                                                 <td width="50">{id}</td>
                                                 <td width="50">{att1}</td>
                                                 <td width="50">{att2}</td>
                             <div id="CP_stats" class="CollapsiblePanel">
                                  <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab" tabindex="3">
                                                 <td width="50">+ stats</td>
                                                 <td width="50">id</td>
                                                 <td width="50">att1</td>
                                                 <td width="50">att2</td>
                                  <div class="CollapsiblePanelContent" spry:region="ds_stats">
                                            <tr spry:repeatchildren="ds_stations">
                                                 <td width="50"> </td>
                                                 <td width="50">{id}</td>
                                                 <td width="50">{att1}</td>
                                                 <td width="50">{att2}</td>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var CP_ents = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CP_ents");
    var CP_servs = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CP_servs");
    var CP_conts = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CP_conts");
    var CP_stats = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CP_stats");
    and this is the XML data set:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                        <att1>YT d</att1>

    Step by step I'm closing in.
    I'm using the {ds_currentRowId} variable to increment the div panel ID (see code below)
    The only issue is that since I have 1 master dataset and three detail dataset nested, I need to calculate the ID, taking the {ds_CurrentRowID} for each dataset and perform some math, to ensure they nicely grow until all the XML is consumed.
    Anyone would be so nice to point me in the right direction?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xmlns:spry="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
         <script src="SpryAssets/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
         <script src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
         <script src="SpryAssets/SpryCollapsiblePanel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
         <script src="SpryAssets/SpryNestedXMLDataSet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
         <script type="text/javascript">
              var ds_ents = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("data/data2.xml", "ents/ent");
              var ds_srvs = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_ents, "servs/serv");
              var ds_cnts = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_ents, "conts/cont");
              var ds_stts = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(ds_ents, "stats/stat");
         <link href="SpryAssets/SpryCollapsiblePanel.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
         <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
      <div class="panel" spry:repeat="ds_ents" spry:region="ds_ents ds_cnts ds_srvs ds_stts">
         <script type="text/javascript">
              var CP_ents = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel{ds_ents::ds_CurrentRowID}
              <div id="CP_ents{ds_ents::ds_CurrentRowID}" class="CollapsiblePanel">
                   <div class="panel-title" tabindex="{ds_ents::ds_CurrentRowID}">
                        <table class="table-title">
                                  <td width="150">+</td>
                                  <td width="150">{id}</td>
                                  <td width="150">{att1}</td>
                   <div spry:even="table-even" spry:odd="table-odd">
                                  <td> </td>
                                       <script type="text/javascript">
                                            var CP_srvs = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel{ds_srvs::ds_CurrentRowID};
                                            var CP_cnts = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel{ds_cnts::ds_CurrentRowID};
                                            var CP_stts = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel{ds_srvs::ds_CurrentRowID};
                                       <div id="CP_srvs{ds_srvs::ds_CurrentRowID}" class="CollapsiblePanel">
                                            <div class="subtable-title" tabindex="{ds_srvs::ds_CurrentRowID}">
                                                           <td width="150">+ srvs</td>
                                                           <td width="150">id</td>
                                                           <td width="150">att1</td>
                                            <div spry:even="subtable-even" spry:odd="subtable-odd">
                                                      <tr spry:repeat="ds_srvs">
                                                           <td width="150"> </td>
                                                           <td width="150">{ds_srvs::id}</td>
                                                           <td width="150">{ds_srvs::att1}</td>
                                       <div id="CP_cnts{ds_cnts::ds_CurrentRowID}" class="subtable">
                                            <div class="subtable-title" tabindex="{ds_cnts::ds_CurrentRowID}">
                                                           <td width="150">+ cnts</td>
                                                           <td width="150">id</td>
                                                           <td width="150">att1</td>
                                                           <td width="150">att2</td>
                                            <div spry:even="subtable-even" spry:odd="subtable-odd">
                                                      <tr spry:repeat="ds_cnts">
                                                           <td width="150"> </td>
                                                           <td width="150">{ds_cnts::id}</td>
                                                           <td width="150">{ds_cnts::att1}</td>
                                                           <td width="150">{ds_cnts::att2}</td>
                                       <div id="CP_stts{ds_stts::ds_CurrentRowID}" class="CollapsiblePanel">
                                            <div class="subtable-title" tabindex="{ds_stts::ds_CurrentRowID}">
                                                           <td width="150">+ stats</td>
                                                           <td width="150">id</td>
                                                           <td width="150">att1</td>
                                                           <td width="150">att2</td>
                                            <div spry:even="subtable-even" spry:odd="subtable-odd">
                                                      <tr spry:repeat="ds_stts">
                                                           <td width="150"> </td>
                                                           <td width="150">{ds_stts::id}</td>
                                                           <td width="150">{ds_stts::att1}</td>
                                                           <td width="150">{ds_stts::att2}</td>

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