New 4s features missing

I am sure it is a simple fix, but I cannot seem to find it.
I finally bought a 4s after four years with an iPhone 3.  I plugged it into my home computer and when it asked to sync with my "iPhone 3" I said yes.  Now I have everything I had from my previous phone -- contacts, apps, photos, games, calendar, music, etc. -- but I no longer have the 4s features such as reminders, Siri (!!!), Facetime (I have it turned on in my General Settings and restrictions), iMessages, Notifcation center, etc..
How can I "re-find" them?
Thank you!

Okay, I have now found Face time (it's not an "app" like on my iPad2, but it's in my contacts / choices).
Without any answers from the community, I'm doing okay....
Now on to the others...?

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    It's tough to tell without seeing more of your code, but it might be that you're missing these lines of code at the top of your actions window:

  • New Zones features in Solaris 10 Beta 5

    Solaris 10 Beta 5 (otherwise known as Software Express 7/04) should be
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    For more information on what's available in the release, please see the
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    There are some new Zones features in this release that folks might be
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    * Command line editing and history for zonecfg(1M)
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    * The new -z and -Z options to ps(1)
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    The Zones team would appreciate hearing feedback from our customers on
    these new features and any other Zones issues or questions that you
    might have.

    In the README file for the 07/04 release it says that there's a problem with some 64bit runtime libraries missing from the SUNWlibC package. I'm a bit unsure about where to download this package from. Do you have the link to the page it is refering too???

  • New IOS features

    Hi guys and girls,
    I was wondering if there was a Cisco mailing list or some type of advertising shoot that Cisco used to advertise new features in IOS software? I have been reading through text books on the new exams in the past to keep up to date but thought that there must be a better way out there that I have simply missed.
    Any help will be appreciated. Oh and you can also be the first person to respond to my posts on the forum :S. To be fair I fixed the other issues by myself but it’s always nice to hear from others.

    Hi Mike,
    To be completely honest, I would welcome such mailing list or a concise information channel for new and changed IOS features as well. Unfortunately, so far, there are no such focused information sources to my best knowledge.
    What you can always visit:
    1) Each major IOS generation is documented along with the Release Notes which document the changes, newly added or removed features, solved and open caveats, etc. Following is the list of Release Notes for major IOS versions for routers:
    2) Also, major new features are described in standalone documents called the Feature Guides:
    3) For Catalyst switches, the Release Notes are are published more often, however, the IOSes for Catalyst switches are customized for each Catalyst platform and you should always go to the appropriate Catalyst switch product pages to visit the corresponding IOS documentation.
    4) As the Catalyst switches have very nice Configuration Guides, they can also be used as sources of information about supported features, including learning about new features - although it may be difficult to know which exact feature has been added in a new version.
    Anyone here willing to share his/her own ways of keeping in pace with new IOS features?
    Best regards,

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    I was one of those users who fight for this
    I find using it however very
    Let me give you real
    life examples:
    1. Once you
    create an order/contract and do not choose "New
    Method" you cannot change approval method to new any
    more. Imagine one of my users was creating an order
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    5 other ppl already against this software, even if
    they did not used it at all.
    Document Owner has admin rights.
    For some
    reason user needs to be document owner in order to
    setup review process. Imagine in our situation usual a
    site assistant, or junior person in technical office
    is responsible for creating and typing all the
    orders/contracts. So this person needs to be Document
    Owner in order start review.
    Document owner
    however can also approve/reject in name of other users
    mentioned in review cycle. This I find strange and
    make entire new review/approval cycle worthless, as
    the situation is still that anyone can approve someone
    on someone behalf with no control.
    />3. Alerts missing. I couldn't find an alert that
    would be generated if a document is held internal (by
    user) for more then ... x days.
    />4. I'm also missing a Project Setting for "all
    documents must use new review process"; "defoult
    reviewers is + 'All in sequence' + 'list of reviewers'
    - for each kind of document.<br /><br />If
    you want to force users to follow a strict
    methodology, and your software gives them chance to
    choose whomever they want, wherever they want, use any
    approval method, approve on someone behalf ... you
    will finally fail.<br /><br />I keep
    hearing that Primavera sold thousand of licenses, and
    they will develop this product, I just hope they will
    hurry, before users switch to other software.<br
    /><br />

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  • New beta features (July) - feedback please

    Since we launched the site redesign back in June, we've heard a lot of feedback from active Kuler members.  And, we took your feedback to heart. Today, we're happy to be able to share several changes we've been working.  Some of these changes are no-brainers and we're making them available to everyone.  Others need a bit more refinement--so, we're looking for input from you.  In this post, I'll explain what's changed and how you view/use the new features.  Please reply to this post to share your feedback.
    Features enabled for this group: (click this link to view the features: 
    We have created a special link to give you access to new features (new feature link)--without this link you won't be able to see the new features.  This link will allow you to use the site, same as before, but will also enable the new features that we're looking for feedback on.  So, here's an overview of what's new:
    (1) Create themes from an image: You can create themes from an image stored on your device.  Here's how: from the the Create page (color wheel), you should see a camera icon above and to the right of the color wheel. Click the icon and you will be asked to select an image from the file picker.  Select your image and start picking colors.
    (2) Resizing the color wheel: You can resize the color wheel to make it small or keep it large.  And, the site will remember your preference. Here's how: hover over the color wheel on the create page and your cursor will change to a magnifying glass with either a "+" or a "-" symbol.  If you click the wheel you can make it smaller or larger.  Large is good for selecting the right hue and small for viewing color interactions on your theme. 
    (3) Smaller borders (and the ability to remove the white "active" border):  We've reduced the size of the borders so they don't get in the way.  We've also made it possible to remove the "active" color selection when editing on the color wheel.  Here's how: while viewing the color wheel, click on the dark grey portion of the page above, below or to each side of the color wheel.  You can now see your theme without any "active" border. 
    (4) Easier to find color space data (e.g. RGB, CMYK, etc.): several people had some trouble finding all the color spaces (e.g. RGB, CMYK, LAB, HSB).  So, we added a hover effect that will automatically expand the color space data when you mouse over it.  If you prefer to work in a specific space and don't want it to keep expanding, you can stop the expanding feature by clicking  on the white triangle.  That will contract the menu and will make the last space you edited the default. 
    Features available to everyone: (no special link required to view) 
    (5) Save changes dialogue: many of you mentioned the new site would not give you a choice to save a new theme or overwrite an existing theme after editing.  That's now fixed. 
    (6) Tab order: a few people mentioned tabbing through color spaces was tedious.  You asked us to allow you to tab through each color in a single space (e.g. RGB) before moving on to a different color space (e.g. CMYK).  We've made this change. 
    (7) Instant saving: Saving a theme was taking a couple seconds--which was too long. We've updated the save feature to be much quicker.
    That's it for now.  We're working on a bunch of other features and we plan to share those on the forum in the coming weeks.  We look forward to reading your feedback!

    Just had a quick look, so my (first) comments are just about the new/fixed features. I only took a look at my laptop with small screen, so I would have to check on a bigscreen computer, tablet and iphone to give complete advice. And checkout more of course.
    So, for now on small screen laptop:
    (1) Create themes from an image:
    (a) Choosing picture: You can only pick a picture on your disk. Why not from the web? That's a missing.
    (b) Working: After picking it seems to work allright, but I haven't used it until now.
    (c) Activate camera icon: It takes a while (3 sec) before responding. That's too long, looks like it isn't responding.
    (2) Resizing the color wheel:
    (a) covering colors: Hurray! Very nice to get rid of the wheel in front of my colors.
    (b) magnifying glass: recognizable and it works. Good option.
    (c) changing magnifying glass in a colorpicking +symbol:  To my surprise that works good. When hovering over the colorpickers it and I used it without thinking.
    (d) remembering settings: Nice! But will it remember my settings on a different computer? I have to try.
    (3) Smaller borders (and the ability to remove the white "active" border): 
    (a) Smaller borders: Nice, just small enough to notice and not disturb too much
    (b) remove the white "active" border):  Smooth!
    (4) Easier to find color space data (e.g. RGB, CMYK, etc.):
    (a) Expanding: Not very fond of the constant expanding. I would prefer to choose a preference when working on a theme.
    (b) change default color space: That's a good option, but still it expands to all spaces when hovering over it.
    (5) Save changes dialogue:
    (a) dialogue: works fine
    (b) naming the theme: the name is still default, you have to give a name afterwards, by editing. Why not ask for a name when you save the first time or save a copy?
    (6) Tab order: works fine, tab and shift-tab
    (7) Instant saving: Saves quickly

  • Important feature - missing?

    Re: 'How do I...' query below
    All Pro audio software applications that I have used so far allow enabling of an effect/plug-in at any given instance along a timeline, and then disable it again, by way of the bypass control (using an automation channel). But, under the controllable parameter options (drop-down list available in the effects column) in STP I can find no such option.
    Is this feature missing in STP? Is it handled differently? Surely you do not need a new track for every different effect you want to apply.
    My respect for any puzzle solver

    You might consider adding Buses.
    Here is an example:
    We shot a film inside a large, 1920's stone room. So I added a Bus called Echo. I then clicked on my dialgue tracks and clicked SEND to ECHO. Soundtrack will then play Track1 and the Bus at the same time. So I added EXTREME echo to my Echo Bus to give the illusion his voice echoes in speakers L, R, SR and SL. When ever we aren't in the large room, I take the volume of the Bus and drop it to zero. When we return to the room, I bring it back up to my default level.
    If you want an Alien sound, just create another Bus called Alien and send your tracks to that Bus.
    In this case, Track 1 has two Sends (Echo and Alien) and there are two busses, Echo and Alien. Whenever you want to add an effect, just bring up the volume on your bus.
    It's a pain to route, but it's better than adding the effects to each clip and then 'save as' RickVoice_A.aiff, RickVoice_B.aiff, and so on.
    Hope that helps

  • Essbase New Calculation features

    How I can use these new features
    “New calculation features:
    Essbase Analytics includes a new calculation feature to remove blocks entirely filled with #MISSING cells in order to improve calculation performance. In addition, a non-consolidating members feature provides new tags that direct the calculator to ignore certain members upon calculation."
    Do you recommend these features?
    Thank you.

    Both of these features are important enhancements. removal of empty blocks help keep the database size in check when blocks are cleared and can help reduce fragmentation. The carat (non-consolidating) operator is something that has been asked for since the early versions. It allows members like unit price from giving irrevelent results at upper levels. Do I recommend them? a resounding YES!

  • I am using Firefox 3.6 on my PC , and now, when I select File New Tab (Ctrl+T), no new Tab shows up. Nor does it show up when I click the new Tab symbol next to my other tabs. How can I get the New Tab feature to work again?

    In the past 48 hrs, all of a sudden, the New Tab feature on my PC< using Firefox 3.56, simply stopped working. I did not change settings, or download a new version of Firefox. it just stopped working. There are other scenarios where it does still work (for example, if I want to open a link on a web page, I can right click and open the link in a new tab), but if I simply want to have multiple websites open at once on my PC, I am forced to have multiple versions of Firefox open, as my New Tab option seems to be disabled or something. Can you help?

    Leliforever, cheek you list of installed add-ons, the Ask toolbar can be installed without the users knowledge.
    For checking other extensions that may cause this, follow the procedure in this link -

  • Can I use iWork '09 on Lion without using new Lion features?

    I do not wish to use the new features in Lion, primarily autosave, with iWork, at least initially.  In other words have iWork act as it would in S.L.   However, I need to purchase iWork in order to continue using a bunch of Appleworks spreadsheets.  I am using a new MBP with OS 10.7.1.  My plan is to purchase the hard copy iWork '09 from the Apple Store (the AppStore download versions have already been updated).  This CD should be some version of 9.0 as they have not put 9.1 on the CD.  My idea is to just not let the modules (Numbers, Pages, etc.) get updated until I am ready.  My question is -- will Numbers and Pages work properly on Lion without using the final update to the new Lion Features, and which updates to Numbers and Pages should I avoid?
    Any help is appreciated. 

    Sjazbec wrote:
    Resume can be disabled systemwide in Systemsettings, general section.
    Alas, it's reactivated when we shutdown if we don't take care to uncheck the dedicated box.
    More, if we ask to restart on an other device, we have no checkbox available to disable Resume.
    Happily, it seems that pressing option during the shutdown process disable the beast.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 16 septembre 2011 18:49:31
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community

  • CUCM 8.6 VPN Advance Feature Missing

    As per the title, i have installed Cisco UCM 8.6. I am deploying SSL VPN on the router and Cisco IP-Phones as SSL client to be connected to CUCM.
    I cannot find any VPN service/feature in CUCM 8.6 which i have recently installed. There is no VPN option under Advance features under CUCM OS administration. Also during issuer cert upload, there is no Phone-VPN-Trust.
    Either i am missing a license feature here or might be some thing to do with Demo. Can one kindly assist me this .Regards.

    Thnx for the prompt response. Can you kindly tell me how to find out whether its restricted or not.
    I am just saying its going to support 15 VoIP phone as i have not installed the licenses. and what do u mean by HTH and Java?
    I cannot find any other feature missing from CUCM other than VPN

  • New Movies feature in Garageband 11- how to export?

    I work at a school and would like to be able to import editable videos from Discovery Education United Streaming into the new Movies feature in Garageband. The thought is to have them remove the audio and then create their own on top of the video.  Some students have pre-made songs that they have done previously that we want to add video to. This seems like it would be much easier for students to do in Garageband than importing into iMovie and splitting the audio and then finding their Garageband recordings to insert.
    The problem I ran into is that I can import the videos, but Garageband will not allow me to export them.  I have tried on multiple machines, and with multiple videos.  I called Apple support and they suggested that it is a codec issue with the .mov file from Discovery Ed.  They could not tell me what codecs are supported by Garageband.
    I was able to get around this problem by importing the downloaded video into iMovie, then exporting it right back out as a .mov file.  When I imported that one into Garageband I was able to export the movie with the new audio file from students without any issues.  If I do this, I might as well just have students use iMovie instead. 
    Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can do in Garageband to make this work as easily as it should.  Thank you.

    Do you have a link to one of the movies?

  • New calling feature in OS X 10.10 needs a keypad

    The new calling feature works great in OS X 10.10, until you come across an automated phone system... No keypad.
    Hopefully that will get updated. I can't imagine Apple didn't think about this.

    Neat, thanks. Should still be a setting elsewhere but solves my problem - thank you

  • I cannot get my iTunes to display new Radio feature...only Internet Radio option still.  I'm on 10.6.8.  Is that an issue?

    My iTunes still only shows Internet Radio (not allowing me to use the new Radio feature). 
    I have the latest version of iTunes and 10.6.8 which is the latest version for my MacBook.
    Any thoughts?  Is there a way to update this?

    yup, thats an issue. apple states that it requires lion os x v10.7 and above.

Maybe you are looking for