New  60G died during initial setup

Just got a new 60g video to replace old 40g. Had charge out of the box. Got home and ran the iTunes updater to confirm latest version and ran iPod installer. Plugged my iPod in and it changed to Do Not Disconnect but hadn't yet registered with iTunes. The screen then showed the Apple logo and a bar along the bottom (i assume the firmware was updating?). Screen then faded out and went blank. Now my iPod won't turn on at all.
I've reconnected my old iPod to check it's not the cable. I've also tried to reset the new iPod. It's dead. I've tried to resetting the mac and reconnecting also.
I'm running a new iMac with OS X 10.4.7
Any suggestions?

Can you try to plug your iPod with an iPod ac charger

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    Hi James,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    You might want to try reinstalling the 10.4.2 Combo Updater before you go to all that work, especially if you updated to 10.4.2 with one click in Apple's Software Update on your Mac.
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    Welcome to the Nokia Forums!
    Have you tried plugging it into your PC to see if it is detected?
    I suggest you return it to the retailer to receive a replacement device as soon as possible.
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    Hi there again.
    I didn't had any of the problems you mentioned (45' minutes setup). We tried along with AppleCare to make a new partition to the hard disk in order to install OS in that one and boot the machine from it. It didn't help as the machine didn't let me to make a partition. Later on we swiped the hard disk and at the moment where you choose the hard disk to install OS, there wasn't any to choose. Returned the machine to the store I bought it and they sent it to the authorized service center where they told me that the machine just didn't have any OS installed.
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    See if placing the iPod in DFU mode will allow a restore.
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    Does the iPod charge when connected?
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    Have you tried another cable?
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    Looks like Bob has already given you the correct steps. In addition to his comments, I would like to offer the following suggestions:
    o Before trying to configure either base station to extend your new DB AEBSn, I would strongly suggest that you perform a "hard" reset on the AEBSn & a "factory default" reset on the AXn.
    o Place the base stations within near proximity of each other during the set up phase, and then relocate them to their desired locations when complete. To make it even simpler and avoid having to "switch" wireless networks during the setup, attach each to the DB AEBSn via Ethernet.
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    I have responded oin the other thread  (I clicked you name on the left to see your Posts).
    I have somewhat changed my mind on the Folder the Address Book "Sees" as it seems it keep  record of the lst folder you went (I must have used the Recent Pics folder last time I changed the Pic)
    I don't think I am going to have the answer but my posting there will raise it to the top of the pile (briefly) and have it on the front page there for little while longer - which may help when you post back some more info there.
    8:10 PM      Friday; August 5, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Step: Upload Default ACL Settings
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    Kind regards,
    Joost Christenhusz

    Hi Lee,
    I think I know how to solve this. I have just solved a similar problem with my PI 7.1 EHP1. Deployment in JSPM of various software components all failed like this example:
    JSPM log:
    Deploy status is 'Aborted'
    Client path '
    Description:'1. ERROR CODE DPL.DS.5089  Exception during generating components of  application in webservices_container container.
    Default Trace:
    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
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    But finally after several tests, searching on SDN+SMP and restore to backup version I found the solution in [SAP Note 1328776|] which describes a similar problem: Update to the newest version of ENGINEAPI 7.11. Today this is ENGINEAPI04P_4-20002603.SCA.
    You may also want to make sure that you are running the newest version of the Configuration Wizard, so you should check/update LMTOOLS, LMCTC and LMCFG*, currently LMTOOLS04P_3-20002705.SCA, LMCTC04P_1-20002694.SCA and LMCFG04P_4-20002729.SCA.
    I hope this proves to be useful.

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    My BB it is showing a blue screen with the legend "Software Update"

    Hey jcmontenegro,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry® Support Community Forums.
    This may be an issue with your Wi-Fi connection. I would suggest connecting to a different Wi-Fi network to attempt to complete the setup.
    Thank you.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Go to Settings>General>Reset, tap Erase All Content and Settings, go through the setup screens on the phone and when given the option, choose Restore from iCloud Backup.  Be sure your phone is connected to wifi and your charger as this may take some time to finish.

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    OK- update:
    1.  Hold down the power and "home" buttons simultaneously until you see the screen go black and release.
    2.  Watch the Apple reappear and, with it, the progress bar.  If it doesn't fairly quickly creep beyond that one tenth point and appear to be doing something-
    3.  -repeat the two button restart as often as necessary.
    (I had to do this about ten times and the last three times I noted the time between the screen going off and the apple logo reappearing got longer.  Finally the progress bar reappeared and seemed to stall and then it disappeared and the Apple logo dimmed.  And VOILA- it worked!!  )

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    Hi   There
    In order to solve this issue , first of all you need to make sure that the version of your ABAP and JAVA stack are in your system as per this note 1274287 : End-to-End Diagnostics SP18(EHP1)- SP19 - SP20
    Also the central note as per your  ABAP stack version is implimented
         1172948 SAP Solution Manager - Basic functions (SP18/19)
         1334252 SAP Solution Manager - Basic functions (SP20/21)
         1405878 SAP Solution Manager - Basic functions (SP22)
    And make sure the Notes 1319829 is fully implimented in your system.
    I am sure this will solve the issue.
    Best Regards
    Jai Wardhan

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