New batch of newb questions

What is the northbridge and southbridge?
The mobo has 3 temp sensors, PC alert reads 2 but i got Mobo monitor and i get the 3 sensors. where are they placed and should i trust MBM readings?
what is this 1394/something like that thing?

Just a basic representation

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  • Hi all new here. Newb question...can this be done with flash?

    Hi everyone hoping you can help a newb like me out. Thanks in advance for your time. I am trying to make a video exactly like this.
    I know in the video it implies he uses a light control thing but I think he is really just animating the cartoon. I just want to animate a "line cartoon" like this one. Can I do this in flash? Its not for a website just like a movie type thing. I have access to pretty much all the other adobe software at my school so if I need to use a different program I can do that. Just looking for someone to point me in the right direction and maybe give some tips on how to go about it. Thanks.

    open flash and you'll see a timeline with frames (that are all empty when you start).  draw something on the stage.  that will be in frame 1.  right click on frame 10 and click insert keyframe.  your drawing will be in frame 10 now.  double click your drawing to select all of it, move your mouse off and then over the select drawing and then drag it to the right and release.  right click between frame 1 and frame 10 and click motion tween.  test your movie.
    now start playing with flash to see what you can do.  you're not going to learn how to create your animation by asking questions.
    you can get help getting started but you now have enough info to get started.  you can get more help if and when you encounter problems.

  • Newbie question - cloning to a new server

    Hi all,
    I am very new to the EBS world, so please forgive the "newbie" question. We are running 12.0.4, and we have approximately 12 different environments. We probably do 3 to 4 clones a week, generally from production to one of the existing environments.
    However, we now have a couple brand new Linux servers, and we want to set them up as a new environment to clone to (one will be apps server, one will be DB server). I am looking at some of the Metalink documents on how to do this. But my basic question is this - do I first have to do a basic EBS installation onto these servers, before I will be able to clone an environment over to them?

    Duplicate thread ...
    Newbie question - cloning to a new server
    Re: Newbie question - cloning to a new server

  • New iMac, have several questions

    First of all I'm not sure if this is the right community to post to. My questions seem to span several forum categories. If there is a better general forum for my questions, please let me know.
    I just got a new iMac, (21.5 inch late 2013), with a 1T fusion drive and pre-loaded with Yosemite (version 10.10.1). My "old" iMac is a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo vintage 2006 model with 3G RAM and running Leopard and Snow Leopard. I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of my new iMac and Yosemite and I have some questions. Keep in mind that I'm an old dog trying to learn some new tricks, so please be patient.
    1. I think I may already have the answer on this one (via the FAQ I read about Fusion Drives) but I'll ask anyway just to be sure I understand. On my previous macs, I've always partitioned my hard drive into 3 or 4 partitions and I would like to do the same with my new iMac. I tried following the Disk Utility Help but I'm running into a problem. Apparently I can only partition my fusion drive into two partitions. If I try to further partition either of those partitions I find I can only merge the existing two partitions back together. According to the Disk Utility help file, I should be able to create as many partitions as I want. So which is correct, the FAQ, (only two partition on a Fusion Drive), or the Disk Utility help, (as many partitions as I want)? And if I can have more than two partitions, how do I do that?
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    3. One of my partitions is for Windows. I know OS X has Boot Camp but my understanding is that a user must restart when switching between OS X and Windows. Is that still true for Yosemite? If so, I'll stick with Parallels.
    4. Related to question 3, the help link for setting up Boot Camp indicates I need a 64 bit version of Windows 7. I have a 32 bit version. Is that an issue (keep in mind, I'll likely be using Parallels)?
    5. More on Windows. I see there is an option to format a Windows partition as MS-DOS FAT. On my old iMac my Windows partition was formatted as normal Mac OS Extended (journaled) and that works fine. Is there a reason I should format the Windows partition on my new iMac as MS-DOS FAT?
    6. I miss seeing the hard drive icons on my desktop, everything seems to be in the dock. Is there a way to show my hard drive icon and any other partitions on my desktop?
    7. Of course my biggest job will be to transfer data from my old iMac to the new one. The Firewire port on my old iMac is dead (zapped by lightning a few years ago). What is the best way to transfer data between the two computers? Note, I see a warning in the Disk Utility help file that "to prevent loss of data on your Fusion Drive don't connect it to a mac that's using a version of OS X older than 10.8.5". Is that warning relevant to transferring my data since my old iMac has
    10.5.8 and 10.6.8?
    That's my first barrage of newbie questions. There will likely be more.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I understand 1, 2 and 3. I'll check with the Parallels people to get full resolution on items 4 & 5. It's a shame about the restart requirement for Boot Camp.
    Item 6 is a "duh". If I'd looked further I could have answered my own question.
    For item 7 I didn't get a definitive answer to my question about the relevancy of the warning. Is there an issue? For the answer you did provide are you saying i should dump everything from my old iMac onto my external hard drive and then move that external drive to the new iMac and load it? With regard to using a network approach, all I have is airport to my DSL router from my old iMac and then either Firewire or airport from the router to my new iMac. How would I use that setup? I have no other local or remote "network".

  • Total Newbie Question ... Sorry :-(

    I know it's a windows thing, and I am now converted to Mac but I gotta know this because it's doing my head in. It's a complete stupid green gilled newbie question.
    When installing new programs on a Mac can you create shortcuts to the programs on the Dock? I did what I THOUGHT it would be, i.e I made an Alias and stuck it in the dock, but on rebooting my Mac later on, in place of the shortcuts where 3 question marks which when clicked on did absolutely nothing???
    Windows XP Pro Desktop, Macbook Pro, 60GB iPod Video   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   OS X

    You aren't installing something from a dmg file are you? The dmg is a disk image – kind of a virtual CD. So when you double click the dmg and then get the little disk/hardrive/custom icon on your desktop that is the same as if you had mounted a CD. You then need to drag the application off of that "CD" into your application folder. Then it is truly installed.
    You can then "eject" the icon your your desktop. This is what happens when you shutdown and without remounting the image your dock shortcut can't find the original.
    Just a thought.

  • Newbie Question:  How much computer do I need?

    Newbie Question:
    I would like to use MainStage 3 in a live performance environment to play bars, parties, etc.  I'm not looping, using it to playback recordings, processing outboard equipment or vocal processing.  I want to stop carrying Rolands, Nords, Korgs, etc and get to a controller and a rack with a Mac Mini in it.
    I tested a download of Mainstage 3 on my home Mac Mini (late 2012, 3.5 Ghz i5, 4GB RAM, 500GB drive) and it seemed to run fairly well.  $30 well invested so I trekked forward... I purchased a Mac Mini (late 2009,  2.52GHz Core 2 Duo, 6GB RAM, 128GB SSD) for $200.  I started to do more elaborate keyboard setups to see how the CPU would hold up.  It typically runs from 30% to 50% of capacity (CPU and Memory)  It actually boots and runs better than the i5.  I hear the occasion gitch, but it actually seems to be getting better in time (or I'm rock and roll deaf.
    I got a rack, an Airport Express, a Radial USB interface and a Nektar Panorama P6.  It's starting to get expensive, but I'm emboldened by the actual quality for the sound and the flexibility of arranging for live performance.  What used to take me two and three keyboards to play, I can now fit on one performance patch.
    OK, now the question... am I at the limits of this little Core 2 Duo?  Should I upgrade the i5 with more RAM and a bigger SSD and use that?  Should I get a new(er) i7 and bite the $1,500 bullet for the additional RAM and SSD?
    I see that most of you are running pretty nice Macbook Pros with i7 and lots of everything.  My needs are modest; am I OK? 
    BTW, I want to run a Mac Mini in a box because I don't want to carry a laptop out in the open.  If I was doing bigger shows I wouldn't care but I play some rowdy bars and constantly have folks hanging off me while I'm playing.  It's fun, but hard on gear.  If you can't drop it or dip it in beer, it won't last long where I work.
    Matt Donnelly

    Rule of thumb: newer and faster is better. But, depending the complexity of your needs you may be OK with an older Mac. Some glitches that happen in a live performance are due to loss of communication with USB or Firewire inputs, so make sure they're secure. I recently upgraded from a 2010 Mac Mini 2.6 dual core with 16 GB RAM, which was used live for nearly four years, to the latest Mac Mini 3.0 i7 with 16 GB RAM and a 500 GB SSD. I was getting an occasional stuck note with the older one. The new one is rock solid. Some of my patches may have up to a dozen channel strips mapped to three keyboards. The Mini is mounted in a rack next to a MOTU Ultralite Hybrid. It is a good idea to map a panic button on your keyboard to controller # 123(all notes off). Also, you might want to invest in a battery backup power supply(APC, Cyberpower, etc.-$40-$60) to protect your Mac against power loss, which can damage you hard drive.

  • Newbie question - XML version, searching by artist

    Probably quite a common problems - apologies for newbie questions.
    I've changed the URL of my MP3s in my XML to a new location and refreshed my feed. Is there a way of seeing what version of the XML iTunes is using? (it takes around 24 housr to refresh, right?)
    Also, when I'm searching for my podcast by author it's not coming up (<channel><itunes:author>) - is there a reason for this or a way to get it to show up when people search for the artist, other than doubling it in the title? (This works by the way, but I'd prefer not to!)

    you can do it in just one loop, going through all the image
    tags in index_content and for each tag fill the values of all four
    for (i...) {
    get the appropriate child of index_content
    first_array[ i ] = value of first tag
    second_array[ i ] = value of second tag
    no need for multiple loops.
    flash has functionality for xml files, but it helps to write
    a little wrapper around it, to simplify programming, especially if
    you work with xml a lot.. I wrote my for work, so I can't show it
    to you, but it's not very complicated to do

  • Newbie question: ""dynamic"" casting

    Hello all,
    I have a quite newbie question. I have this class hierarcy:
    in some part of my code I have this:
    if (object1 instanceof A){
    if (object1 instanceof A1)      {A1   object2 = (A1) e;}
              if (object1 instanceof A2)      {A2   object2 = (A2) e;}
              if (object1 instanceof A3)      {A3   object2 = (A3) e;}
              if (object1 instanceof A4)      {A4   object2 = (A4) e;}
              if (object1 instanceof A5)      {A5   object2 = (A5) e;}
    Is there any way to do this type of casting just in one line? I mean, I just want to cast object1 to the class it is instanceof. If it is instance of A1, I want to be casted to A1, if it is A2 to A2, etc...
    Thanks you in advance.

    kamikaze04 wrote:
    In fact I know what object1 is on execution time,Which doesn't help your compiler at all, when it's task to link and verify method calls.
    because the code posted at the top is working well, i just want to avoid repeating that if's for all the new classes Ax I will create. Big "code smell" here.
    In other words if i had from A1 to A200 i dont want to have 200 if's to cast it to the class it is and then execute it's method.You could call the method "doMagic()" and make it abstract in A. Then you can implement it in all Ax classes and would never have to worry about casting in the first place, because A.doMagic() would automagically do the right thing. Polymorphism.

  • Variable accessibility: newbie question

    My next newbie question:
    The following two classes are in two separate files in the same a folder testClass2:
    package JavaDemos.testClass2;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Sketcher {
        static SketchFrame window;
        static int widthXXX;
        public static int getwidthXXX() {
            return widthXXX;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            window = new SketchFrame("Sketcher");
            System.out.println("output: width = " + widthXXX);
    package JavaDemos.testClass2;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class SketchFrame extends JFrame {
        public SketchFrame(String title) {
        public void specialReport(){
            System.out.println("number " + widthXXX);
            //     System.out.println("number " + Sketcher.getwidthXXX());
    }They don't compile.
    I get the following error message:
    JavaDemos/testClass2/ [23:1] cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable widthXXX
    location: class JavaDemos.testClass2.SketchFrame
    System.out.println("number " + widthXXX);
    1 error
    Why isn't widthXXX directly accessible from SketchFrame?
    Thank you again in advance for any help.

    Why isn't widthXXX directly accessible from
    SketchFrame?Because it's a class variable of another class. You have to refer to it as Sketcher.widthXXX.

  • SG200-08 Newbie Questions

    I have recently purchased the SG200-08 Smart Switch, but I have a few "newbie questions" about it as I get started using it.
    The on board firmware shows Is that the latest firmware to the switch?
    Do I need to enable IPv6 Auto Configuration and DCHPv6 in my switch settings to be ready for IPv6 as my ISP rolls it out down the road?
    How do I go about changing the switch's username? I was able to easily change the password, but having issues getting the username to change.
    Do I need to do anything about the LLDP-MED settings? What exactly is that?
    How do I confugure the System Time Settings so the switch functions in my time zone (USA Central Time)?
    Thanks a bunch for any assistance!

    Hi Nathan,
    My guess is that NAT is already on - you have one public IP address from your ISP. Your router will use NAT (network address translation) to allow multiple clients (and either dynamically assign them private IPs via dhcp or you set them statically) to connect to the internet using the one public IP. It also sounds like your RV042G is assigning both ipv6 and ipv4 addresses, and theres nothing wrong with that. Unless you have specific information re: ipv6 from your isp, however, I would suggest not worrying about it until you hear from them. Are your macs connected to the router via the SG200 switch? If so, it looks like its passing ipv6 just fine.  UPnP is something completely different - thats with opening ports like you mentioned - its a way that your devices can communicate with the router to automatically enable the proper port forwarding for the device/application.
    Regarding the username, create a new user account. I don't think you can edit the cisco user, but try deleting it after creating and testing a new user account..
    I'm not familiar with the Polycom system, but I would leave the settings as default unless you are using true IP phones (rather than an ATA adapter). From a quick google of the polycom device, I don't think you will gain anything from LLDP/CDP as the handsets use regular cordless phone freqs. With my setup, we use cisco IP desk phones and cordless wifi phones, CDP makes life easy as the cisco access point, wifi phones, cisco switch, and cisco desk phones (connected via ethernet) see each other and know what they're dealing with automatically.
    I don't see the SNTP setting for unicast / broadcast that you're looking at. For the switch to get the time from a sntp server, under administration -> time -> sntp settings, add a server, and then back on time-> system time, enable sntp server as the main clock source. What are you using as your sntp source? Do you have an internal sntp server? You don't need to enable dhcp on the sntp server.
    May I also point you to the two manuals, I think they may be helpful:  RV042G  & SG200
    Hope thats helpful.
    Please rate any helpful posts.

  • Newb Question for burning DVD/CDs

    I have an external DVD writer on my iMac.
    I got the thing last month and an completely new to Apple (sorta)
    Now how do I make a data CD and DVD?
    On Winblows XP all I need to do is select the files, right click and click on SEND FILES TO CD for making data CDs.
    However for DVD I need 3rd party software.
    Will iDVD do the trick?
    Thanks for the looking at this simple newb question.

    Now how do I make a data CD and
    DVD?Drag the files to the icon of the
    blank CD/DVD that appears in the
    Finder.However for DVD I need 3rd party
    software.You might want to try Patc
    hBurn.Will iDVD do the
    trick?No, iDVD is only for making video
    DVDs and it requires a G4 processor.
    Thanks for the tip Duane.
    I was just reading abotu burning CD on another site. It mentions about what you said, drag the files to the CD.
    However I am reading in my profiler that burning is NOT supported by OS X on this CD/DVD writer.
    Will Patchburn or any other software overcome this?

  • IFS Newbie questions

    Two newbie questions:
    1. I have a simple batch file as below that I execute using ifsshell.
    login system/manager
    cd /FolderSystem
    put /usr/local/oracle/testifs/test.txt
    How do I copy to iFS all files in a specified local directory - /usr/local/oracle/testifs/* doesn't seem to work.
    2. Can database user be mapped to iFS user?
    Thanks in advance,

    xsi wrote:
    - Is there a way to display X-Axis labels vertically in a chart?
    See Badunit's reply below.
    - Is there a way to display only specific values in a line chart?
    You can create a chart from "all the data in a table or only data in selected cells of one or more tables," according to the Numbers '09 Users Guide. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I'll refer you to Chapter 7 of that document, and specifically to Page 132.
    If I recall correctly, there is a copy of the Users Guide on the IWork installation disk. If not, the Guide is available for download in the Help menu in Numbers.
    Message was edited by: Barry

  • MEGA-Newbie Question

    This has to be the most newbie of all newbie questions. Interestingly enough, it is the one that is most rarely answered in a non-technical way that the novice can understand.
    What exactly do I need Motion for? What, in common-sense, regular-language terms, does it do?
    My manuals tell me how to do all the things it does. But they assume I am an experienced editor (I'm an experienced filmmaker, but only just started working in editing) who already knows all the things that CAN be done and only wants to know HOW to do them in Motion. This is not me.
    So, say I am making a 90-minute HDV feature music doc. I have footage, I have stills. I will need captions, titles and text on screen. I will need an end credit roll. What is it I will probably want Motion to do for me that FCP can't do on its own?
    I'd appreciate an answer in somewhat non-technical language that addresses the practical use -- from a filmmaker's point of view -- of this no doubt amazing program.
    Thank you.

    hi Paul,
    You are right you can do much of the things Motion does in FCP, but Motion takes them further and often makes them easier to do.
    Briefly whereas FCP is generally for editing moving pictures from rushes to a coherent whole, Motion is used to composite or layers of moving pictures to make a new coherent whole picture.
    So i plain words, you can meld different sources of video, stills text and other sources together to make a new end peice. You can animate text, warp pictures, create fires, smoke, hide bits ( masking), animate graphical elements. In short whenever you need to layer up multiple sources of imagery Motion is your man. Sure FCP can handle a lot of this, but Motion is designed specifically and only to do this, and does it very well. ( You would not want to edit in Motion!)
    In your 90 minute example you could do it all in FCP and make it look very nice. But you might need to go the extra mile with the title sequence, perhaps the captions will have some kind of generic strap line ( lower third) under All these things could be done easier and better in motion. However you would not want to import the whole 90 minute programme into Motion and start throwing captions on it. Rather you would want to build each element ( strap line, animating titles, opening sequence etc) in Motion and then import them into FCP for the final mastering. Motion is for short sequences, and FCP is used to collect them all into one programme.
    I make music commercials for a living, do all the cutting on FCP and build all the graphic elements in Motion, take a look at my site for some examples if you'd like,
    Hope this helps you

  • Newbie question. coldFusion w/ Flex 2 tutorial

    I am very new to F2 and CF. Fairly proficient at Flash, DW,
    css, html, etc. I have purchased and worked through a couple really
    great F2 and CF books. I am able to construct some good basic stuff
    with either. But am not really finding a tutorial or book that is
    exclusively committed just to the subject of to using CF with Flex
    2. There always seems to be a just a cursory mention, or a
    brush-by, but not much more than that. I get it: if you got this
    far, you probably arlready know everything about the two and
    shouldn't need such.
    If you could point me to a couple good references, I'd be
    very appreciative. I'm looking for a good step-by-step, just on
    this subject.

    Thank you. You are right on with the direction of your
    Immediately, I am just trying to create a simple method of
    add/edit/delete records to tables from forms that I could access
    remotely with Flex 2. I just assumed that CF would be the best
    method, both being Macradobe products. If I am wrong about that, so
    be it. Utlimately, I would like to print specific "quotes" relative
    to specific customers and products to .pdf. This is for my own
    personal use (as an insurance broker). Not commercial. Nor is
    anyone paying me to develop this.
    Maybe a better newbie question would be: what would be the
    preferred method to add/edit/delete records, remotely, from a Flex
    2 application for later printing to .pdf based on various selection
    criteria? I have figured out how to do this on my own stand-alone
    machine. Now I want to be able to do it remotely from anywhere.
    not looking for instruction from anyone here, just direction
    to your favorite learning tools so that I can dig in and learn.
    I bought the books you recommended (adding to my own Library
    of Congress).
    Thanks again!

  • RV042G Newbie Questions

    I have the new Cisco RV042G router, and I have just a few "newbie questions" about it as I get started using it:
    The firmware on board is v4.2.1.02. Since this is a brand new router, is that the latest firmware?
    Under Time>DST Dates, what do I need to configure in there? I'm in the US, Central Time.
    I want to use Back to My Mac from iCloud (formerly MobileMe). Under the iCloud preferances pane on my Mac, it's saying: "Back to My Mac may be slow because NAT Port Mapping (NAT-PMP) or Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is turned off on your router. Turn on NAT-PMP or UPnP." What should I enable on my router in order for Back to My Mac to better function?
    I'm using a VOIP phone on the network (only 1 device with a couple phones). Are there any QoS settings I should tweak for better performance of my VOIP phone? I did change the port the VOIP phone is connected to to High (instead of Normal) under Port Settings. Will this help boost performance?
    I also want to setup a VLAN on a port for guests to access the Internet, but not have any access to my personal network. Here's the steps I've done so far. Is this sufficient or is there anything else I need to do?
    I went to Setup>Network, enabled Multiple Subnets.
    I added as a subnet.
    I went to Port Management>Port Setup, set the port I wanted to use (Port 4) to VLAN2.
    I went to Firewall>Access Rules, added two rules:
    Deny All Traffic from to
    Deny All Traffic from to
    Thanks everyone for your help!

    Easy.  just goto the DHCP field and fill in the Static DHCP fields.
    Assigning static IP addresses by adding devices from a list
    Click Show unknown MAC addresses. The IP & MAC binding list appears. If the web browser displays a message about the pop-up window, allow the blocked content.
    The devices are listed by the IP address and the MAC address. (Typically the MAC address appears on a label on the bottom panel or back panel of a device.) If needed, you can clickRefresh to update the data.To select a device, first enter a descriptive Name. Then check the Enable box. Alternatively, select all devices in the list by clicking the check box at the top of the Enable column.
    Click OK to add the devices to the Static IP list, or click Close to close the pop-up window without adding the selected devices. After you click OK, a message appears. The message includes important information. Read it before clicking OK. Keep the browser open and wait until the selected MAC addresses appear in the Static IP list.
    Modify or remove list entries, as needed:
    To modify the settings: Click a device in the list. The information appears in the text fields. Make the changes, and then click Update. If you do not need to make changes, you can click Add New to de-select the entry and clear the text fields.
    To delete an entry from the list: Click the entry that you want to delete, and then clickDelete. To select a block of entries, click the first entry, hold down the Shift key, and then click the final entry in the block. To select individual entries, press the Ctrl key while clicking each entry. To de-select an entry, press the Ctrl key while clicking the entry.
    Assigning static IP addresses by entering devices manuallyIn the Static IP Address section, add or edit entries as needed. Remember that the settings are not saved until you click the Save button.
    To add a new device to the list: Enter the following information, and then click Add to list.
    Static IP Address: Enter the static IP address. You can enter if you want the router to assign a static IP address to the device.
    MAC Address: Enter the MAC address of the device. (Typically the MAC address appears on a label on the bottom panel or the back panel of a device.) Enter the address without punctuation.
    Name: Enter a descriptive name for the device.
    Enable: Check this box to assign the static IP address to this device.
    To add another new entry: Enter the information, and then click Add to list.
    To modify the settings: Click a device in the list. The information appears in the text fields. Make the changes, and then click Update. If you do not need to make changes, you can clickAdd New to de-select the entry and clear the text fields.
    To delete an entry from the list: Click the entry that you want to delete, and then click Delete. To select a block of entries, click the first entry, hold down the Shift key, and then click the final entry in the block. To select individual entries, press the Ctrl key while clicking each entry. To de-select an entry, press the Ctrl key while clicking the entry.
    Using the Static IP List to Block Devices
    You can use the Static IP list to control access to your network. You can block access by devices that are not on the list or do not have the correct IP address.
    Add devices to the Static IP list as described in Static IP Addresses.
    Enable or disable the following features:
    Block MAC address on the list with wrong IP address: Check this box to prevent a computer from accessing your network if its IP address has been changed. For example, if you previously assigned a static IP address of and someone configures the device to use 192.168.149, the device will not be allowed to connect to your network. This feature discourages users from changing their device IP addresses without your permission. Uncheck the box to allow access regardless of the current IP address assignment.
    Block MAC address not on the list: Check this box to block access from devices that are not included in the Static IP list. This feature prevents unknown devices from accessing your network. Uncheck the box to allow access by any connected device that is configured with an IP address in the correct range.
    Hope that helps.
    Regards Simon

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