New computer songs on old computer I CANT AUTHORIZE! I do not have access

to the old computer, it was the one I used at work, and I no longer work there. SO... I go into my account info and there are all the songs I've bought, an it shows I have 2 computers authorized, how do I get those songs to go into my purchased music, so I can authorize them for my new laptop? It's really ******* me off. I bought them, and it's obvious that there is knowledge of that, but when I go into purchase music, it doesn't show it. I supposidly can authorize 5 computers, but I can't authorize this one. What do I need to do?

Did you copy the actual m4p files from your work computer and put them on your laptop?
Because iTMS only allows one download per song.
If you didn't move the actual song files, you'll have to buy them again.
iTMS isn't like Rhapsody or other services where you "rent" the songs and can stream them to any PC. With iTMS songs, you own the files, and you have to keep track of them.

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