New javafx properties in netbeans.

Hi everybody,
Is there a way to let netbeans automatically generate the new type of getters and setters for the javafx Property objects simply by selecting the Property fields in the code?
The same way it is done in eclipse.
I tryed using the "add JavaFx property" but this allows only to add a single javafx property at a time, but is not so convenient to add the various properties one by one this way.

Hi everybody,
Is there a way to let netbeans automatically generate the new type of getters and setters for the javafx Property objects simply by selecting the Property fields in the code?
The same way it is done in eclipse.
I tryed using the "add JavaFx property" but this allows only to add a single javafx property at a time, but is not so convenient to add the various properties one by one this way.

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    So here's the first shot:
    A couple of simple model classes
    public class Project {
         private final StringProperty title ;
         private final ObjectProperty<Employee> assignee ;
         public Project(String title) {
              this.title = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "title", title);
              this.assignee = new SimpleObjectProperty<Employee>(this, "assignee");
         public Project() {
         public StringProperty titleProperty() {
              return title ;
         public String getTitle() {
              return title.get() ;
         public void setTitle(String title) {
         public ObjectProperty<Employee> assigneeProperty() {
              return assignee ;
         public Employee getAssignee() {
              return assignee.get();
         public void setAssignee(Employee assignee) {
         public String toString() {
              String t = title.get();
              Employee emp = assignee.get();
              if (emp==null) {
                   return t;
              } else {
                   return String.format("%s (%s)", t, emp.getName()) ;
    public class Employee {
         private StringProperty name ;
         public Employee(String name) {
     = new SimpleStringProperty(this,"name", name);
         public StringProperty nameProperty() {
              return name ;
         public String getName() {
              return name.get();
         public void setName(String name) {
    }and the application
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.control.ListCell;
    import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
    import javafx.scene.input.ClipboardContent;
    import javafx.scene.input.DataFormat;
    import javafx.scene.input.DragEvent;
    import javafx.scene.input.Dragboard;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.input.TransferMode;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
    public class DnDExample extends Application {
         private static final DataFormat PROJECT_DATA_FORMAT = new DataFormat("com.example.project"); // is there something special I can use here?
         public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
              final HBox root = new HBox(5);
              final ListView<Project> allProjects = new ListView<Project>();
              final Employee fred = new Employee("Fred");
              final Employee ginger = new Employee("Ginger");
              final ListView<Project> fredsProjects = new ListView<Project>();
              final ListView<Project> gingersProjects = new ListView<Project>();
              final VBox employeeLists = new VBox(5);
              employeeLists.getChildren().addAll(new Label("Fred's Projects"), fredsProjects, new Label("Ginger's Projects"), gingersProjects);
              root.getChildren().addAll(allProjects, employeeLists);
              allProjects.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Project>, ListCell<Project>>() {
                   public ListCell<Project> call(ListView<Project> listView) {
                        return new AllProjectListCell();
              final EventHandler<DragEvent> dragOverHandler = new EventHandler<DragEvent>() {
                   public void handle(DragEvent dragEvent) {
                        if (dragEvent.getDragboard().hasContent(PROJECT_DATA_FORMAT)) {
              fredsProjects.setOnDragDropped(new DragDropHandler(fred, fredsProjects.getItems()));
              gingersProjects.setOnDragDropped(new DragDropHandler(ginger, gingersProjects.getItems()));
              allProjects.getItems().addAll(new Project("Implement Drag and Drop"), new Project("Fix serialization problem"));
              Scene scene = new Scene(root, 600, 400);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
         private class DragDropHandler implements EventHandler<DragEvent> {
              private final Employee employee ;
              private final ObservableList<Project> itemList;
              DragDropHandler(Employee employee, ObservableList<Project> itemList) {
                   this.employee = employee ;
                   this.itemList = itemList ;
              public void handle(DragEvent event) {
                   Dragboard db = event.getDragboard();
                   if (db.hasContent(PROJECT_DATA_FORMAT)) {
                        Project project = (Project) db.getContent(PROJECT_DATA_FORMAT);
                        Project assignedProject = new Project();
         private class AllProjectListCell extends ListCell<Project> {
              private TextField textField ;
              private final EventHandler<MouseEvent> dragDetectedHandler ;
              AllProjectListCell() {               
                   this.dragDetectedHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                        public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
                             Dragboard db = startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.COPY);
                             ClipboardContent cc = new ClipboardContent();
                             cc.put(PROJECT_DATA_FORMAT, getItem());
              public void updateItem(final Project project, boolean empty) {
                   super.updateItem(project, empty);
                   if (empty) {
                   } else if (isEditing()) {
                        if (textField != null) {
                        setText(null) ;
                   } else {
              public void startEdit() {
                   if (!isEmpty()) {
                        textField = new TextField(getItem().getTitle());
                        textField.focusedProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
                             public void changed(
                                       ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable,
                                       Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
                                  if (! newValue) {
              public void cancelEdit() {
                   if (!isEmpty()) {
                   } else {
              public void commitEdit(Project project) {
                   if (!isEmpty()) {
    }If you try to drag from the list on the left to one of the lists on the right, it will fail pretty quickly and tell you that the data need to be Serializable.
    Simply adding "implements Serializable" to the Project and Employee classes doesn't work, as you find that SimpleStringProperty and SimpleObjectProperty are not Serializable. So instead I can use Externalizable:
    public class Project implements Externalizable {
         public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
         public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
                   ClassNotFoundException {
    public class Employee implements Externalizable {
         public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
         public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
                   ClassNotFoundException {
              setName((String) in.readObject());
    }This makes the drag and drop work, but if you drop a project on one of the employee lists, then edit the project title in the master list, the binding is not respected. This is because deserialization creates a new SimpleStringProperty for the title, which is not the property to which the title of the new Project object is bound.
    What I really want to do is to be able to drag and drop an object within the same JVM simply by passing the object by reference, rather than by serializing it. Is there a way to do this? Is there some DataFormat type I need?

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    I think the Netbeans RCP JavaFX strategy would be to enhance Netbeans RCP to provide better support for embedding JavaFX scenes in the platform.
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    Download the plug-in [] .

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    Best regards,
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    I don't think the JavaFX team will provide such a mechanism (well without it being perhaps created for something like Java9). You could file a request against the e(fx)clipse project and/or project Lombok.

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    Specify whether the system is to create a separate transaction for the send step.
    You can improve system performance if you define that the system is not to create a separate transaction for the send step. Note, however, that all messages to be sent are collected and not sent until the end of the relevant transaction. This is of particular importance for transactions that take a long time to execute.
    An asynchronous sender step that waits for an acknowledgment must always be executed in a separate transaction.

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    When you add operation "Create with parameters", an action "createWithParams" is created inside your page definition file. If you look in the structure window on the left hand side of your screen, you will find it under the "bindings" node.
    Right click on it and select "Insert inside ..." and then "NamedData". "NamedData" node will appear under the action "createWithParams".
    Right click on it and select "Go to properties". There you will see attributes NDName, NDType and NDValue (you don't have to worry about the NDOption attribute).
    Under NDName, write the name of the attribute you'd like to set.
    Under NDType write the class type of this attribute (example: oracle.jbo.domain.Number ).
    Under NDValue, write the default value of this attribute. This can be a direct value or EL expression.
    +<action IterBinding="EmployeesIterator" id="Createwithparameters"+
    DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" RequiresUpdateModel="true"
    +<NamedData NDName="FirstName" NDType="java.lang.String" NDValue="#{requestScope.userFirstName}"/>+
    As you can see from the example above, my attribute is "FirstName", it is of type "java.lang.String" and its value should be derived from EL expression "#{requestScope.userFirstName}".
    If you need help with the expression language, you can search for the document "The Java EE 6 Tutorial Volume II Advanced Topics" on Google. It contains an overview of EL. Useful stuff :)
    p.s. You can also buy the "Jdeveloper 11g Handbook". It's a great resource of information :)
    Edited by: Kristjan R. on 8.7.2010 3:45

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    Hi, we would like to share a chart of the classes and interfaces for properties and bindings. Enjoy! Regards, Niklas

    Looking at the diagrams I realize for the first time how complex properties and bindings are. :-)

  • Add new file properties @ knowledge management

    i wanna add new file properties to knowledge management.
    but i cant find any source about it.
    thanks for replies.

    Please follow below notes
    Note 739829 - Central Note for Performance of EP KMC

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    The property pane comes up but when I select a component no properties are displayed. Netbeans 6.9 RC2.

    I have found the same bug, using Netbeans 6.9.1 and developing a JavaFX GUI. When I add a component to my design scene, and then select that component and try to view its properties in the Properties window, it displays <No Properties>. Have you found a solution to this problem? I have submitted this as a bug to to see if they can make sense of it.

  • Profiling JavaFX project with Netbeans

    I'm trying to profile my application with the built-in netbeans profiler.
    But when I click the 'Run' button, the message 'Connecting to the target VM...' does not disappear anymore...
    What could be the problem?

    I've installed a 64 bit JDK and additionally a JRE , where I'm not sure if this is 32 or 64 bit.. I thought having downloaded a 64 bit version, but the system wanted to locate it in the 'Program Files (x86)' folder (Win 7).
    The jvisualvm does not really support my javafx applications.
    They're listed as <Unknown application> and eg. at the 'System properties' tab only the message 'Not supported for this JVM' is shown.
    Tell me if you need some more informations viewed in jvisualvm!
    P.S. i had massive problems with installing the java staff under Win 7. After first installation java did not work in Firefox. So I had to experiment with uninstalling / installing again and the env variables. Now it works with Firefox too and all my apps can be run in netbeans. But the Java symbol in the Control Panel does not work, and the 'java -version' command results in " Error: could not open `C:\Java\jre6_x86\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg' "
    amd64 in the path ?? I have Intel. I'm really scared .....

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    I here have a javafx project and need to create a web service client for it (in netbeans 6.8).
    However when I right click this project -> new -> web service client -> input wsdl location\package -> finish, it seems that the client code is never generated. This is quite different from what happens when creating web service client for a java project.
    Anyone knows how is this happening?

    Thanks for your reply.
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    package fx;For the definition above, it cannot access java.lang.builtins.
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