New MBP 2.2

My new MBP 15" 2.2 shipped on Friday and FedEx delivered it at 9:00 am today. I ordered the base MBP 2.2 machine but exchanged the stock 120 HD for a 160 HD (5400). Machine arrived trouble and noise free. I ordered the Glossy screen - it really is something to behold. I use Aperture often and found my photos really "pop". One note -- I've read some early reviews about a possible problem with the audio -- noise (cracking and hissing) when using headphones. I use Bang & Olufsen headphones and haven't had a problem yet. Audio works well on this machine. Maybe it's just dumb luck or my hearing really is bad...
MBP 2.2 - iMac (isight) - iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   MBP 2.2 160 HD 2Mg Mem

Remember this board is the hospital ward. Thank you for your fair and good review. We need the occasional good push to remind people not everyone has problems. It is rare that we see happy reviews.

Similar Messages

  • New MBP - wireless/internet access networking problem - a summary!

    New MBP here, with all the trimmings (MacOS X 10.4.10 - Safari 3 Beta). New also to the Apple/MAC world
    MBP >> wireless networking into a Linksys WRT54G router and >> thru HughesNet DW7000 Satellite Internet connection (not the fastest, but hey, the US and especially rural areas are NOT S. Korea when it comes to speedy internet connections!
    Frankly, I bought into it for two reasons: First, hearing about the vaunted Mac a/v/ and doc/photo editing capabilities,... and about MacOS stability, etc... Well, it all needs a little work still: on the part of new users like me, but also probably on the part of the Apple/Mac people as well. 2nd reason I decided to purchase the MBP - i.e. ability to run Windows (I have not yet tried BootCanp, etc...: still resolving preliminary issues!). I still live in a heavy Win environment at my business - no other way of course!
    Communications issues seem to still prevail: I am hanging out at several VERY HELPFUL forums (AppleDiscussionForum, MacRumorsForums, etc...) and the same issues keep popping up. Im my case, same as all above reported, with a few additional points, as follows:
    1. Xmission errors: seem to be - at least in my case - a constant factor, regardless on how close/far i am from my wireless router. For example, I would be attempting to dwnload an upgrade (large)QT or MacOS file. i am barely into the dowmoad, and I already have several Read/Send errors. By the end of the download, I will have probably about 15 Rcv and 5 Send errors. Never gets quite that bad in my Win machines, I must mention. Anything to do here (I know, there are such things always affecting wireless com). AND, MOST importantly, how that this affect the effectiveness of the upgrade (I spotted same thing with MacOS 10.4.10 and Safari Beta 3 upgrade downloads!). Would it be likely that applying upgrades in such circumstances would screw up the OS??? Could OTOH such errors be automatically "compensated" by re-xmits from the source, and eventually the download would be OK? Because quite frankly, I do NOT know if my important upgrade download was OK to apply to the system, given those errors!!!
    Also same thing with PING errors. Quite frequent when pinging another device on my network.
    2. Quite often, accessing a site will proceed somehow OK, and then things will get stuck twd the end, as if some buffer somewhere gets overloaded??? Of course, as elsewhere reported, same can often happen with com getting stuck right over the "www" part of the URL!
    3. AND, of course, the often reported "NO connection to the Internet", but computer shows good signal level and connection otherwise.
    4. Strangely enough, seems that the Airport Extreme wifi card sort of "warms up the the internet" as one proceeds to start using it. It eventually picks up on a network, and often "improves" its connection over time!
    5. Built in Airport Extreme seems to not exhibit up all immediately surrounding networks. Sensitivity issue?? iStumbler does.
    6. iStumbler permanently posts noise level of 9% regardless of how close to my wireless router/broadband modem I am. Anyone uses iStumbler to monitor network traffic?
    This is getting longuish: I just want to get over all those p*ant issues and get into putting my a/v stuff together!!
    - Roger T
    Thanks for just reading all this!. I am not sure it is all fixable (back to the Win "features" terminology, really meaning "bugs"??)

    Thanks, BDaqua. This support forum is quite well stocked: I have been perusing all its nooks and cranies!
    On the - All things Mac - forum, I spotted a couple of mentions of the following type of infromation:
    link: »
    - The first TechNote provides information concerning the Airport problem affecting the MBP Santa Rosa (but also other Mac Intel). When used on battery, the wireless connection drops and one can even experience kernel panic. Apple Centers are asked not to exchange affected notebook as this is due to a unidentified bug in the Atheros driver, and should be fixed in the future with a simple Airport system update. So for the moment, unfortunate users are asked to directly power their notebook when using wireless network, or using Ethernet connection when running on battery... in other words, turn your notebook into a desktop
    to forum · permalink
    I am wondering if you and folks on this close-to-Apple forum know anything about this. At least, we could just await remedy instead of messing around endlessly looking for solutions and... pondering as to whether it was a wise thing to purchase an expensive machine which happens to have trouble communicating online. After all, seems that the Mac folks are prone to spend MORE time online uploading/downloading music and videos instead of my being normally doing with the rest of my (Win) computers, i.e. work on customer lists, correspondence, inventories, accounting, data bases, etc....
    So, seems to me we do have a pb and Apple might just save a few $$$ on silly ads and get to work on com instead. if nothing else to avoid the appearance of further - admittedly rather funny - ad-spoofs!
    So back to your further inquiry. I run a wireless network from a HughesNet satellite modem, thru a Linksys WRT54GL wireless router, into some nearby office LANed desktops and point of sale equipment, to another neighbouring facility via wireless bridge, and to my Mac laptop. Distance from the laptop to the router: 50 ft max.
    It all works surprizingly very well: up to 200kbps up and 1000 kbps down (in prime time, 150 up and 600 down). OK, my set up looks complex and incurring LOTS of activity. Actually, online activity is quite minimal and well scheduled - right now I am the only machine on the network online. Otherwise, our office processes online money wiring for customers among other things.
    I'll try your DNS server choice on the Mac settings first. Will report accordingly.
    Thanks for everything!
    - Roger T

  • I opened original iPhoto Library (from iMac 10.8.5) on new MBP and now it won't open on iMac

    As my main computer I use an iMac which is not yet updated to Mavericks and I'd rather not update for now. I recently bought a MBP retina which has Mavericks on it.
    Whilst I was using the shared network to copy over some files to my new macbook I opening the iPhoto library off my iMac onto my MBP. Everything worked fine. However when I tried to open that library on my iMac it doesn't work. I just get a pop up saying:
    The library “iPhoto Library” cannot be opened.
    To open it, you must upgrade to the latest version of iPhoto.
    I've tried updating but of course I cannot. I can't even double check what version of iPhoto I am running as everything is greyed out. When I go to the app store and click update I get:
    Download an older version of this app?
    The current version requires OS X 10.9 or later, but you can download the last compatible version.
    When I download the older version it doesn't do anything unfortunately. Is there a way to get my iphoto library back on my iMac as there's a LOT of images on there that I need.

    You will need to restore your iPhoto Library from a back up of your iMac prior to when you opened it on your new MBP Retina.
    The iPhoto app for OS X Mavericks upgrades the iPhoto Library DB and you can't go back. There should have been a message displayed when you first tried opening it from your MBP Retina warning you that the libary will be upgraded.
    So, as long as you have a back up of the library prior to opening it with an OS X Mavericks Mac, you can continue using it with your iMac running OS X Mountain Lion. What this means is, until you upgrade your iMac to OS X Mavericks and the newer version of iPhoto, you will have to maintain 2 iPhoto Libraries and not share it.

  • UPS lost my new MBP

    Yesterday, I finally received my new 17" HiDef 4G 250G HD Mac Book Pro after UPS lost it for 24 hours. They delivered it to another address and then insisted that they delivered it to my home! The next day it showed up with no explanation of where it had been.
    I've run the machine for the past 24 hours with absolutely no problems. The transition is the easiest I've ever had, going all the way back to the Apple IIE. I opened it up and it immediately logged on to my wireless system.
    I got it from MacMall this time to save state sales tax. Also MacMall offered an installation package of bootcamp and XP Pro for less than I could buy the XP Pro by itself. Additionally, they sell a warranty extention for about the same price as Apple Care that does everything Apple Care does AND includes damage protection. In the past, I've had Apple Care and almost never had to use it. The one time I tried to use it when paint boiled off the bezel on my Titanium Power Book from heat, they refused to do anything because it was "cosmetic".
    The Hi Def non-glare display is absolutely stunning. It is so bright that it makes the display on my aluminum G4 Powerbook look dirty grey. The large format does do some funky things to some web sites, such as the opening pages here on Apple's discussion page. Even though the window is wide, the displayed page is narrow and forces some of the text to be displayed in columns.
    The battery is HUGE, but the mag safe connection is brilliant.
    The lighted key board is just right as opposed to the Powerbook where it was useless.
    I bought a Targus back pack this time around instead of the brief case I have been using for ten years.
    Despite the many compaints here of the new MBP running hot, it had been cooler than my Powerbook. I am going to install a fan utility on the Powerbook to make sure they are working right.
    Using the migration utility, I was up and running within 15 minutes. The included software is very extensive. The only thing I added was an upgrade to the newest Photoshop from my existing one. I already had MS Office and removed the demo. iWorks is impressive and I will probably buy it. The only thing that took time after that was figuring out how to transfer bookmarks, my address book, and songs from iTunes.
    After closely monitoring some of the problems people have had with the MBP, I have had a tremendous feeling of relief and elation at such a flawless transition.
    powerbooks & powermac   Mac OS X (10.4)   MBP 17" Hi Def 4G 250G HD

    Nice to hear that you’re happy with your new MacBook Pro. BTW: Unless you really need it, you may want to hold off on iWorks since it’s been awhile since the last upgrade. As you may know, Apple doesn’t offer any discounts on iWorks upgrades and based on history, I would expect to see another revision in the not so distant future.
    ...Boy, can you imagine what UPS would have to pay if they had truly lost it?!

  • New MBP and memory

    It's been 5 yrs since my last laptop, so ready to get the new MBP. One question. 4G memory is quite a hit through Apple, but there are vendors out there ( eg Crucial) that charge about 1/2 that amount. Some time ago, Apple lowered it's price on memory to compete with other vendors. I am wondering if Apple's memory is different ( from the Website of the 3rd party vendors, it does not seem so). Any comments as to why not get 2G, update to 4 and sell memory that comes with Apple? Thanks in advance.

    Is it possible to upgrade to the 7200rpm hard drive?
    Yes it is although as the drive in the MBP is not listed as a "user replaceable part" you will technically void your warranty by doing so. A better option is seeing if you can find an authorised Apple service centre to do it for you so that warranty is compromised.
    Would this newer model make any difference in my life?
    Are you referring to the drive or the whole computer? If you mean just the drive I wouldn't think so (when comparing like sizes - 160GB).
    As for the computer as a whole, the fact that it supports 4GB (and assuming you go for 4GB) and has a superior GPU are, to me at least, compelling reasons to upgrade if you make money from your MBP. Especially when you consider the requirement of FCS. Having said that, if this is the case the you should be able to just as easily justify the cost of going to a Mac Pro (which is the way I went resulting in allow me to opt for a lower MBP than otherwise) which is substantially better.
    What you need to do is decide whether the cost of making the upgrade justifies the incremental gains made by replacing your system.
    PS Next time, unless your issues match or very closely match that of the original post it's better to start your own thread. Or better still, find a matching thread that suits your question(s).

  • My new MBP is really messed up and I am wondering what I should do.

    (sorry for the mess of a post. I just had the good news of having brain cancer and they put this dressing all over my entire head I can barely see, but I want to post this, so I am going to give it a shot.)
    I went to see a genius at the local apple store. After spending 1 hour trying to fix all the software and hardware issues, he went to the back of the store, came back and said we are getting you a new MBP with all the equivalant upgrades you had with the other one (the one that had all the problems). I received the new MBP, the same genius said if I leave my old MBP with him he will transfer all the data over and call me when it is done. I got the new MBP, have had it for about 3 weeks and there are more problems than ever. I have no idea what this would do to a new computer but the genius transfered all my data/files/settings over to my new MBP and he did this before or without fixing all the software problems I was having on the computer he transfered my date from.
    Now my software updates... is not working. I read the article, trashed 3 preferences wit no help. I find out that he said after I asked about iLife; "yes you will get iLife, all Apple computers come with iLife. There is no iLife 09 just my old iLife 08. When I spotlight iLife 09, no iLife comes up only in emails. It does not even pick up my old 08iLife that is in a folder which was transfered over from my old computer.
    The manager at the apple store said to install iLife09 from the gray disk. However, for some reason the new updates my computer needs are not triggering the software updater telling me there are new updates. It looks like the genius did an update before I picked it up and it updated one security issue, but no iTunes 9/1/1 or any other updates I should have received when I look at all the recent MBP update (Apple updates only) list.
    When I do go to look at the current updates for this computer it brings me to an Apple website that has all my old updates from the old MBP and in a Finder file it shows all the updates from the old computer and just the one that the genius updated for me.
    Does any body have any idea what I should do? It is frustrating. I would like to just start from the beginning with the new computer, wipe everything off and install it all new and get rid of all the stuff from my old MBP that was transfered to my new MBP.
    Thank for any help.

    I would wipe the hard drive and start from scratch. The only thing I would save from the old comp are documents, movies and music also make sure you have any passwords or mail that you need to keep. I would avoid Time Machine and just do a normal backup. Boot from the installer and go to disk utilities in the menu and erase the hard drive. When that is done do a custom install and avoid any demos and software you don't use. Install QuickTime 7 from the optional installs.
    Then manually download and install the OS updates before installing any third party apps avoiding the combos. Depending on your install OS version you may not need all those below. l l
    When you are done run software update and install the security updates only. When you are done with those you can install whatever application updaters there are and then move on to installing your third party apps.
    Hope everything works out for you.

  • I Have  "New" MBP (Mid 2009) and Would Like to Use Airport Extreme

    This might be a very basic question , but I do not know the answer so I came to some experts for help. I have a "new" MBP OS 10.6.4 SL. I received it about 1 month ago after the genius bar could not fix a 3 year-old MBP. At one time the Airport Extreme was hooked up when I first got the 3-year-old MBP, but I kept running into troubles with it so I purchased a Verizon MiFi2200.
    I have this new MBP, I still have the MiFi2200 from Verizon which I access via Airport. I would like to try the 3 year-old Airport Extreme again, but I am wondering if having the Verizon MiFi2200 will allow me to also have the Airport Extreme. Also, I am wondering if this Airport Extreme is too old for what is currently available (and if it is secure enough). I would need to get help from Applecare. I tried once, when I first started having trouble with it, and it was way beyond my ability. I think I made things worse and I hope I did not do any hardware damage. I tried to set it up, after having it disconnected for about 2 years, and I did not call applecare.
    So I am wondering if I can have the MiFi2200 installed by VZAccessManager (but turned off when I use the Airport Extreme) and the 3 year-old Airport Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi Base Station set-up at the same time. Also, is this model still OK to use (I really have no idea how long something like this Airport Extreme is good to use), and if I can use it, are there online instructions to set it up or would it be best to get Applecare's help. I would also like to know how I could find out if there have been any firmware updates or other updates for this Airport Extreme since it was last used (about 2 years ago)
    thanks in advance and I apologize if my terminology is not correct or too amateurish.

    OK, I am not following you exactly and I guess it is important to know what the existing set-up is like. Maybe you will understand my amateurish language. Before I moved in to this condo, the manager of the complex asked me if I need to use the ethernet ports in the rooms or will I be setting up a wireless connection. I said, for now I will be using the ethernet ports in the rooms of the condo. She said Ok, I will be up to your condo to put in a modem. (She could have said router or modem, I am not sure if there is a difference, but I do know the Airport Extreme is considered a router.) She opened this box that is on the wall while she said this is where the "T1" line comes into your condo, and T1 (I think I have the right term she used) is the fastest way to get around the internet. In the box in the wall is an electrical outlet (which the tiny blue modem (I will call this a modem because I am not sure what it is) is plugged into. In the back of the tiny blue modem are 5 ethernet ports and that is all, except for the power cord which connects to the side of the tiny blue modem. In the box, already screwed into place is a CAT5 ethernet strip, for lack of a better term that has 12 ethernet ports but only 4 are actually marked. I think the four that are marked are the ones that can be used, if I needed this many, but I am only using 3 and the ethernet cable goes from one of the ethernet ports on this CAT5 strip which is connected to the T1 line, and one of the 3 ethernet cables goes from the back of the tiny blue modem to one of the ethernet ports on this CAT5 strip (one that is marked as previously described) So I can hook up to the internet by using one of the 3 ethernet plugs in the various rooms of the condo or I can use the MiFi2200 from Verizon for a wireless connection. I have already told you why I prefer not to use the Verizon MiFi2200 and why I would like to set-up my Airport Extreme.
    As far as wanting to use the existing ethernet ports in the 3 rooms, I do not care about that unless the Airport Extreme does not work. The manager who initially hooked up the tiny blue modem said if I want a wireless connection I do not need the tiny blue modem. If I do want to use the ethernet ports in the rooms via an ethernet cable, I need the tiny blue modem. If this is tru or if I can have one and not the other, I really did not get a sense I could or could not have both a wireless and ethernet connections at the same time.
    Why would I want to plug the 3 or 4 ethernet cables that go from the tiny blue modem to the ethernet strip? The ethernet strip has about 10 ethernet ports, 3 of which are marked and I assume only those 3 can be used since there are only 3 actual ethernet ports in the walls in various room for connection.
    I know this is a different set-up but when I used the Airport Extreme before, I had a cable come in to my house from Comcast which was hooked up to a modem. One ethernet cable went from the modem to the back of the Airport Extreme which after Applecare helped me set up the Airport Extreme the whole house was wireless.
    In this condo, which is smaller than the house I had, why do I need all 3 ethernet cables to go from the CAT5 strip to the back of the Airport Extreme? Again, on the 12 port CAT5 strip, only 3 are labeled with some code, and those 3 go out to the wall ethernet ports.
    Are you getting ready to give up on me?

  • New MBP -- Wireless Connectivity Inconsistent (Despite MBP's Claims)

    Have a new MBP, running 10.5.6 straight out of the box. All essential system updates have been downloaded and installed (one FCE update remains undownloaded). The Airport connection is tenuous -- it will stay connected to the internet for hours at a time, and then go out repeatedly. Every time it goes out, diagnostics claim it is connected, as does the Network dialogue in System Preferences, even when it is impossible to load any web page (or complete system update downloads!).
    A few things:
    1. At no point does the MBP indicate that it has lost a connection to the wireless network.
    2. While internet connection is lost on MBP, I am still able to connect wirelessly with my Powerbook, implying that internet connection/router/ISP is not to blame.
    3. I tried entering IP information manually, but to no avail. On a lark, I switched the IP address of the MBP with the PB, but PB continued to be able to connect to internet while MBP struggled.
    4. While internet connection via my secure wireless network is lost on MBP, I am able to connect MBP to a nearby unsecured wireless network (presumably a neighbor's). I have purposely not maintained connection to this wireless network for long stretches (though I'm using it now to compose this query), so I don't know that the connectivity issues are absent when connected to it, but I have not experienced any inconsistency when connected to it, even in phases when I am experiencing inconsistency with my secure network.
    5. My network is secured by way of a WEP 128-bit hexadecimal password. However, the settings under Network in System Preferences insist on calling it a WEP password, no matter how many times I change it to WEP 128 hex.
    6. On a couple of occasions, when experiencing proper connectivity on my secure network, I have tried locking the Network settings in System Preferences. Paradoxically, doing this seems to immediately disconnect me from the internet.
    That's all I can think of for now. This problem seems not unrelated to some other problems described in messageboards across the web, but I didn't see anyone outline the problem in the exact way that I've experienced it (nor have I seen a sure-fire solution posted to the problems I have read about).

    Folks: *there may be a power/signal issue going on here.* I had a similar problem of my network connection dragging to practically nothing when hooking up my LaCie external drive to the USB port. Please see my post below (link and text)
    Apple needs to get on this issue fast; after turning off my N mode on my WRT160N Linksys Router, I got my packet speed back up to where it should be... HOWEVER I noticed another problem.
    When I hooked up my LaCie external drive (connected via USB), my packets on PING practically stall to nothing. I then eject the external USB drive and re-ping and I get acceptable packet speeds; I re-connect the LaCie external drive to the USB port and my PING crawls to nothing.
    There is CLEARLY a correlation between the network speed crawling to nothing while hooking up an external drive; possibly a power sink and/or signal interference on the Airport when hooking up a USB device? (or perhaps even Firewire 800 too?)
    I sure hope Apple is reading this one, because this could be a MAJOR issue that needs to be fixed ASAP.

  • New MBP internet tethering to 3GS iphone via usb - not bluethooth?

    I have a new MBP 10.5.7 & a month old 3GS iphone.
    I have set up internet tethering successfully & use it regularly.
    The only "problem" is that i can only connect via bluetooth - not usb.
    Im aware that you can internet tether via usb but dont know how to do it.
    Any help would be appreciated

    wow - posted almost a month ago & not 1 response...

  • New MBP and existing network

    Hello All,
    I've just migrated from a G4 PB 1.5 to a new MBP and, while I can log into the existing WiFi, I can't see any of the other nodes on the network. I have my wife's MP Black and a Mini acting as a HTPC/Server. I just migrated through using the assistant and didn't change any of the settings yet.
    The Mini is sitting headless downstairs so I used to log in remotely using Chicken of the Sea VNC. Now it no longer is visible, nor do the computers show up via network.
    It's been a while since I set this network up and I know that 10.4.8 has altered some of the security. What do I need to tweak??

    A router separates two LAN networks and creates two broadcast domains. The standard Microsoft workgroup browsing will only list what is inside your LAN and never something outside or across a router.
    If you want to access what is on the other side you must manually enter the share with its IP address. If the computer you want to access has IP address then you enter \\\share.
    But as you want to be able to share freely inside your LAN anyway, I would suggest you set up the WRT as wireless simple access point. That way, you only have a single LAN and a single broadcast domain and thus you can find all other computers if you check for other workgroup computers. Instructions how to set it up as access point are here.

  • New MBP and 23" ACD problem

    Here's my situation: when I'm at home I use my MBP with an 23" ACD (alu) and keep the MBP screen closed. I used this combo for over 6 months with a 15" MBP 2ghz core duo with absolutely no problems, including taking the MBP with me and using it by itself. I've now replaced my original MBP with the new 15" core2 duo 2.33 glossy. When I boot up in the morning I get 23" ACD flashing to a solid blue and then back to the regular screen about every 4 seconds until the system hangs. After rebooting a couple of times the problem seems to go away.
    I notice there appears to be no screen closed detector on this model like there was on the old MBP. Is this a known bug? Anyone know of a setting etc that I might have to tweak. The new MBP works flawlessly on it's own.

    If you want the MBP internal LCD to shut off while using the external display, just utilize clamshell mode. Plug in an external mouse, keyboard and LCD. Close the lid and put the machine to sleep. Wake the machine by either clicking the mouse or pressing a key on keyboard. This will wake your machine and make the external display your main monitor. You can now open the lid of the MBP to allow the heat to escape.
    Also, right now I leave the lid open while the two
    are connected. I'd like to leave the lid open while
    running the machine to allow for heat venting comming
    off of the keyboard. But even with the brightness
    turned all the way down on the background image, the
    image is still faintly displayed. Do you know how I
    might bring it to a full off mode?

  • Getting a new MBP and I have a few questions

    I'm getting a new MacBook Pro, replacing my Late 2008 model (2.8 GHz T9600, 320 GB HD, 4 GB RAM) for this years' late 2011 model, a 2.4 GHz (2760QM) quad-core Intel Core i7 Sandy Bridge, 750 GB, 4 GB RAM.
    Now, this new computer is basically an early xmas gift, as opposed to an informed purchase. I haven't done much research on the latest MBP, or their improvements in the past 3 years, so my first question much of an improvement is this computer from my old 2008 model? Even though it's 3 years old, I've never had many problems with it. Programs like Photoshop and Logic work well. The only time the computer has shown its limitations is when I started playing Starcraft II. 
    Another issue: As we all know, our computers can get cluttered over time with forgotten apps, old versions of apps, old preferences or system files, remnants of apps I've deleted (I do have CleanApp but the program scares me...I'm afraid of deleting something important)...just digital garbage that manages to accumlate over time. There's some critical things that I want to transfer over from my old computer to the new one, but I don't want to transfer that clutter either. I'm pretty sure I prefer to start with a fresh disk and just slowly go through my old data while reinstalling the apps I want, but that brings up concerns about products that limit # of installs. I also don't want to worry about forgetting something, not realizing I've overlooked it until a while later. I'm sure I'm overthinking all this, but I'm sure people on here have gone through these options. I want to start fresh, but not completely fresh, you know? (e.g. I don't mind reinstalling Chrome, but I want to keep all my bookmarks)
    Last issue,
    I may possibly enter a line of work where I'll need to work with Windows (uggh), so I want to know what the better option is...Boot Camp or Parallels? I had Parallels on the old computer and I found it frustrating. Especially since all of the Windows apps/files show themselves on Launchpad, or sometimes I would accidentally select a Windows item while in Finder and Parallels would start booting. Boot Camp seems much simpler, but I've never used it. Can you use an external hard drive for it, or do you have to partition your internal one? Is there someway you can transfer files between operating systems...this is the only appeal of Parallels if not. It doesn't have to be instantaneous; just wondering if I can access windows files while in OS X and vice versa.
    Sorry for long post and all the questions , I look forward to the responses.

    Performance differences for simple applications will be virtually undetectable when compared with your older MBP.  The more complex the application, the differences will be revealed.  Games often are notorious resource hogs and I suspect you will see a significant improvement there.
    As far as transferring data, that is an individual call as to what is desirable and should be retained and what can be omited.  Before you start the transfer process, do have backups just in case.
    Best of luck with your new MBP.

  • Config. a New MBP and Wanting Some Advice.

    (I apologize for the spelling errors ahead of time, but I need to hit the sack. However, I wanted to get this out since I do need to make a final decision on the new MBP early am. Getting feedback, other people's experiences, pointing out my crazy way of thinking, etc. all help me.)
    I am configuring a new 17" MBP. I have a ton of questions mostly because I stopped updating the OS at Tiger 10.4.11. Due to being accepted into a of architecture, panning, and preservation earlier than I thought, I will not be able to do what I was planning. that was learning Leopard on a friend's computer while taking what I thought was my last upper division course and having the basics of that OS, and having SL on the new 17" MPB for school. which I am now starting 4 months before I thought.
    I stopped at the Tiger version because Macs were real hard for me to learn and I am still probably way behind what most kids can do. (Oh, just out of the blue, what does it mean when Apple uses OS X a lot? (Are all of the Operating Systems OS X or how does that work?)
    Any feeling on skipping over Leopard and getting a Mac with SL installed, if indeed that is what they are now doing.
    I could go of on some more technical questions but I am going to not make this too long and ask m last question about the iPods. When they fist came out, I tried one and I broke it. it told me to install this software on the Pod but it already had it installed on it and I could not get it to work after that. The second time, I was exercising with it and I guess the jogging on the treadmill was too hard on the hard drive and it was out flat and cold as ice.
    So, I just switched t my old FM Sony and used that but I would like to get an iPod with the new Mac and hopefully use it with iTunes to download the thousands of songs I have purchased o iTunes onto the iPod. Any suggestions on how to learn using it? I am sure it is simple for most of you and you guys are laughing at me, but am serious, there has got to be another person out there, who did not grasp how to use it like the rest of the world.
    Also, I have never understood why Apple does not come with a practical Owner's Manual? Every time I look up something it is not there or has such little written about that are, it does me no good. I have heard about the Missing manuals and that they have one coming out for th iPods.
    any recommendation on an iPod for a beginner? Not something too large but comfortable, holds up to a clumsy big person, like I hope my MacBook Pro will. What is the name of the one you recommend and anything else as far as ear plugs or security straps that will help me keep it intact for awhile? Any resources that yo know of that is a good resource? Any on here in a section some people have sent me to but I cannot seem to find the Article section in the Apple Support area but I know there are a lot of good articles on how to do a lot of stuff somewhere. maybe it is not as organized as I assumed it was. it seems so good, I wold even like to have it on hard copy here at my desk, but probably copyright problems there.
    thanks for any recommendations and accessories for the iPod. I do not really have thousands and thousands of music I would like to download into m iPod.
    I'll sneak one last one in here, are the Macs with 2 graphics architecture really something that is needed, or maybe I do not understand how the 2 that are used-NVIDIA GeForce 9400M integrated and NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT discrete graphics processors used all the time when needed (which is determined by the software like games, architecture apps, etc.? I know in my are I will need this for sure but I just do not understand it like I should. I will read up on it but if anybody has any "bits and pieces" that could help me understand why the average "Joe" would get a notebook with this intense graphic ability, I just do not understand.
    I also understand that you can turn them on and off or use one or two, but is this something the user can do or the notebook does? I was also wondering if these intense graphic cards draw from their own dedicated power or what? Is this e of the reasons why the new MBP give one the ability to put up to 8 GB of pretty intense RAM in this machine.
    the 13 MBP does not have both graphic cards, right? But it will take up to 8 GB of RAM. I am not getting something or my technology skills need to be worked on.
    The mini display port which seems like most notebooks are installing now, allows for pure digital connection to external displays. Can somebody give me a few examples of what this would be? Are they talking about larger displays that work off of the notebook but sit o your desk or can be used to watch a movie? I am not familiar with the term "pure digital.
    OK, thanks a ton. Sorry again if it is not clear but I need to it the sack. I really appreciate being able to come to a place like this and get some pro help.
    BTW, if anybody has come across some rude or strange posts using this Profile Name, I have been having trouble with my 2 sons doing this stuff. I have a rule that all computers are open to anybody as long as they ask if they can use it and do not snoop around looking for personal stuff. One of them found this site and ...well, long story but I am trying to deal with it like my family deals with problems like this--not the typical way most families will deal with this, but I know it will stop now.

    You can't edit a post after anyone else has responded to it, and you can't ever completely delete it — but during the short time it's available for editing (30 minutes or so, if no one has responded), you can delete all the text from it.
    Maybe you could try prioritizing your questions, so folks here will know which ones are most important to you and focus on those first?

  • Just Got New MBP and need to reinstall Software

    I just got a 15inch MBP and installed Final Cut Studio 2 which I did not know was 55 gigs. I want to install it on an external HD so I want to reinstall Leopard with my disc I received when I bought my MBP from Apple. Will I still get all of my extras such as ilife with my install disc and will it restore it to factory (as I received it when I first bought it?) Thank you!

    An 'erase and install' will remove EVERYTHING from your harddrive, and if you've already got Leopard installed, that's your only option.
    Reintalling Leopard will NOT install iLife; to my knowledge there are no Leopard+iLife 08 install DVDs. . . just Leopard DVDS. I may be wrong, as I have an old Mac and not a new one, which may come with a software package I've never seen (but I'm getting my GF a new MBP for Christmas!!). I think you need to (and should have) a seperate iLife 08 disk with which you can reinstall iLife.
    A couple of questions and some advice:
    -I assume you have at least a 120gb harddrive. Why do you want to install FCP2 onto an extrnal DVD? If you plan to use that space to store media, it would be a better idea to store the media (i.e. the video footage, etc) on an external drive and keep your FCP application on your internal HD.
    -Also, if you are going to run FCP on an external HD, get a FIREWIRE 800 external HD. They are quite a bit more expensive, but I had a LOT of problems just using FCP1 to edit footage stored on an external USB HD . .. I can't IMAGINE the problems you would have running FCP2 off of a USB external HD.
    -Thinking about it again, where are you going to store your footage? On the same external HD as FCP? I think that will work . . .
    Looking forward to hearing more!
    Message was edited by: Smileswearily

  • Bought a new MBP and due to lack of HD space I need to off load video?

    OK in short my iTunes folder is LARGE about 240GB which includes about 14GB of audio. I want to have iTunes move the video files (movies, tv shows and iMovie files) to an external drive (time capsule)...
    But I would like to keep the Audio (music, podcasts and audiobook) on my new MBP internal drive. And when I download or edit more in iMovie to have them save on the external drive?
    How do I do this

    How to use your iPod to move your music to a new computer

  • Help with new MBP and iTunes

    I need some help fast. I bought my wife a new MBP and in setting everything up we inadvertently setup a new and wrong iTunes account. We haven't transferred anything yet, I want to get this account off her computer before I bring everything from her Win 7 machine.
    Can't find any specific instructions, can somebody help me out?

    It's late so this will be rather short:
    1.  Make sure you update the older version of iTunes to the latest version
    2.  Go into iTunes Settings and Authorize iTunes with your Apple ID and Password
    3.  In settings, turn off Automatice sync
    4.  Connect your iPad and once recognized, right click the device from the left side of the the iTunes screen
    5.  Transfer purchases
    6.  You can then sync
    A lot to digest and I don't have the time to walk you through every step.  If you need to, google the points and you'll find lot's of information on where to find these in iTunes.

Maybe you are looking for


    I have a dell computer.. I have Windows XP I got itunes wiht a new ipod mini in the fall. everything was going great, I even upgraded to the new itunes and everything was fine until about a month ago when it just quit on me. when I try to open itunes

  • USB connection with PC is not working after updating firefox OS 1.3 to 2.0 on my device. How to fix this?

    After updating OS 1.3 to 2.0 usb connection to PC is not working. I am using firefox os device Flame. I cannot share files with my PC. Please help me to fix this problem.

  • Disk permissions never fix permissions

    Hi there, I ran fix permissions three times now and the same files keep getting fixed during each run.  why is that happening?  why do they never get fixed? Here is the list the log.  What can I do about this? Permissions differ on "System/Library/Ja

  • Login panel has no focus

    Hi everybody, anyone else experiencing the login window's account list without focus in Snow Leopard? Don't know when it started but I have to CLICK on the account list before I can select the account with the arrow keys. That didn't happen when I up

  • Lógica de busquedas formateadas

    Buen día Con el propósito de comprender la funcionalidad de las busquedas formateadas, consulto a ustedes si existe manual alguno para aprender sobre el tema. He hecho algunas Querys pero al momento de indicarle datos con información como esta, me re