New MBP: unrepeatable hardware test error + warped trackpad button

Hi all. After much soul searching I bought a MBP Friday ($$$), started it, created an account, etc. Then found out about the hardware test, so restarted from the install disk 1, held 'D', and ran the basic test. Unhappily, I got this error:
Of course re-running it multiple times, running the extended test multiple times, and with looping has not recreated it. That said, I am not happy with the error having shown even once, and I'm planning on returning it tomorrow. Research here shows a few others have seen it.
Adding insult to injury, the trackpad button is warped somewhat into a "U" shape on the left and right. Pressing it down has some slop: it moves down a bit before encountering resistance. Research shows this is not uncommon.
These two factors make me extremely uncomfortable with this unit. Any similar experiences with out-of-the-box machines? Ugh.

The failure message comes from a thermal/temperature sensor ... and the trackpad button warping sounds like poor construction ...
Take it back and demand a new one

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  • Apple hardware test error 4mem/9/40000000: 0x8475d598

    Any help would be appreciated I'm at work and my MBP crashed twice (Running Traktor Pro 2 with Drobo Mini as an external HD via Thunderbolt. second display daisy chained on VGA with a rotating desktop image to the TV's ) ...Just got this error code from my late late 2011 15in MBP after it randomly restarted and I ran the hardware test
    apple hardware test error 4mem/9/40000000: 0x8475d598
    This was after it crashed earlier and I got this report:
    Anonymous UUID:       5948A12D-654D-DE02-D43C-4073A8690165
    Sat Jun 21 17:31:41 2014
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8000a2ebe9): "Spinlock acquisition timed out: lock=0xffffff8024478110, lock owner thread=0x8000000000000000, current_thread: 0xffffff8025f64cf0, lock owner active on CPU 0xffffffff, current owner: 0x8000000000000000"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2422.100.13/osfmk/i386/locks_i386.c:36 5
    Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff81eb5f3ec0 : 0xffffff8000a22fa9
    0xffffff81eb5f3f40 : 0xffffff8000a2ebe9
    0xffffff81eb5f3f70 : 0xffffff8000ac989d
    0xffffff81eb5f3fb0 : 0xffffff8000af3c76
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread:
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 13.2.0: Thu Apr 17 23:03:13 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2422.100.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: ADD73AE6-88B0-32FB-A8BB-4F7C8BE4092E
    Kernel slide:     0x0000000000800000
    Kernel text base: 0xffffff8000a00000
    System model name: MacBookPro8,2 (Mac-94245A3940C91C80)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 18623716072818
    last loaded kext at 18480408803348: 104 (addr 0xffffff7f833c5000, size 49152)
    last unloaded kext at 18566085554385: 104 (addr 0xffffff7f833c5000, size 32768)
    loaded kexts:
    com.TrustedData.driver.VendorSpecificType00 1.7.0
    com.drobo.SCSI.ThunderBolt 1.1 [66012]
    net.kromtech.kext.Firewall 2.3.6
    com.attotech.driver.ATTOiSCSI 3.4.1b1 80.14 2.0.2 1.9.5d0 3.0 1.60 100.14.15 4.2.4f1 124 2.6.1f2 3.5.13 1.0.0d1 1.2.2 7.0.0 2.6.1f2 1 1.2.2 1.1.12 8.2.4 1.0.0 4.2.4f1 2.0.4d1 3.5.26 1.7.0 1.0.0 3.0.4d1 1.2.2 8.2.4 1.1.2 240.2 240.2 325.7 1.0.0d1 1.0.0d1 35 3.6.6 404 666.4.0 2.5.1 1.5.2 3.8.1b2 700.20.22 5.0.2 3.0.0 660.4.0 161.0.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.1 2.0 1.7 217.92.1 153 3 217.92.1 3.6.6 3.0.0 3.1.7 1.4.5 4.2.4f1 245.13 2.9.5f4 1.0 10.0.7 91.1 4.2.4f1 2.6.1f2 1.0.0 1.9.7fc2 1.14 98.20 1.0.11d1 4.2.4f1 1.0.12d1 1.0.4 3.5.26 1.0.0 5.7.0d11 3.1.8 1.2.2 3.5.26 2.4.1 2.6.1f2 2.4.1 2.6.1f2 2.2.6 240.9 3.1.7 3.1.7 1.4.5 660.4.0 650.4.0 656.4.1 3.6.6 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.1 2.0.1 3.2.7 2.6.1 3.6.6 660.4.2 1.0.3b4 1.0.1b5 630.35 3.2 4.5.5 2.6.5 677.4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0.0 1.1 278.11 1.0.0d1 7 2 371.1 1.9 23 28.30 2.0 2.9 1.4 1.0 1
    Model: MacBookPro8,2, BootROM MBP81.0047.B27, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.2 GHz, 16 GB, SMC 1.69f4
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000, Intel HD Graphics 3000, Built-In, 512 MB
    Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6750M, AMD Radeon HD 6750M, PCIe, 512 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x857F, 0x483634314755363746393333334700000000
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x857F, 0x483634314755363746393333334700000000
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xD6), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.2.4f1 13674, 3 services, 23 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
    PCI Card: scsi, SCSI Bus Controller, Thunderbolt@195,0,0
    Serial ATA Device: Samsung SSD 840 EVO 250GB, 250.06 GB
    Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-8A8
    USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: Duet USB
    USB Device: IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 22.1
    Thunderbolt Device: Mini, Drobo, 1, 26.3

    The Apple Hardware Test error indicates a RAM issue. Install the original RAM and see if that improves the situation.
    Also these items may perhaps be conributing causes:
    TrustedData.driver.VendorSpecificType00 1.7.0
    .drobo.SCSI.ThunderBolt 1.1 [66012]
    .kromtech.kext.Firewall 2.3.6
    attotech.driver.ATTOiSCSI 3.4.1b1

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    Can anyone tell me what apple hardware test error code apple hardware 4MOT/4/40000002: Exhaust-1153 or 1209 means? I am running a MacBook Pro

    The motor on the exhaust fan has failed or is failing.

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    'checking for slow read failures': ERROR - Target device access failure - Test failed.
    CAN I ACCESS HD (which is our data server) EVER AGAIN? IF SO, HOW?
    Meanwhile we wonder if this is really a hardware error. It all happened during writing a time machine backup.
    Probably while writing it, some data was relocated by accident, but we can not 100%-sure remember the sequence of actions :/
    This is our trauma history:
    - time machine got increasingly slower in writing a backup
    - we quit the backup
    - we switched off the mac mini (on power button)
    - we switched on the mac mini
    - we stopped time machine to the rules
    - we shut down mac mini via command
    - we booted the mac mini in save mode
    - we see a loading bar
    - no progress after 10th of loading bar
    - switched off (power button)
    - when we now switch on the loading bar below the apple-logo is all we see + the little wheel
    - we started with cmd+alt+p+r pressed
    - mac mini restarted but showed the loading bar scenario without progress again
    - we started with 'd' pressed and did the hardware test (see above)
    - we started with 'alt' pressed but it does not give us the recoverydrive to run the last backup

    BDAqua wrote:
    I thnk Intenal 2.5" Drives for servers is silly, & Ithink the Minis & iMacs re poorly cooled.
    I'd get Temprature Monitor & see what temps they're running.
    Is Temperature Monitor an app or a device?  If it's a temperature problem then that is essentially a design problem.  Two drive failures in the same Mac mini server in four months combined with the fact that they're not really user serviceable already has me 90% on the way back to more pragmatically designed Linux servers.  I think it would be foolish to waste any more money on these minis for my business hosting.

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    what are the meanings of Apple Hardware Test error codes 4m0t/4/40000003:hdd-1300 and 4m0t/4/40000003:hdd-1308?

    Thanks - Even though I'm years out of warranty I got chat help from Apple (I said they should help me since the codes aren't published.)  We covered three different questions, and although I didn't get a specific decoding of the error code, I got confirmation of what other comments here imply - it might have helped that I indicated I'd already been here - and useful links to how to do back ups, including to CD(s). (I don't have a lot of data on this computer yet)
    Now I need to figure out how to decide how hot-to-the-touch is "too hot" for the metal frame at the top of the iMac to decide whether I'm getting adequate fan performance or insufficient.  While chatting I initially reported it was cool at the bottom and warm at the top.  Apple hadn't asked, but their response prompted me to feel it again, and I'd say the top was hot, not warm - I updated but Apple didn't comment further except to conclude after addressing the other questions that I should take it in for further assessment - don't really want to bother with that.

  • HT201257 Does anybody know what hardware test error code this is 4SNS/1/40000001: TCOH -1.704

    Does anybody know what hardware test error code this is 4SNS/1/40000001: TCOH -1.704
    Trying to track down fast running fan that will not reset and this error came up.

    only apple techncians have access to what those codes mean.  It is sensor related, but as it is a hardware problem, you need to bring it into an Apple store or AASP to have it correctly diagnosed and fixed.

  • Apple Hardware Test error 4SNS/1/40000001:ID0R-0.000 on Retina MBP

    Getting the above error on my 3-day old retina MBP with 16gb RAM and 768GB flash storage.  I had loaded Chrome, Firefox, VMWare Fusion, Office 2011, and all the Apple updates as of 7/3/12.
    My issue may be related to similar issues I've seen on these boards, relating to sleep or wakeup causing the intermittent crash.  Machine has also crashed (kernel panic) 2 times.  Genius Bar employee downplayed the AHT altogether, saying it's a false positive since his more advanced tool reported no errors.  They then kept it for a day, to run a "loop test," which also came back with no errors.  Then, because apparently it is easier to re-load the OS rather than actually diagnose the issue, they re-loaded my OS clean. (Yay, now I can re-load all my apps, copy 200GB data back on, and THEN we'll see that it is a hardware problem.)
    Tomorrow I'll pick it up from Apple and run the AHT again.  If it errors out again, I'm not sure what to do...

    One note I had neglected to mention is that the bar/band immediately above the keyboard gets very, very hot.  Yes, I know that is where the fans are.  However, all 12 of the MBP's at the Apple store did not have this extra-hot band, and those are on all day.  My little Safari & Mail apps should not cause an overheat situation, on a functioning machine.  Apple blamed Google Chrome for the crashes, downplayed the overheating, and downplayed the AHT results.
    Update: I went to the Apple store today and took a look at the notebook.  They ran their tests, had re-loaded the OS, and performed an undisclosed hardware repair. (They were helpful but vague as to what the actually did on the machine, hardware-wise.)  They said their advanced tools & extended Loop Test did not indicate any errors or problems.  While still at the store, I ran another quick test with the Apple Hardware Test, which came back with the same 4SNS error as mentioned above.  I asked for a refund, which they approved (except they said I have to come back Monday since I bought the machine from Apple Business.)
    When I got home, I ran an extended test with the Apple Hardware Test and got a *diffferent* error this time: 4HDD/11/40000000:SATA(0,0). 
    It's seems strange to me that the AHT shows 2 different errors, and yet the Genius' "advanced " tools find no errors.  Thankfully, I will return this one (eventually) get a new unit.  Thanks to everyone for helping.  --Peter

  • Help and Advice Please : Hardware Test Error Alert

    i ran the hardware test two days ago and i got error message like this :
    4SNS/1/40000000: 'Tm0P'
    can anybody tell me what is this ? i ran through the other mac forums and found that this is a logicboard problem ?
    My mbook pro is running 5 months now, and seemed not to be having any problem. the fan is fine, no buzzin screen, etc.
    what should i do ?
    happy xmas and...
    many thanks !

    I have recently been having a bad slowdown problem with my MBP 15" (only had for 2 months). My first real problem was when it suddenly slowed down and I powered it down to reboot. Nothing seemed to get power at all after this and it wouldn't start up, so I took it in to have the logicboard replaced since that seemed the obvious problem. Now I notice that it still suffers extreme slowdown after running for a few hours (even with no fans starting up). Sometimes it takes 5+ minutes just to open the system preferences, or anything. I just ran the hardware test and got a similar error code that this topic mentions (cant seem to create a topic even logged in).
    4SNS/1/40000000: TB0T
    Seems strange that the NEW logicbard would be faulty, but thought I'd get some feedback before I go back for the second time in 2 months......sigh.
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

  • Apple Hardware test error, what next?

    Hi there,
    I was hoping someone might be able to give me some insight into the error I found today while running the apple hardware test. It was my first time running it (I've had my MBP since August, but just heard about the test on the forums, so I figured I would try it), and I got an error of:
    This showed up on my first quick test, not on the advanced, and then not again when I tried the quick test. I then restarted and tried the quick test again and it showed up with the same exact error.
    Thus, should I be worried about this, and if so, what does the error imply? Also, would there be a reason why it shows up so sporadically?

    Click here and here for information.

  • What do Apple Hardware Test Error Codes indicate?

    I recently installed new 1GB memory modules in both slots. When running the Apple Hardware Test, I got the following error code:
    post/0/2048 S0DIMM0/J20STANDARD
    Does anybody knows what this means? Up in the Test Results Box, it said Memory passed.
    Do I have a problem or not?

    I've had little luck finding a compilation of those AHT codes and their meaning. In your case, "post" is probably "power-on self test," the routine that all Macs run at startup to check for problems.
    2048 is the total RAM qty in MB.
    J20STANDARD is the logical name of one of the RAM slots.
    Run System Profiler and see what it shows for when you select "Memory" from the left-hand pane. On my 1Ghz 17" PowerBook, Profiler shows one slot as J20STANDARD and the other as J23REVERSED and it runs fine. Profiler will tell you if the modules are matched for speed and CAS latency.

  • Is this major?! Hardware test error code 4M0T/4/40000002:HDD-0

    I ran a thorough hardware test on my 2010 iMac11,3 yesterday and came up with this error code. I then used disk utility to try to repair the disk and ran another thorough hardware test and the same code appeared. Does anyone know what this error code means? and whether I should get it fixed ASAP?
    I'm asking since this is my work computer and I really need to have it around and can't risk having repairs take a week or so to get this error fixed. If this is major I'll probably move all my work files onto my MBP n try to work on them there but that would be my last resort.
    Any help would be much appreciated!! Thanks!

    Sly647 wrote:
    Thanks for the info Dave and Pondini.
    iStatPro says my hard drive fan is not spinning at all...that can't be good..I guess i'll have to bring this baby in for some servicing.
    Watch the temp of the HD; I don't know what the max should be, but be careful not to damage it by letting it get too hot.

  • Fan runs all the time.. Apple Hardware Test Error

    The fan on my 13" Macbook Pro recently started running continously. I tried resseting the SMC per directions on the apple support page, when that didnt work I ran the Apple Hardware Test from my install cd, and got the following error: 4SNS/1/4000000 : TNOD-128.000
    I've googled everywhere, and can't find what that means!
    Any ideas?

    Hi Alex FLB, welcome to Apple Discussions!
    I had this exact error code (4SNS/1/4000000) on my iMac a couple months ago, along with the same symptoms. The code refers to one or more faulty temperature sensors on the logic board of the unit. Because the MBP isn't getting a reading from a temperature sensor, it has no idea what the actual temperature of the computer is, so it runs the fans at high speed in a fail-safe mode to prevent damage.
    What this means is that you'll have to either take the machine to an Apple store or call Applecare over the phone to initiate a repair. Tell them the symptoms, and have them run the AHT or give them the code. If the machine is still under the one year warranty (or Applecare) then the logic board should be replaced free of charge for you. It's the only way to replace these temperature sensors, as they are incorporated into the board itself and cannot be separated from it.
    If you Google "AHT 4SNS/1/4000000" then you may be able to find more information!

  • MacBook (2009) Hardware Test Error VPOR-1.065

    I recently ran a hardware test on my 2009 MacBook and this was the error I received 4SNS/1/40000001: VP0R-1.065. The MacBook is currently running Mavericks and I just installed new RAM. What does the error code mean? How critical is the error?

    That error indicates a problem with the voltage sensor on the power bus. You should make an appointment and take it in for service.

  • Apple Hardware Test error message: 4MEM/9/40000000: 0x79093f90 on 15" retina 2012

    I am having issues with my 15inch retina mac 2012. Some apps for example safari crash every once in a while. Some times i get the grey screen of death.
    My configuration is: CTO. 2.6 GHz Intel core i7 with 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 and 512GB flash memory.
    I have recently replaced my screen as it was with burn in problems.
    I tried to install Yosemite but failed several times. Just got the 10.9.5 Mavericks going again.
    I ran the apple hardware test and got FAIL!
    The error code read as follows: 4MEM/9/40000000: 0x79093f90
    What do i do now? I am out of warranty and i can't upgrade to the new software.
    I keep on having app crashes. I keep on sending reports to apple and there is no response.
    Who should i hold responsible for hiding that there was a problem with my machine?
    My warranty recently expired but i had the problems prior and i figured that if there was no response that maybe one day better software would fix app crashing.
    Please suggest a course of action other than replacing main board with ram and cpu (too expensive).
    Thank you in advance

    Thank you for the quick reply
    I live in Bulgaria (eastern Europe) so no apple store here no geniuses either
    This is the content of the most recent kernel panic log file.
    I hope it is of some use.
    bplist00”     G ìVreport\presignatureWcontextfl     
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        __TEXT                 0000000000001000-0000000000ff8000 [ 16.0M] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator
    _  –ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=388.2M resident=213.8M(55%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=174.4M(45%)
    Writable regions: Total=570.2M written=224.5M(39%) resident=419.3M(74%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=150.9M(26%)
    REGION TYPE                      VIRTUAL
    ===========                      =======
    ATS (font support)                 33.1M
    CG backing stores                  33.4M
    CG image                             28K
    CG raster data                       92K
    CG shared images                    248K
    CoreGraphics                         44K
    CoreImage                             4K
    Foundation                            4K
    IOKit                              20.5M
    IOKit (reserved)                      4K        reserved VM address space (unallocated)
    Image IO                             16K
    Kernel Alloc Once                     4K
    MALLOC                            451.0M
    MALLOC (admin)                       48K
    Memory Tag 240                     12.0M
    Memory Tag 242                       12K
    Memory Tag 249                      156K
    OpenCL                                8K
    OpenGL GLSL                        1280K
    Stack                              77.3M
    VM_ALLOCATE                        17.3M
    __DATA                             49.3M
    __IMAGE                             528K
    __IMPORT                            740K
    __LINKEDIT                         66.8M
    __OBJC                             4236K
    __PAGEZERO                            4K
    __TEXT                            321.4M
    __UNICODE                           544K
    mapped file                       585.5M
    shared memory                        68K
    ===========                      =======
    TOTAL                               1.6G
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  • G5 Full Speed Fans/ The Apple Hardware Tests Error Code

    Since yesterday My DP1.8 G5's fans are max speed like jet engine. I tried PMU resets , Disk warrior. But nothing helps. The Apple Hardware Test gave me error code of "post/192/0" . Do you guys know what does this error code mean?
    Thank you.

    Welcome to Discussions!
    I think thast the error is related to the "Power On Self Test", or POST. When you start the machine, are there any beeps, or power button LED flashes? If there is a POST error at startup, the power LED would flash in cadence with the beeps..
    1 beep = no RAM installed
    2 beeps = incompatible RAM types
    3 beeps = no good banks
    4 beeps = no good boot images in the boot ROM (and/or bad sys config block)
    5 beeps = processor is not usable
    Do you have any new RAM installed?

Maybe you are looking for


    We have OIM 9.1.0 installed on WebLogic 8.1.6. We are going to peform reconciliation with HR system. We have to develop connector ourselfs because there is no standard connector. We have developed Java classes that retrive data from HR system. When o

  • Need to download OS 10.9.0

    Due to other program concerns, I have not upgraded to Mavericks, those concerns have been reconciled.  I need to find a link to download the basic operating system, OS 10.9.0.  Please help, I can't find one in the Apple Support area.


    Hi , i have a client they have main office and some 10 branches connected via 1 mbps link . We put new WLC 5508 in main office (software version and i connected braches 1142 ap's and they registerd with WLC . Now client have 3 ssid 1> scan

  • Outlook clients get prompt for credentials

    I have get the following strange problem that when the Exchange server restart and get back on-line my outlook clients all get prompt to enter their credentials. If they open and close Outlook it works until there is a lost in communication between O

  • DSEE 6.0  won't start under Cluster 3.2u2

    DS v6.0 originally native package install then install DS v6.3.1 with patch 125278-08, my mistake was that I describe below, then probe with DS v6.0 and I still have the same error. pienso que el problema es con el agente de cluster y sus binarios I