New OS X malware masquerades as flash upgrade

There is a new mac os x trojan which tricks the user by posing as a flash upgrade.  I downloaded a file which may be the trojan last week.  It is called install_flash_player_osx_intel.dmg, and it is size 6,376,888 bytes.  Today I went to manually and downloaded the legitimate install_flash_player_osx_intel.dmg, and it is size 6,365,350 bytes.
I also acquired an application last Wednesday at the same time as the install_flash_player_osx_intel.dmg appeared, called 'Adobe Flash Player Install Manager' in my /Applications/Utilities directory.
Is the 6,376,888 bytes file legit?  Is '/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Flash Player Install Manager' legit?  Is there any published hash values for adobe software or other tools to ensure that what users download is the real software?
(Is everyone -- like me -- who turned on the 'Check for updates automatically' in the Flash pane of System Preferences a complete fool?  Ok, I know the answer to that.  *sigh*)

>  Is '/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Flash Player Install Manager' legit?
Using flashplayer11_rc1_install_mac_090611.dmg from Adobe, Install Adobe Flash does write to that path. Here's an fseventer view of things:

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    Flash Player version is the last version available to PPC Mac users. However, this Flash version won't work for many videos on Facebook, YouTube and other sites. Adobe's latest version, 10.2.x or later, is only for Intel Macs. Adobe will not provide a newer Flash version for PPC Macs.
    The message requesting that you download Adobe Flash Player takes you to Flash Player requiring an Intel processor. Doesn't work on a PowerPC processor. I found a hack, installed it & it works with Firefox, TenFourFox & Safari.
    Download this to your desktop, unzip it, and replace the current Flash Player plug-in which is in your main/Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder, (not the user Library). Save the old one just in case this one doesn't work.
    Hack Allows PowerPC Macs to Access Flash 11 Content
     Cheers, Tom

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    Thanks John.
    I have a Mac OS X vers 10.4.11 with 4 x 2.5 GHz PowerPC G5; Memory 4.5 GB DDR2 SDRAM
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    Not possible. You need to update to v10.6.8
    Click your Apple menu > Software Update
    Or update using the this download > Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo
    Then restart your Mac.

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    Just wait a bit.  Turn it off, then back on.
    I don't know why, but after the update it doesn't show up right away.
    When it finally does, you will find a red icon on the bottom of the screen, on the left side.

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    Not good
    Error (-1)
    Try on another computer
    Also see:
    iOS: If you can't back up or restore from a backup in iTunes
    Then see:
    -1 error
    -1 error too
    If still problem  that means a hardware problem. In that case make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    If that isn't the case then an extension has changed that behavior.
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    I have come across these warnings over the last few days regarding a Mac botnet malware? The Independent published it
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    Researchers at Russian anti-virus company Dr Web believe that they have uncovered a new botnet, which has recruited thousands of Mac computers. According to their report, the sophisticated malware – which they have dubbed Mac.BackDoor.iWorm – has infected more than 17,000 computers running OS X. Unfortunately, what isn’t presently documented is how the malware spreads – but the consequences can clearly be serious.Like any computers that have been recruited into a botnet, Macs that have been hijacked in this attack could have information stolen from them, further malware planted upon them, or be used to spread more malware or launch spam campaigns and denial-of-service attacks.Fascinatingly, compromised computers receive commands from servers under the control of botmasters, using information posted in messages on Reddit as a navigational aid:Then Mac.BackDoor.iWorm opens a port on an infected computer and awaits an incoming connection. It sends a request to a remote site to acquire a list of control servers, and then connects to the remote servers and waits for instructions.It is worth mentioning that in order to acquire a control server address list, the bot uses the search service at, and — as a search query — specifies hexadecimal values of the first 8 bytes of the MD5 hash of the current date. The search returns a web page containing a list of botnet C&C servers and ports published by criminals in comments to the post minecraftserverlists under the account vtnhiaovyd.
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    'Basically, the worm installs itself to look like an application to the operating system and hooks into the automatic startup so that it will launch each time the computer is started.
    Once it's running, it does an inventory of what applications you have installed.
    It then goes out to reddit to find out where the current botnet command and control servers are located. It then connects to the command and control server to ask for instructions.
    The likely reason it looks at the applications that are installed is so that it can use those applications to carry out the botnet's commands (e.g., use Mail to send spam as you.)'
    another said
    'it is a Trojan packed in a minecraft expansion or custom server or client. Exploiting the same flaw as the flashback worm from 2012."
    'another saidUnfortunately, the security analysts fail to mention (or simply don’t know) how the virus is spreading into users’ Macs. Hopefully, this information comes to light soon so Mac users can know what to look out for. Once identified, Apple can add the virus to its security blacklists (which are refreshed nightly) to give some automatic protection to its user base.'
    Anyone know about this and is there a way to detect it and then if it is present get rid? t-servers-to-connect-to/ t-to-control-17000-apple-computers-9773032.html

    seems it has been solved... found this on Mac Rumours
    'In an effort to address the threat, Apple has now updated its "Xprotect" anti-malware system to recognize two different variants of the iWorm malware and prevent them from being installed on users' machines. '
    'It has been discovered how the botnet is installed. You have to download a pirated app, such as Photoshop, and then give the pirated installer administrator privileges.
    No amount of malware security can fix stupid.'
    EDIT: Link to evidence: ('

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    Crucial Memory Upgrades for Macs - Apple Memory
    Upgrade Apple iMac Memory & more – Easy Guide, Free Installation Videos.

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    You need to realize that if you buy a new Mac now with
    Lion installed, all your PPC apps will not work.
    You may just want to build your new system form scratch
    and manually move the data you need.  Migrating will bring almost
    everything over and, since 2004, there may be a lot you just don't
    want or need.
    Also, installing those programs that you own that are
    universal installers (contain Intel code) will
    insure everything is put in the right place.
    Having a fresh clean system to start out with is not
    a bad idea.  It's more work but in the long run will
    help to alleviate problems.

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